
Belief & Betrayal 英文攻略!

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Belief & Betrayal 英文攻略!

发表于 2007-12-26 01:33 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式

Belief & Betrayal 英文攻略!

这几天在完 Belief & Betrayal ,觉得是一款近期很不错的解迷冒险游戏了,迷题是层层加深加难,大都符合逻辑.
) }7 A/ @. ^5 e- S9 a/ t# I  w% q$ q; o3 M3 m
, k4 I! Y4 }/ O+ F' {
1 }# `  ?) T6 c" ?" Z6 F8 K我的博客: http://blog.sina.com.cn/ianliu2 R' E- d+ l! w/ H

; {; W6 x9 z* t, p( G& x! i' o( r5 d; d0 b
Belief & Betrayal ; E, p& Y" n' ~! ?

1 F3 C) c7 M3 @Introduction
4 o9 L) R* X0 E) F7 q6 R" K. d; Y; V3 N) X6 [9 X2 A! n- o2 y; n) I
Let us begin as usually from the description of interface. In the lower part of the screen the utility bag with the objects is located. On the left side of the screen are hidden the access to the retention of game and information about that which to us is known about the investigation. In the right side of the screen the notebook took shelter itself, where main heroes will bring in important information. As is evident all parts of the screen they are occupied, but at the same time entire system of communication with the game is hidden and it will appear only during the guidance of mouse pointer.
# J( M6 c4 X* l+ P+ z% G! w" I. m5 l$ o4 E" Q6 a4 J) K& I
Further councils. As in any other game of a similar genre, it is compulsorily necessary to inspect all objects, which are located on the screen. Suddenly because of the oversight you zastryanete in any place? Everything is possible. Also one should to characters speak on all accessible themes. Well, here, perhaps, and everything. Let us approach.
  [  ^6 F+ J/ c2 `0 g, }$ }2 T$ ]( ~& _
Prologue: Shadow of the past) W- R% g/ d1 U6 @: {! i; Z' R

( [5 Z6 @% t) ^  a+ y4 KManhattan, New York+ F' [' A; B3 Y# @% O
- o6 G0 @% ?5 ~4 E
After conversation with the boss we approach the inspection of house. First we look at the books, which lie on the table before the sofa. From the table we take cell phone. We look at the fax, established on the table near the kitchen. We take pocket watches. Let us be inspected, if there is a desire, on the kitchen, then we rise to the second floor. In the bedroom we study the sport bag, which lies to the bed, the sword, which hangs on the wall, and computer. Is more on the second floor it can't be helped. We get down into the drawing room. In the box on the lower shelf under the stairs we find passport. Further with Jonathan the inspector, who will cause him into Great Britain, will be connected.
/ n% h+ f- W( ?/ v$ F6 o
# |' y% L4 J" }1 t3 H4 PChapter 1: New enemies9 S5 ~# K! i, q
1 C* C6 x& Q: t; s/ E
London, Great Britain6 D. Y0 }, g. Q, e( \  u

9 Z& F* b4 F9 H5 HFrom inspector terens Tvayningsa we learn the reason for arrival into London. We obtain from it the bond of keys from the apartment of uncle Jonathan and visiting map. Near the house of uncle we speak to the policemen. We go inward. We rise to the second floor. Near the apartment number 5 let us inspect mail on the floor. We go inside the apartment of uncle. We look at the books, which lie on the chair near the table. We take the map of London.
0 E( n6 F1 F- K7 ^" A. W/ {
2 A( C4 n# M. O1 sFurther the fate svedet us with The the katrinoy, whose father was the friend of uncle Jonathan. Now, if that solves game, it will be possible to switch control between these two characters. Give let us be switched to Katrinu, which is located in the garage of uncle. Everything that it is there necessary to make this to find keys from the motorcycle. They will be hidden in the deepening on the wall before the motorcycle or, if it is convenient, opposite the door. To note keys is possible on the luster from the sun.
6 m+ `4 J5 u" t8 B5 A  e; g  |, z/ L" C8 V/ r5 p/ G# Q4 c
After securing keys, control automatically will pass to Jonathan. We get down into the vestibule, where two policemen were killed. We attempt to ring inspector, for this we combine in the inventory the residency card of inspector with the telephone. We obtain to this action in the notebook note "my telephone it does not function in Europe".+ O/ ~6 i; r' _5 G  Y  G# f' ~: |

