
求助 关于15天的问题

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[求助] 关于15天的问题

发表于 2010-8-28 21:46 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式


3.1.18 London, the loft after Jack found the address
5 B6 F( B3 M- w, {----------------------------------------------------
7 h5 Y' p% {" ?% @$ pUsing the police badge in your inventory will produce a bumpkey. Open the loft
0 q/ z' Q9 `1 Y. e4 `% b5 y) }" {frontdoor with the bumpkey to enter the loft. , l4 t" W, B  `7 \+ |0 a
Go upstairs and examine all rooms. In Mikes room, Jack will find a business ! X! |" m4 o3 `, b' T
card sticking on the computer monitor. Examine the left table (where you let $ q6 Q. B; b, O: w' M
Cathryn find the USB drive earlier) to find some traveling documents." j% R7 [5 |9 w+ z: z
Return to the van and use the computer's internet to find out more about the . f5 B9 I3 p$ ~* v" q% B$ v
"Megabase" company.
# Q# B% p3 I) g* N* e2 NCall the company to find out Mike's cellphone number. Try to call Mike, but : i6 n; p3 C, z
he's not available at this moment. So call your boss instead, to find out the + G4 R0 {' T7 {. l2 `' s
position of Mike's cellphone. Use your email to find out, that Mike is
' j1 I  `+ W! |! e, C6 J/ Q; k- Iin...
5 r; `7 M; e! r/ s' v1 R怎么致电“Megabase”公司
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