
Al Emmo and the Lost Dutchman's Mine 攻略 转自just adventure

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Al Emmo and the Lost Dutchman's Mine 攻略 转自just adventure

发表于 2006-9-18 19:53 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式

Al Emmo and the Lost Dutchman's Mine 攻略 转自just adventure

Walkthrough by "Tally Ho" and Len Green; g* F5 t* X" J: _0 K$ f/ i! A% T
28 June, 20069 q" \5 [2 k2 Z2 ~: I! Y9 v

! i  I  K3 v* w--------------------------------------------------------------------------------
( w" {7 {8 _4 v/ A
8 P) X: i' c  XPlease do not print this walkthrough; it is an interactive document, and will not function correctly if printed. It contains several "Magic Spoiler Boxes." Have a look:
" n2 o3 u4 A, `" Y9 I5 F
) g5 @& Y& _! ?0 c' FSo as not to give away everything, some actions are concealed in these boxes. In order to read what's in the next box, you need to place the cursor where it says, and holding the left mouse button down, drag the cursor downward, across the box. 8 x* g" o$ y- _; {1 y, e2 ?

. s: w) a! O2 w6 I' n6 J- qStart with cursor here:, C% n4 k5 M8 P- {$ `4 w% Q

! _2 J; z3 M6 dIf you did it correctly, you can read this.
( b4 E4 n) ]9 @: d% I; L, d' g. m  o& \) [. N" d2 D6 w! |7 u0 b! S
Drag across box to here.
+ P# y" d; [7 Z0 [6 m$ N; L
1 ^, m7 i/ ^! N0 p  ~If you are wondering how in the world to use a walkthrough without printing it; it goes like this: Right now, you are browsing the internet, and found this walkthrough. Click on "File" in the top menu, and then select "Save as . . ."
  w) e/ e# ]4 J3 w; C! f2 ]! ?+ I
, k! i9 b5 E# ?You will then choose a place in your computer to keep a complete copy of the walkthrough, which you can open even when you are not online. You could keep it right on the desktop, or in your documents folder, or in a folder which you create, such as "Walkthroughs." Wherever you put it, just remember where it is, so you can find it.
9 H4 C7 c2 X1 [5 L( E9 @4 i- M, j7 ]! h
Then, before you start up the game, open the walkthrough. Then start the game. You can switch back and forth between them by pressing Alt-Tab. (That is, press the Alt key, and while you are holding it down, press the Tab key. This action switches between open programs.). N. @3 E/ j* x( N8 l* C- |

' |( k: U0 b. t; C$ GGame controls: Press F1 to see Help on all controls. There are 15 pages of help. To exit them, press esc.
3 u5 m( U$ }* x6 U5 l, l: ]- [+ ]: y0 h$ }- m; ^4 C2 s, v6 G) Q
First rule of this game - Use the Eye icon to look at everything.
8 C3 h2 N7 @# d4 P: ~5 \8 o3 K9 IThat means EVERYTHING everywhere!2 C; d: M  g* l2 E' Z
Second rule: If you feel stuck, use the Talk icon to 4 O7 m' H1 p5 P5 i: @
talk to everybody about everything.
: U4 |1 Y; G2 \* G, ~2 Z: fDo that anyway, even if you don't feel stuck!' t& Q5 O: ?; c) w5 {) m
Third rule: Show all your inventory items to everybody, including Al himself.) [* I3 H# N6 |, A
Fourth rule: If it ain't nailed down, take it.
. g" u$ Q7 l3 j# GFinally, enjoy the game and pay attention: there will be a quiz at the end!( e! P5 {- r2 A

* B3 [- I( e* T5 S0 K ' O7 o" V2 ~$ @1 r1 q! P

% V, u8 F7 i6 I% \$ x. @0 YIf you find yourself feeling lost, perhaps you would like a map of sorts. While you should NOT print the walkthrough, you will want to print the maps. Download the maps to any folder on your computer. When done, Right-Click on each file, and select "Print" from the menu that pops up.
. `' j0 t& }( s- E1 L7 c/ N(These are "Block Diagrams," not directional maps)
$ `7 k/ P( u( ^8 P  m6 D+ K8 a% c+ L9 W8 c* Q) s
Map 14 [. z& W* _5 L- @  s: Y
Map 2
2 n* h- ^4 j% p+ _* @9 ~* o* _& N Map 3
5 g! X0 j' r' p% z
3 j7 I' U, i, z9 n) m1 j ! Z6 W- w  g6 ~2 M" {) Z

