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标题: The longest journey Re-Release (2-CD);Myst Uru:Complete Chronicles  (2- [打印本页]

作者: wqzss    时间: 2008-9-25 10:29
标题: The longest journey Re-Release (2-CD);Myst Uru:Complete Chronicles 
. i' J$ C# n8 a9 N& B
4 t2 i6 d5 Q9 C. Z# M6 Q4cd版所有bbb动画文件全部有两套版本,带res的为标准640*480宽屏视频。非res为640*364普屏视频。视解码器调用。5 o. v0 x& j; F' |
. ]% \! J  h+ F, M4cd版需要加nocd,2cd直接nocd。

作者: zzwwb007    时间: 2008-9-25 10:35
标题: Re:The longest journey Re-Release (2-CD);Myst Uru:Complete Chronicles&#1
作者: XYZ    时间: 2008-9-25 10:38
tlj Re-Release?这是哪年的事?请问有什么改进吗?
作者: wqzss    时间: 2008-9-25 10:41
# T1 B6 Z* ~6 _1 ?$ J/ M
For whoever wonder what the difference are between the 4 and 2 CD version, i found this from the official TLJ forums:
% S( x/ p" h( T& j% O+ Q, q6 g* @4 N
The 4 CD version has some problems with WinXP and newer soundcards, it was written about 5 years ago, for Windows 95. It was targeted at a Pentium 75 with a 4x CD-ROM, something that hardly anyone has these days.
- f$ Q2 e& \% k3 V: |: l4 S1 F+ t8 c. ^7 N8 R9 x. ^+ h/ t, @
The 2 CD version compresses sound much more (this is mostly how we managed to get it down to 2 CDs), which requires more computing power to play it. The sound library has been replaced with audiere, a newer library that works better with new sound cards, and the game has been compiled to work with newer versions of Windows. ! P2 x1 ]. N; U0 v
& K( d0 ^* k- C0 d) `
We removed the low-res videos to save a little space, and made the installer a little easier (only to installation options) to reduce the complexity of it. : G/ w' l' f6 b9 g

8 w! n3 @" P1 X# f( \" yThe original 2CD version has a problem with that new sound library (some sounds play as static), which is fixed by a patch you can find on this webpage.
- s( S0 w3 T; X% n/ x7 R4 D& I: o# G3 g4 E: `, _! D# c
It's pretty expnsive to be selling 4CDs in the shop, a 2CD version was necessary to be able to continue selling the game. It's only available in english at the moment, any other languages are sold as 4 CDs. , m7 H' T" V8 i' x- G( k# u
* |  g+ S4 y0 i
And as a personal note, if youre danish/swedish/possible other countries that got the original 4 CD release made by the same manifacturer, the game are now actually playable too, no crashing every 2nd time it try to load a movie due to BAD quality CDs.   k- u! a% @9 L5 i) L) j
Know 4 people apart from me who bought it, all of us had to take copies of our original game and play from the copies to be able to play it :)
; X$ D3 V7 W  R/ l) O+ x1 p2 d6 r# a2 |+ g1 b- t( g) p* D9 J0 j9 m
And remember, if you like this game, BUY IT. Its an adventure game, theyre almost excint now, need support to survive, unlike the latest DoomedQuakeTournamentBassFishing2009

作者: wqzss    时间: 2008-9-25 10:44
作者: tomaxy    时间: 2008-9-25 10:55
hi,王子,感谢分享! [s:1]
作者: mirmir    时间: 2008-9-25 11:08
7 W  `  Z6 J- }0 |# Q; ~9 a* [% y# s
( A! v% t) w5 {- w. R看着乌鲁时代我眼睛都绿了……可惜纳米盘的速度不是很好,CD2怎么就是不下啊?
作者: arnoldston    时间: 2008-9-25 11:10
作者: 幻粼月    时间: 2008-9-25 11:17
The longest journey Re-Release (2-CD),请问大家这个和4CD版有何区别呢?
作者: 12435698    时间: 2008-9-25 11:32
最长的旅程重新发布  神秘岛乌鲁:完全编年史
& Y" ]2 R  {) r. l  a, t: ~6 |
, H$ c+ D! p. u  l( h$ o+ D英文看不懂,是这个吗
作者: 闪光    时间: 2008-9-25 11:38
引用第8楼幻粼月于2008-09-25 11:17发表的  :
* G0 h  ~8 l; \& B* GThe longest journey Re-Release (2-CD),请问大家这个和4CD版有何区别呢?

