根据剧情的要求,出现了另外一个特工来监视General的举动,然后记事本中出现了以下的截图,可问题是不知道下一步该怎么玩了。9 B% o$ s3 m) Z* {
转了好几个地方,问了好几个人物,都没有提示新任务的出现,Muller找不到,Helfer也不接电话9 u8 U+ f, ^* l' v
9 P0 a) `$ j( L( l; s+ l1 I有谁能给个提示啊,谢谢啦- _; m4 P( W- D$ w
- w' ^! J$ V6 H7 M) X9 N, hI've disable the phone and takend the tape from Klaus, This agent has already know too much about the conspizations. So i'm afraid he will have to dealt with it. |