

楼主: habit
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发表于 2007-12-8 16:25 | 只看该作者
8 S8 Y1 w* `, g. J$ L7 VNow that's a good idea!3 m# Q5 C7 W: `* f
现在这是个好主意!. |/ V* {% Z  [/ N
It's a medicine to prevent plague.1 y+ X( [3 K5 ?! Y" m# }
这是一种预防瘟疫的药.6 k1 h, \! a- N
It's a medicine to prevent plague.
0 A" S' |$ K2 c( l: y% E  L) z这是一种预防瘟疫的药.2 N& G& ^( U4 \% J* l# r6 z
Here, it's a powder you burn, which was specially prepared by my father. It acts as a stimulant.
$ u1 Y; M% |. ~1 w烧伤你的粉末,是我父亲特制的,有点刺激.. q& _( I9 f. X
Here, it's a powder you burn, which was specially prepared by my father. It acts as a stimulant.
* C$ g+ _7 f$ w& {) }6 M烧伤你的粉末,是我父亲特制的,有点刺激.# k& f8 Z- J/ ~
Thanks very much./ a) |+ u) k, Q. {4 d  g
) I3 t; M: d7 ?5 MNo, find something else.
4 B7 u8 i, t1 N不,找到一些其它东西
* S" U" l# a5 ^; L) U( Z5 `If you want an answer to your questions, don't forget to pay off your bet!
' K' ?6 H7 A. |$ W如果你想得到答案,不要忘了付清赌债
  P8 L3 ^( S8 v- g8 t: e7 ]* RThis day is likely to be a long one. I will to have to show my father that I am worthy of the task he has entrusted me with. To begin, I have to slip into my brother's skin.% u6 c* J. M9 }! H% P/ _7 o
这是漫长的一天。我必须让我父亲觉得,我值得他分派任务给我。直到开始,我都必须穿着我兄弟的外壳。/ T1 ~2 `0 }8 g
I need something to get down.
+ Z6 X9 A7 l1 I; O我需要东西来写下来
0 N3 p8 }; ]1 T) Z2 F# a# jVery well, but if I win, you'll answer my questions.8 n0 d/ Z' A; J7 l8 J5 ~7 m7 n. y
好极了,但如果我赢了,你要回答我的问题。2 K6 U% `2 _; D: O
) J$ s$ @! U! b' r) w声音
0 n) S- P) q. FSecond floor
0 N% E' s. o6 S( K! G  z6 {二楼
+ D5 h4 V8 Q3 [8 G4 x( o1 r) DGround floor
$ z0 `% j* o- q: R0 n9 ?一楼- o% j% i+ a2 B9 a# e
There's something I must clarify first. I've found some symbols, and I'm convinced I can translate them.
: T# e1 b: C/ Y, d有些东西我需要事先说明一下.我找到了一些符号,并且我确信我能够翻译出它们.' J: r2 L$ B5 O, ^
My father seems to have decided to get back to work. But his mobile of the solar system needs a little restoring. It has to be balanced to function properly.* \  }# W4 k0 `- r+ Y4 P
- L3 U! |, Q6 t* o: y  l. M5 O* H0 jToo late!) l& G3 [- q# R- r' ^
太迟了!2 ?8 n! l7 W3 x% j
A quatrain by my father and a macabre series that might prefigure the death of one of the members of the Royal Family... Quite a package!
1 |0 ]4 ~" n! `& \我父亲写的这首诗以死亡为主题,它预示着一个皇室成员的死亡.
  j( }# Q0 C7 S5 }$ Z( g& \Things To Do% x' n0 j" N8 c% q5 i& Q
/ j) }) X: i1 X# ^1 m- The librarian was found dead this morning. I have to inspect the scene of the crime and the body of the poor man.
! X% ]$ N; `% ?0 g1 o7 y) G& }今早发现图书管理员死了.我必须去检查下现场和这个可怜人的尸体.$ ?; g) D; C! q  K8 Y) V
- The notes of the Queen's scribe are succinct, but they could put me on a trail. Take the time to examine them. ( \7 I+ M; H5 N) f9 w7 G7 o
女王抄写员的笔记很简单,但它们能带来一点线索. 我要花点时间分析它们.
( [; ~, R4 Q7 w- Philibert must have had a place to store his things. Investigate this further. * D0 @* x1 _7 ?$ C6 n& r
Philibert肯定有个地方来放他的东西.要作进一步调查; `9 S- L9 R/ P" t2 V
- Find the clothes and accessories that will allow me to pose as C閟ar.3 `( _2 x) e5 w$ x
寻找衣服和其他一些东西来伪装成凯撒.. D8 e* Y2 w/ @' a. L1 i; J8 ^
- Prepare a colored cream so as to complete my disguise, and give it to my father.5 e: y" C! Z+ r4 q( S; g8 N
2 M& N% P) n! V( W- Review my astrology basics by working on the horoscope of Queen Catherine: the symbols of the planets and the astrological signs, the casting and interpretation of a chart.4 D9 M. q9 |: U$ B- ]" U( b% D
回顾一下我关于凯瑟琳女王的星象的基本情况: 行星符号,占星术的征兆,图表的计算和解释
2 T8 x0 y3 w6 u" o2 d5 C( ^/ e- Exercise my voice
7 j! h- W0 x( k4 z$ d! z/ |1 b 练习我的声音" n$ N# Z& M1 O0 Q
Madeleine9 L/ H- ]; E9 k, [1 ]9 E) {
1 u2 H8 G4 o  H( z5 y: FC閟ar
; F7 @. ~7 P4 H3 b凯撒* k0 u% a! @# A: [9 R: z' j
Catherine de Medicis6 n4 P$ u) b1 R0 l9 H0 p
凯瑟琳 梅第奇
3 h& [7 `! ?! k0 V, s" D/ c6 AThe Scribe2 a3 K0 t) a7 x/ M
; D" {2 ]) ?% b+ v) `! B/ {' ~& t5 }4 V& Y8 u

) h  i/ {8 O) s" g! r: ]0 o; Y不好意思 这几天有点事 迟了点
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发表于 2007-12-8 16:35 | 只看该作者
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发表于 2007-12-9 11:07 | 只看该作者
1600--1733; Y' g, ^  @/ I! y7 r
Constance.! @9 O* P: {* W0 o2 z2 Q
% H7 h$ f" z$ `1 Y) i' h) W4 cJean-Aim?% x0 e9 Q! d4 D
. F, d% z4 z, [# D! ~# [We'll see if the future proves you right, my girl.
  w/ Q3 C) x5 I2 L; q+ K我们拭目以待吧,我的女儿。
: y4 |* v; Y' O: h  [# P# BIn the meantime, I have something to ask you.
6 a7 s- s2 r3 I9 P8 T$ R7 b& T0 R同时,我有些事要问你。
( i4 ]. n. }# z3 gEverything is just like in my dream.2 @% b6 U4 F% @4 t% w" m0 A/ J
一切和我梦中所见都一样。+ L6 @/ @" u# c( J% L$ E
I have the feeling Philibert led me here so I'd translate those transcriptions.
. ^1 ^3 |- @* C) J我感觉是菲利布特引领我到这来翻译那些抄写。+ E3 n7 p# p; }2 R
Perhaps it contains some of the librarian's things.9 c) t$ a& E3 [" d2 n5 ]& S
0 e7 ]) }) @$ l7 p7 o3 lMaybe Philibert's things.
( G% l; |4 a- [* b2 ~也许是菲利布特的东西。
' V6 |* k5 Z4 {# w2 {Looks like another volume of the Astronomia Magna. But it's empty, someone must have been here before me.
* C4 O: K* }& J1 v  U看上去象是另一册“埃斯乔纳米亚 玛格纳”。不过,里面是空的,有人捷足先登了。7 q  |% H6 \5 a  A+ s: \/ W
Unless I made a mistake.
' D$ s! c9 c! V6 P7 D除非我的判断有误。2 i" j2 L" ]2 L8 P  {
The only way to be sure is to find another volume.( p; n6 g& G$ z- Y5 N
6 X) I7 A0 N. }  e/ S# P; JAnd for that, a little more light wouldn't hurt.: P) |, u5 T# g/ W3 f& m
为了方便寻找,亮一点的照明没什么害处。( m$ U" }; w* _0 z7 f  N  A
This volume is empty, but I've still got two more to find.
) s$ O6 v9 p9 ?! M7 Q0 S  v5 y. a这一册是空的,我还要找到另两册。
6 b/ k  o$ C9 [2 E( [: JThis volume is empty, but Book 2 might contain a message.9 u$ F: z# @( v) b& q& N& g
这一册是空的,但第二册可能带有信息。" ]+ E8 t; D6 H( P4 ]2 j
No message from Philibert in this book, but I still have a volume of the Astronomia to find.
" i3 T5 }3 b& h; T' ?9 G这本书里没有菲利布特的信息,我还有一册要找到。) c  d0 e, N4 P- B
And here's Book 2!
9 z: W% @1 U& A( {" ^6 u这是第二册!
1 l  V: k  A' Y2 L+ n& C# Q. jBook 2 of the Astronomia Magna!
# t7 r+ o) k* {第二册“埃斯乔纳米亚 玛格纳”!$ i% R$ C) c$ p
I knew my father was right: Philibert's message didn't concern a single book.
# C8 `+ D( \* R7 j# T$ _我知道父亲是对的:菲利布特的信息不只是在一本书内。5 z/ b" v3 _5 G2 K; R) G: C. |+ A
I just have to find the last book of the Astronomia Magna.
: [1 U: X* V) M6 {  ^4 y0 L, r* {我只要找到最后一本“埃斯乔纳米亚 玛格纳”。! M6 ]9 \9 Q: ~0 g
Is anyone there?4 z: v% W/ ?3 g+ ]7 d( m
那有人吗?; g+ b& E+ t6 V: i$ U
I'd better not dawdle here, there's no point in everybody discovering this place!- g" Y; _4 `3 _  w) z1 z+ q& ~
5 t, P0 c: X. fI wonder if it's best for me to see Chavigny as C閟ar or as myself?: |) |5 h  L9 V4 u- Q$ i1 Y6 r, A
不知道我应该以塞萨的身份还是我自己的身份去见契乌尼?( j% e8 I+ z1 e' P: S
There's nothing more to be found in the writing desk, but perhaps Jean-Aim?has left some other interesting things around.
0 t0 a# E5 O1 g/ b) ^4 ^' R& `写字台里没什么线索了,不过吉恩埃姆可能遗留了一些有趣的东西在周围。+ n  E) `8 [9 ]1 F4 e: R
Tongs+ @" ^# E# J% a9 F5 ^
" K5 R" _4 P, A2 {. B5 lWire cutters# u4 s/ O" ]' A: ~( P& w
$ t+ b- |! `+ [  o' s( @6 T- A/ F, o: MSledgehammer
; p$ g7 n1 D$ `9 S7 R# j大锤
& h( G$ f4 m- e: H# x3 N' oSunday, March 31, 1566
3 \) s  [) u9 b# O周日,三月31,1566/ a& M# V9 i. r9 J0 c+ ^7 u
I must not have set the counter right.
6 m" _* ]% I) H6 [/ }6 D/ j我肯定设错计数器了。
3 O! g4 V& \; E/ _First I should verify the positions of the different planets.8 D3 S  _/ x! @4 a2 v; C- I$ o
2 A9 m6 M4 r* y" k* dI'll see to that later.
& Z( b; A- |8 f& d3 V我以后再注意那个。
# m( d9 @5 j3 O7 G  F7 cThis isn't useful anymore.
! n/ X# f* n' ~* N这不再起作用了。
5 ?. V) S' @8 v# D2 oThere's no point, the position seems correct to me.
