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发表于 2011-5-2 13:01 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式


本帖最后由 babyblue0328 于 2011-5-2 13:02 编辑
$ ^9 X+ {: J# F3 T: j3 x& `* O: j
0 _7 G3 _0 ?, C& U3 o- iSNAKES OF AVALON8 d4 m' ]( Y8 u, _/ q' D& B! Y2 i
游戏中那本书上讲的故事,隐寓还没有参透。7 p, c- C2 M  \( B5 h7 @
Everyone knows that Avalon is a mystical island where the greatest knights and kings come to recover from wounds and rest after their heroic toils.# A# N! s0 A/ y+ Q5 }0 [( a
But the faires that did run the place for millennia after many centuries of careless spending lost the last bits of their money on gambling.1 a6 t7 G; O3 f) }0 o1 e
Thus Avalon was bought out by The Snakes.
3 b: Z. c# G% P* bThe Snakes who are the nastiest, foulest creatures in the universe.8 X& n( N+ |' ^7 j* X
Some say they are closely related to dragons, others say that they are much much worse even.
3 o4 X- ]0 [+ r2 S( Z" QWhatever they are, The Snakes had revolutionary plans for Avalon.% q" [) L! m8 h: r3 @6 o
The Snakes feed upon human emotions and thoughts.
, b. d! g' z( \8 O" C  y# |% qSo what they did with Avalon was making sure that people will want to stay there Forever!
% f; u: n% u* g& m; vHaving this goal in mind they slowly turned Avalon's famous refreshing and nourishing activities into addictive, brainwashing slumber.
1 ^8 Z& n$ c# ~0 qThe Snakes carefully manipulated their guests' minds until their wills were overridden by dreadful, impotent apathy.
3 G; |* U7 V9 e) k  RAnd with its power they broke even the most heroic of knights killing all their desires of action and adventure.
' ^" ?' Y+ ?, f+ TThe King of The Snakes----the biggest bastard of them all had a particular interest in a knight called Sir-...* W. e2 ]: W' q, q5 \
* g% d9 [- q5 h5 A' w2 u) K
......* n" M/ p& k, J, ?8 R, Y

* p. P; p( F/ \. p......
; R5 u3 E. @( U"Why am I even wasting my breath on you!?", spat out the spider and turned his back on him.
  H& G- U- x" q/ r# o) H$ `"Is it possible it was all only a fool's errand?!", exclaimed the knight, not really in response to the spider's words, but to himself.
# {. i0 M, G8 q* EThen he sighed, "But at leat I don't  have to hurry to stop anything anymore", and saying that he groped The Fake Grail affectionately.
7 d( j; Z8 E) {
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发表于 2011-5-2 13:19 | 只看该作者
本帖最后由 福尔猫斯 于 2011-5-2 13:29 编辑 6 _1 l0 G& l; U& Y: @% p* I) O: y
# }; }5 i% C. P# D& G" B. H
以下内容来自古墓丽影中文站百科词条:传说中的阿瓦隆+ ?7 J8 [" {& c& t

# l( e( s" R9 U' A+ P6 q9 X3 D阿瓦隆(Avalon)是亚瑟王传说中的精灵国度。亚瑟在与莫德雷德的激战中死亡(一说重伤),一艘船将他带到了阿瓦隆岛。在一些作者的笔下,亚瑟只是在那个岛长眠,总有一天他会回到英国重登王位。但另一些作者则没那么乐观,他们认为亚瑟确实是死了。% \& V9 s0 t/ N' S+ F. ?
2 v" I' v7 N3 o/ l: `3 h0 R1 E& X: J

! W8 S# X9 S+ b9 t8 u: z: i9 \亚瑟即将前往阿瓦隆
$ q3 E) S. ~7 F( r* ?
5 i. P1 {2 n  t1 k3 @5 z阿瓦隆的名字很可能是来自凯尔特语 abal,意思是“苹果”(apple)。在不列颠传说中,该岛以漂亮的苹果而闻名。还有人认为它是凯尔特语“Annwyn” 的英语化,Annwyn 意指仙女之地或冥间。在亚瑟王传说中,阿瓦隆四周为沼泽和迷雾所笼罩,只能通过小船抵达。岛上由精灵守护,没有时间和岁月,一切都不会老去。
" `3 S% {6 k$ K8 K) `; F# @* J( S& A5 ?; ?0 p
阿瓦隆也是传闻中耶稣随利马太的约瑟来到英国时所到之岛。在那里建立了英国第一个教堂。在这个传说中,人们认为,阿瓦隆就是今天位于英格兰西南的格拉斯顿堡(Glastonbury)。在凯尔特语中,Glastonbury 又被称为“Ynis Witrin”,意即玻璃岛(The Isle of Glass)。一种有趣的解释是,古代的玻璃镜乃青铜打磨而成,而格拉斯顿堡青葱一碧,颜色具象,故有此名。
% W7 Q$ L# i7 i! |9 u. w8 d( k+ V- C, c+ u, L* F
另一个可能的地点是圣米歇尔山(Mont St. Michel)。这个传闻中亚瑟与巨人激战的地方建立在沙丘之上。据说利马太的约瑟曾在那里经营马口铁生意。约瑟后来将圣杯带到英国,在萨默塞特(Somerset)的格拉斯顿堡(Glastonbury)建立了第一个教会。据说他也曾带着他的侄子耶稣前往过英国。而圣经上关于耶稣成圣之前的经历保持沉默。
8 g+ ~! t5 W9 d3 |
7 H! l' u* p, g# i& G" U- D- m9 m. h$ W4 `
' r! a+ m4 d. i


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