<P>10.Nancy Drew The Secret of Shadow Ranch</P>- F; b0 L7 Y/ h( f3 W( M6 Z
<P><a href="http://lib.verycd.com/2004/08/01/0000014913.html" target="_blank" >http://lib.verycd.com/2004/08/01/0000014913.html</A> </P>
" I+ r# K+ Y: c1 A# A4 R& f: j<P>11.Nancy Drew Curse of The Blackmoor Manor</P>& B+ M! b5 M2 ]* ~0 i
<P><a href="http://lib.verycd.com/2004/10/12/0000023010.html" target="_blank" >http://lib.verycd.com/2004/10/12/0000023010.html</A></P>
+ O( @ L5 u- h f2 p0 N6 T# ?<P>都是要用emule下载的,速度不快,但总比没得下好~~~大概一天左右能下完吧。</P>
- k; |% p/ _3 t" q<P>ps:前面速度很快,到了后面收尾阶段非常慢,耐心挂着,一般都能下完。</P>
! c% X* M/ v, m! |+ e, F% {[此贴子已经被作者于2005-7-18 12:43:58编辑过] |