: B4 I; y" [5 Y  m/ R5 m/ YWe return to the apartment of uncle. We look at the book shelf with the vegetable books to the left of the entrance door. We investigate them. The roman numerals are substituted on each book. Note the "row of the books" falls into the notebook. We pass into the bedroom. On the television set we find mysterious mechanism with the roman numerals. Jonathan is automatic its beret with himself. We pass to the kitchen. We look at the food can, which lies on the refrigerator. This of bank with the tunny. It is possible to take it and to return to the hungry tomcat, that sits near door of one of the rooms on the first floor. But for the passage this is not compulsory. Main thing now - this to open the mysterious mechanism, discovered in the apartment of uncle. For this it is necessary in the inventory to combine note the "row of the books" from the notebook with the mysterious mechanism. Then to establish roman numerals on the disks of mechanism in this order, at which lie the books on the regiment in the apartment, i.e.,: IX VI - - I - X - III. After turning small knob to the left, will be opened the mechanism, inside which will lie very old parchment. After the interpretation we leave to the father of Catherine.8 @: O4 t0 h! w) ^

" {, ~- {' z. b* P  hChapter 2: New unions9 s8 {1 A7 j9 K  `& r, e' E( e
8 J0 u: J" M2 ^* Y# p8 P
Jonathan and the false passport:
% n7 a/ H2 u# }( _( H: J2 a9 O- `: w1 r% L2 S0 Y9 f
After visit to the father of Catherine of vapor of main characters it will visit the computer expert Of dam'ena, which will take parchment for the interpretation. Also it will give to Jonathan and Ket for connection Palm. Further heroes will leave to Robert, who will have to provide Jonathan with false passport. Only, that will ask the producer of false passports, this the photograph of Jonathan.
# ^6 V$ l  ^2 o7 y& c# o% R1 k; L
We leave to the street. We look especially fixedly at the lattice of collector, until Jonathan reveals something shining. We go along the street to the right side. We see the crane with the drinking water established near the wall of house. Further we go along the street to bomzha, which bars passage to the automaton for the photographs. We speak bomzhem. Near the automaton for the photographs we select I be empty bottle. We look two times at the broken automobile. Inside it we find magnet. We move further. On the following location from the refrigerator we obtain morozhennoye on the rod. In the bushes in the left lower angle of location we find the packing of yogurta. We move further along the street. At the end of the street we look at the puddle two times. We select from the earth lace. After going along the street further to the left, we will prove to be there, from where they departed, i.e., near the lattice of collector and entrance into the lair of Robert.2 Z$ C. y4 B, G' R: ~

4 t- d. P+ G/ E" m; W0 H, |( dWe unite in the inventory magnet with the lace. It is utilized it on the bright object in the collector. We obtain coin with price into 1 pound. We fill I be empty bottle by water from the crane, established near the wall of house. In the bottle we first add morozhennoye (rod it settles in the inventory), then we add yogurt. As a result of these actions it will come out fault. We give bottle with the wine to bomzhu. Coin it is utilized on the automaton for the photographs so that Jonathan could photograph. We carry photographs to Robert.7 D4 i+ \, R' W7 R
  `# T! P: q8 g* \) l* V$ b
Katrina in the house Of makKendala:; L8 @5 x+ S0 H: J3 P

9 x  R  ^' h, IKet must in the house find in all the pair of objects - camera and false passport. Main entrance is guarded by two policemen, but Ket by some means was possible to select to the back side of house. We look at the door of shed. We select garden gloves. We study the wild roses, which grow throughout the entire length of wall. It is utilized glove on the plant. So Ket will fall inside the house. We get down on the stairs to the first floor. We pass into the drawing room to the left. We study sofa. We select camera. We leave in Hall. We go in the hall to the right. On the table among the heap of papers we find false passport.; v$ e6 M5 g0 s

