
London's New 'Green' Red Buses 伦敦新巴士惊艳亮相

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London's New 'Green' Red Buses 伦敦新巴士惊艳亮相

发表于 2010-5-21 14:41 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式

London's New 'Green' Red Buses 伦敦新巴士惊艳亮相

What is red but green, open but closed and old but new? Answer: London's stunning new double-decker buses.
/ t' U( n# g1 k% g( k8 L4 S- q5 Z& m" v( d0 i& B( C  ~
The traditional red double-deckers are a symbol of London. Their iconic status was sealed in 2008 when one bus made the longer-than-usual trip to Beijing to collect a very special passenger: the Olympic Flame. 5 @- @7 F4 Z/ W; Q1 E% b% T3 H
8 L  j+ z0 @  Q  l
Now a new bus design has been unveiled and it has been wowing Londoners. + V# v: ^0 x3 ?( ^" c/ e& ~

, o8 a' J# q! }The new bus uses more efficient green technology and has two staircases and an open platform, enabling people to hop on and hop off. It also has a unique asymmetric design for the front end, which gives it a futuristic look. - o5 D: m& p9 c/ ~( l$ n  N
* q5 t: e* H7 U. r3 g' T/ r3 D
Despite its innovations the design is not all new. Its exterior is very reminiscent of London's faithful old double-decker, the Routemaster.
/ Z" y$ [* X' {( @2 W. |) ]" u# f4 g& J" p6 d/ u
) Y9 K3 L9 `( {) @: M6 r* {1 q1 z( d" U2 V9 ~
0 ~1 C% E# z3 l: _- n' P$ ^& Z
The new bus has a "swooshing" exterior.9 N8 e; q2 l8 {/ A: ^
$ @/ d" c8 F' J* {& d; v
In December 2005 the original Routemaster was withdrawn from general service for accessibility and environmental reasons, but it can still be seen on two heritage routes in London. 0 W- p# s& J$ ^' ^6 J

: ^" Y3 K6 X* _8 I8 NIn July 2008 a competition was launched by the London Mayor, Boris Johnson, to design a new Routemaster bus for the capital. There were over 700 entries, with several designers jointly winning the £25,000 (244,000 Yuan) prize.   m$ B+ ^% P0 D( }3 C; b& E- r2 s

( j) K0 B1 S6 t+ S( GThe new double-deckers, which have three doors to speed up boarding, are expected to be in service in 2012.
! x5 g+ o- f, D. d% n9 s$ w: }; I' k5 |) d6 p
Mr Johnson said: "This iconic new part of our transport system is not only beautiful, but also has a green heart beating beneath its stylish, swooshing exterior".
. |0 g# n2 c0 g2 m) o/ N3 N2 c5 \+ W& v. [* K0 _: N. |
He expects cities around the globe to be "beside themselves with envy" for what he described as a "stunning red emblem" of 21st-century London.
6 O, n4 k* T5 f6 z7 T* f  [% ]) q+ ~6 h% R
However, Mr Johnson has not yet persuaded everyone to climb on board. The mayor has been criticised by some for the high cost of the new buses. A normal double-decker bus costs around £190,000 (around 1,900,000 Yuan) but it has cost £7.8m (76,000,000 Yuan) to design and build five new ones.
- Q8 N8 e$ _, n. ~
: k9 [" V. \3 `1 O5 I1 C! P来自:http://www.bbc.co.uk/ukchina/sim ... w_buses_story.shtml


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 楼主| 发表于 2010-5-21 14:47 | 只看该作者
double-decker 双层的/ |  R- Q* [8 t
: c& l( B* b( Y& j
iconic 标志性的
7 \2 ^* i$ t7 D: U$ A3 C, N
2 v9 v5 s* b3 r5 a$ y( ksealed 盖上印章
( ]: P5 L! g0 p) C2 J8 Q+ p" [- v! S5 t) E. z" B. u
unveiled 揭开面纱、剪彩6 t1 ?8 L0 G1 }. E1 s/ x
$ o8 |: t5 F: B
wowing 令人惊叹$ ]+ n# h' Q5 d- d2 u9 {; X

+ E2 b& F7 O5 G- w& lhop on and hop off 跳上跳下
3 o3 a. {% A7 J; k
- a4 s8 Y) I+ Z( dasymmetric 不对称的% @; r+ ]2 @& g& Q) a4 r