0 n) |: q' G5 @: w$ ~没理由,我觉得位置是对的。% B7 B1 Q) `% Z2 S
Not yet.( e0 i) f- k" k' }+ _( T; J
还没有。1 E' |7 x4 `8 ^6 }1 z1 H
I have to restore the mobile. It has to be in balance to function correctly.% @' ?3 a% R" M% ?7 L* v- g. H9 I2 S
我得修复活动装置。它只有在平衡状态下才能正常运作。9 Z% c! i# `  l: ~3 C1 k$ p
Not yet.) ~8 w8 K' g7 A4 D0 w
还没有。% R- a) T( h! I, q  `+ I
It's magnificent, Madeleine, don't you think so?
4 \: e4 e& b3 q* q! s1 C它很华丽,玛德琳,你也这么认为吗?
0 N9 r. Z/ o$ FI must say you don't disappoint me, young lady! You really do good work. Go rest now. You've certainly deserved it, and I actually need to be alone for a bit.. a. V3 ?; F7 C7 {
我得说你没让我失望,年轻的女士!你干的不错。去休息吧。这是你该得的,而我需要一个人待一会儿。0 e! @. l- M3 W& Q( B# p
Father, do you believe that the deceased talk to us? I mean, do you think it's them who let you glimpse the future?
1 [5 S3 d' E5 N2 m4 E5 s父亲,你相信死者能和我说话吗?我的意思是,你认为是他们让你可以看见未来吗?) Z7 a/ |9 y( h
No, God alone knows the future. Of course, vast knowledge of the universe sometimes allows us to understand its rules and orientations, as I do, but not the dead. Those are just superstitions!
3 p% O+ H& M3 \5 Z8 q" q8 d4 x不,只有上帝才能知道未来。当然,广博的知识有时会让我们了解事物发展的规律和倾向性,就像我所作的,而不是死者。那些只是迷信!3 g% j8 R: x. b- k
Well, then, how do you explain that I found ancient symbols in a gallery under the chateau, which, when translated, correspond word for word with the two quatrains you wrote?) O. ~6 H$ o$ _2 ^/ S/ F
+ h0 j" Z& V! ?; e6 F' OThis isn't a good time. It'd be better to follow his advice and make myself a herbal tea before I go to sleep.
4 z5 r# Q4 y, f8 I8 T, j# l* [- k不是时候。最好遵循他的建议,给我自己弄杯草药茶,然后睡觉。. m! K4 @( w  W. u7 M4 y3 V1 u5 @+ t
Brandy! If the guard emptied this today, it's not surprising he allowed himself to be stabbed without reacting./ T  O$ q1 W. O5 Z0 g- r% y; c
7 D8 f) {% d' g! g3 hThe blade that killed the guard surely came from here.+ h3 b$ S+ Z8 b6 l7 K% y
杀了守卫的短剑肯定是从这拿的。8 e, J* z1 t8 c  q- S" [) D
This is surely the weapon that killed the guard.
3 |' Q& f0 \" E2 r6 n6 A这肯定是用来杀守卫的武器。
+ g) J" U. y' W( m5 fThe killer must have been very cool to come here and put it back in its place.
5 E7 H8 I. ]- j1 C# v+ }/ J  n5 Z凶手一定很冷静地来这,并把它放回原位。: M+ X; X. a$ C# D1 h1 |; u2 }
It's much too clean, compared to the others." o' e1 B* i4 `4 w
' v9 j$ P: C" S/ `: F$ l/ z" _Night on the court shall fall,    And twelve times catastrophe will toll.    Each sign, one by one into the tomb will roll,    When the seal by my queen is released from thrall.
! H/ t( G! c9 g+ J2 t% ]6 F黑夜将坠入皇宫,十二次灾难将敲响钟声。每一个征兆,依次地晃动墓穴,当女王的封印从束缚中解开。) l; M) ^: ^$ k) M
A thousand treasures in their fall revealed,    In a secret place concealed,    Of which when the power of light increases,    In this temple, to chaste eyes, the invisibility ceases.1 q* x' y$ K7 m0 F
无数财宝显露,在一处隐蔽秘密的地方,光的力量被增强,在这神庙里,圣洁的双眼能洞察一切。5 Y* p+ F% V* m! s' c& j
Date of birth: December 14, 1553, at 1:30 AM at Pau
# j, e# v+ k8 |6 N# p0 |生日:十二月14,1553,于1:30AM在波城
9 r. E" b8 `5 [! I2 uSun at 2?Capricorn    Ascendant at 18?Libra    Mercury at 6?Capricorn    Mars at 16?Capricorn
' Q# b# R- ?9 o. H: k% ^太阳在2?摩羯座    运星在18?天秤座   水星在6?摩羯座    火星在16?摩羯座
2 d7 X/ R& A# j/ y9 wMoon at 26?Aries    Venus at 24?Scorpio    Jupiter at 4?Libra    Saturn at 10?Pisces
0 H3 u$ D1 }# P3 e月亮在26?白羊座   金星在24?天蝎座   木星在4?天秤座    土星在10?双鱼座; Q$ w! ?7 y4 g6 j
Celtic sanctuaries were often built around deep shafts, connected with the kingdom of the dead: the Sidhe. It was certainly from this proximity that the ancient ones drew their divinatory power. Those who practiced it were mostly the more learned men, the mages, or very young women.    According to legend, the Sidhe is underground. I found a very ancient gallery under the chateau which leads to a wall covered with symbols I have not yet deciphered. But I am certain that an entrance to the world of Sidhe is nearby. Beyond my interest in history, I have the feeling that I am being summoned. Something - or someone - expects from me something terrifying beyond my reckoning.
7 R! O! i- a$ W凯尔特圣所常常围绕地下支柱而建,象征着亡者的国度:Sidhe。从这里,远古的人们汲取他们的占卜能力。能汲取这力量的大多是学识渊博的人,巫师,或是非常年轻的女士。 根据传说,Sidhe在地下。我在城堡下方发现了一条古老的地道,它通向一堵刻有我还没翻译好的奇怪符号的墙。但我肯定通向Sidhe的入口就在附近。除了对历史的兴趣之外,我有种感觉我正在被召唤。什么东西,或什么人对我给予了超乎寻常的期望。6 L. ~! q  j0 w4 q8 l! H6 g
I was astonished to discover that many legends dating back to the Celtic people are still heard today. Without realizing it, we are blending Christian myths with others of pagan origin.    In the area, I heard several people speak of an underground realm where sojourn the dead who have not found peace. It is some sort of purgatory, where the deceased await justice and sometimes demand vengeance by speaking to the living through their dreams.
6 _1 @) B6 e0 l; B7 [6 A/ d& y我惊讶于很多凯尔特人的古老传说至今仍有耳闻。在证实前,我们会把基督神话与异教起源混淆在一起。 在这一地区,我曾听几个人说起有个地下王国,那里能让得不到安宁的亡灵逗留。象是某种炼狱,亡者在那里等待审判,有时候他们也会通过梦境同活着的人们说话,寻求复仇。
0 d# j! P7 j6 kAt last a night without bad dreams. Hopefully, that means a day that'll be less macabre than the previous ones. Unless it's just the effect of the potion...
, x, n" t% S/ x; u( `9 p9 O终于过了个没有恶梦的夜晚。有希望,那意味着今天会比前一天少一些死亡主题。除非这只是药物的作用。。。; `3 e( ^( S8 O* ]1 Z1 O; d
That dream again... I should've drunk herbal tea, that might have helped me avoid another macabre night.- _4 M/ a) x: h% V; [$ p* [  C
又是那个梦。我应该喝草药茶的,那也许会帮我避开另一个恐怖夜晚。7 `% i3 l, _, _
What are you saying?
1 ~3 O  g$ x* m. l4 T" k你说什么?
  d3 y2 u) }" m, z2 @I'm saying there's a power here that's beyond us, which inspired the two quatrains at the root of this story. I'm also referring to Philibert, who talks to me in my dreams. I don't understand what's expected of me, and that's frightening!
6 I8 [8 b% `: u9 e2 @  B我在说有一股力量笼罩着我们,它利用两首预言诗引导出整个事件。我也认为,在我梦中和我说话的菲利布特也与此有关。我不明白被寄予了怎样的期望,这让我非常恐惧!
9 W3 x6 L7 c2 M8 dCalm down, Madeleine, I'm quite certain nothing will happen to you. Continue doing what you think is right, the key cannnot be elsewhere.0 ?; L& }' K! ~+ N, I( x" e- h
& O9 m' a& Z, @" F  M- ^Go on to bed now, and make yourself some eucalyptus tea; that will keep your bad dreams at bay. As for me, I'll try to understand what this destiny is that you must follow.0 c; x8 h; I' a; V1 L2 Z& A
9 _2 i' F# H; y0 mFather was right, the scribe is still alive.& ?' q/ O* T4 `
父亲是对的,教士还活着。* q" t( A  c8 V1 L0 M" A( X
I'd better be careful, I might be one of his next victims.+ h4 ^; N  N1 J, B( Z3 _, a
我最好小心点,我可能成为他的下一个受害者。: l% D1 k5 i* o, l, Q* j$ E, G
Madeleine, I'm delighted to see you again! Come closer.
! {/ v7 n, O! z玛德琳,真高兴又见到你!过来些。9 t& h+ J$ X% I0 p) B% F" J
Come in, C閟ar.5 \/ r" ]6 |  c% ?# o% Y# G( e
进来,塞萨。  K8 C7 |( Y/ u; N
Ouch!5 V2 d' X6 G! Y. L( V! x
( g9 Z! {& A9 Z* s1 Y4 D1 hThe gallery risks collapsing, I'd do best not to stay!: o! A4 K: g( d9 Q6 M. J: y
2 i- Q9 J+ {( C, a( kAmusing, even if it is a bit heavy-handed!/ Y5 z$ V- I% U& m; r
7 A/ J2 @2 L8 m( k  f$ NHenry of Navarre, born December 14, 1553, at 1:30 AM in Pau% E6 p9 o+ H7 N) n
纳瓦拉的亨利,生于十二月14,1553,1:30AM于波城 & v6 N" E7 M/ e; z# e0 `# _
Moon at 26?Aries    Mercury at 6?Capricorn    Venus at 24?Scorpio
' {; I+ w' B9 ~' [3 P6 f# r月亮在26?白羊座   水星在6?摩羯座    金星在24?天蝎座9 s+ W" J* H% |. j
Mars at 16?Capricorn    Jupiter at 4?Libra    Saturn at 10?Pisces+ E/ p2 o- A+ N1 w% g
火星在16?摩羯座   木星在4?天秤座    土星在10?双鱼座
4 O$ ^# D" f7 |3 N( v2 DIt's time to pay a visit on Constance. I still haven't brought her the aphrodisiac  potion.9 u+ o2 m, t5 f9 z3 C* Z
: b& D% U& f9 Y5 c& sNot now. No need for Chavigny to know of the existence of this place.- {- J1 o! {6 M9 {4 l& G
不是现在。没必要让契乌尼知道这地方。  Q8 A( Z/ M% e* j0 j
My dress is going to get in the way., F! T; S0 S) b* ^$ M  W  L
9 v1 a, `/ p! vThe door is closed, and, anyway, I have other priorities.& h0 \. C/ U5 a+ \3 ]% d
+ a; J8 D7 Q6 \: C# B& cI haven't got the aphrodisiac she wanted!
5 V/ s4 P: R1 n- G+ J. |( p我没有她要的春药!% j/ Z; J- W. d9 M
Wait a second! Looks like there's something written on the back of the stone.: U- x% W3 ^, T9 B: {! j
. O4 N' t8 j: K# R' I6 V9 o3 YThis parchment's been almost completely erased. I have to understand what it was about.
