冒险解谜游戏中文网 ChinaAVG

标题: 你喜欢avg发生在哪个场景? [打印本页]

作者: 三生石    时间: 2007-8-21 13:25
标题: 你喜欢avg发生在哪个场景?
: n) r4 F, O: h" w% I常出现的有古文明遗址,犯罪现场,科幻时代的飞船。0 g: Y1 P: `+ W2 e- e! d
1 C( l% h& ]1 g那你觉得哪个场景最有avg的感觉呢?( N! Q3 [. M( ^# s2 V( b
作者: soring123    时间: 2007-8-21 13:29
古文明遗址 和 科幻场景 是我比较喜欢的
作者: 柠檬2099    时间: 2007-8-21 13:42
我喜欢以现代化的都市作为背景的avg" R& H' l( ]2 X! s9 \
: j3 {. n6 p' C" {3 T既充满了悬念3 F* [$ {0 l* k' B4 M
同时又有紧张刺激的火爆场景最好- p" C3 d6 Z: n9 }! B
当然,CG火爆就行了,游戏不需要 [s:2]
作者: abe_myth    时间: 2007-8-21 13:47
作者: vexer    时间: 2007-8-21 15:12
自然环境 遗迹 科幻场景 都市的侦探背景
作者: tabris    时间: 2007-8-21 15:51
作者: soring123    时间: 2007-8-21 16:12
tabris  那还不去玩哨兵:后代 虚幻到美到极点 不过不喜欢情节单薄的朋友 不可以乱试
作者: vexer    时间: 2007-8-21 16:28
作者: tabris    时间: 2007-8-21 16:52
引用第6楼soring123于2007-08-21 16:12发表的  :7 N1 s' ]3 i9 V7 A
tabris  那还不去玩哨兵:后代 虚幻到美到极点 不过不喜欢情节单薄的朋友 不可以乱试
3 H$ S& V7 V/ y+ E* o' Q, e
作者: soring123    时间: 2007-8-21 17:01
暂时不知道哪里有得下啊 sihaya 就肯定有 不过不知道链接还有用不4 D; R# r" i4 A" h- w, W3 M7 k
这游戏是我的第一个AVG detalion 的四个作品之一 过些日子会翻译回顾出来的
3 x- O/ \5 Z2 o% \$ \& w
! z3 Q7 \' i& C: zhttp://www.justadventure.com/art ... tinelPictorial.shtm( k& n1 \* f5 G! \" |9 Z

7 A4 f" }+ u/ Q$ z  n' J这里看场景
作者: tommo    时间: 2007-8-21 19:24
# h; |, ]3 d: }拿我自己来说,一说到AVG的场景,首先出现在我的脑海中的不是那些虚幻的异界,也不是城市的角落,而是像山脚的小镇这样的地方,而且是下着小雨的。
- E1 j0 D" |+ w$ U这也许是因为我的老家是一个山区小城,而我长年不在那里,心中有所怀念的缘故。
0 k8 Q$ y" |% r# T; J- i$ v我觉得能给人深刻印象的场景应该是和这个人之间有所羁绊的,或者是“相识”又或者是“向往”。1 k- N6 z$ X  p  C
作者: 甜儿    时间: 2007-8-21 20:24
我喜欢恐怖一点的,例如发生在凶案现场,像静物的开头一类的,我都喜欢,哈~~~~ [s:2]
作者: ecology    时间: 2007-8-21 20:41
古迹,和小岛,lost? [s:2] 3 X9 V9 O( U1 U! U% s  Y
作者: lax0601    时间: 2007-8-21 22:04
作者: ddk60    时间: 2007-8-22 10:21
虚幻的, 特别虚幻的, 一般虚幻的,半现实半虚幻的, 看着很虚幻其实很现实的, 来源于现实但被修改的无比虚幻的....我都喜欢1 e" a( B' R9 K( a

