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标题: 梦之旅2中文版字谜攻略? [打印本页]

作者: zfzw    时间: 2010-2-11 18:39
标题: 梦之旅2中文版字谜攻略?
作者: aifeng    时间: 2010-2-13 15:20
据说总共有15条字谜,每次玩最多只出现8条,暂时只玩出这么多$ H2 Q9 W- q, ?. `- D

( |# l  h" b! ?  O1 o梦之瑰宝/ }. C0 K, K8 j& Q
  ^, V! v$ b5 ^* N4 \4 E5 N9 O
梦之瑰宝-阿巴龙那1 g* v# Y5 L8 z4 }& r( n
/ g% z; ?1 i- I监狱墙壁的外面是精灵王国的起源地。6 x  x  k2 u+ K; i5 k
0 \# r, N$ M! k1 E
1 ~/ q+ u: f7 ^  M# F. {$ G' l为什么像我这样的凡人会被困在古圣地?
* p3 B6 k5 @9 d+ ~9 D妖精不想凡人知晓他们的生存秘密。( X9 V5 X2 A6 h! i& @0 U
" R2 }, v. P' e: c& Z
, O! b- g3 U8 M, b梅洛又是什么人?( f& s) r% I, Z
梅洛为了追求科学而逃离了精灵王国,也正因此,他失去了精灵的力量。* k$ k% T; O* K8 d! l1 ]# L4 o
; Q% e: J6 W, n# e
梦之瑰宝-惠比斯: G. Y6 P2 k) F8 h: j5 w* e8 n3 _
1 S6 z. y/ c# L3 [/ S$ M它是一个用来分隔凡人和精灵世界所建造的地下迷宫。
7 }# h' _# F5 n3 Y. `; M7 D& c) A, X, V# m# Z- P" T
梦之瑰宝-阿波罗- b1 H2 B7 l- r
  N, b; }  |' c! C( s- j( R7 v1 ]精灵们遵照精灵国王定下的规矩,控制着自然的力量。
& L6 R9 l0 A2 {8 e2 a' i0 [3 F& [) C3 a& z* t+ ]+ N- J" G& @
梦之瑰宝-弗雷0 l! y" @' q# w' X- [! C4 p1 F
为什么妖精国王不制止莉莉丝?. A- j' ]$ k1 {3 w
因为精灵国王出去微服私访后,再也没有回来过。; g" m+ g/ h! {) V! w! M

2 q- g) z) [. t& z" ~* ?梦之瑰宝-蒙图
5 n& s- M( e9 R* ^9 [2 {梦想馆长是干什么的?6 T$ l" O6 a5 ^  y6 O( z
梦想馆长将精灵王国的一切记录在图书管理。* U/ O9 ?& M& v! b2 N5 I: H

& Q/ }* t. t& ^1 N7 B! O; G0 j+ o1 ^梦之瑰宝-艾瑞娜; m! i( q; p5 V& W: u% J+ j+ O
所有这些跟我的家庭有什么关系?+ @; d9 |" a& t! Q1 X
作者: XYZ    时间: 2010-2-13 16:53
作者: aifeng    时间: 2010-2-14 01:31
作者: 挚爱    时间: 2010-2-15 23:09
6 o- [/ o; y+ A0 Z; o为什么妖精国王不制止莉莉丝? 5 O/ C2 |! H1 W; H4 e% ~
因为精灵国王出去微服私访后,再也没有回来过。+ Q) F5 d- O+ U& G! M
: Y; G: T7 a% t. Y* R3 D3 m% v
作者: 冰城℃亮    时间: 2010-4-27 01:09
5 G7 D$ v$ {3 R6 q/ A
, ]' k$ K1 x0 @4 T, ]) \01.Aeval has the power to communicate with plants and she received a message from them.- y# p) }1 C+ [, r6 i  _4 B% y

7 A2 I" k% x  o: u: L02.All of the fairies left because one fairy saw three stars fall from the sky.
2 U7 h4 b  s( C7 v; [) X
2 l, B, X% b3 X  _03.Fairies control natural forces but they must follow rules set by the Fairy Lord.
1 D' V3 x& ^2 y+ H
: X8 y+ h$ x1 \; ?04.Fairies do not want the mortal world to know about their secret ways of life.4 y% T, f7 V# d5 r4 R. U
8 {! H/ B3 n0 d3 t: |4 _
05.Fairies used the machine to print the first volumes of history onto stone tablets.
4 h, k6 x* N5 }! C8 k
1 @+ `- h& X" f06.If Fidget becomes her husband,Lilith will have total control over the dreams of mortals.
* l% F1 G0 {/ j1 T; p* s" P" g8 [) C/ {1 `; u
07.It is an underground labyrinth that separates the mortal would from the ancient fairy world.+ [. Q) B- ?* x' y

0 ?1 ^, R) A* v3 z) I8 k1 H08.Lyra could be the Chosen Child because she is the daughter of a fairy and a mortal.
/ l& J- i4 }7 i- O) _; m8 Q$ I8 _/ ?
09.Merrow is an inventor who left the fairy realm and so lost his powers.
% @9 U9 k- `! l0 T+ N& n8 W0 Y6 H; k' L7 Q( Z  o" p9 W6 R- j
10.Outside the prison walls lies the place where the fairies originated.4 c7 v9 g9 t, p  w& c- }: b4 B& J/ U
! V, Q4 @2 H: ~
11.The Dream Librarian prints knowledge of fairy life into volumes of books.
+ `% d5 F3 q6 L, I# c+ B9 S7 q- B. Z
12.The Dream Librarian seeks for someone to replace the Fairy Lord.
' _- C; g) Y4 g" p' l# w4 b5 ^  @" P6 m3 f7 x2 \$ \: H
13.The Fairy Lord went out on one of his quests,but never returend.
" s8 M8 n2 j: v+ ]. g& |8 T
) p( F  ]3 N3 o, j8 e14.The new Fairy Lord must have a mix of both mortal and fairy blood.
+ [; {% F$ _6 j4 Y" @% l" U
+ l6 ^+ R7 r0 _15.The tower is where the Fairy Lord watchd over all,and where the Dream Librarian resides

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