9 `! d, ?+ k- V9 l3 p6 q% U# X纸上的内容几乎被擦掉了。我得弄懂它的意思。
5 _( I, n4 w$ d5 w. g$ v, kPhilibert had understood the meaning of the five symbols engraved on the stone I found in his things. He must have noted it somewhere else.6 v  @8 f: P  ^
菲利布特理解石头上所刻的五个符号的含义。他一定纪录在什么地方。: ^7 S8 ]' V: s
: \' i: h0 }. ^TOMB
1 t0 L0 q+ b$ ]+ k3 `9 g... under the scriptorium...    ... five symbols, but to understand them all, I'm missing a key: certainly a disk concerning their alphabet... precise order... ... different rotation of the two disks... a sequence, a manipulation that is always the same.
, T% h! p4 q5 [4 Q: S8 M; X  `。。。在写字间下方。。。 。。。五个符号,不过要想理解所有的内容,我还缺一个关键信息:一个他们的字母圆盘表。。。按准确的顺序。。。。。。两圆盘旋转不同角度。。。顺序操作往往都一样。 
3 I8 z/ j: M2 [" E1 G0 lIt can't be! These are exactly the quatrains Father wrote!  k* {' p- w; b# S% L# l8 f
不可能!这正是父亲的预言诗!' J: j, I0 }* c$ @0 f
Heavy weight
4 q0 _( o" \9 ^0 V大砝码( I7 B' q& `  W. j* X2 U
Medium weight
7 Y8 j* I1 b2 |+ k中砝码
( J, [8 {& r. m4 f0 A5 tSmall weight
8 B  Y8 w% A! f  X0 B4 I0 ?小砝码
- W' r9 t- @% h% X& cSatellite! m, _! j3 B: A) X' ]
卫星) h/ d0 @7 Y6 Q% {5 C( F0 a# p! C$ \
Rings7 x8 J7 s7 h7 H

1 Q: c% W9 m7 Q0 g* w; k; K% m' Z"TOMB"
( _* S. \, \) d2 J, ^“TOMB”4 M& r/ a7 T8 i( o) U) r) d
Medallion& m# d" n* c! b, n% m( W7 _
8 W8 v- O2 L; o! n8 d3 B& c. ?Hello, dear.
* ^( y( e  F0 n4 l$ l7 b" C8 R% O喂,亲爱的。
8 F3 c* |- ]' V& w2 H* KIncense Powder to Induce Hypnosis
" R$ y9 S) V0 H$ R& c催眠熏粉
5 K! K9 N( O3 ~* a. |6 @' CMix swallowwort, fenugreek, and absinthe, all three ground to a powder.( d; x: v" j+ I" }( p0 T  l
3 B+ E& X0 s. `3 f; ~/ |Heat together:    - Wine    - Sage    - Cinnamon    - Pepper    - Ginger    - Honey    To finish, add some powdered mandrake root to facilitate access to a state of hypnosis.- C: p' T, y0 P5 x
一起加热:   -葡萄酒-鼠尾草-肉桂     -胡椒粉    -生姜     -蜂蜜 完成前,加入曼陀罗根的粉末来促进催眠作用。5 u5 H8 y4 k# O# L3 {# l
Incense Powder Against the Plague
, y4 \* [- Z% K# }对付瘟疫的熏粉4 U+ L  P9 C; Y6 e0 Q/ t
Blend:    - Powdered cypress wood, orris, and aloe    - Cloves    - Juice of red rose petals    - Musk    - Finish with ambergris, ^7 P$ k  e6 b8 D2 E1 R4 X4 Q3 g: A- F
混合: -柏木,鸢尾草,芦荟的粉末           -丁香     -红玫瑰花汁          -麝香 -结束前加入龙涎香
0 l7 @8 L, Y, d& N, w# }  |4 RGarlic Vinegar  V. G* h6 B# c5 r
# Y: x, G3 [5 uA mixture of vinegar and crushed garlic.    No heat required.
8 [. a  q( F5 w, E1 w蒜粉和醋的混合物。               无须加热。
, \* E+ W3 R# x# r3 MBlend together and heat the following ingredients:    - Iron filings    - Sparrow blood    - Musk    - Cinnamon    - Clove    - Sweet mulled wine    - Sugar    - Powdered aloe    - Nutmeg    - Iris illyrica root    To finish, add mandrake berries, then some ambergris.   
$ g' q% m3 d' K+ v# w/ k混合并加热以下配料:                  -铁屑     -麻雀血    -麝香 -肉桂     -丁香 -精炼甜葡萄酒     -糖  -芦荟粉末   -肉豆蔻    -鸢尾草根       结束前,加入曼陀罗浆果,然后是龙涎香。   
9 d2 n, `7 P3 I* TGood morning, Father.
' ]5 J) I1 B9 m3 Y早安,父亲。
1 d6 B4 o/ s: V* H9 k5 ~Did you dream again?; T% F# d0 |1 J7 K8 X) E
又作梦了吗?( w! H) _& E, j; {
No, the herbal tea you suggested did its job.
- S  B/ I( u& Q8 I$ h% H% D5 V没有,你建议的草药茶起作用了。$ t& J4 _' Y. D0 C2 H1 g9 f
Perfect, you're going to need all your energy today.3 S: L+ E- Q0 ~, z) N* Z! J
太好了,今天你会需要你全部的精力。' d( W4 ~; g* R3 q, @9 q6 P
Yes, still the same dream.
( J, t4 A2 a# Y是的,还是同一个梦。" I! y: ~8 u. z3 \" x  t! s: k
Did you find anything interesting?5 x. f: F6 t+ P5 z/ i! `
) i* K- P# O; h# z3 |7 sJust as you thought, the danger hanging over the royal family most certainly concerns the young Henry of Navarre.
+ F3 O* M+ N# E. b6 v6 S0 q! V同你想的一样,皇室的危险主要和纳瓦拉王国的亨利有关。
2 n) k* R. d) s8 z7 z, z3 m! HThe predictions I wrote down about this year didn't evoke a curse, but they weren't particularly positive either./ G) e. i/ ^- o2 U
+ k: O# t. a- ?) A( h0 {/ {7 J, c( DAnd given the events that are occurring, they've taken on a whole new meaning.
" [$ {+ C( Q& z1 d7 G对于正在发生的事件,它们被赋予了全新的含意。6 t$ _* K. _3 a3 _
What do you mean?
& V) p+ }" T9 ~* F/ u1 I你指什么?0 K/ M+ B+ _7 z. Y
"Amongst people dissension, brutal enmity. War. Death of great princes..."
4 X8 U& h& c! F. ?. A“在人民的纷争中,可怕的憎恨,战争,伟大王子的死亡。。。”
/ v$ @* ^+ Q9 R" y5 T8 VBut Henry isn't the Prince!
% N  I' B& k& F, d可亨利不是王子!
+ }0 ?% O& M/ ]1 P# H4 k: F$ ]/ GYes, he is. He's the Prince of Navarre, but that's not the problem. Predictions are written to be interpreted and not considered simple truths.4 O+ h7 H8 Q) F1 @
不,他是的。他是纳瓦拉王国的王子,但问题不在这。预言并不是指简单的事实,它需要被仔细诠释。9 e4 }: Q8 Z! c7 }' U' a
Imagine the danger they could represent!
- T6 G3 x2 Z2 z6 {% Z  o: r3 {6 c设想一下它们所代表的危险!3 ]# z- r& H8 I$ O4 u: q) n
What do I have to do?6 S8 R5 [% g7 c# o9 t) L
1 X( Q+ ]9 a; DI don't know, Daughter. This time, I'm afraid I have no answer to offer you. According to my observations, you alone might possess one.! g( t4 [5 L6 s
我不知道,女儿。现在,我恐怕没有答案给你。根据我的观测,你自己可以掌控局势。! @2 N; O6 t2 b6 v( O% L/ {
I don't understand.
' c1 ?9 A- e+ I2 Q" ^我不明白。$ l- ?. l7 G' S: n
Shortly before Catherine de Medicis arrived, I felt weak. If it hadn't been for that, I would never have sent you off on such an adventure!
, R4 y$ V& f" n* `/ k( y1 A就在凯瑟琳德美第奇到来前一刻,我感觉到很虚弱。假如当时不是这种情况,我是绝不会让你去冒险的!* L4 V8 ^$ y% d# n
But today I feel that it was supposed to happen that way. No one is prisoner of a destiny written  in the stars, but some people bear in themselves extraordinary stories and destinies. However this story concludes, you will have an essential role to play in it before the end of the day. - W. |3 y7 r9 U8 O: y
但今天,我感到这是命运的故意安排。没人该成为星象天命的囚徒,但有些人却勇于承担他们的特殊使命。无论故事的结局如何,你将扮演举足轻重的角色,在今天结束前。 2 L- Z3 e. f( B& N- j1 l2 X
I worked on your chart again last night, and a recurring figure asserted itself, as if it had kept vigil on your destiny since your birth, and especially today. It's a pentagram. You'll find out how pregnant with meaning this symbol is.  Z5 _! o% M: t* O
$ U/ g( i* Q7 s+ n- e+ {And also, consider these words: "The key is in the last one." They came to me in the middle of the night, like something obvious.2 r, q) r3 z; ?  L5 ~# S6 g5 @- v
6 b  T! m' c( G, A1 V# ~  YYou alone can know it. The pentagram, Madeleine, will guide you. And also, consider these words that came to me in the middle of the night: "The key is in the last one." ( p5 w* L( r) a* B/ O! m$ x0 I- {
只有你能了解它。五角星形将指引你,玛德琳。还有,仔细推敲半夜时进入我脑海的这句话:“钥匙在最后一个。”4 N& T% b8 D# {. n% R
I found a sheet hidden in the missal belonging to the dead scribe.
6 F5 Q, D( c+ I在教士的弥撒书中发现了一页纸。
2 ]8 a: T' Q) o' k% yIt looks like a recipe, but I don't know what potion it could be., L: K3 `0 L4 s
看上去是个配方,但我不知道它是什么药物。+ ~- P$ L: K) X& p; R
Let me see.& P& I2 m7 V- ~. Z
4 y& r" y( Q4 b$ R) T* M3 FThis is impossible! Madeleine, the man isn't dead!% e! u1 g. w9 }- `* W+ x/ T( |" \
" u; @; Q+ ]5 g1 Q/ ]) V6 E( i4 fWhat?  ~, Y+ M9 ^& o5 m4 h6 X
% v4 S. s, J  q$ L0 oThis is for a potion allowing someone to feign death for several hours. It's remarkably effective, but very complicated to prepare.
% F1 E% ~# U, m+ g/ ~这药可以让人假死几个小时。它很有效,但很难配制。
0 s+ s8 l, c# o( G' P/ R. z1 X) X5 QDid you find anything peculiar among the affairs of the scribe who died yesterday?
5 C0 A1 N8 O& A# [! T) X; M6 h. e7 g关于昨天死的教士,你还发现什么奇怪的东西吗?
, L" }2 ]/ |' t: WNo, nothing special. Why?
1 i2 C& J/ e1 [没啥特别的,为什么这么问?
' i! {* X0 {$ O3 dI don't know. A mere premonition. You should look closer.
$ S) L* O+ Y' Q我不知道。一个单纯的预兆。你要更仔细些。
8 R9 G& V, v; kAlright.
! V  K  i. M, \) Q8 c  ?好的。+ Q# v3 K0 x% g% a; F! Z# `
I'd better be careful. If he's still alive, the scribe might be anywhere. A weapon in good condition would be reassuring.$ q% I8 M. w" ?' k* G& ?