; d# ^; t* m  E+ Y0 r! K& U# n0 Z像Liath9 A) V; s4 p& i+ w. Y
, u5 B, G4 p) l, |+ `! v$ R
9楼推荐的游戏画面很不错 [s:2]
作者: 水源诚    时间: 2007-8-22 22:35
5 o7 k/ s! i0 d梦陨也不错,虽然是虚构的国家,图美就无敌
作者: 三生石    时间: 2007-8-23 11:31
看来提议恐怖的还真不太多。还以为得有人喜欢太平间、墓地、屠宰场之类的呢。。" R1 T* C- G" s6 U( @/ a  n4 P
作者: cocoawaye    时间: 2007-8-23 11:32
作者: biozzy    时间: 2007-8-23 12:10
作者: fenmu    时间: 2007-8-23 12:14
作者: salasa    时间: 2007-8-23 15:27
作者: soring123    时间: 2007-8-23 18:00
fenmu 兄看来以前一定是sierra恐怖游戏的爱好者
作者: selfboy    时间: 2007-8-23 20:08
作者: soring123    时间: 2007-8-23 20:11
兄弟 那你一定是detalion的FANS
作者: selfboy    时间: 2007-8-23 20:15
detalion?米玩过,给个介绍 [s:28]
作者: soring123    时间: 2007-8-23 20:17
不是拉 一个开发商的名字 就是神秘之旅 的开发者
作者: selfboy    时间: 2007-8-23 20:21
作者: selfboy    时间: 2007-8-23 20:27
神秘之旅是不是就是Schizm: Mysterious Journey ,是的话我玩过,感觉好难啊~ [s:26]
作者: aaa26999    时间: 2007-8-23 20:52
作者: soring123    时间: 2007-8-23 20:53
对啊 就是那个 他们有四个作品 都是一样的风格
作者: 甜儿    时间: 2007-8-24 19:59
哈,博青同学,你看分母兄的名字就知道他喜欢什么了,我只是给改了音~~~ [s:2]  [s:2] 他可是恐怖游戏大师,论坛上玩恐怖游戏的好像没有比分母兄厉害的了,佩服至极~~~ [s:25]
作者: fenmu    时间: 2007-8-25 21:02
LS不要乱说~我其实没你们想象的牛~& f' _. N' n" I+ ]! l) J

7 u; w# n  }5 O; ~另外不要盲目搞葱白啊~
作者: 甜儿    时间: 2007-8-26 14:12
分母兄不要谦虚啦~~~~大家都知道的了,哈哈~~~ [s:2]  [s:2]
作者: kya    时间: 2007-8-27 20:13
Myst III的经典场景,海中岛屿。
  D, B! a$ R# E: y/ j6 K" ?; @Nibiru中玛雅神殿。0 D+ z4 h- {$ ~# ^4 r# O9 i: @
Barrow Hill中遗弃的古老庙宇。
作者: lqshma    时间: 2007-8-27 22:25
作者: michaelzhang    时间: 2007-8-27 22:31
作者: soring123    时间: 2007-8-27 22:43
有啊 有个在紫禁城的游戏
作者: lqshma    时间: 2007-8-27 22:45
作者: michaelzhang    时间: 2007-8-27 23:46
有全名吗? 谢谢咯哈!
作者: lqshma    时间: 2007-8-28 00:38
引用第38楼michaelzhang于2007-08-27 23:46发表的 : . c' V9 e6 I' f4 T) ?
有全名吗? 谢谢咯哈!

3 w9 W% E0 m: S, I, @8 K0 k0 i* J& l5 _' a$ n$ A
. ^2 h- v5 n+ \9 m1 u/ o" ^
' b2 v+ o+ x" j0 ]9 {- D
; V( a) a4 i5 \
; }( @* A- }: f! S( w  y& p* R- X帮你找找介绍,不过好像是英文的,我已经晕了,希望你别晕) W' |# l1 l* k& F# @5 h6 Z

& c3 E1 V: Y/ F) v' o9 a. f$ w- A( V" G! D

  J) _! N4 e- i8 O
  `1 J; Y: v  P* C- @, |3 }Qin: Tomb of the Middle Kingdom  a; W% H& g' @" q0 W% \
: p1 x& V, m! }
Developer: Learn Technologies Interactive
& \) h) Q/ n6 E* D$ C9 p9 XPublisher: Time Warner Electronic Publishing% x. s$ U3 D/ P% \0 }4 Q- `2 j
Genre: Adventure5 h( c* ~( {: ~! Y: j# p
Release Date: August 1996+ u+ @3 J1 V6 e( ]& R1 ]9 ~! s
Platform:Windows,Mac* g2 H1 z$ T0 s+ p4 E. U

& E0 j/ q$ x* a
& v% S4 v+ X, @- V4 P( |3 P: G# W6 W7 U2 o- L  C5 L4 |/ n6 y) D
2 x( [4 u, \% p. ?4 c% ?

