【更新】无头骑士的不幸命运 Cursed Fates: The Headless Horseman CE 游戏名称:无头骑士的不幸命运 典藏版 英文原名:Cursed Fates: The Headless Horseman Collector's Edition 制作厂商:Fenomon Games 发布日期:2013/01/06 所需空间:951 MB 游戏简介: In the northern part of the state, near the upper reaches of the Hudson River, there is a town named Sleepy Hollow. As is often the case, small towns hide big mysteries. A chain of bloody events commenced one ordinary night. A secret marriage and a new will have inflicted a dreadful curse upon this town. A terrible legend has become reality. The legend of a terrifying creature returned from hell. This is a special Collector's Edition release full of exclusive extras you won't find in the standard version. The Collector's Edition includes:
截图预览: 游戏拓展: 无头骑士“Dullahan”,又名“The Headless Horseman”,是爱尔兰民间神怪传说中最著名的一位。关于无头骑士传说的来历,一说为其生前是一名勇猛的骑士,由于在战场上不幸阵亡,首级被敌人割去,因此每当逢月黑风高的夜晚他便会骑着一匹同为亡灵的马出没于沉睡谷,四处寻找自己遗失的首级;而每当看见与自己生前长相相似者便会斩其头颅带回。 传说一个万圣节的夜晚一个穷青年在沉睡谷遇到无头骑士并被其追赶,情急之下青年拿起手中的南瓜灯套在无头骑士的脖子上才幸免于难。 与女妖Banshee不同,无头骑士不会强行夺取人类灵魂,对于人类而言他是死亡预言的传达者而并非贪嗜人类灵魂的掠夺者。作为Crom Dubh的化身或使者,爱尔兰人对无头骑士的畏惧更多地来源于前基督教时期对Crom Dubh神的信仰与膜拜。 Game System Requirements OS: Windows XP/Vista/7/8 CPU: 1.0 GHz RAM: 1.0 GB DirectX: 9 UPDATE! New PC version available! January 15, 2013Hey there Fishies, 更新版下载地址:
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