" n6 ]4 F- V5 f2 H# ~It's surprising that he'd spend time on this sort of thing, when the scribe said he had so much to do since his arrival.
. c& M+ }% M% R4 k1 y他把时间用在这类事情上面真令人惊讶,教士说过他来这后有很多的事要做。! }4 o9 c/ J) o) u
My guards have found your brother's clothes, as well as a monk's cowl. Are you spying on me for your traitor of a father?
- h+ f0 U" W3 b& f" [0 F我的守卫找到了你兄弟的衣服,还有修道士的蒙头斗篷。你在为你的叛国者父亲当间谍吗?! r6 N* o  g0 |; b
With all due respect, you are mistaken!
: j$ l% N4 j6 H带着所有的敬意,你错了!. _' x: H7 d( a* n
Hey!5 G3 z4 B. s8 y0 w
# E% d4 O5 B1 o7 Y! x. k& oIt'd be better if I got dressed before going out.
3 n# U& ^# h+ K) z如果在出去前穿戴整齐就会好一些了。


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发表于 2007-12-9 14:32 | 只看该作者
剩下的我一起翻了吧。! O& F; ], |7 v
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发表于 2007-12-9 23:30 | 只看该作者
1001--1285/ ?3 X# e. y% r% V
+ l  d" G' w: {* I+ @- ]/ P/ @
Of course, young man, but you'll have to manage on your own. Since the plague struck our village, I prefer staying away from everybody.- b3 y9 U6 ]* G; {, h/ C
/ b5 f; F- z; ?- {  `* X6 c2 Q2 fThat's a wise decision.: w- R* m; b0 B
是个明智的决定。: D+ v5 H1 A1 t# l* y
Yes, but we'll soon be wanting for food. When you've finished repairing the bread-kneading machine, I wouldn't say no to a little bread. My wife and children have empty bellies.
8 R. L, n) p. \+ O9 U是的,但我们快要缺少食物了。等你修好揉面机,我不反对给我一点面包。我的老婆孩子都饿坏了。
# i1 F3 s, ?- B  ^0 m4 qNo problem.! H' s6 X8 d) e8 V4 E$ e* |) b
7 d& z( `4 `% J0 K/ _( f! H1 ~Do as you like, C閟ar, but remember to bring us a loaf of bread when you're finished.
9 M% c" `- f! L  y* }+ @1 e随你使用,塞萨,只是别忘了修好后带一条面包回来。
4 S$ C: T/ H1 [7 J2 W9 M. t9 rI most certainly will.
2 l: B1 ~: q+ m7 ]2 I: J5 N: s2 Z我一定会的。
# W# T& Q* E8 C3 F$ n& vI brought you some bread.1 c! x0 ?  o. ]" U* `
我给你带了些面包。' _6 H3 J3 E, N  e  A  y3 t+ n
No need to bother him for the moment.& ~# ]" h, K% Q- W0 Y
现在不要打扰他。6 k6 Q5 {( z( ?" I# L  q$ {9 q
He has what he needs for the time being." L; E( X1 _7 L- o# m* L! V
# G9 ?: |/ o0 M8 VNo, that bread is inedible.
2 k9 x* T1 ~$ o9 t$ |- o  b7 v不,那面包不能吃。( u9 c- j+ N; @4 X7 {
: [+ w! @6 x+ k( p' G铁匠!* s# G) A, P- q* ?# z. X, q
What can I do for you?- S  c& g/ ^5 S5 v$ F
( n) i  X3 @0 c0 \I need to make a key from an impression, but I'm afraid it's kind of a difficult operation. Could you do it for me? I'd gladly do you a favor in return...9 ~9 U" c5 M1 }$ [
我需要用模印制造一把钥匙,但我恐怕这是有难度的活。你能帮我做吗?我很乐意回报你。。。! L6 r0 `- a+ t. C# N2 X$ t& o
I don't know. What with the disease that's going around, I don't dare leave my house. Though I would sorely like to...8 w+ l! D" G. X( r
3 v- ~: W) ]1 I8 Y0 ^If you bring me one of your father's medecines, I'll make the key.. ~8 C: G! x2 F9 i
如果你给我一剂你父亲的药物,我就帮你做钥匙。4 W7 L6 j) h0 m
I'll go see with him about that.+ C; E7 G. e  U- A
我去看看。/ v2 U$ ^5 d4 b. @
No problem, I'll wait for you.1 H# ?/ h) o+ S
1 g8 @. t' E+ dSmith!- y  R( u: I6 V% L* a! I
* a* G: k8 J+ m- \What can I do for you?
0 _* ~. r5 L% H0 }! {3 W$ S% h有什么需要效劳的?
% L! h# x$ |" L" KI need to make a key from an impression, but I'm afraid it's kind of a delicate operation. Could you do it for me? I'd gladly do you a favor in return...
6 ]1 N# c5 l# q/ e我需要用模印制造一把钥匙,但我恐怕这是有难度的活。你能帮我做吗?我很乐意回报你。。。
1 f! H4 O; v* g- E3 P! M& x+ TI don't know. What with the disease that's going around, I don't dare leave my house. Though I would sorely like to.../ w1 f* n; n/ r# x6 y4 R4 j
我不知道。到处漫延的疾病使我不敢离开我的房子。虽然我非常愿意。。。4 r5 r1 T$ ^) m3 c
If you bring me one of your father's medecines, I'll make the key.
% k4 @' u" I6 i+ F+ G8 F- K- \7 s" `* h如果你给我一剂你父亲的药物,我就帮你做钥匙。
$ K; @# k6 R" x2 |8 [2 b3 UI'll go see with him about that.
) x! }* x3 _0 X5 C2 K# S. V我去看看。
* I7 v9 p8 M' Q/ H2 i2 R' _No problem, I'll wait for you.
" I9 J% `8 o( k' t" i- y没问题,我等你。
7 Q' O2 L8 [+ e/ c/ o1 OSo long as I've nothing to give him for the plague, there's no point insisting.* s3 H) V* e1 C7 \3 E; b: N
只要我没有对付瘟疫的药给他,就没必要坚持。0 l- P2 t6 X3 n
I have just what you need! A spoonful of vinegar per day will protect you from the plague.
3 g# }/ s; U) e# a我有你要的东西!每天一匙这种醋可以预防瘟疫。; F2 V  p0 T( P8 t6 j
Thanks, Madeleine. You've lifted a great burden from me.
3 S3 j( h9 Z5 f! j% f4 s7 o谢谢,玛德琳。你帮了我一个大忙。
! p! p, t  ^7 D$ R' r. I" cGive me the impression of the key and come by later, I'll take care of everything.& g9 E* Z2 D+ ~, d% l
( n8 @. h' ?$ YI have just what you need! A powder you burn, whose fumes protect against plague.
4 W7 P" i% _1 C: o1 C我有你要的东西!点燃这熏粉,它的熏烟能预防瘟疫。
6 ~) P) [" }3 L" S- F' O# {Thanks, C閟ar.You've lifted a great burden from me.6 _: d7 z4 g$ Z9 h
- h) Z( ]# H$ G, |; E  R! T7 t8 WGive me the impression of the key and come by later, I'll take care of everything.
4 E# ?9 g. l- r8 |; \  Y给我钥匙的模印,待会再来,我会弄好一切的。& u" x$ t9 y, a$ j! Y& n( \. ~
I have just what you need! A spoonful of this vinegar per day prevents contagion.+ w3 k6 E2 f* ]! {9 I
我有你要的东西!每天一匙这种醋可以预防传染病。6 w, ^' B6 D6 N$ j3 ^
I have just what you need! A spoonful of vinegar per day will protect you from catching anything.
2 i; ]1 J" }! l& W) o( Z' \我有你要的东西!每天一匙醋可以预防任何传染病。# o1 E+ s# u2 `- H! ]9 n
I have your medecine.- R& ^# S- P+ ?; A% V( [4 N# t
5 f, y9 n5 z0 |( `Vinegar of the four thieves.! N6 Z& ~) N0 e- I4 j
3 p4 O) m) E& s+ `A spoonful per day prevents contagion.# n! W; Z' j: Y! r0 P2 t
每天一匙预防传染病。3 ?* X0 ^5 `  u
Some anti-plague powder.. \' C* ^  F1 q* S. s1 o8 N1 ~) k
' Q& Z) g1 }8 G7 L' L+ ]Its fumes protect against the disease.
, O4 N5 i, I# {" ^0 E1 {它的熏烟能预防疾病。( T7 y. _9 Z3 o/ J# P6 f( Z
I have your medecine.
3 G; m, N* d( W" F; x我有你的药。
' `9 R9 O0 T: dVinegar of the four thieves.
4 s+ B' @/ `7 x; I  o- @醋。
3 Y; l9 O# S& s0 y" FA spoonful per day prevents contagion.) S* Q4 ?- P0 i, m
每天一匙预防传染病。3 ~/ `. Y6 P  U! M* m& a
Some anti-plague powder.0 i! M0 ]4 D& V. z  W# R+ w
一些抗瘟疫药粉。; |( O6 c$ ]  I8 i! }
Its fumes protect against the disease.: e& d4 `: U$ b8 @8 P# Y( A- i
9 Z4 a/ Q  s, D) M/ OHe certainly hasn't had time to finish the key, I'll come back later.
( u0 ?- s  X& o! ^: o  \; b他当然需要时间来完成钥匙,我过会儿再来。, s, ]+ l; \2 K: Q
Is that my key sitting outside?9 U# f& Z! B0 y1 o
' n: e; T  V/ L, G* RYes, that's it. Take it, and thanks again for the bread and the medecine.
- X- p" ~* _1 F* N6 I- {是的。拿走吧,再次谢谢你给的面包和药品。
, K* o" }4 e  `' w, C. h/ ~Thank you.* c& \* F/ U! u! G& W# g4 Z
1 t6 z# a; T( i+ w' t2 B/ m+ hIs that my key sitting outside?0 V( F& P# j/ e5 Q) y
$ k$ s0 S$ B* f# c, \0 tYes, that's it. Take it, and thanks again for the bread and the medecine.
8 B3 n. K* D, s' V: {( ~, p是的。拿走吧,再次谢谢你给的面包和药品。
$ }& y% M+ @0 \* c; \+ ~Thank you.
! O+ X' A7 }* `谢谢。
+ s% J& @6 [- VI don't need his help anymore.
9 Y, O! N& K% \& A0 z  z我不再需要他的帮助了。
( W9 ^- n+ `5 P+ M2 ]I forgot to bring my father something to eat. He's too frail for me to leave him like that.
7 l  d) G" M$ f1 j5 }5 S, c我忘记给我父亲带吃的了。我不能留下这么虚弱的父亲。9 x# h6 X+ D3 v' b$ D0 L, G
I have to take care of fixing the kneading machine. The incomplete quatrain can wait till I've finished that. 2 C' h7 E7 L! r- O, b/ s8 G& a- H
我必须修理揉面机。预言诗不完整的事可以等一会。/ s6 b  Y8 G( [" h
I should see Chavigny before I go home. He must surely have things to teach me.8 V7 Q- _# Z$ g" @: E4 c% ?5 V
: V$ P- ]8 Z6 g' ~. lI haven't inspected this zone sufficiently. I should get back to it." Q2 L3 {4 Y7 |+ x7 n
我没完全调查这个地方。我得回去完成调查。( r8 J9 ^: s$ D" c9 z0 i# i
- Bloodstain too small for the librarian to have died from this wound, unless he was killed elsewhere...
