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标题: Runaway2 预览 (译自just advanture) [打印本页]

作者: 魂灵头    时间: 2006-4-24 10:21
标题: Runaway2 预览 (译自just advanture)
pendulo的runaway2还在寻找北美出版商?!什么~!这简直是难以置信。没错,因为这款游戏太出色了。 现在我不打算欺瞒各位,更着夸大其词地说游戏的画面和引擎有多好。对于runaway2来说,控制操作和画面和1代相差无几。同样是2D卡通,第三人称视角。Puzzles are inventory-based(哪位高人帮忙翻译下,在下才疏学浅实在是不明白),在游戏过程中除了一些地方滑稽幽默之外,通常很严肃并且需要你不断的思考。 . }4 N0 q' J4 C$ [
: \$ k0 @, Q: E+ ^
感谢Christopher Kellner(德国出版公司DTP的国际PR经理),我非常荣欣的玩了游戏开始章节的长样本。 " Y4 z4 p8 u; S3 v! N- l  |4 F

% K$ U5 j5 _, H1 v* k; l" M$ r7 u* M) w) i被剪切过的场景和动画又一次展现了其华丽的一面。Brian和Gina现在是一对"情侣"(还是把更多的惊奇留给各位吧)并且有一段Gina卧室场景的特写镜头,如果这镜头在北美播放,会让成年男子流口水的。(顺便说一件滑稽的事,Christopher告诉我,他经常收到玩家们讨要Gina裸体照片的电子邮件。)' l! X5 @  V+ R3 m$ i+ ^8 M

6 e. @7 B) B6 A游戏会像第一部一样,以章节形式出现,而且每一章都是独立的。第一章是(我相信是出于巧合)略微回忆 Broken Sword: sleeping dragon开始的一些往事,像Brain在飞机事故之后发现自己孤身一人。和第一部非常相似,Brain和Gina将会在环球旅行中双双陷入困境。 ( X$ k- Y* d3 r) [  Q: o

) Y  h% e, u' g# S. _
- s( N: E$ a$ ?, h  y原文如下 (http://www.justadventure.com/Previews/Runaway2/Runaway2.shtm)1 ~  {/ H) W; q) L3 E! |
It’s hard to believe that Pendulo’s Runaway 2 is still looking for a North American publisher because this game kicks ass.
1 O* S! Z0 V' e* f- I. b4 P  P8 I$ r# E% j. T
Now I’m not going to fib to you and rave about significant graphic advancements or an advanced game engine, for Runaway 2 plays and looks exactly like the first game. The graphics are cartoony 2D, from a third person point-of-view. Puzzles are inventory-based and there is a whimsical sense of humor underneath the otherwise serious undertakings.
8 R" D, D& c- `1 I6 y% L" x$ d5 H+ N$ p* q8 Y0 r: p1 e
Thanks to Christopher Kellner, the International PR Manager for German publisher dtp (Digital Tainment Pool), I had the pleasure of playing a lengthy demo of the game’s opening chapter. . y+ [/ Q8 A- i& |" v
' F. G( @' H) O+ J( N$ D4 x8 l' W
The cut-scenes and animation are once again simply gorgeous. Brian and Gina are now a ‘couple’ and – as I don’t want to ruin any more surprises – there is a bedroom scene featuring Gina that, if it makes it into the North American release – will have grown men salivating (As a humorous sidebar, Christopher informed me that he often receives emails from gamers requesting nude pictures of Gina!).
6 x* V: t! a2 L& @
6 j7 d( ~) }; d- M) m2 D$ u0 u3 ]$ @The game will, like the first one, be broken into chapters with each chapter being self-containing. The first chapter is – by coincidence I am sure – mildly reminiscent of the beginning of Broken Sword: Sleeping Dragon as Brian finds himself stranded after a plane crash. Much like the first game, Brian and Gina will both find themselves placed in dangerous situations as they travel around the world.
9 D& G8 ^3 u; e( ?# }+ a) c' S, J1 t' C+ `' `+ |
Screenshots/ R0 j/ s" R, q& |. d" u

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9 E4 x. }$ p. F: A% I
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7 ^4 X+ p, y2 a( q3 \# n0 Q, c2 Q( W' D  L+ F
1 L  P4 E7 e, ?2 o( I( t

作者: czchencheng    时间: 2006-4-27 01:47
) C$ _& [* H- [. U6 Q: ^( d
, R7 Z* J( F. Q! k" V' DPs:那天看了一下abe签名里的游戏,竟然都是我喜欢的那种类型,汗啊……
作者: silverblue    时间: 2006-4-27 02:02
不是呀, 你都没求过, 是资源交流区的一位朋友求的啊
作者: flyhero    时间: 2006-4-27 12:22
是偶,下了个BIN的能正常安装的是法语,下个ISO的不能安装,下了2星期啊,楼上的叫我杀死它 [s:16]
作者: silverblue    时间: 2006-4-27 12:30
0 l4 K& \3 E  l; z; s5 @* ^' {7 A' t  [* A$ h5 l/ ~7 c( v  c
你可以找两位朋友提供刻录或者上传: uranus1997和candywren, 当然他们愿不愿意又是另一回事了.
2 u8 ]' Z2 h! I$ K8 H& o  r5 i& X4 [. _5 Z
另外如果耐心等到五一之后, 可能论坛的新FTP就可以下载了.
作者: 樱稼雨    时间: 2006-5-4 13:59
作者: tobey    时间: 2006-5-4 23:19
那就再去买。呵呵/   要不只有 Runaway 2
作者: wayne2006    时间: 2006-5-5 08:36
下了那个圣诞预告篇,越来越期待了 [s:25]
作者: 冒险解迷    时间: 2006-5-5 22:42
作者: 冒险解迷    时间: 2006-5-5 23:18
abe果然是高人阿 使我拨开云雾见青天 Km"_D  # ?4 j. S9 J. t5 W% ^
}_ T<q a0"  
. W" K7 g( [* h( a7 Q6 z还要向abe大大多学习
作者: shawnchen82    时间: 2006-5-6 14:36
作者: rapinui    时间: 2006-5-6 22:09
inventory-based.....我怎么觉得是由持有不同物品决定是何种迷题的意思 [s:23]
作者: allen83216    时间: 2006-6-21 16:17
作者: game_yao    时间: 2006-6-22 09:08

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