11.06.02.天命传奇-cATiSO by dsang / Legend of the Prophet and the Assassin, The8 V, j- I/ p3 i8 |( H( L# d% G
埃及预言 / Egyptian Prophecy - The Fate of Ramses, The
f8 ~" A2 Y6 a9 o波兰黏土特工--Down_By_U姐_&_Up_By_Blue / Agent Gliniarz' T! b1 Q6 _. l3 O1 y
不可思议的机器 / Incredible Machine - Even More Contraptions, The
V$ U# d! n( G: i' Y地心游记 / Journey to the Center of the Earth
2 f* n$ P5 }1 _7 k& |东方列车谋杀案 / Last Express, The! P* z% w" d7 l8 K9 z
断剑1,2,3 / Broken Sword 1,2,3
2 |' A( b9 A9 C) b! p% t凡尔赛宫廷疑云 / Versailles 1685 G7 Q6 \# J! Y6 f, T
干探托尼 / Tony Tough and the Night of the Roasted Moths
$ x2 {: `. t' B2 W) T' I黑暗降临2:脱险 / Dark Fall 2 - Lights Out
" V1 h7 |* D: Y& K f黑暗之蛊2—by candywren / Dark Seed 2
; r$ J# P1 ^( @: U1 U- L9 y3 u红杰克 / Red Jack
% R" ?2 r- z( R3 A$ t& ]& l) w猴岛小英雄3,4 / Monkey Island 3,4) A! a. f' D+ E
极速天龙 / Full Throttle/ G0 O' O: ]8 ]. C% I* d4 `7 L
狂野西部 / Wanted - A Wild Western Adventure
t- [* A% t' r. a/ \4 P) }雷蒙历险记 / Lemony Snicket's - A Series Of Unfortunate Events* K1 A3 T/ L8 Q) u( ~
潘多拉 / Pandora's Box
1 K2 c( _0 w5 ]" ~- e/ @4 n神秘之旅2:变色龙 / Mysterious Journey 2 - Chameleon3 G+ @* F2 \% n2 P: F
神探杰克 / Jack Orlando( U0 V4 s: ~ q) ^: P
胜利大逃亡 / Great Escape, The
0 i( Y' Y/ ]( w. L2 ]+ O" ?时代的命运 / Aura - Faith Of The Ages
0 t7 M& S0 _9 @2 B水晶之匙2 / Crystal Key 2 - The Far Realm- B1 N |7 a3 E( {/ J7 s
逃亡:冒险之路 / Runaway - A Road Adventure. T) m, @' J0 i' _
希区考克:最后剪辑-by XYZ / Hitchcock - The Final Cut
- G* {1 H1 Y/ u* N- e银翼杀手 / Blade Runner) h/ O# I5 h# ~/ V S8 n3 u+ A ?; Q
鹦鹉螺号-by XYZ / Mystery of the Nautilus, The
3 d9 Z# M) N7 C愚蠢的入侵者 / Stupid Invaders |