1 E% ~! n9 p; f  s5 Y见三楼,就是没区别
作者: 慕容枫叶    时间: 2008-9-25 12:00
感谢分享= =( I1 q8 l5 T9 L9 I5 S; a, Q
作者: zzwwb007    时间: 2008-9-25 15:16
标题: Re:The longest journey Re-Release (2-CD);Myst Uru:Complete Chronicles&#1
作者: ringle    时间: 2008-9-25 15:25
支持 不过纳米好慢的
作者: wqzss    时间: 2008-9-25 15:35
作者: zzwwb007    时间: 2008-9-25 15:44
标题: Re:The longest journey Re-Release (2-CD);Myst Uru:Complete Chronicles&#1
7 x1 @- _* f  }/ J6 v5 g* z9 q$ ?http://www.namipan.com/d/4686fbb ... 4f8739d3b1c7660e516
作者: xingxiaojin    时间: 2008-9-25 15:54
标题: Re:The longest journey Re-Release (2-CD);Myst Uru:Complete Chronicles&#1
作者: wphoto    时间: 2008-9-25 16:15
那个除了上面说的原因外 其他东西不少吧
作者: michael741    时间: 2008-9-25 17:27
7 [# x. ?' d1 l1 T1 s! m3 S收藏之,谢谢楼主
作者: fps+avg    时间: 2008-9-25 18:52
作者: dreamerdd    时间: 2008-9-25 21:03
作者: kyo-x    时间: 2008-9-26 00:45
作者: dreamerdd    时间: 2008-9-26 09:09
TLJ下到一半,怎么就一点速度都没了? [s:6]
作者: aaabbb    时间: 2008-9-26 09:38
作者: foreverffsky    时间: 2008-9-26 20:53
作者: jpsdwang    时间: 2008-9-27 00:13
标题: Re:The longest journey Re-Release (2-CD);Myst Uru:Complete Chronicles&#1
目前已知的版本异同:2 B$ G( }+ u3 r8 p( M: K$ t
, f* I# A/ Y/ f另外4cd版本,电骡上普遍流传的是cd4第21号文件夹文件损坏版,需要用正常的替换。; n6 f* r1 r% j6 @1 J6 N' ^
作者: jpsdwang    时间: 2008-9-27 00:18
标题: Re:The longest journey Re-Release (2-CD);Myst Uru:Complete Chronicles&#1
作者: dreamerdd    时间: 2008-9-27 08:02
! K# M% ]  G0 J0 y/ n" b3 `原来打算长假里玩的.
作者: wqzss    时间: 2008-9-27 08:31
标题: Re:Re:The longest journey Re-Release (2-CD);Myst Uru:Complete Chronicles&
引用第26楼jpsdwang于2008-09-27 00:18发表的 Re:The longest journey Re-Release (2-CD);Myst Uru:Complete Chronicles  (2-CD)纳米盘 :
5 c( J; ]4 p1 y' e) e% {再有,1.61版补丁出了。http://www.longestjourney.com/help/patches/2cd/tlj-patch-161.exe

7 J: k& ]- s: }8 O. d开玩笑啊,瑞星报出病毒来了... AdWare.Win32.Agent.cig
作者: joyser    时间: 2008-9-27 09:52
作者: zhoucongdai    时间: 2008-9-27 10:22
作者: 矿泉水有毒!    时间: 2008-9-27 11:11
作者: jpsdwang    时间: 2008-9-27 11:50
标题: Re:Re:Re:The longest journey Re-Release (2-CD);Myst Uru:Complete Chronicles&
引用第28楼wqzss于2008-09-27 08:31发表的 Re:Re:The longest journey Re-Release (2-CD);Myst Uru:Complete Chronicles  (2-CD)纳米盘 :
* n- a$ u8 K: d( i8 ^" c' T; G% b, |7 b
  _% T- W8 w0 G- y: N- J# c9 z; u& p7 g
开玩笑啊,瑞星报出病毒来了... AdWare.Win32.Agent.cig
[s:4]某星就……- e4 H& T, a  d, G5 U+ o
作者: xls1999    时间: 2008-9-27 16:48
支持,下载the longest journey第一部
作者: arkai99    时间: 2008-9-29 20:57
作者: ziyuji    时间: 2008-10-7 15:10
瞧瞧! [s:2]
作者: 邹峰    时间: 2008-10-7 16:27
作者: 迷雾    时间: 2008-10-7 23:09
作者: alpalaya    时间: 2008-10-8 01:33
, ^: H2 y5 K( o( ^; Q0 o& }$ A4 v' w/ G! O8 g" j4 a, W1 j) n
' w0 p1 s" T/ c( f- W) z. ]  Z, `& n- n0 T1 C. u1 w( h+ |6 y- O( L
8 H; l, r. y0 |/ r% @! ~
+ \; k! Y2 f4 F! Y还是要谢谢楼主!~
作者: alpalaya    时间: 2008-10-8 06:25
CD2死活一点速度都没有。。。 :( CD1都下完了。。
% f# J" `; `! O$ R  k# ?我继续等。。。希望明天能有速度
2 _* C5 ^, ^! d6 G0 O或者谁能上传到foxmail?非常感谢,就算收费也甘愿。。谢谢。。。

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