  [7 v5 c8 Z$ _4 b) B-如果图书馆员死于这个伤口,血迹就太少了,除非他在别处被杀。。。8 t! t6 z3 ]/ l2 k+ n* |
- Return for another look: I may have missed a detail.. s; I- I5 g6 ]- ~
4 T, n! v2 i- H+ q6 ^3 r- The books on the floor don't seem to have fallen from the shelf, but to have been placed there.
) r1 `& H# \" q-地板上的这些书不象是从书架上掉落的,而是被人放在这的。+ W- S3 h/ g- s7 |, }5 F7 n
( }) ]' C1 p1 q; g+ p7 y$ `% E受害者
' i7 \' Q6 r5 J& ]" i9 ]Marie Gauvin( w: L, ]% @' n# r' [0 G
玛丽 高文
( v! a; H# L( _0 `& s- zChambermaid to Marguerite "Margot" of France, who is Henry II and Catherine de Medicis' daughter and King Charles IX's sister.    Born March 25, 1548, in Saint-Germain-en-Laye.    Died March 21, 1566, of a head injury, when run over by a wagon.) U: ^/ [. |: n' p2 i
法国的玛格丽特(玛尔戈)的女仆,玛格丽特是亨利二世和凯瑟琳德美第奇的女儿,国王查尔斯九世的妹妹。                生于三月25日,1548,圣杰曼恩莱。     死于三月21日,1566,被马车撞伤头部。  d7 D2 Y) @2 i8 t
Edmond Sabiron
% V4 F$ x( o+ i" ^  m+ Y埃德蒙 萨比隆, [( j2 ~% E( X& K% Z
Tutor of Henry of Navarre, the King's first cousin.    Born April 20, 1535, in Montpellier.    Died March 22, 1536, hanged in his bedroom.( |# A* E- k' R  M8 B7 ?
纳瓦拉王国的亨利的家庭教师,亨利是国王的最大的堂弟。  生于四月20日,1535,蒙彼利埃。  死于三月22日,1566,吊死在他的卧室。
+ c1 e  c9 L! C" fFlore Carta- ?7 G# |, D! F; @
弗罗 卡塔/ Y3 w# x  G% A$ {( R/ L8 h$ U
Lady-in-waiting of Catherine de Medicis.    Born June 9, 1525, in Florence.    Died March 23, 1566, of drowning.
( }0 v+ m% b0 D7 [5 I& u6 F1 c凯瑟琳德美第奇的侍女。             生于六月9日,1525,佛罗伦萨。死于三月23日,1566,溺死。
, m6 C9 ~0 i2 T" ^4 q( m: C* HGustave Meunier
7 k6 j& N- Y9 c2 O古塔夫 姆尼尔
, h9 e8 d: ~" eCharles IX's cook.    Born around 1533.    Died March 24, 1566, following severe abdominal pains.1 n/ @  y- t) F3 }: n3 ~( q
查尔斯九世的厨子。   生于大约1533。   死于三月24日,1566,严重腹绞痛。
) |- A. ?4 Q7 O. aRichard Leclerc
9 b# Q5 a, j& Z3 r  j* x( c# U: Q理查德 莱克勒1 [( Z: W. _3 P' Q# j8 g6 h
Head of the Royal Guard.    Born July 26, 1537, in Paris.    Died March 25, 1566, in a tavern brawl, from a dagger wound to the heart.; L( n: T4 g$ u+ L* N; \& ]
皇家守卫的头领。        生于七月26日,1537,巴黎。死于三月25日,1566,酒店争斗中,被刺中心脏。
. O& k) X* J3 q$ u3 V2 _7 m' O" zArmand Torres
. P7 d6 S. l: K9 ^; y0 q阿曼德 特里斯
, l0 i3 b$ ~! G+ t& D" a  Z. B5 UThe Queen's apothecary.    Born September 2, 1523.    Died March 26, 1566.' r+ ^8 ?/ p3 B; ~
皇太后的药剂师。    生于九月2日,1523。死于三月26,1566。; O0 N( ?, b) R) Q" r8 r
Jacques Babin
  L$ y- d/ S5 J( I雅克 巴宾  A' W6 t# A' f8 b
Coachman.    Birthdate unknown.    Found dead in his bed on March 27, 1566.5 A5 z- [+ `# t
马车夫。    生日未知。       三月27日,1566,被发现死于床上。
8 W7 c% c- z( o& F8 p' l" c' OWithout the birth date, it's impossible to determine the astrological sign.  f; A% n8 M* l0 H2 J
不知道生日,不能算出占星符号。$ h5 p( v, K1 L6 |' y
4 N7 x. b( Z8 n2 I: x徽章
: t5 m2 g% w. x  k9 P% V; QSheets of parchment
8 w" v* M; @: V几页羊皮纸
3 q; y3 N3 X  h0 d% e9 |* s# V9 YCopy of Chavigny's key! V% e7 D) f1 f
契乌尼钥匙的仿制品5 Q6 v! P5 Y) I7 c/ w
Wedge& b$ a& y2 _: Z' F1 s. j* E
木契3 |7 ~% T; e; z8 Y2 s, B( |' F
Scribe's notes
! [) r7 H2 }% J; X" W教士的笔记
& g. _/ C+ c. T3 d& R; ZQuatrain9 O( F7 g# Q5 d
2 W* w# f+ T6 e
$ C+ R4 l1 @# O: M  G9 I  @- {" [- c5 S
8 T1 M6 }# x5 {锯屑
/ Z0 P7 ~# \3 l+ t. @! QCrumpled paper  X! j& m7 B( h
褶皱的纸, k* H# t: X2 i# G4 H* N
Small packet( x% R0 ~0 E0 B* M( _. ^; u$ `
小包裹+ H: d; v% w0 H5 C. n8 s3 C5 j
Philibert's key
7 l: S8 }6 \5 E; n2 D& {菲利布特的钥匙
0 F. }9 ], Z6 h* p( k& wSplinter# A0 S; H! {6 z- Q7 l9 {
碎片: y9 L* I/ d% v6 G  Q
Chart' v$ m5 M% s: P  }
星图* n: w  @9 E& }5 P2 j% @1 g
Philibert's note* J/ q$ y0 h1 m/ b
# ]8 R8 Q) F% K2 u: TPhilibert's engraved stone
$ d* a6 I  m/ t( l" s8 |菲利布特的雕刻石  y. x3 A1 N4 V' a5 n
Impression of Chavigny's key' T* y4 B. D/ a' M1 D
契乌尼的钥匙的模印% i0 |' o: D" l7 ~! }+ V0 ?  M
6 I% Y: i& S! |7 r3 ~3 c  {$ e  Q) s; S+ G5 W* P% R4 L* Z- q9 v
Parchment found in Chavigny's office3 P0 o/ J$ \3 N' u" Z
在契乌尼办公室发现的羊皮纸7 Q. N' l! U2 F; G- j2 G/ \
Tuesday, March 26, 1566
/ B+ c  {7 D/ j" e星期二,三月26日,1566
) ^; N4 T& A/ V9 g0 F& Q4 |The village is deserted. Since a man died in suspicious circumstances, everybody is afraid of a new epidemic of the plague.$ `, S/ @) q, q* F; V  g
" n1 ?, l9 i$ I; u6 q* zAs my father couldn't make the long journey, I stayed with him while my mother, my brothers and my sisters took refuge with a cousin on the coast.6 M$ M- U) i; [; g) T: o( c/ F
因为我父亲不能长途旅行,我陪他留在家里。我母亲和我的兄弟姐妹们到一个住在海边的表亲家里去避难了。# v, M7 T. F6 {% M+ _" {( v
And to add to the weird atmosphere around here, yesterday we had the most unexpected of nocturnal visits. Catherine de Medicis had come to seek advice from my father before, but never in the middle of the night...- _9 F2 H8 G, `
2 ~; S1 ?4 `  {- o, [When I opened the door to that hooded stranger, I was far from thinking that she was about to change the course of my personal history, turning me, for a few days at any rate, into a young legal astrologer, in the King's mother's service!: _8 f9 K7 @) L/ \3 T" ^* c
+ a8 G1 {: W3 G9 s% _I adore challenges, and for once, here was one that could really prove amusing!! E7 q7 _2 i) [4 C2 F
我喜欢挑战,这一次的挑战证明是有趣的!' V. w, M: }; |/ s
Philibert didn't leave much behind him, but I found a paper that might be interesting. On the other hand, I should take a look at this book." _- e# h9 Y  I3 Z, \/ N8 r( |
菲利布特没留下多少东西,但我找到的一页纸可能有用。另一方面,我该查看这本书。0 W2 Y3 x; M8 f7 ?5 Q% E
The incomplete map lying there intrigues me. If it's Philibert who tore it, it was certainly not by chance. I should also look at what is in the book he was consulting.( a8 y" N& T; R0 T2 s
# _/ I! q) U3 IPhilibert was conducting research on Celtic temples. Strange..., A8 C0 Y) J, ~  R  k
$ o; s" s7 x3 S6 S9 x- Return for another look: I may have missed a detail.
$ `3 z+ I7 A. Y/ t1 z-回去再检查:我可能漏了一个细节。
7 v/ _# w! ^  r, V* H/ ^# F& ]Philibert didn't leave much behind him, but I found a paper that might be interesting.    His reading also intrigues me. Why would he be studying the History of Celtic Oracles? That's an unusual interest for a librarian. $ A, |, J4 z2 {. J) X
! H: L3 K6 ^9 Y- o3 `6 R/ h' I( k2 ~The incomplete map lying there intrigues me. If it's Philibert who tore it, it was certainly not by chance. Could there be a connection with the book he was consulting about the Celts?    $ `2 ~1 J0 a; t3 V, q7 s; f! F
不完整的地图引起了我的兴趣。假如是菲利布特撕破了它,那肯定不是偶然。这会不会和他查阅的凯尔特书籍存在关联呢?; M$ P+ Q$ f6 n) M( _
The sawdust and the clean cut of the shelf leave little room for doubt: someone sabotaged it.; o3 b& H3 |$ ~5 j
( \. }0 C. E4 O6 [, n# KThe first figure is illegible.
' w- W+ C& \' \+ N' P第一个字迹很模糊。3 p- E# {) Q* c0 T7 d1 z0 |. v. z
All that's left is to piece together what was erased.
' L8 t4 k1 j) |$ r' T' h1 s剩下要做的是拼凑出被擦掉的字迹。
6 v0 h& k8 L3 y& F" n" JWhat do you know? Looks like I found it: AMP 45!: Q' s& ^% P  ]9 P& R
你明白吗?我成功了,是AMP 45!
% u8 M3 |% ]9 y6 h6 [It's just that I wasn't looking at the right page.; N- ?  |( V; m
2 _) I2 c3 M5 }, K* h$ AThe guard certainly couldn't read, but the message is clear, and given the flower's freshness, someone just gave it to him.7 J$ V+ D1 k% [" _: [
! e2 E0 `: \. c0 D) I+ AYour Majesty, I'm honored by your visit. Just how may I be of service?
# a; n0 `5 H# v2 e- f陛下,你的光临让我无比荣耀。有什么可以效劳的?: P0 ?( q0 T; F. B9 p7 N
I've come into possession of a quatrain that your former secretary says was written by you.
* J# M$ ~+ ?, _/ b0 `: ^) E我是为预言诗而来,你的前任秘书说这诗是你写的。3 O$ `9 J9 M: \2 Q# T4 M7 D$ ?
And certain events lately seem to confirm it word for word.
% \+ C! C- R5 z/ A7 I' C; C5 u近来发生的事件似乎完全证实了它。
8 [% I) T7 q# V7 C9 p( L$ WWhat's it all about?
