冒险解谜游戏中文网 ChinaAVG

标题: 现在还有人玩infocom早期的全文字冒险解谜游戏么? [打印本页]

作者: panicice    时间: 2012-5-30 19:10
标题: 现在还有人玩infocom早期的全文字冒险解谜游戏么?
找到个可以在Win7系统流畅运行的infocom公司早期全文字冒险解谜游戏合集。其中应该是自带了dos的模拟程序。3 `" o9 j2 L" ^1 M
" v  z" m- p- E- S6 O9 \
- F1 ~2 k; q. ]4 p2 V) u4 L+ }6 f  f2 X( R8 G
我找到的这个文件包括著名的Zork系列,Planetfall,Leather Goddesses等等,大部分该公司此类作品都包含了。  R  L3 k2 Z8 s3 {4 P) W' K
我个人觉得还是挺有价值的。, r0 }) R1 {; i# r6 g2 c. m

! O6 j8 k. O* V+ ^+ h7 S7 {# C/ M游戏分为两个exe文件,总容量389mb。& v- u6 F) E  o: a' f' @
6 E. }; H2 i- x5 d
作者: hybushis    时间: 2012-5-30 22:51
作者: panicice    时间: 2012-6-2 11:28
标题: 有图有真相
本帖最后由 panicice 于 2012-6-2 11:33 编辑 & E. n8 f: P  c

/ c& k8 s* M& q$ b  x该公司游戏列表(斜体为本版本包含):) z) W) ^( F2 W7 B" O
Interactive fiction* K: `: b# N! |8 e5 j
The Zork series:
1 M( v' h, N- Z, v- i% I- I, aThe original Zork Trilogy (Marc Blank & Dave Lebling):: h; l; w! m* s" W6 D1 c0 D
Zork I: The Great Underground Empire (1980)
/ I- t: u( ?/ B8 _Zork II: The Wizard of Frobozz (1981)# S4 T3 k& b  d$ I: A7 W
Zork III: The Dungeon Master (1982)+ _4 e2 A2 v+ t8 ]8 f$ u# m- @* r0 l& ^6 h
The Enchanter Trilogy:
! `6 j% G  o2 J' MEnchanter (1983, Marc Blank and Dave Lebling)
+ F, O7 G5 M5 ISorcerer (1984, Steve Meretzky)
( i4 B$ @" c4 J9 a$ v& z* WSpellbreaker (1985, Dave Lebling)4 l$ c$ B8 ]/ K4 b6 l
Mini Zork I: The Great Underground Empire (1987, Marc Blank & Dave Lebling, free cut-down, single load tape version of game, covermounted on UK's ZZAP!64 magazine)# x8 a3 g4 R7 N  Q! {
Beyond Zork: The Coconut of Quendor (1987, Brian Moriarty)7 Z) b& N2 H6 s  t% c
Zork Zero: The Revenge of Megaboz (1988, Steve Meretzky)
: D( M/ t2 K$ l  j2 _Zork: The Undiscovered Underground (1997, Michael Berlyn and Marc Blank)
2 a* A7 h" r% n! c& r: Y1 o9 vThe Planetfall series:  p  M1 @0 l6 k9 G8 q- Y* ]
Planetfall (1983, Steve Meretzky): p- K" q& I4 Y  y" _
Stationfall (1987, Steve Meretzky), D& |6 k: X& Z, A& F( O
Deadline (1982, Marc Blank)2 `8 {, p7 n  s( X4 U
Starcross (1982, Dave Lebling)6 m* o0 H1 |6 F, z  ~6 O
Suspended: A Cryogenic Nightmare (1983, Michael Berlyn)
# ~; f/ D" S9 k. A) N3 g- cInfidel (1983, Michael Berlyn)7 y! N  [0 y1 g  i* K# r
The Witness (1983, Stu Galley)
/ S2 a% S* }# w: \0 k' aCutthroats (1984, Michael Berlyn & Jerry Wolper)
/ M& q: v) p& q( sThe Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy (1984, Steve Meretzky & Douglas Adams)
* N# K& b9 R; ]1 b" h  e9 ASeastalker (1984, Stu Galley & Jim Lawrence)# [" r  g/ _& F  L; ]; n/ Z7 v
Suspect (1984, Dave Lebling)" {6 D) l% W" w" N3 f4 D$ u1 i
A Mind Forever Voyaging (1985, Steve Meretzky)- W1 ~; ~1 z% U9 s# k. t  l
Wishbringer: The Magick Stone of Dreams (1985, Brian Moriarty). d( `9 x3 ?0 |0 Y& N; u
Ballyhoo (1986, Jeff O'Neill)
0 {7 S! g3 j& Y( x0 IHollywood Hijinx (1986, "Hollywood" Dave Anderson)( d& H$ V$ \/ G/ T# R+ Y1 J" A
Leather Goddesses of Phobos (1986, Steve Meretzky)
# o; `) k, R; t, ^- g8 G9 RMoonmist (1986, Stu Galley & Jim Lawrence)8 `5 j5 U& t8 P& M/ G
Trinity (1986, Brian Moriarty)
9 c) L' Q# y( DBorder Zone (1987, Marc Blank)
0 i) K  g& ^5 a% _' z" ?# p; dBureaucracy (1987, Infocom & Douglas Adams)! S8 V$ {% e. B4 E0 U! C
The Lurking Horror (1987, Dave Lebling)  f2 h) |/ @/ ^. o' A, }7 N
Nord and Bert Couldn't Make Head or Tail of It (1987, Jeff O'Neill)0 n2 R* V3 Q* L6 k
Plundered Hearts (1987, Amy Briggs)* E, Z! ?4 \: O7 G
Sherlock: The Riddle of the Crown Jewels (1988, Bob Bates)
' m9 M  w% V5 e2 a. {5 ~Arthur: The Quest for Excalibur (1989, Bob Bates)
' u4 L" y6 v. t4 e3 u3 N% e+ yJames Clavell's Shogun (1989, Dave Lebling)9 t- @0 Q; a. \& c" s5 Z
Journey (1989, Marc Blank)