8 X7 _* q$ p' Z6 Q3 v* F/ R" m6 [futuristic 极新潮的/ z$ ?' q. t$ A/ E* ?: m
, f: B4 G, F6 p
reminiscent of 怀旧的
5 B) g3 j8 Q5 Q, x! W! I# h  Y) d* ^( l! T6 x3 H' F8 n6 G
routemaster 马路大师(伦敦老版巴士的名字); {( Y' ^0 M- D$ {

- t9 H1 ~7 t: y; _* G4 ?accessibility 便于残疾人使用
: S8 X# Y4 }) V% ?" h. n' `( d; B- X! Z* R" w9 n
heritage routes 游览路线
# ^; t# i" V  K4 X: l
; L! Q- u+ ]; a+ Ulaunched 发布2 G( L+ c% h9 @' Y3 H4 O  O

5 m6 P8 K$ f+ ?! w1 P2 [. Y6 F, {entries 参赛作品
* I# l' J. C5 G3 i' E4 e6 e* N/ Z  S
swooshing exterior 旋弧形外观
7 S6 _6 _5 ]2 T- S  e# c0 U
& u; ^2 r0 T! s9 d, y! ~beside themselves with envy 羡慕嫉妒# a7 W( g3 e0 {5 _' A

7 E& Z  U, A8 S' {9 c" H: tstunning 惊艳的$ Q8 {" z" x% G. ^# ?% U

7 x. X& y. R) Uemblem 标志、象征
* q% H/ H) F" Q' n+ a# o- x, k4 s- [+ W; Y- T/ o9 ^; c3 v$ f
on board 上车、入伙
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 楼主| 发表于 2010-5-21 15:41 | 只看该作者


7 }; f5 C! k* P& A3 q0 g, J   
4 ]7 u& {; n# C: w  传统的红色双层巴士是伦敦的象征。当一辆英国双层巴士完成了一次最长旅行,从北京带来一位特殊的乘客:奥运圣火时,他们在2008年留下了深刻印象,
3 {3 }; T. B* z: F- B1 t
, [) `% z% ~' h  L  如今人们已经为新款巴士剪彩,他们已经让伦敦人惊叹不已。; C4 M' P. S( M! X4 y' K1 ~& C8 C* d7 }
 & ?) Y8 F0 T7 \7 o) f; s
  新款巴士采用了更多绿色节能技术,并且具有2个楼梯和一个露天平台,人们能够跳上跳下。同时它看上去那么新潮-前部为一个不对称外观。( n9 i$ J- ]* r* W  l3 `  K- z/ G
  2 `5 ~7 H' q- i+ B! n, U
+ e, T- E$ ?1 k# J5 N1 b! H0 B( w$ L- r7 E% f
6 j+ t! e% c) X5 @# E3 `. T, L, [3 n6 S5 Y
  2008年6月伦敦市长Boris Johnson举行了新款马路大师设计比赛。超过700个作品进行角逐,获胜者将得到25000英镑(人民币244000元)的奖金。* \* r" D# t& F* k
4 A) m0 o1 d4 n" o1 g  X
3 d3 |+ @- B9 A% F  l
. `/ t: v* I. T3 x- N  Johnson先生说:“我们交通系统中的新标志(指新大巴)不仅仅是漂亮,在旋弧形外观下他也具有绿色环保动力。”# o7 O2 p9 a. U

( u* j3 |7 y3 @5 r; ]- s3 Y6 C- S7 L  他希望全世界的市民都会羡慕嫉妒他所描述的21世纪伦敦惊艳的红色标志。
- y, s: B6 Y0 p) A% s$ {; s
+ H9 @- s' x! V# v9 q  但是,Johnson先生并不期待所有人来坐上一坐。市长已经因为新巴士的昂贵花费而被一些人指责。一辆普通双层大巴造价近似190000英镑(相当于1900000元),但是设计制造新的五辆大巴需要花费7800000英镑(76000000元)!
' V" D& m; {  b$ n0 E% x. G
; X( t7 k5 P* d9 K2 D  U9 h. K8 k0 P
翻译有误请指正,(*^__^*) 嘻嘻……
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