
英文版 梦境侦察 Dream Sleuth

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[英文版] 梦境侦察 Dream Sleuth

发表于 2024-2-15 15:06 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式

梦境侦察 Dream Sleuth


Dream Sleuth
Developer: NevoSoft
Publisher: NevoSoft
Hard Drive: 139 MB
Release Date: 2009-06-23

Dreams are remarkable. Scientists still can't explain what happens when people dream, why we have them or why people see them. There's also pretty convincing evidence that mammals and birds also dream. The shaman, medicine men and wise sages of various cultures around the world believe that dreaming is a trance-like state of being, during which a person feels both connected and at one with the universe. They believe, that in this particular state it is possible to discover secrets from beyond: How the universe works or see fragments of the past or future. Normally after waking, the average person can't remember what they dreamed about or merely have a vague recollection of a surreal scene or a few cloudy snippets of what happened.
The main character in Dream Sleuth, Catherine, always had normal dreams. That is until one day that she saw one that was remarkably real. A dream that featured a little girl that went missing and the police couldn't find. The dream was so clear that she decided to start her one investigation to find the missing girl. She interviews people that knew the missing girl and sifts through facts and rumors, but she finds the most important clues and information in her dreams.
Dream Sleuth is the first game in NevoSoft's new Book of Mystery series - great narratives that combine adventure  stories with hidden object levels and mini-games.
We don't recommend playing this game at night. It might cause you to have weird dreams.


Game System Requirements
OS: Windows XP/Vista/7/8
CPU: 600 MHz
RAM: 512 MB
DirectX: 8

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