1 R( `& t  d# V+ v: _Other titles( u$ W4 w! l. s% d6 u
Graphic Adventures
4 k+ J# o" J! C8 ~Leather Goddesses of Phobos 2: Gas Pump Girls Meet the Pulsating Inconvenience from Planet X! (1992, Steve Meretzky)
, u& p4 v: L( CReturn to Zork (1993, Doug Barnett)
' O, K4 |/ c: G4 }% gZork: Nemesis (1996)
* G8 p6 v. J  c9 F; \; ~Zork Grand Inquisitor (1997)) w. r/ `* t! n; D) M' g) O) u
BattleTech Games/ s' k% t) _' \. T% j( a7 `7 b
BattleTech: The Crescent Hawk's Inception (1988, developed by Westwood Studios): C4 S3 m, ~' N0 b4 K1 c- D
BattleTech: The Crescent Hawk's Revenge (1991, developed by Westwood Studios)3 U! D! E/ U; q9 t
Other Games
# v  {4 t) _$ r0 l5 c) P( FFooblitzky (1985, Marc Blank, Mike Berlyn, Poh Lim & Paula Maxwell)
( p+ q4 F' Z0 f  e4 G4 P# JQuarterstaff: The Tomb of Setmoth (1988, Scott Schmitz, Ken Updike & Amy Briggs)
' g, d' E8 o0 q- [& i1 j' uMines of Titan (1988, Louis Castle & Brett Sperry)
& W. e4 N- H3 `6 l$ }& _  \' ~! ~Tombs & Treasure (1989, developed by Nihon Falcom)4 Y# G5 z2 ]. \0 P
Circuit's Edge (1989, developed by Westwood Studios)8 H4 R2 C/ L4 O! l
3 Z) \' U7 g4 ^( f, rLane Mastodon vs. the Blubbermen (1988, Steve Meretzky)
$ G# v: T, g  L5 RGamma Force in Pit of a Thousand Screams (1988, Amy Briggs)" d& K0 `8 c) l5 n1 M% {4 Y( W% K
ZorkQuest: Assault on Egreth Castle (1988, Elizabeth Langosy)+ e* f$ [* W, N: M( W
ZorkQuest II: The Crystal of Doom (1988, Elizabeth Langosy)

