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标题: 关于“水晶骷髅”(ND17 预习) [打印本页]

作者: tabris    时间: 2007-7-30 23:28
标题: 关于“水晶骷髅”(ND17 预习)
Herinteractive对17集不可谓不重视,对于故事中的主线“水晶骷髅”专门发来资料让各位预习,我们不要错过哦~9 h$ X* Y  {! r, X  f4 P# M

; ?" I; n3 f: E* U9 X原文如下:. H+ b! ~$ ^6 P. l
2 ]  K3 Z0 V! p( X3 x
Urban Myth or Truth?
8 O9 a; C! [- f" X0 A& NNewsletter subscribers only! s4 N- i9 q# E0 q3 e/ ^' C5 n4 o

. s% g8 b1 Q' w) I) Y+ _
/ W' c( ^+ @2 @% A: ], N* RLegends claim that 13 perfectly carved crystal skulls are scattered throughout the world, each possessing a special power.  Only a few have been found,  unearthed in Mexico, Central America, and South America.  The skulls are almost exact replicas of a human skull.  No one knows how they were created or who created them., G( g# t# y% K8 e4 R. _, p5 a0 j7 _

! Y: l$ ~. S" R9 K- \, ? Scientists who have studied the skulls the are puzzled by their creation.  The lasers and tools needed to create these skulls didn't even exist in the rule of the Mayans or Aztecs!  In addition, crystals are always carved with the direction that the crystal naturally grows, but these were carved against the grain, which should have caused the material to shatter.  ) }, R% t: V/ y/ l) S
% e+ I# [& U& F( t* Q9 V
A native American legend says when 12 skulls are arranged in a circle, with the 13th one in the middle, they will tell the destiny of  mankind and reveal ancient secrets.  Supposedly, crystal skull powers range from allowing holders to see into the future, granting happiness, or ensuring longevity.  However, there is no proof that the skulls possess these supernatural abilities.
# j1 Z- ]! D0 M% P" t$ s" h
3 Q* G9 p3 |" j* h- i# SThere are several theories about the creator of these ancient skulls.  Some believe that the Mayans and the Aztecs carved them to communicate with their gods.  Others believe they are remnants from Atlantis, a mythical technologically advanced city, or were left by aliens.  Yet, it is also possible that the skulls were created recently by modern technology.# R. o: K6 q7 x1 v) s
9 E" ]: n5 ]$ ?. \6 w- q
In Nancy Drew(r): Legend of the Crystal Skull, Bruno Bolet is the owner of the "Whisperer",  a crystal skull whose supposed power allows its owner to NEVER die from natural causes.
作者: tabris    时间: 2007-7-30 23:28
8 W6 Z4 |& e& t# D* |- ~) L6 [- `% ~& X# `6 ^0 Z
神话还是现实?, x8 o' `2 c; g6 Y* G( Y) C
        传说世界上分散隐藏着13颗无暇的水晶骷髅,每一个都拥有一种特殊的力量。现在已经出土的水晶骷髅只有几个,它们分别在墨西哥、中美和南美被发现。这些水晶骷髅几乎完美的再现了人类头骨的形状。没有人知道它们是谁,通过什么方法制造出来的。# j: e, V' Z  S! R

- d. {0 O( l8 e. Q- K. X7 t' B        对水晶骷髅的研究使科学家陷入迷惑——究竟它们是怎样制作的?要知道切割水晶需要的激光和其他特殊工具在玛雅时代和阿芝台克时代都不可能存在。更令人惊奇的是,通常现代的切割也需要按照水晶的天然纹路进行,否则会使水晶碎裂,可是这些水晶骷髅的切割却完全违反这一原则,究竟古人是如何做到的呢?8 s: z9 N6 I3 ^

- l) W; t# N" Q        美洲的古老传说中,当把12颗骷髅排列成圆圈,在中央放上第13颗骷髅,就能揭示出人类的命运和最古老的秘密。由此推断,水晶骷髅可能存在让人预知未来、看到过去、获得无尽的幸福和生命的力量。然而,目前还没有看到这种力量的出现。6 M6 P2 U* K: D
" P" t. O$ y: s
0 {% j  `0 P7 e7 Z7 L0 P6 _* [4 p" D4 S7 [. A: e: x0 o1 C0 i
        在ND最新的故事“水晶骷髅传说”中,Bruno Bolet拥有的水晶骷髅名叫“Whisperer”,据说这个骷髅能使人避免因任何自然伤害而死亡。
作者: candywren    时间: 2007-7-30 23:44
作者: tabris    时间: 2007-7-31 09:01
临睡前再看一眼邮箱,结果不幸发现了这个邮件,唯有强打精神干活喽 [s:14]
作者: akosse    时间: 2007-8-8 09:43
期待期待。。。 [s:1]  [s:2]  [s:7]
作者: dreamerdd    时间: 2007-10-1 11:27
作者: 雪代缘    时间: 2007-10-1 14:28
完全可以 "阿兹特克文明"与"玛雅文明"是先后出现在中美的两种文明.而且取得了非常辉煌的成就.
作者: tabris    时间: 2007-10-2 09:35

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