4 u8 L$ B* [; ]: z4 Z8 h+ e$ g9 U# UNow both Jonathan and in Katriny has false of passport. also them became accessible deciphered Dam'enom the information, which is contained on the ancient parchment. This trinity into the period will be divided. Dam'en will leave for killed uncle Jonathan's apartment for obtaining of any information, Katrina will go into the library in order to take the necessary books, which can soak in the investigation, and itself Jonathan will go to convince pilot alan to deliver them on the aircraft to cathedral Chartres.3 s0 j% X2 X% [3 H  O3 h% Q: _

$ p. ?% v8 @  w3 @+ [- pChapter 3: Image Sanctissimus
  n" y% ^$ `: {3 v, _( M4 b9 _& X0 W( T  |0 ]  F8 a* \, O
Dam'en in uncle Jonathan's apartment:4 {% x) t7 b% `- P4 l- Y: Z. `( o
9 E/ |6 B7 B( n& m, u/ o
We rise to the second floor. We go in the apartment number 5. We use noutbukom, that stands on the working table. For the entrance the password is required. In the notebook will appear the record "possibly joe it knows password from noutbuka of Frank". We unite this text with KPK Pallm. By knob we select this communication on KPK and it we drag over to the name of joe answer it will not force itself to await. Joe does not know password. Then we use the second possibility. Is utilized USB drive, which is located in the inventory, on noutbuke. The password of noutbuka is broken up. In the notebook appears the record "book list". We combine this record with KPK. Communication we send Ket.
5 l: U9 b  t1 Q7 {3 `3 s" m: P) V5 h; ?/ X  i9 U- E) _) S
Visit of Jonathan to pilot alan:" {" ^: E( g1 d( r- N
% n( o$ m+ M* D4 g7 T
We study the boards, applied to the fence. After them will prove to be the lever, with the aid of which it is possible to open winch. After proving to be in the territory of airport, we go to the hangar. In the hangar we move to the right. We talk Alanom. We tell it that we are the friends Of ket and Dam'ena. We confirm our statement, after showing Alanu false passport. We further say that we should arrive in France. Alan together with the aircraft will be at our disposal, if we reach sparkplug. We obtain from the vegetable debris tank bottle with ammonia. In the inventory we look at the map of London. We click on the house Of dam'ena. We approach the tavern. We learn, that it is closed. We look at the hanging to the right of door panel with the mechanical device. After clicking on the middle of mechanical device, we obtain sparkplug. We return with the aid of the urban map to Alanu. We return to it sparkplug.5 S4 d9 w4 A' @* o* m
! Y7 a0 x* }: F, y
Katrina in the library:7 i5 y' {, e! l
8 K2 b8 i: g& u+ L# S9 W
We read the communication, which sent Dam'en. We go inside the library. We speak to the librarian. It does not have time to find the books necessary to us and which is still worse, it does not give to us to find them by itself. We go to the right. We bring down the pile of the books, which is raised from the floor. But librarian is inexorable. Then we look at the fire extinguisher. Mouse burrow is hidden behind it. We shift fire extinguisher. Librarian this time will go away from the book shelves. We find on the regiments of the book of the authors Franceska Eterei, Vodana Of gutembera and anonymous French author.' |0 t8 M( s! }) g! u, W
: ?" w$ V6 [, v, I
Further Ket and Jonathan leave for France. Dam'ena, unfortunately, understands terrible lot.
( b: r- q2 H; N. W5 u  f- Z6 r' ^. b* N2 K
Chapter 4: Cathedral Chartres& v1 L, C# y. b2 i: K