( q% e1 c4 Y+ p: U1 U, h( UCollections0 z& f( y+ H+ |8 k- w
The Zork Trilogy (1986; contained Zork I, Zork II & Zork III)
) u1 C  |" B4 b2 m. mThe Enchanter Trilogy (1986; contained Enchanter, Sorcerer & Spellbreaker)
$ M4 m/ {) V" ]The Lost Treasures of Infocom (1991; contained 20 of Infocom's interactive fiction games), p+ n! ]. {8 y! ^! n/ n0 r2 @8 J* c
The Lost Treasures of Infocom II (1992; contained 11 interactive fiction games)" D2 E: y0 R3 A% I* R
The Zork Anthology (1994; contained Zork I, Zork II, Zork III, Beyond Zork & Zork Zero)6 Y% [3 d' O3 Y2 }5 ]
The Mystery Collection (1995; contained Deadline, Lurking Horror, Moonmist, Sherlock: The Riddle of the Crown Jewels, Suspect and The Witness. Zork Zero and Planetfall were a bonus in some packages)
4 ~5 W6 ?( e2 cThe Adventure Collection (1995; contained Border Zone, Plundered Hearts, Cutthroats, Trinity and Infidel)$ g9 ^) @# W" w  \7 ^6 f; O) A
The Comedy Collection (1995; contained Bureaucracy, Hollywood Hijinx and Nord and Bert Couldn't Make Head or Tail of It)
' f4 S" h/ {) l/ |. ~$ PThe Fantasy Collection (1995; contained Spellbreaker, Enchanter, Sorcerer, Seastalker and Wishbringer)
0 O% I. T" o: NThe Science Fiction Collection (1995; contained Suspended, A Mind Forever Voyaging, Starcross, Stationfall and Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy)1 O" q, Z+ l4 e1 X% c- ^. |# u
Classic Text Adventure Masterpieces of Infocom (1996; contained 33 Infocom games plus six winners of the SPAG Interactive Fiction Contest not affiliated with Infocom)% f- r* Y' n. U- E0 t8 T
Zork Special Edition (1997; contained Zork I, Zork II, Zork III, Beyond Zork, Zork Zero, Return to Zork, Zork: Nemesis, and Planetfall)
% n6 }8 i/ Z# s5 l( w' m. e: HZork Classics: Interactive Fiction (2000)- l' V4 j& g2 X; D2 e
The Zork Legacy Collection (2002; contained The Zork Anthology, Return to Zork, and Zork Nemesis)
作者: soring123    时间: 2012-6-2 14:49
有兴趣的朋友 可以去我的top100贴里下载' o! u" O% B$ R6 x
我早先 有上传了 全集下载,整合exe,一键安装,方便快捷
作者: hll3200    时间: 2012-6-2 18:56
我也下载了 TOP 100里的,不知啥时有时间去完这些古老的东西。以前玩过一会儿 ZORK, 这些游戏对提高英语阅读水平还是很有帮助的
作者: panicice    时间: 2012-6-3 09:46
回复 soring123 的帖子
% A: m/ D9 C, }. Z
1 F5 g  @& N! m7 R2 p- A版大你实在太牛了,我自己在网上找到的,就忘了直接翻翻你的top100贴了。汗
作者: Skywalker    时间: 2013-3-23 15:05
回复 panicice 的帖子3 [0 V& ^1 \# S( a

+ y9 Z3 G/ a( X2 b+ H& e. t这个在进化社FTP有。我还没下载,主要想看看有哪些作品,于是在这儿找到了列表。' C# O2 ~6 x' M- ^( s6 B: k

2 F+ A* y. k1 d6 n" D那么多ZORK。。。受不了了。。。
4 X5 Y" K% I7 d  I) }$ B, ?: y7 W! @0 S
5 @0 |+ a, C/ z* a# c
8 W0 H( V  L7 `7 M$ {1 TFROTZ上面有好几部文字冒险游戏,看起来还挺吸引人。
) f7 s  E2 M8 |8 r- E
. P5 F9 K# p; J& z* o$ c* \0 dLURKING HORROR和ANCHORHEAD都是HP LOVECRAFT风格的,我一定要玩玩。+ }/ \5 N5 K8 j4 F! c& `, y
$ }' Z/ S$ G' O2 P
想到谢耳朵玩ZORK,以及COD7里面居然也有ZORK,真是很好的鼓励啊,一定要下决心玩掉。5 v3 Z2 V: U0 F: Z1 j2 _

作者: jjwoodmoon    时间: 2013-4-25 17:33
作者: jjwoodmoon    时间: 2013-4-25 17:49
作者: mjy    时间: 2013-4-26 04:53
Zork系列GOG上有卖。& p9 [- r8 F2 G# n* F
另外有时间可以试试Frog Fractions,比较搞的游戏类型大杂烩,中期有一段的风格就是文字冒险解谜的,比较有趣。
作者: 0501    时间: 2013-4-27 10:52
作者: 我爱静物    时间: 2013-5-19 15:45
作者: jameshit    时间: 2017-12-29 21:17
panicice 发表于 2012-6-2 11:28' r/ f1 l+ d. J8 K- F$ G; G; e
  I- q* a* ]. C" n: M- L, o; x" ?Interactive fiction
: n& R& ^; Y/ t. DThe Zork series:

, s' z; n7 U  }6 [! r# e! W不管多少次都要顶
作者: panicice    时间: 2023-6-20 08:49
作者: laoxiaozi    时间: 2024-2-22 12:45
好家伙   资源不少   感谢感谢
( T1 y+ X- v$ {" T/ `% I

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