+ t; ^9 b. S; f+ S0 M. TReview from justadventure:
, Y9 r0 b, |& p& x7 n) {
* N6 p  d/ d" {. LSpend a little time exploring the mysteries of ancient China with this lovely, moody game. Pronounced “ching”, Qin is a dreamlike game that gives you the opportunity to visit China and explore a vast ancient underground burial city.1 h7 }7 A' x" w


5 `- A* _: T) ~; Q% L, PThe format of the game is quite Myst-like, a point-and-click slide show. You play a character that is in China working on an archeological expedition on behalf of a gigantic Western conglomerate. But this is no ordinary academic dig – this is a treasure hunt. The chairman of your company is looking for a fabled elixir of life that is supposed to be hidden in the buried city. As the game opens, an earthquake swallows you into the bowels of the earth!
% o2 [. B" Y+ j8 [# |+ ?# f7 l, o
8 @" F6 z# x/ K% A4 a5 mAfter the earthquake, you realize you have landed at the entrance to the very underground necropolis that the expedition is looking for.$ b1 c  s4 U, l/ ]" p0 p

% q4 d6 b9 K9 V- y# LBURIED9 M; n$ j& {. p; E

: E4 [* [) {/ V  V9 eAs I said, Qin is definitely a Myst clone, though it’s not nearly so challenging as Myst was. After the earthquake your job is to explore a series of subterranean environments that make up this mysterious buried city. The game has four levels, and as you solve puzzles and reveal more and more of the mystery, you gain access to more and more of the city.  i- i# }) ~% L: _0 d* Z

0 v6 |: ^+ ]$ X3 WThe graphics are just beautiful (if fairly static), and create a dreamy atmosphere as you explore the various pavilions, palaces, workshops, throne rooms, and burial chambers that make up the world of Qin.3 N' N+ ~1 a* {0 m1 i
9 b# ], z3 b. i8 L/ ^
6 ?3 e, O7 x/ v
The mysteries in the game are driven by Chinese history, philosophy and folklore, and this content is presented with a great deal of finesse and intelligence. It was quite enjoyable to wind my way through the poetry, symbols, sayings and stories that filled this world. There are some adventure gamers who may not like the idea being subjected to “educational” content while playing a game. I am not of that persuasion. If the information is presented compellingly, intriguingly, compellingly – I am quite happy to go along for the ride. In fact, playing educational games can have unexpected benefits. I find that whenever I see a movie now that deals with ancient Egypt or the ancient Mayan culture, because I’ve played so many games that deal with these cultures, I am watching with slightly more educated eyes. Sitting through the new version of The Mummy recently, for example, I was delighted to realize I understood who some of the statuary represented, as well as some of the symbols. This would not have been true at all before my discovery of adventure games.
- m4 l2 f) U0 l" @! A
( `: U7 s1 Z/ m/ J2 L6 Y8 LThis is not a game for someone in the mood for muscular puzzle solving. The puzzles are, for the most part, pretty mild stuff – logical, straightforward, and very tied to the textual material. One exception is a badly designed puzzle involving a sort of combination lock. This stinker is difficult, not because its a devilishly clever challenge or anything, but because the designers made a fundamental mistake – the combination is based on compass directions that are actually incorrect! This sort of thing gets me pretty irritated. It’s like a musical puzzle that only works when you use the WRONG notes (hello, Golden Gate!).
" i. }/ T  E' b" G4 e3 F; B/ i$ r$ D
By the end of the game, you have of course put the elixir of life back together, and you then have a fateful decision to make: what to do with it? Happily, the game provides three well-thought out endings based on your possible choices.
3 P2 e; J9 O  R
( @$ t# U' `" {& }6 iCONCLUSION
: A" T# Y' \* ]! L7 Y
/ h8 W1 Z; j" L' [( d' @# A) ^The music in the game is excellent and contributes greatly to the intoxicating mood.$ z6 M3 m/ ?- J8 J7 V) ?4 A) U

1 ~# X! d0 H; Q+ t3 \2 T! @Also the game is very short, being one of only two games I’ve ever finished in a single day. This is not necessarily a criticism. The main reason my friend and I finished it in one day is that it was so compelling we couldn’t quit playing it!
# G+ E8 V# m8 c1 S* f# Q  `$ I5 j0 k" s5 \
I would recommend Qin for its lovely, mysterious atmosphere, intriguing content, beautiful graphics and compelling (if easy) puzzles.
3 a; e7 ^, L" _! c7 S) k, z9 o% D) L, h8 f2 Y
The graphics are beautiful, the music entertaining and the content educational. The game is too short and easy with one really bad puzzle, but Qin is a nice dreamy, leisurely escape that I would recommend to anyone interested in the subject matter.
作者: soring123    时间: 2007-8-28 08:50
这一个不是在紫禁城 发生在紫禁城王宫的 有2个作品
作者: michaelzhang    时间: 2007-8-28 15:00
多谢39楼 , 辛苦了  我去找找看哪有下!
作者: karl    时间: 2007-8-29 10:42
作者: soring123    时间: 2007-8-29 11:09
LS的 逃亡2
作者: 邪恶小白兔    时间: 2007-9-3 13:01
室内场景:细节丰富精致的环境(类似NIBIRU里的),最好整洁而有阳光& `6 y2 W: ~' G; c& J8 V! H: A
室外场景:未来都市,清新开阔的自然,古代遗迹,飞行物坠落现场……4 y$ L; @, y' a

