
Paris 1313 巴黎1313

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Paris 1313 巴黎1313

发表于 2009-4-11 18:30 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式

Paris 1313 巴黎1313

系统需求:4 Z; \9 G; @( F" `- ]$ N3 V
操作系统: 95/98
1 k( F# Q. ^$ t; T, O3 i显卡: 4 Mb
9 S; k# y3 V$ X- X4 O内存: 32 Mb- q3 \' v; u; j1 M# |* F; z
CPU: 133 MHz
  e7 G0 J) D0 qDirectX: 7
+ g& Y+ O0 ^: `5 B
8 a! H, i( o) ~4 ~, Q) I游戏难度: 简单  F, F. g3 V- x' C9 @5 ?1 t
发行商: Microïds
& ^. W" j; ?& }& t+ \( z类型: 冒险$ ~8 z; s! J8 d4 T$ B
多人游戏: 无* f& b- _9 {& O( f) s$ e
语言: 英语及多国语言
( @! x2 p2 |* X& A- x1 h7 d0 i- d/ @1 n5 k
自己翻译的,版主多加点分啊~~~~& u* A, s/ z0 i: f) H: _5 q- s& k
: j1 S1 G. Z- o6 U
Paris, Year of our Lord 1313. As the celebrations are in full swing in front of Notre-Dame Cathedral, Adam, a young, ingenious gold smith working on behalf of the king, mysteriously disappears... Who is so keen for him to vanish? What is his secret? What secret invention was he working on?
3 X" r- G! {, K. B( W7 |7 V
2 j* H! H8 V1 w2 Z& h巴黎,吾主之年1313。在Notre-Dame大教堂前,充满欢快旋律的庆典进行的时候,Adam,一个年轻聪明的,为国王工作的金工,神秘的失踪了。谁会关心他的消失?他有什么秘密?他在进行什么秘密工作?
3 Y% [/ v* r/ O5 y5 O9 I/ G  D7 i( ^& @
Jacques, his brother, actress Rosemonde, and circus-rider Pierre de Cinnq-Ormes each set off in search of the truth behind his disappearante. Play the role of these 3 characters in turn, but beware, do not neglect one in favour of another! They will need each other's assistance if they are to get to the heart of the mysterious disappearance at Notre-Dame Cathedral. You will nedd to have your wits about you if you are to avoid all the traps, find the clues and act in time.! G/ a" l* {& z5 |/ U# z7 ^
" ]$ }7 g; g. }9 v. ?& b9 U
他的兄弟Jacques、女演员Rosemonde、马戏团演员Pierre de Cinnq-Ormes三人各自动身寻找他消失的真相。轮流扮演这三个人物进行游戏,但是请注意,不能忽视其中一个而重视另一个。他们在接近Notre-Dame大教堂神秘消失事件的真正原因的过程中,将会需要其他人的帮助。你需要发挥你的机智,避开陷阱、找出证据并且及时行动。
/ b: g+ f0 l# m1 L* c: |$ w
7 O; R8 E6 y" ?% |. j游戏特点 :
! |2 `% y4 j" i; \2 h8 ^+ r: H8 x- Measure up to the champions in an archery contest!
( r( ^0 M7 t! `- d- W7 K在箭术比赛中达到冠军标准(汗……完全不知道是什么东西)# H& j3 k; }- ^' h# C

+ x6 j+ C9 ?6 `- ^4 p) K! {- Will you find allies in king Philip's court?+ W* P- [. W6 B/ l, H
你能在国王Philip的法庭中找到盟友吗?  u5 `/ u0 W. o; F5 p
9 f/ b2 f# ~1 d% C$ w
- The taverns of Paris : Death-traps or mines of information?
. j8 ?, j0 X/ |, U7 v巴黎的酒馆:是死亡陷阱还是信息的宝藏?& J' N" p3 g3 }. i
8 P# `7 H1 c0 q4 {" E8 J4 u. ~
- Discover the colours of Notre-Dame Cathedral as they will never be seen again.
% l6 d! g2 q/ x8 {找出Notre-Dame大教堂里的线索,它们不会再次出现。
6 r% F! a; U3 V! o
) \2 g7 D9 D3 @- Thanks to the collaboration of the Musée National du Moyen Age, (National Museum of th Muddle Ages)experience a unique adventure in a faithfully reconstituted medieval Paris.
. X9 `5 y9 X3 D0 b感谢Musée National du Moyen Age(混沌年代国家博物馆)的协助。你能在一个真实再现的中世纪的巴黎里体验一段独一无二的冒险9 C5 H3 \8 w4 D" H5 A; G/ d- K

5 ^, [/ v/ h4 _5 c- p
. r' v% s, y, L7 H3 ?1 Q+ D$ {9 _( I% Q
. T- I7 F) l( S. ~+ x/ t/ B  Z

; u5 i8 P' k  m. ~# \8 f6 ?
0 y3 e; d5 V+ d- l/ w7 F+ X+ b2 O' p* [, r
1 y7 H( Y# u, K+ {7 `% K% U

* `; M- [. J" h  U2 p- ]* |- i- b3 Y& p

: n" w' T$ ~( e! Q4 H
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