: s& e* p: _6 [Jonathan near the cathedral:
5 r! O4 f4 @! `/ E2 y3 n4 F/ |7 d8 ]; P, v- h8 _7 f/ K
It is necessary to report to inspector about death Of dam'ena. But, as we remember, the cell phone of Jonathan in Europe does not work. The door of telephone booth as inopportunely, it wedged. We go to the right to the fountain. We look at it. We select prezervativ. We go downward. We pass by the closed doors of cathedral to the building. We look at it 2 times. We select the dragged along unowned scrap iron. Is utilized scrap on the wedged door of telephone booth.
4 Y& m4 X( E5 o6 |- g
+ M& O1 o% d, v5 ]# c% a6 _We ring to inspector. We report about that happening. The map of payment for the coin-operated telephone will prove to be in our inventory. Near the door of newspaper kiosk we find tomato sauce. We go to the right. We look at the bench, on which will lie the newspaper. We drag over newspaper into our inventory. We go to the left to the statue (not horse). Indiscriminate communication will be substituted to the pedestal of statue. Is utilized tomato sauce on the pedestal, so letters will become visible. Then it is utilized newspaper on the pedestal in order to transfer text from the pedestal to the newspaper. Text on the Latin.
; D; J. _! l% B3 j. f/ r& \; p4 s* |0 e5 Z- w- q  i! P% j% d. F# b
We select the stone, which lies near the pedestal. Is utilized stone on prezervative, in order to fix the similarity of turnpike. We look at the window behind the statue. In the inventory we combine cell phone with the newspaper in order to make a photograph of communication on the Latin. In the notebook will appear the record "mysterious proposal on the Latin". This record should be sent by means of KPK Of ket.* k0 b  D* _7 E7 p, G/ V
* G6 O) w- S0 ^$ A1 @; M8 i
Katrina in the searches for nochlezhki:
' T, P! R/ z2 I4 D
3 s0 @  F4 o/ ]) Y9 b9 f6 vWe study the proposal arrived from Jonathan. We pass to the right to the terrace of cafe. We speak to the man, who sits on the bench near the statue. We pass to the left. We speak to the playing children. We learn from them, how it is possible to fall inside the cathedral. Notebook will be supplemented by record "the window of cathedral it can be opened". This record by means of KPK we send to Jonathan.$ \8 `3 j2 J9 Q* E0 g

3 q% Z: Z) ?) X' |/ w/ tJonathan falls inside the cathedral:
# H) n# H, t1 Y5 Y' @) Y  {9 u& A! f" @6 K" X) H1 M
We read communication from Katriny. We look at the window behind the statue. We try it to open by rod from morozhennogo. But it is dangerous to break open the window of cathedral, until street is well illuminated. Let us correct this. It is utilized turnpike from prezervativa with the stone on the lamp. By rod from morozhennogo it is discovered window.) f5 f9 C* n7 @! q: `* s

