
龙枪编年史-秋暮之巨龙 长期长篇连载英文小说 启航

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龙枪编年史-秋暮之巨龙 长期长篇连载英文小说 启航

发表于 2010-4-5 10:38 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式

龙枪编年史-秋暮之巨龙 长期长篇连载英文小说 启航

The Old Man
) }2 g3 ~. N: J6 ]8 wTika Waylan straightened herback with a sigh. flexing her shoulders to ease her crampedmuscles.
% |' j8 m6 A/ yShe tossed the soapy bar rag into the water pail and lanced around the empty room.
% W; A: G; _8 }3 ^! O
  }$ I) d& x* C0 A1 fIt was getting harder to keep up the old inn. There was a lotof love rubbed into the warm finish of the wood, 8 T  }4 U4 y9 B8 B$ z3 C- v2 `, n
but even loveand tallow couldn't hide the cracks and splits in the well-usedtables or prevent a customer from sitting on an occasionalsplinter. # ~$ M* q" b  X  F
The Inn of the Last Home was not fancy, not like someshe'd heard about in Haven. It was comfortable.   x* ^/ @( v" U) m
The living tree in which it was built wrapped its ancient arms around it lovingly, while the walls  and  fixtures were crafted around theboughs ' N: A2 C: D/ D+ U4 K, @
of the tree with such care as to make it impossible to tell where nature's work left off and man's began. The bar seemed to ebb and flow like
' H+ E" j' U; ja polished wave around the living wood that supported it. The stained glass in the window panes cast welcoming flashes of vibrant color 7 b, {) K3 i* l7 b
across the room.Shadows were dwindling as noon approached. The Inn of the Last Home would soon be open for business.
6 m1 C6 @! q5 ~$ U3 z) v$ hTika looked around and smiled in satisfaction. The tables were clean and polished. All she had left to do was sweep the floor.
8 f3 B9 p# f$ i! Y1 S) r
1 r2 i* h2 D: q+ wShe began to shove aside the heavy wooden benches, as Otik emerged from the kitchen, enveloped in fragrant steam. 3 H; A3 \$ m+ g( f! }4 n' k. p
"Should be another brisk day—for both the weather andbusiness," he said, squeezing his stout body behind the bar. Hebegan to set out mugs, + I3 v4 @: O( U; _! |9 q% Y; ]
whistling cheerfully."I'd like the business cooler and the weather warmer," - ?4 T* @# m* X* {0 f
said Tika, tugging at a bench.  "I walked my feet off yesterday and got  little thanks and less tips! Such a gloomy crowd! Everybodynervous,
6 u! K1 C7 h# G1 z2 O% ^; V8 s! djumping at every sound. I dropped a mug last night and—I swear—Retark drew his sword!" 3 ~3 X  q% j1 i6 }/ X: B

0 S$ L" g" j! n' h& F( j  G. m; i& m& j. a9 K! o+ T" ~
不一定要全文翻译,翻译有趣句子 或者难点句子即可。
: d3 o0 V& b) f0 \- I; F一定几率获得威望
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发表于 2010-4-5 13:42 | 只看该作者
) [  u/ A- n) @" R6 c: I2 H: H: h1 e1 |- c, u5 V; e
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发表于 2010-4-5 23:17 | 只看该作者
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 楼主| 发表于 2010-4-5 23:29 | 只看该作者
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发表于 2010-4-6 12:48 | 只看该作者
为什么要连载这个。。。。让我感觉回到了 龙骑士城堡。。。。
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 楼主| 发表于 2010-4-6 13:16 | 只看该作者
引用第4楼fsmgiogio于2010-04-06 12:48发表的  :0 Y/ {: Z3 Q3 m* c' ]4 g9 E, [
为什么要连载这个。。。。让我感觉回到了 龙骑士城堡。。。。
我们的目标是 想方设法学好英语。兴趣是向导。所以不论何种方式来讨论和交流啦
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发表于 2010-4-8 13:57 | 只看该作者
一位老人2 o8 ]+ X5 ^& M) x! ^0 U/ _$ C
% g" m% }' c# Q/ M$ G! z5 K
5 t$ y% P  }' L: j3 J. d9 j想要维持这座老旅店的运营真是越来越费力了。酒店里的木制家具上曾凝结着许多人的爱,但是即便是爱和修补,也无法掩藏旧桌子上的破洞和裂痕,更别提防止顾客不小心坐在带有木屑尖刺的椅子上了。% x. J' k, t' x4 b- A
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 楼主| 发表于 2010-4-8 19:17 | 只看该作者
翻译的很不错啊 加油 有心人都来接力吧[s:69]
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