# o4 ], o0 ?  _$ X# f& x它是什么内容?. C6 w( ^6 t* L, E7 p* C0 w
It's a curse! Twelve people are marked to perish before misfortune strikes my family!
) i2 f7 @2 i* T4 S4 Z它是个诅咒!有十二个人被打上了死亡的标记,之后不幸将降临到我的家庭!
7 t" v0 v. N% r* T! c0 aYou have to come see me tomorrow and work to stay the dire fate before us.; }) G! w7 W! D
你明天必须来见我,想办法终止这可怕的命运。# y+ T- |: B& \; t' |2 ?) X2 m+ n) n
Your Majesty, I regret I'm in poor health and  I can no longer get about as I used to.
! V1 E) z" D3 s3 ?/ }. S陛下,很遗憾我健康状况很差,我无法象以前一样为你工作了。
% }7 o( E1 W2 P5 Q* i: L4 ?1 h+ E! kI know you are weak, but I've really no choice. Your secretary doesn't seem qualified, and I know nobody else to whom I might turn.
. t" q  ]0 @2 q5 ?- F7 z1 G% i4 ~我知道你的身体虚弱,可我实在是别无选择。你的秘书不象是有这等才能的人,而且我不知道还有谁可以选择。
4 \' q# c/ L  w5 c4 \I could send you my son, C閟ar. I'm sure you won't be disappointed.- E) F, b& v3 Y( l# R+ ~  u6 M, G
我推荐我的儿子,塞萨。不会让你失望的。# Q3 Q) V2 J' R; m3 \3 W$ ]
He should return tomorrow evening.
7 T; m) X/ W1 {4 n他明天傍晚会回来。; n  O# n1 ^9 }
If you have faith in the boy, I'll share your confidence. But he'll have to hurry, for every day brings a new death in its wake.   
- N6 i, ]! C2 M如果你对这男孩有信心,那我也愿意信任他。但他得快点了,诅咒让每一天都会发生一起死亡。
0 D" T& H- ?; o4 G8 R2 PVery well, your Majesty., t  z# g1 m- j% x/ N
, q+ t2 g5 @( L) v$ ^( t4 RYou may leave your hiding place, Madeleine!" z5 J7 c! v9 U. C" `1 d
( s) h: z/ S. [" b! D: d' e6 qYou told her that C閟ar would be there tomorrow, but he's not back for at least ten days!6 e( |3 z. n( y4 Q" g
你告诉她塞萨明天回来,可是他至少十天内不会回来!0 S' l5 v8 A! @1 W
I am well aware of that, Daughter, but it's hardly important, since it's you who will go to the Queen. I'm quite sure you'll do very well. Sure of it. And after all, you should find it amusing, I think. What do you say?* z$ n5 a+ _. r5 W" V  c2 _; B5 x
我完全知道,女儿,但这非常重要,因为将是你去见皇太后。我确信你会很出色的。而且,你会觉得很有趣的。我这么认为,你怎么想?. p/ q- X  P: U. ]2 Q
That you're pottier and pottier, Father! What makes you think she'll take me for C閟ar?# r! `" S* H. h( r- l
( Y) t  t; T( r8 [3 oDon't worry! We'll have ample time tomorrow.
2 {2 s9 k/ q, l. a! P( `别担心!明天,我们有充足的时间准备。
* H: I4 Y" _7 }3 ZGood morning, sweetheart. Did you sleep well?
/ `) _& ]4 f% U' B4 h0 h& e, i; L早上好,甜心。睡得好吗?% _, w2 M; U# H! N+ D  E. u
Not really, but that doesn't matter. What about you, how do you feel?0 o$ n7 z/ I7 P. P: e% _; {8 @5 l
# T( e0 L: e. S. [$ U+ IFamished!
. @8 W* |6 S; a% S2 y很饿!
; z* j, U2 f) L# R$ J4 `' EThat's a good sign. What would you like?
) W6 S# e; I' s+ d& A( Y- ?6 H那是好的征兆。想来点什么?6 _& V$ C' Y# R$ L# q4 b
Bread. There's nothing better for restoring your strength.
7 ?. H6 i0 }9 z$ |面包。没有比恢复体力还要好的事了。/ f& f+ Z4 w# p# u
Thank you, Madeleine. You really think of everything!
! f0 [8 `3 e9 R, _- n2 ^谢谢,玛德琳。你想得很周到!
8 a' M, M5 y3 I) jVery well, I'll see what I can do.
% N0 i7 q& c1 C. v8 J5 m" G好的,我会看看我可以做什么。5 d- o+ b: r$ c' L/ b# l
Thank you, Madeleine.
/ N) |2 J7 _" n$ V$ r7 q) f& b谢谢,玛德琳。' f# s2 i: D$ m5 o# @+ }0 p( h" W
That's kind, but I have enough, save some for yourself.
! Y5 \, j7 ]5 T8 n, U2 L7 j3 x很好,但我够了,留一些给你自己。
  ?- ?7 k* P9 [) G9 R& jI ought to get busy and find him something to eat. After the evening he spent yesterday, he'll have to replenish his forces.
3 S( Y* F' H" f3 Z3 }我得忙起来,给他弄吃的。经过昨晚,他一定要补充体力。5 Q$ T7 {' `2 \6 b3 F8 P
I better not dawdle, I have to find a way to get discreetly into Jean-Aim?s, and something tells me that won't be a simple matter.% j" C0 d! w9 B0 V7 i8 v
我最好别闲逛,我得想办法小心接近吉恩埃姆,我感到那不是一桩简单的事件。6 W/ ?$ s/ B4 i1 b# y3 B, k7 n8 l9 J
I'm looking for the recipe of a medecine to prevent catching the plague.
% \% F6 p2 |% O我在寻找预防瘟疫的药物配方。
& \* l4 T: b* w# B+ `% e1 pUnfortunately, there is no completely reliable miracle medecine.
0 Z5 |; E% w6 [& W4 H' o$ [2 L不幸的是,没有完全可靠的良药。2 ?6 p* ^. Y) D6 W/ l
But I think that if my preparations are administered early enough, they're effective.' k, c4 F# N; ^) b; T  z
但我认为如果我的预防措施进行的足够早的话,它们会有用的。7 e$ B' P+ o% V7 g4 W
Tell me.. a* m% a5 L6 d
告诉我。3 v/ q1 q: u* Z# \. N
The easiest one to make is a vinegar to which you add garlic.
  ?( B1 S( F3 G最早期预防的药是加了大蒜的醋。
# Q6 ]# _' b( b, M/ L3 W9 VAnd that's enough?
+ ]; m, L8 w6 L那就够了吗?
3 b2 R* h2 p. |2 n( HBoth products have antiseptic properties. A little vinegar every day is good for your health. As for garlic, it protects you from contagious diseases.( b2 J8 \+ D. o2 r/ H
两者都有抗病毒作用。明天服用一点醋对你的健康有益。至于大蒜,它能预防接触性传染病。9 d# N2 T( T2 L6 @( a2 s7 \
But I also prepare a powder that gives off beneficial fumes. Unfortunately, I forgot the exact makeup.) @/ F6 I5 G7 X2 S
我还备有一种能散发有益熏烟的药粉。不幸的是,我忘了确切的制作方法。$ L; u  ^9 P2 B/ ]
You should find the recipe and some ambergris on my desk.3 a& p- C! d0 o: r, O$ j
. b* l, D/ y& e7 oThat must be the key to his office. I'd never be able to steal it without being noticed, but perhaps I could manage to make an impression of it.
- D& t5 Y# t# O1 J7 A+ v& F, m) m那一定是他办公室的钥匙。我不可能不被注意地偷到它,但也许我可以用它作个模印。' A/ o+ c: u, ]; p" w! `1 Q7 M
I'll never be able to steal it without being noticed, but perhaps I could manage to make an impression of it.   
: t/ z4 V& t/ n+ _我不可能不被注意地偷到它,但也许我可以用它作个模印。
" G! Y7 j* p4 B/ ^+ N% u3 o# NHello, C閟ar. How is your investigation going?
' d, ^0 [3 B# P/ _( T$ r/ R7 A喂,塞萨。你的调查进行的怎样?
3 S+ g" ~% P: [0 G5 d2 `9 IIt's at a standstill, frankly. It's this quatrain thing that's bothering me.
  f3 h- l, ?+ y5 E坦白说,处于停顿状态。预言诗让我很困扰。2 O% Q' K$ @* m, O- U, y
Why?+ t1 S1 w, ^* I7 J( K5 w
; t' B+ }7 p. P2 t/ `  _0 R8 RMy father can't seem to recall those verses.8 v$ h, y( d" j5 ~1 Z4 B
3 e4 q0 P* y2 V7 Z7 n1 cThat's hardly astonishing. Nostradamus is no spring chicken./ b4 \9 j8 }: r7 @0 h/ |
没什么可惊讶的。诺查丹玛斯不年轻了。4 g: ~4 T* W5 ]+ a" e( J
True enough, but don't you have a copy of the quatrain, so I can show it to him?9 e. g. v$ ^2 K
确实如此,你有没有预言诗的副本,让我可以用来提示他?% L9 Q5 K) o4 v
I gave it to the Queen. For that matter, she must have given it to you, didn't she?
4 [  Z  s6 v8 Q- S) o: P我给了皇太后。为了那件事,她一定给了你,不是吗?/ c! S* \0 W0 Q" R- ?
She did, but I hoped you might have a version that was, let's say, more complete?& g% A* g! l4 u1 `( m
是的,但我希望你可能有较完整的版本,有吗?7 ?* M3 m& J$ }* Z2 z9 O% o- ?' ~
Are you insinuating I'm hiding something on purpose?& [( t' E" K2 i
你是否暗示我故意隐藏了什么?6 Y5 e( ^! o1 B) S, ]2 v( u, E
I would never do that.; G- i- c+ H  O  n/ Q6 @
我觉不会这样。5 W0 i7 A+ w/ i! o
I would hope not! Now leave me, I'm busy and am no longer in the mood for talking with you.
  A4 n& \* }, }3 N我希望不是!现在你可以离开了,我很忙,也没这心情跟你聊天。
7 i+ ]4 v6 P9 C# M& ]! m8 hI find him awfully touchy for someone with nothing to hide.! m5 N; y0 y7 r9 z5 W7 }9 A
( m8 b& e  u3 L+ XJean-Aim? am I disturbing you?
5 @7 t, U8 g; q' J5 G' v; s( F9 t# u吉恩埃姆,我打扰你了吗?
9 U0 n: n" G: j# K0 t; R! z9 j' VNot in the least, my dear! What brings you here?5 I( `/ i7 G( d- v; O2 s
一点也不,亲爱的!你怎么来了?/ w8 e2 E( ~( m# g
I like to walk here, the sight of all these books fascinates me./ w0 }* l' H8 P# ]$ a
我喜欢来这里,这些书籍让我着迷。  m6 ~: ?. O( {6 _7 `, ^
I understand perfectly! I'd like to read them all, but I'm afraid I haven't the time.* ~. f, u. Y5 l  |0 }; g
; e" }4 U/ @" E9 AWhat are those books behind you about? The ones that were near Philibert's desk...
% @. [% ]  n" r5 l) y; W; X你身后的那些书是关于什么的?就是靠近菲利布特的书桌的那些。。。1 m7 [# m) O7 F# Y
Nothing in particular. I'm not even sure they were classified yet.