7 q8 H1 M& J% c+ IInside the temple to the right we look at the labyrinth on the floor. On the altar we to the left study relic. At this moment the priest will appear in the cathedral. After conversation with it Jonathan will be arrested. His telephone conversation with the inspector was traced.
9 v+ r, j9 h7 m9 x. S3 W) |+ v- Z8 |1 e) |
Chapter 5: Rome, The Vatican.
  f; m1 n3 O, {
5 D& S/ J6 ]' O' H, p, r' \Katrina in the searches for the second part of the parchment:
2 R( A0 `& Y% e5 F
( S2 Y( \7 @3 XBy Catherine was reached from the hippy the map of Rome, the book about the construction of Rome and match. We go to the museum, located to the right. We speak to the employee of museum. It will admit us inward after several requests. We go on the museum to the last room, where will viset' fresco the "fire in Rome of 857 years". We study it attentively. We look at dad of Roman, at the man and at the column. Phrase from the notebook "mysterious proposal on the Latin" it is utilized on dad Roman. Hint about the closed door sounds. We pass into another part of this room. We look attentively at the average door. To the right of it it is possible to find small opening. We put in it match. We take magnet in the form of cylinder. We return conversely to the employee. We speak to it. On the map will appear new place - door of alchemist.
1 w* R9 f! L. a2 U# ?4 M$ X& ]3 s! a- [8 e0 }4 p' F( q) B& q
After using the map of Rome, it is exerted at the new place. We go to the right. We look at the rock circle with the pointer higher than door. We put magnet in the form of cylinder into the opening. We obtain the pointed magnet. We click by the map of city on the pointer. The pointer will appear on the map. In order to learn, where she indicates, it is necessary the map of city in the inventory to combine with the book about the construction of Rome.
8 X  \1 H; p% r
& L" c8 h% [! E1 t1 K, ?1 h. IWe step to the pantheon. We speak to the guard before the entrance. In the notebook will appear the record "the policeman of pantheon it does not admit me". We return to the museum. It is utilized on the employee the made near the pantheon record in the notebook. Now they will let pass us inside the temple.
& r9 ^+ E! o% y7 S# e: g: P  v
4 n1 c( s8 f8 x" fWe approach the grave of Umbertos I. We investigate it. We put in the opening the pointed magnet. We obtain pyramidal form magnet. In the floor secret passage will be opened. We get down downward. We approach the altar. We study it. We put the magnet in the opening obtained earlier. Riddle is activated. We number the mentally appeared buttons from 1 to 6. For the starting point we assume uppermost button and further clockwise. We press on buttons 2-3-6-5. After securing the second part of the parchment, made Ket photograph leaves to Jonathan.
  l; a' z5 f/ ]/ n; D- |2 A6 ?7 V; n$ A; {& `; D
Jonathan in London:$ Q5 c4 h* L2 d3 v" t1 P7 K
% c+ R. @7 r, U, h/ p! A# e
Inspector again gives to us key from killed uncle Jonathan's apartment. We read communication from Ket. In the notebook the record about the second part of the parchment appears. On the map of London in the inventory we select the apartment Of dam'ena.  e7 \- T% N" K- X) G8 }3 d3 K

# M6 x: d) o3 D* ~  Z; jWe go in the house. We rise upward. We see that the apartment Of dam'ena is sealed up, and old woman is removed on stairs area. We speak to it. We leave back to the street. We go in the tavern. We speak to the owner. We obtain from it bottle with the mustard.
* q, M4 C7 s: Y2 k* Z$ J' E( f. q6 e6 F* Q4 |1 [0 G
We return to the apartment Of dam'ena. We rise to the uppermost floor. It is utilized on the bright floor bottle with the mustard. We speak to the woman about the dirty field. Now, when it is shrewd, we go in the apartment Of dam'ena. From the table in the room- office we take the first part of the parchment. We go to the kitchen to the left, from there into the bedroom to the left. From the chest of drawers we take thermometer. From under the chair we obtain empty box. On the map of London we select Artur makKendel's house.. T$ A2 y, X, ^! m8 ?7 v! A0 [% H
: [5 e, Z2 K+ V* w6 |% x
We go inside the house. We pass into the hall to the left. We speak to Artur. It will give to us the key, by which it is possible to unlock the majority of doors in the temple. Further in the subsequent scenes to us will be reached still some pocket watches. Investigating them in the inventory, we learn, that they stopped to 5.55.2 p; E% x9 V" e% X+ ]- M5 ^: k

" n& g6 Q& G" ?* ?7 v: {* }8 OLet us go to uncle Frank's apartment. We rise upward. We go in the familiar apartment number 5. Study in the office outdoor hours. In the notebook must it will appear the phrase "the old outdoor hours of Frank were always broken". It is utilized this phrase on the second pocket watches. In the notebook will be added phrase "I I can fix time on the outdoor hours to 5.55". It is utilized this phrase on the old outdoor hours. Hiding-place will be opened. We take small iron sword. It is utilized it on the statuette of knight, which can be found on the regiment to the right of it is hour. From the opened box we obtain narrow paper with the drawn notes. It is utilized this paper on the note sheet on the piano. From the secret box we obtain ancient locket.
3 y& B1 D: z+ n, |
; G! n7 x& ]: P* @# U  N% y, hFurther Artur will be connected with us. His obtained results force us to leave for Venice. In the airport, expecting aircraft in Venice, we be suitable the carts for luggage. We study one of them. We obtain coin. We go to the right. We put coin in the automaton. We take lemonade. We study counter to the left of the automaton. We take with itself pencil.
! l/ M' J8 [& f5 }3 o) ~5 q- e/ k) e  c% T$ d" F& z
Jonathan in Venice:0 T# K$ ~. P% `4 R; Y4 p' a: t' M