" H! v! b$ B- L. x& n不喜欢很阴暗破落的室内场景或者下水道、矿坑之类的地方
作者: kya    时间: 2007-9-3 13:04
像神秘岛或者神秘之旅那样与世隔绝的。最好能有古希腊的残垣断壁,至少能有点古典和永恒的气息。Nibiru中的玛雅神殿不错,尽管那种建筑风格我大喜欢;Barrow Hill中的那个被遗忘的有着凯尔特十字架的修道院不错,还附有一张记录下时间之沧桑的古老的钢笔素描。
作者: soring123    时间: 2007-9-3 13:24
作者: 福兰克    时间: 2007-9-4 23:05
作者: nightmare    时间: 2007-9-6 12:04
作者: pigleter    时间: 2007-10-27 19:17
作者: cnmdb    时间: 2007-11-1 13:19
还是希望有人气的地方,那种寂寥无人的环境不喜欢。0 @1 q5 [& r7 R' Y
作者: ttt_701120    时间: 2008-1-10 12:38
作者: qianlong    时间: 2008-1-10 12:58
作者: jeremy18    时间: 2008-1-10 13:02
作者: lidiki    时间: 2008-1-14 00:38
引用第2楼柠檬2099于2007-08-21 13:42发表的  :
" P, N# f# ~; m4 e" `$ A6 a; V我喜欢以现代化的都市作为背景的avg
, p& @, O; @2 O阴谋,陷阱,追杀,最后揭开谜底2 R, G) w6 Q* t" B# G+ j7 v. W
既充满了悬念+ ]' w3 l6 @" R
同时又有紧张刺激的火爆场景最好4 Z5 \! ^- `/ @/ f9 h* r2 W) W
当然,CG火爆就行了,游戏不需要 [s:2]

: ]6 L: R9 B5 l
: h+ ]8 z+ C; P8 w  m6 m你去玩《银翼杀手》好了,包你满意
作者: linjing1978    时间: 2008-1-14 11:24
很萧条的场景,像美国开发西部时的小镇,核爆过后的城市之类的,只有玩家一人还有少许的生存者。6 Q+ Z% n; M$ c6 T9 c# O

; e! A5 E1 J  w2 Y跟着就是医院,刷的很白的墙壁。各种各样的房间。
+ j$ h4 {5 S8 G7 g7 z7 y+ Z1 I6 n7 W7 l  h
作者: gjg214607    时间: 2008-10-18 01:13
作者: blagoon    时间: 2008-10-18 04:07
偏好古文明,科幻类' P8 f" n5 ?% w
% _( R. a# E' T0 W9 k一个人到处乱摸,感觉太爽了
作者: tiramisu8844    时间: 2008-10-18 05:34
作者: hopecloud    时间: 2008-10-18 10:23
作者: 三生石    时间: 2008-10-18 10:48
引用第57楼blagoon于2008-10-18 04:07发表的  :6 `& f) @: j5 F9 W5 W
5 j/ U8 W9 K* ~最好就是一人没有,与世隔绝的,如神秘岛之流
4 Y' S( `5 K' @, L$ n一个人到处乱摸,感觉太爽了
: w* B1 [5 X& C& M  c6 h
. g/ r) z3 t7 y有几个被推崇备至的游戏,因为场景昏暗,我都半途而废了。所以我才发现自己还是喜欢有明媚场景出现的游戏,而且要有npc。比如逃亡,断剑,犯罪故事什么的。。。
作者: 000ovo    时间: 2008-10-18 12:00
: W6 p1 T* ?& J# o/ D; K其实因为电视剧的关系,也很喜欢犯罪现场的那种感觉,但是总觉得尸体太过血腥,所以还是算了。
# k. C# o  B% b不喜欢太解密游戏里有太血腥的画面,恐怖的可以接受。
作者: jobwkg    时间: 2008-10-18 14:21
作者: derro    时间: 2008-10-18 15:31
作者: alljillcindy    时间: 2008-10-18 16:02
封闭的环境  古堡  警察局
作者: 000ovo    时间: 2008-10-18 22:36
作者: ravenna    时间: 2008-10-25 08:52

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