( ^# M  K9 F% L$ }Act One: C9 [$ s8 a' {5 V$ Y
Dude, Where's Your Train?
5 r8 M7 T0 T' [- tThe introductory cutscene ends, and poor Al is at the train station, seemingly stranded in Anozira. First, Al meets his companion; the "Narrator," who will be present for almost all the game. Talk to the Station Master, Johnny Kane, again and again, until he offers you a refund on your tickets. Take the tickets out of inventory and give them to him, in order to have some money. Talk to him again and again, until he asks you to "move along.": ?7 }1 d- `3 ~) P4 C
9 E9 x6 z, x( j" I& a
The path to the lower left (West) leads to the cemetery. You will need to return here later. The path to the upper left (North) goes to Town. Go there. You are standing in an area where the Sheriff's office and the Post Office are, as well as the town Gallows and a Wombat enclosure. We'll call this area the Village Square. The path to the South returns to the Train Station, East leads to a residence (Rita's House), and the path to the West leads into the main part of the town. Go into town.
+ {- }  f, X4 p3 W% {, p, z- l6 Q; k8 v: H' k4 K3 |
Recommendation: While the game is divided into nine discreet acts, and you must finish each act before proceeding to the next; the actions within each act can be fairly non-linear. We encourage players to explore and experiment on their own; you can't do any harm by following a different path. ; A" J& B% B  m6 H! B
2 f: P# l2 O: T
From left to right: the Green building is the Mayor's house, Koko's is the General Store, and to its right is Kevin's Saloon. Enter the Saloon. (Use the hand icon to open the door.) Al automatically hops up onto a barstool and talks to Kevin. During the conversation, Kevin offers to rent a room to Al. While $5.00 is the correct choice, it's worth guessing wrong, just to hear the funny remarks.
3 R- j( o7 D# r6 i! {- h* L! S2 z5 r( U4 j$ g
Following that conversation is a cutscene in which Al meets Rita Peralto (She sings a funny song to the tune of "Polly-Wolly Doodle"') and Al sort of falls in love. When it's all said and done, you will have a room key in your possession. To get to your room, which is upstairs, click the walk icon on the door at the top of the stairs (next to the two people hanging over the balcony.) Then use the key on your door, the one to the right. Oops; the key broke. You receive a hint from the piano player ("Dang that key!"). Also, if you have been listening to his delightful rag-time in D-flat, all of a sudden one of the notes is clunky and sounds like it is broken or something. # z/ R% x1 ^' e
% s" N9 z! {( t( A7 d5 X/ x+ U- D
Sit on the bar stool (Use the hand icon to get there - use it again when you want to get down) and take the broken key out of inventory and show it to Kevin. He can't help because he lost the duplicate somehow. Talk to Kevin about Rita. After Kevin gives you the flyer, click the flyer on Al and read the information about Rita. Notice that she particularly likes the blossoms from the Saguaro Cactus. Talk some more. Kevin suggests consulting Mayor Trinkwasser.
0 q3 m0 |7 I0 m6 O1 B" m
+ F2 @% [, G/ E# V$ W: u, K% i6 K- ]Go to the Mayor's house and talk to him. When you ask him about the local flora, he tells about the Saguaro flowers, and says there is one near the Bull Pen.8 I* R& m, X0 p) k. V- U
% A2 [0 G! [+ }0 F! ]) m0 ]
Exit the Mayor's house. Exit the town to the West (left.) Look at the "small, obtainable rocks" lying on the path. Take them. Let's go back to the Saloon and ask Kevin for another key. He doesn't have one; he lost it somehow.
8 Z; k2 D5 u  @$ \: U; ?9 t; T4 W- N& c; j
Go talk to the piano player, Bill. He hints again, something about a key. He won't talk for very long; he's busy. Look at the piano. You learn something about a key. Touch the piano (Al plinks a key.) Talk to Bill again. And again. He wants a drink called a Blazin' Kev.
9 x) }; p+ e& s3 n
0 `/ ^, V! h- n- \( z) `, g# c) f- O3 c* }Talk to Kevin about the drink. He won't make one because they're explosive; you have to concoct it yourself. It's not difficult, if you listen to the instructions. If you have trouble figuring out how to mix the drink, drag your cursor across the box below. There are three progressively helpful hints.* A, ~; {5 K4 @$ u
+ D- G" Q/ `. D8 i5 d/ x
Did Kevin say something about initals?
# d' r5 D7 J, q7 |8 F: D  \, G6 |

* N' C' f$ P$ h+ f7 V  v1 D9 C* n--------------------------------------------------------------------------------
8 S* ^; {) I) W) K/ k9 o1 P5 b$ ~; {& G7 b% @- G# n1 P
Look for ingredients that start with the same letters that spell the name of the drink.9 G" H0 v7 p' u1 f  J* `

2 T/ G/ d6 {6 |( u% M
4 e8 }* t0 b7 n+ B--------------------------------------------------------------------------------
* _! _; F: I" ^5 w
, ]; l" f, d/ J$ S: zBourbon, Lemon juice, Absinthe, Zedoary, Irish Cream, Nutmeg, Kirsch, Egg Nog, Vodka
* Y1 r) }3 m. t
" m3 K# q" p5 S0 i6 \) F* E! _6 Q( E% n
" P/ q+ j# m, @5 Z4 d0 L$ P4 h
& b" {4 a& U3 O" W; c1 h
"Light 'er up and stand back!" With what, you ask? The matches are sitting right there on the bar. Place the small spot on the Hand Icon directly onto the matches to pick them up. Use the matches to light up the drink. Whew! (If you take too long, the alcohol will evaporate, and you'll need to mix up another one.) Light it and offer it to Bill. "I like it on the rocks; no ice." Huh? Maybe he means real rocks. Open your inventory and put some rocks into the drink. That's it!
/ M  t) E. A0 q" y- }
- ]3 f* a! L' gRecommendation: Save your game here, in case you miss the next action. If you don't do it in time, you would need to mix another Blazin' Kev on the Rocks. 5 P" M" r5 v* n