& o4 Z+ ~( O! BWe go to the left. We go inside the building (entrance in the center of the screen). In the accomodation we speak to the restorer. We take from the table emery paper. We combine in the inventory pencil with the emery paper. We obtain graphite. We give lemonade to restorer. Graphite is utilized on the bank with the kaolin, which is located on the table. We get down into the well.
8 B" ~  `" \) \( f" S( B1 q2 i2 ?/ H, z2 [2 K9 J6 o, h
We look at the wall to the right. We find stone with the opening. We put in the wrench opening, which to us gave Artur makKendel. In the opened niche we see four gear wheels. We put the largest gear wheel in the left groove. Gear wheel a little less - into the second groove to the left. Gear wheel it is still less - into the third groove to the left. Smallest gear wheel - into the outer to the right groove. After the installation of all gear wheels we pull lever on to the top of niche.! [& |' T" {9 P7 X% |, d
& U7 A5 C7 f, z0 ]  d  r
We pass to the round stones on the earth before the water. Under the stones we find 5 buttons. We number buttons from 1 to 5 from left to right and we press on 5-4-3 buttons. After the formation of bridge we pass into another part of the accomodation, where from the earth we take stone with the ancient manuscript. Further we return to London.
8 i5 m' v2 R- ~! @0 T- ^6 a% _& {! l' M; s
Jonathan again in London:
# D( O' }  s4 E# `' K$ M! q# r8 g9 S
After conversation with Artur in the notebook will appear the record "the elements: water, ammonia and mercury ". Ammonia and mercury from the thermometer we already have, it remained to obtain waters. For this we leave into Brixon (by means of the map of London). There we go to the crane with the drinking water. We fill water into the empty box, which we found in the apartment Of dam'ena. We return to Artur makKendel.
" Q0 @0 g$ F4 \% B- R: y
$ ?. ^4 t8 [1 e3 y5 @In the inventory we unite ammonia with the water. Then into the water we add mercury from the thermometer. After this, into the aqueous solution it is lowered the part of the parchment. The part of the phrase, left by uncle Frank, will pass through on the parchment. In the notebook we find phrase about the second part of the proposal from another parchment and we combine it with the parchment, which is located in our inventory. In the notebook then the final phrase of Frank will settle. It it is utilized on Artur. Further we fly to Rome to the aid Of ket.' T% h# m  E2 f

7 |& W* a' i* V$ Z3 B1 ~Chapter 6: Solution at dawn
( Q# t! f! F3 G' D4 y# ]- E% |0 t. O- m2 B- e7 H9 J
Jonathan in the lock:# K: ^  F- x$ Y- {, \8 n
- [6 K- i7 b6 A; F( E
We take the wooden stick, which lies on the forests to the left of Jonathan. It is utilized stick on the monk. After cutting down it, it is exerted inside the lock. To the right from the kit we obtain open-end wrench and machine oil. We pass in the first chamber, where on the wall it is possible to find the nut, which holds rope. We pass further in the large chamber, in center of which there is a strange rock plate. We go in another passage. Further into one more, until we see Ket in the environment of two monks. We note the chandelier hanging above them. We return to the nut with the rope. We lubricate nut by machine oil. We unscrew nut by open-end wrench. Chandelier cuts down two monks.7 z/ E5 u' V6 N8 h& A3 E
! ?! l# @+ K- k0 a6 I" B* M
Together with Ket we pass in the enormous chamber with the strange stone in the center. Near that door, which we left, we find opening, where locket ideally will be entered. In the center of chamber the stairs is formed. We get down downward. Along the path we follow to the gates. We look at the aqueous source to the left. In the opening from above the source we put locket. All, we further look the final decoupling of this ambiguous game.
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发表于 2007-12-31 21:29 | 只看该作者
感谢上帝,感谢lz,感谢攻略,我终于通关了……1 c3 n0 d( t9 c9 R  }; T
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thank you so much~
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