( q# z; I8 i  j+ s, u# i- _% j, y没什么特别的。我甚至不能确定它们被分过类。
- c+ T0 ~; w0 h9 X. SYou're sure those books have nothing special to do with Philibert's research?" ]3 S& Y* h& ]- k2 s/ ?. W4 P
% a7 N" |' A9 D) G3 i6 {" |I don't think they do. He'd just arrived and certainly hadn't had the time yet to organize the library in relation to his research.7 r; N. ]8 R8 h3 F. w
0 H; ~2 `7 `! e, y. u$ [& ]You seem to have a lot to do, so I'll let you work.
- q; Z# r: g& J% Z/ ^0 h+ }" y; p你似乎很忙,我不打扰了。
" `! S: x. }! `! j6 Z5 r2 i2 E4 s: v5 vVery well, see you later.
+ g* Z' N" o  n5 u5 _很好,回头见。
! j/ c# e2 [) _2 R& ^  \# ?' ]$ DNo use wasting time in small talk, I have to hurry and make a copy.
. q* }9 G( L  s- `. m别浪费时间闲聊了,我得赶紧制作复制品。3 m# I! ]- A" x4 A: C, Z+ \
There's no time to lose if I want to visit his office before he goes back up.' _' p, y/ G" |  O0 `, Q% l/ @
如果我要赶在他回去前检查他的办公室,就得抓紧时间。# V3 h( I1 ^( T$ Z1 J+ M5 M
I need a material soft enough for the key to press well into it and leave its shape.
, Y+ c) }9 A. D+ p, k. B; x我需要材质松软的东西把钥匙压进去,形成钥匙的形状。! o/ u3 i5 D7 y
Madeleine, permit me to say how delighted I am to see you take such an interest in the key to my rooms!
" i0 j9 {5 \, `, ~6 B" |玛德琳,允许我说,看到你对我房间钥匙这么感兴趣,我有多么的高兴!
. Q/ Y: L) T( \0 s3 ^) M$ r6 U& pYou're always so comical, Jean-Aim? I see the circumstances haven't in the least diminished your sharp sense of humor!: M4 n; S; C" [2 k8 h
0 k! M9 c0 f% B4 PI have to find a way to attract his attention.
% K2 F4 V. i0 `& C. w我得想办法吸引他的注意力。9 B8 H0 F( c, {: Y
Hello, Scribe!( r: o- t: w# z8 N% f
! ~: m9 t: a4 L" p; ?2 N2 T6 sMadeleine de Nostredame, I presume.
) s6 c: v; D( b% s我猜你是玛德琳德诺查丹玛斯。( }2 m; \8 B4 ?" C% f2 f5 c# i
Indeed.7 z- h3 M6 v; ?9 Y" B; O
# C% C+ u: C; M5 r0 TYou shouldn't be here, you disturb the calm that prevails in this place! Your brother was authorized to go wherever he likes, but I've received no instructions concerning you./ h1 U) N% M9 L
2 f+ a, j7 R* _$ `4 _I would ask you therefore to leave, or, at least, not to bother me.6 f/ A& L$ A: h. p, D
我想请你离开,或者,至少不要来打扰我。/ @7 [% m0 T/ p& j
No point insisting...4 m* R3 E/ I7 p' {* g+ O
没必要坚持。。。  O1 s, N  Z# x# l/ k4 Z2 O
& s8 B6 x' [0 ~9 B! D" I喂!" z$ i5 f3 Y/ Y: m) T7 F
Hello, C閟ar. Is your investigation progressing?
* f) I* R- G# Y; N' h# c喂,塞萨。你的调查有进展了吗?3 }) H" e+ B1 y
Little by little, yes. According to what I've seen, Philibert's death wasn't accidental.. A+ M. ~$ o& A3 ^+ P
9 ]8 K/ o. h. C" G4 [1 Q& ySomeone killed him?! That seems impossible. Who could so hate a man of God, and one entrusted with such a noble mission, to boot?
7 M7 {7 Q& b* n9 b0 W. _: L有人杀了他?!不太可能。谁会如此憎恨一个圣徒,而且还是被委以这样高贵使命的人?4 k6 _0 q  H. `3 q$ ?
I haven't the slightest idea for the moment. I couldn't even say if there's a connection between his death and the others you reported to me.9 W) c' o. z$ N* b7 M& y
4 h/ z7 ~- h- o. EThere is one, that's for sure! The devil alone can foment murders! Don't forget that, and be careful!
% l9 W; n( m4 z, ?; n可以肯定,有一个魔鬼!这个魔鬼可以制造凶案。别忘了这个,小心一些!
+ b5 V: z5 z" M4 k# l" B, {/ WHis comments about the devil won't be very useful to me in my investigation. I'll come back to see him later, once he's assimilated the idea that Philibert was murdered.9 u  Y4 _0 t: P0 ^, Y% ?7 x
他的魔鬼论对我的调查没什么帮助。等他接受了菲利布特是被谋杀的观点后,我再回来见他。7 ~5 P0 b: y# o' Y% G) |6 k
Ah, C閟ar, I almost forgot!
. @( F" a5 v. C* b3 H  v哦,塞萨,我差点忘了!! a( ]7 X  M* h; H- U2 ~
Yes?0 b5 _8 m, L/ K2 `% V: H' v
/ Q3 ]/ ^# C  F1 }7 `Your sister is doubtless a delightful child, but she has no business here. Please ensure that she doesn't interrupt me anymore.
! E5 E  B) ~4 R; j" U  a- e你妹妹绝对是个可爱的孩子,但这儿没她什么事。请确保她不再打扰我。
/ d7 E$ w$ o; UI'll tell her that.
6 q/ f; @  M  Y3 G- J我会告诉她的。
9 k- o% o$ I+ F$ m7 o0 cI'm here to see Her Majesty Catherine de Medicis.
$ K" p% Q& s* h我来见凯瑟琳德美第奇陛下。
- h7 a* Z" p+ wImpossible. Her Majesty is not receiving anyone.
/ l1 Z+ }6 R8 I2 h" p0 Q0 f4 v不行。陛下不见任何人。0 T) G1 p- ~; i- y6 v; x
You're not expected, I can't let you enter.
" Z9 f' N- g6 v; ]0 ^3 S( a你不是陛下要见的,你不能进。, y/ X. ]' v- d$ x% q9 p  I
I should have suspected as much. Her Majesty is expecting C閟ar, not his sister!
3 }, I/ y0 U! ?( p% c* [我早该怀疑。陛下要见塞萨,而不是他的妹妹!
8 k# p: g3 s6 u% w$ SHer Majesty is busy, come back later.: t9 e/ f+ B) p% k9 ?2 n# Q
陛下正忙着,你过一会再来。: S6 Q& V- N1 T, s+ ]4 l
Enter. Her Majesty has consented to receive you.
/ V* X' E% F% Q% ~请进。陛下同意接见你。# Z, L' H' {- A9 Q( j/ t
I'm looking for the office of Jean-Aim?de Chavigny.: V( z" f  _: R5 x1 @+ {$ h# U
我在找“吉恩埃姆 契乌尼”的办公室。
# C* `+ f* l* w) ^- p; |Stay on the corridor after the stairway, it's the second door on the right.% w' W2 f3 M9 n: K9 [
在楼梯后面的走廊上,右侧第二个门。* M  D# W; B! j* g; n; U2 \
Thank you.
3 |; m$ z3 @. Y0 M7 O0 |7 `谢谢。
4 d/ k+ {# P) A4 EWho is the young woman with Catherine de Medicis?1 h1 G& B' z1 V, h
和凯瑟琳德美第奇在一起的年轻女人是谁?6 b7 I) c4 m& ^
That's Mademoiselle Constance, her lady-in-waiting.
3 Q  f# M  S0 ?是康斯坦斯小姐,她的女随从。1 Z1 \( \6 x% T6 U) q3 D8 v, Q9 [% B4 i
I just found the body of the other guard. He was murdered.5 E- C& B% w- S$ Y9 G: U4 d) a
我刚发现另一个守卫的尸体。他被谋杀了。9 r& I) v  `# C" W5 z+ ~% v
Good Lord, who dared do this? Did you see anything?% G; U* U9 O9 [) B9 k  e' z" o" u& f
# K  }3 ?5 O4 {2 w6 M% J" ?6 `8 WUnfortunately not, I arrived too late. But he was surely stabbed.
( \4 \6 b# D4 r; B. L" y很不幸,我到的太晚,没有看见。不过他肯定是被刺死的。
4 E* `, S* x, u2 k; G& O# K. eStabbed? I can't believe it. He was an exceptional fighter, especially in hand to hand combat.6 F4 P* K/ X4 I4 {
刺死的?我不能相信。他是个杰出的勇士,尤其擅长近身格斗。* Y7 w& X8 w! ~- _) c
I'll let Her Majesty know as soon as possible. In the meantime, do what you can. I can't leave my post, whatever happens./ E  m1 o2 E) _0 Y& i& H8 `2 [
; x& p0 V1 G( P; R1 mDid you know him at all?" I# r4 `, I% [6 o7 P
* q1 d( s1 y) ~- dVery little. He wasn't very talkative.: Y7 e0 K7 m! t
8 i! P& i4 v; b' y3 Y' E' Z. mDo you know if he had a girlfriend?
. c/ k* V. \; b- m$ d+ \你知道他有女朋友吗?% J: U1 w0 i# h* Z8 t' C# r
I think he was seeing Catherine de Medici's attendant, Constance.
9 N1 f- Z1 q' x) X我认为他钟情于凯瑟琳德美第奇的女随从康斯坦斯。
/ [3 u0 D' N. N' J  j5 o; dThe young woman you noticed earlier.
/ i% y% Z/ S$ l+ I就是你先前注意到的年轻女人。6 I7 Y0 q" X6 H0 O7 D4 S
Do you know where I can find the young lady?( Z4 d( y6 p: D8 H
: ], i; |- i. Z! c4 E) _5 E; }Her room is behind you on the right.
0 q2 g1 [. F0 r# W! E; Y7 M她的房间在你身后的右侧。7 \+ |0 _0 g' D* q
She must be there now.% D1 R- L+ n0 d$ V+ ]2 ?7 y9 z
她现在一定在那。8 L  v; ~3 R# T' z. F8 o0 q2 D0 h- t
I'm here to see Her Majesty Catherine de Medicis.
5 D" N& u4 c! k  I% P: S我来见凯瑟琳德美第奇陛下。
) ~" K* c1 H! F" C+ e: Q5 v6 _8 sEnter, Her Majesty is expecting you.
# _' S; K, E, m# G) Z; H7 z请进,陛下在等你。
2 R2 M1 e6 Q( UHer Majesty is busy, come back later.  g4 T% `7 w" E
陛下正忙着,你过一会再来。  k& g" g) r7 N5 @- c
Enter. Her Majesty has consented to receive you.2 J; i$ ~6 y2 q8 v
5 P7 L5 Z" e3 x3 Z6 Q, XI'm looking for the office of Jean-Aim?de Chavigny.
6 G+ ~# ^# R; t4 s0 C我在找“吉恩埃姆 契乌尼”的办公室。
% l0 \8 U* d3 j; L9 iStay on the corridor after the stairway, it's the second door on the right.. r' N+ d4 \. q5 y
2 ~  |: e# Y! d+ X- DThank you.6 w: S+ J# W9 f# ]# G' T
谢谢。0 t5 d2 ?: V8 \) n' Z- w/ N7 k/ \# c
Who is the young woman with Catherine de Medicis?* {* k: g) c2 w8 C! ^4 E2 |
3 o( S- L  S, N  a7 GThat's Mademoiselle Constance, her lady-in-waiting.
% Q6 k7 ~9 }4 Y0 F. e5 u) I  ?1 ^6 X) a是康斯坦斯小姐,她的女随从。' e3 i: v! Q+ P3 B4 J
I just found the other guard, who was stationed on the second floor. He's dead.
