标题: 求助!476号《残酷谎言6》貌似我又遇到bug了!!! [打印本页] 作者: panglvlvsoso 时间: 2014-5-27 22:22 标题: 求助!476号《残酷谎言6》貌似我又遇到bug了!!! 玩到第二次穿越回过去,在墓地那里(就是有个怪兽挡道的那张图),看攻略上说要用砍刀砍了拦路的树干,可是我的砍刀在前面那张地图砍藤蔓的时候就用掉了,到这里道具栏里已经没有砍刀了!!!使用提示也一直指向地上的树干,游戏卡在这里无法进行下去了~~~不要告诉我这又是个bug啊?!还没从上次《纽约疑云:黑手党内幕》的bug打击中缓过神来,不会又遇到bug了吧?近来玩解谜怎么都如此悲催呢~~~表示好忧伤啊:Q作者: panglvlvsoso 时间: 2014-5-27 22:33
好吧~~~关了重新打开游戏,发现砍刀又出现在道具栏里了~~~汗啊:L作者: myq495 时间: 2014-5-27 23:26
以下摘自官网: & H& k- e+ E& O7 t# T* j" j7 B! X, L* s; K, `
We had the same problem with the machete. What we did was click menu and menu again, click Play. When it asks to reset click yes, then click play again. This time continue with it asks to reset. The machete should be in your inventory now.作者: myq495 时间: 2014-5-27 23:26
以下摘自官网:& G; U9 A! i) Q! Z+ w- `
L1 H' X& ?- L k* a( U: t
We had the same problem with the machete. What we did was click menu and menu again, click Play. When it asks to reset click yes, then click play again. This time continue with it asks to reset. The machete should be in your inventory now.作者: panglvlvsoso 时间: 2014-5-29 12:43