( y. m) B3 J! n我刚发现在二楼站岗的另一个守卫。他死了。
8 I+ E% Q# Q3 n8 y% RMy Lord, who would have dared ? Did you see anything?% w- Y6 k9 P: ~' Y+ s
我的上帝,谁这样胆大包天?你看见什么了吗?& C- J0 d9 S4 L7 h5 x# }
Unfortunately not, I arrived too late. But he was surely stabbed.
/ m0 L. L  M( j7 P. M2 c很不幸,我到的太晚,没有看见。不过他肯定是被刺死的。
% R! a4 q8 T2 d5 Q" z! |# oStabbed? I can't believe it. He was an exceptional fighter, especially in hand to hand combat.
/ j+ ?% {1 v" T# v9 g" x刺死的?我不能相信。他是个杰出的勇士,尤其擅长近身格斗。
. A- E9 i' A( X) Z) sI shall let Her Majesty know as soon as possible. In the meantime, do what you can. I can't leave my post, whatever happens.6 x. h$ Z! N0 \4 E4 n# x
我得立刻让陛下知道这事。同时,做你能做的。无论发生什么,我不能离开岗位。. H$ |. J2 Y' S* ?+ m
Did you know him at all?
& E' m. K: T; E6 E6 @" _你了解他吗?
. p/ B) }3 q) ~+ y( g& nVery little. He wasn't very talkative.- K: P9 U' }) u
' h3 l# n  \) J% o: T* E: w  \8 s% HDo you know if he had a girlfriend?
0 [- a# R* [; H' x9 M' x0 z7 [2 @你知道他有女朋友吗?! s# Z4 J0 R0 y
I think he was seeing Catherine de Medici's attendant, Constance.; j& J/ v5 `% @* a, N5 ^/ z
  a1 k9 J: c7 z: f7 c0 HThe young woman you noticed earlier.* O: V! M4 T% }' O
就是你先前注意到的年轻女人。7 F5 W; K/ X/ }! h4 T
Do you know where I can find the young lady?
' O% l6 T2 F1 b. l. y, F$ Z你知道在哪里能找到这位年轻女士?
4 u; v: u) F% V: Z2 J: _4 C- _" X+ FHer room is behind you on the right.
: Z# N9 f) E# q+ Q7 z! s她的房间在你身后的右侧。! r; Z6 n$ n. S) `  N8 U
She must be there now.
4 N9 [2 I& s# ~' j2 L3 U她现在一定在那。( F7 x+ h! n8 R, U
Your resemblance with your brother is amazing, Mademoiselle De Nostredame. It's striking!
1 A3 q' D& R5 X+ ?) D, c" l你和你兄弟惊人的相似,诺查丹玛斯小姐。太惊人了。
: s: u4 n- @. n8 xYes, apparently it is.
6 |) ]1 {& {$ v是的,显然如此。
' X0 ~" T) c( }& N0 x# y% V! M. d% ZYour resemblance to your sister is amazing, Monsieur De Nostredame. It's striking!  b% H: w6 ]- X' \* a
: f$ y- y6 G4 X3 p6 T6 jYes, apparently it is.
6 R: H4 S4 `3 p1 ~' Y% _2 R是的,显然如此。5 m7 j9 Q% f! |3 K% T0 O/ ^
# B. m. H! H+ r! B4 f又来了!( I. y! e! X/ \7 j% v# q/ m
Oh, my God!# L, n0 @7 l8 }6 e+ ^& B
7 C( ^" P: ~- \) b4 d$ PThe Astronomia Magna of Paracelsus... A.M.P.! What if Philibert's message referred to this work!
# B. j) d) ~( B( C. @" Y“埃斯乔纳米亚 玛格纳 of 帕雷萨斯”。。。A.M.P.!查阅这本书来找到菲利布特的信息!; R# ~. ?# C/ {3 v0 i
Nothing interesting. Still, I'm sure that the initials signify this book. Maybe something eluded me in the figures.
; d; W4 i/ u- [$ O没什么有趣的。我仍然确定这些大写字母是指这本书。也许有什么是我没发现的。
7 o  J6 H9 d/ S! ]$ o/ IIncredible, that Philibert!' q! X! G# O, x4 R- j2 |/ B
  [  N7 q! w! l; o# b" oIt seems to me that after the three letters A, M, and P, a stain is concealing part of the message.+ R8 [1 @* o7 \6 Y; J
在A,M,和P三个字母后,一个污渍掩盖了部分内容。* N- U9 ]/ |3 A, C. ^
A star chart, that's interesting...
, R7 U% _3 G. ]3 a- N. r一个星图,有意思。。。
8 b% Y' B( t; S& [% z; w& r, qI don't know what's on this sheet, but Chavigny went to a lot of trouble to hide it.- ?; z: s7 ?4 z& r
我不知道这页纸的内容,但契乌尼曾费了不少心思来藏好它。6 m+ |% r4 q$ Z' U
I can't manage!
; `. y3 C# ]6 l2 S/ ~3 T4 c我不能处理!
' t; s6 X, {3 \: W9 R4 dSo, Jean-Aim? what's the mystery here?6 |- E" A. i3 w/ \; W: Q( ]
那么,吉恩埃姆?这有什么神秘的东西?6 g! r, k$ h4 r
I haven't finished yet with Chavigny's things.
: Q- m9 W; N; {$ F我还没检查完契乌尼的东西。% Q' n& N: H3 ^% d- x3 G
Nostradamus' small engraved stone' I9 Q7 P& v) F$ y4 p- ~
诺查丹玛斯的小雕刻石' r" O. N* w2 y3 A
Key to the drawer of Nostradamus' desk! ~" t7 E( F, s/ f4 O: T
- y: n6 ~! T( s0 g% @Birth chart of Henry of Navarre
, W$ t, t5 L& H, i纳瓦拉王国的亨利的出生图
) W  R/ p! l( q6 mLetter5 y1 `/ k/ E# U

8 T0 |+ |4 P; \# p* Z; b7 d/ }" ORed rose
% L, \& m5 Z- K4 l3 b% ?3 |红玫瑰; T: P1 V5 U- L  k, V/ Y
Empty envelope9 j( z4 z0 E# f. M, i
空信封! }' `' K3 {) Y8 y0 a
0 ]" d" Q/ l( u床单
  I- Z: o1 Z* V( JPhilibert's note5 [' V& l/ l+ j) [
菲利布特的纸条8 [+ r0 a/ t. a0 ^2 J
"Astronomia Magna" of Paracelsus, Book IV
/ ~, h; K1 G  j' j“埃斯乔纳米亚 玛格纳 of 帕雷萨斯”第四册$ r& `5 S8 X5 x) _+ u( {
Found in Book IV of the Astronomia Magna# {/ J6 H$ o$ v9 `* C2 ?% v8 M' M# L
在“埃斯乔纳米亚 玛格纳”第四册里发现
* I9 V) r* O5 u4 K. |4 q3 [Scribe's notebook6 I2 ?- D0 n# S; z/ t& Z( T
( W) ^2 D) c& U! bScribe monk's key
: l4 \: X- ]) Y, |  Q+ V% F教士的钥匙
% f. h- |4 e6 qSheet hidden in the scribe's notebook
5 j" M" U& T- y+ G藏在教士笔记本里的一页纸6 }" V3 Q/ w! z7 s
Monk's cowl
6 x$ F/ x( n  d1 C# Z修道士的斗篷; k$ [0 B! s$ U) t
Can be dragged onto your portrait.
5 R: A" M  y% K  r5 D/ a. b5 y可以拖到你的肖像上。& }+ z0 D$ @" \
It looks like the earthquakes got the better of C閟ar's treasures! I don't remember this chest being visible.
0 V. _; l, Q* P$ m7 @: J% x6 ?* g看上去地震使塞萨的宝贝暴露了!我记得原来是看不到这箱子的。
6 a' y9 x9 |3 }- ^$ `/ A& lThat would have been too easy!! j, b, f% q3 \8 X6 L
; z- U/ x( m$ j* t  X; [) YSomething's blocking it. C閟ar clearly does not want people rifling through his things.6 [' s: H1 e- [, u2 U0 Y/ c' f, _
+ k5 U( g! X  y+ o* p. sI'm not sure the contents of this chest merit such solid protection.. p4 R/ Q  q, o  G9 P1 `
: E" v) F9 r2 k9 Q' a6 ZIt's blocked.
* P8 i" d$ A) n% T; V' O9 _它被堵住了。
9 Y0 y1 ]" s8 i; m; K# K0 G$ }& VYou're home, sweetheart. It's nighttime already. I must have been asleep for ages.
$ b" ?7 [7 v: n你回家了,甜心。已经是晚上了。我一定睡了很长时间了。
# J$ L1 g$ d9 u2 _That's true, but you must have needed the rest. How do you feel?! p+ z0 \; v. ^3 S
确实如此,但你一定是需要这样的休息。你感觉怎么样?2 y  x' x7 V7 V% f
Tired, but I'll be alright. Well, young lady, how did your day go?& K( R( v* D, u) i. z8 q
8 R# i/ Y" Z* C* R* }' q* dIt was gloomy, to tell the truth. I searched Chavigny's office. What a shifty one, he is! And then I discovered one of the guards dead, before I met a certain Constance.1 _- F! \9 H% n5 I6 p
说实话,今天很沮丧。我搜索了契乌尼的办公室。他真是个变化多端的人!然后我发现有个守卫死了,就在我见到某一位康斯坦斯之前。* ^$ `+ t2 `' S: }  Z5 h
Another death?4 C( e+ p. U" C3 V, B5 a$ A* |
另一宗死亡?. g' @7 t7 G  r
Yes, he was stabbed.+ B; v7 q, Y- q* i( k
是的,他被刺杀了。  V2 h1 l" B5 j
You have to hurry to uncover who is working to make the prophecy come true.
. ]: ?5 l. {$ |6 H你得尽快找出那个正在致力于使预言变成现实的人。! f- Y, q/ z5 E$ y- h
I found two quatrains written by you that are similar to the prophecy.
) l: K, V, U- Y( Q我找到你写的两首诗,它们和预言很相似。: {, e1 A) ^) C  n4 R5 m4 M
But what's disturbing is that everything's happening exactly as in the quatrain corrected by Chavigny, and not as in the original verses.$ d* \, {& m' B" r
! r  Z$ L0 t( ~  aInteresting... That leads one to think that either Chavigny's talents have developed, or that there's a killer inspired by his writings.
; D: B0 i* t* {有趣。。。那让人想到也许是契乌尼的才能有了进步,或是有个凶手从他的诗里得到灵感。


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使用道具 举报

发表于 2007-12-9 23:34 | 只看该作者
"Vinegar of the four thieves."
5 N0 ]' z0 R1 G' C完全不明白这句的意思,我只能简单翻成“醋”。
( I1 R9 a+ R7 C& w& M3 j+ ]请大家帮忙看看。
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使用道具 举报

发表于 2007-12-10 09:14 | 只看该作者
3 a1 w9 k9 U( _' D3 v0 T% m. Y: ~# K
6 r! B/ R/ b  `2 H或者“四瓶醋”。
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使用道具 举报

 楼主| 发表于 2007-12-10 09:18 | 只看该作者
"预防瘟疫的四小偷之醋"吧,网上查了下,好象是四个小偷为了偷死人身上的东西而预防黑死病瘟疫用的.. ?1 Z* ^1 R! Y
0 K+ l7 f2 E& [' o( A) w
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使用道具 举报

发表于 2007-12-10 10:06 | 只看该作者
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使用道具 举报

发表于 2007-12-10 16:05 | 只看该作者
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