5 C/ n3 a3 s4 D  S' n  Y5 zNow give that drink to Bill. As soon as he takes a sip, plink the piano keyboard and you will have your good room key. Do it promptly; Bill will be distracted for a very short time, and you need to switch the cursor to the 'hand' and touch the keyboard during that time. Once you have snatched the room key out of the keyboard, the piano sounds normal again. Now you know why Kevin didn't know where the other key is. Having retrieved the key to your room, go upstairs again and enter the room. Poke around under the bed, and you will find a (broken) whip. I wonder what that's doing there!
) I* `% p" |9 v; r1 `# x0 X# \! ]8 K! [8 \. L/ ^' h! ^
While you are in the saloon, you can find at least three more items. Take the bottle of Mustard from the table. Also look at, and pick up the the drink menu and order the Tequila with Agave Worm. Ooops. The drink slides right off the end of the bar and smashes on the floor. Examine the debris on the floor, and pick up the Agave worm. It is also possible to take some cigarette butts from the ashtray under the dartboard - but you won't need them until much later.5 ~" V* }6 M$ ]& k) Z" y

% G, W. p( m2 `6 M' rTalk to Bill once more. (Always remember to finish each conversation.)
. [# a( c+ h  R& h3 Z! n/ ^; p# n# D  t( H, Q2 o
Exit the Saloon. You see a five-year-old boy sitting on the rocks at the Mayor's house. Use the talk icon to get closer, then talk to him. He challenges you to get his daddy's flag down off the pole. Exit the close-up of the bratty kid, and go to the Hospitality House.
3 B- n* N/ W# m  t. Y! d7 X1 J9 Q) C2 H
You are standing in the courtyard of the Hospitality House. You see a bubbling water fountain. Take the path around back to the left, and visit Bubba's Barn.
+ b) n9 F! C* s. [! c! |8 z6 w: H
Talk to Bubba. Al asks if the flag can be lowered, but Bubba says it only comes down for cleaning, or lowered to half-mast to honor the deceased. Al decides to try claiming someone has died, but Bubba wants written proof and "hard evidence." Examine everything at Bubba's. Pet the horse, and receive a lengthy strand of hair.
1 s( S* P0 ]  l% P$ |* h( P0 p
" i# q' S6 S: s0 u: p) IReturn to Town and enter Koko's Store. Talk to him until he has no more to say. Then look around, and examine everything. You need to make some purchases. Buy a Flask, a Map, and a Cost Mo' Magazine. To buy things, click your money pouch on Koko. Hey - that map is blank. Don't worry, as you visit certain areas they will get added to the map and you will be able to jump to them with a single click.
/ m/ L7 Z( [5 c$ C& f
8 ^2 l7 y% p& c5 }9 Y! |: v4 d4 VExit Koko's, and exit the town to the West (Left.) Then go North (Up) If you examine the path, it says the path splits three ways; to the north is the cattle pen. Go East twice, and you can pick up a bone from an "Ex-Cow." Hey! Maybe that will be enough to convince Bubba that someone has died. For the moment, let's keep exploring.* G( U( N+ W# Y0 x1 ?

3 D; j2 s# y1 t) [0 r' m% pContinue to the East. You will see a high plateau, which you will reach much later. (It's actually the entrance to the mine.) Continue up and to the right, and you find another path that goes three ways. Northwest takes you to a dead-end at a gorge. Examine the Aloe Vera plants, and take a leaf from the plant. You won't need to come here again. Return to the previous node, and take the path North-east. Examine the Oleander flowers, and pick one. Continue around the bend to the East. Another three-path node. take the North one. You are in a sort of cave, with sharp-spined Cholla Cactus, which contains a bird's nest with egg. You will need to return here much later in the game, but there is nothing to do for now.
" M1 l) m  F. l7 H7 A. Q! W
# q. P. m0 m7 Y9 c  NExit the Cholla node, and go East again. You see some graffiti on the stones. To the South, you find a bear pestering some prairie dogs in their holes. You need to find a way to distract the bear. Keep in mind what bears like to eat, and maybe you will soon find something helpful. For now, exit the prairie dogs place, and then go East again. Now you see some Indians standing on a cliff. If you try to go past them, they shoot some arrows your way, discouraging you. You can try talking to them, but they pay no attention. That's all for now; but you did manage to put the Indian's Plateau on the map, making it easier to return at a later time.
3 X1 a* Z( G! k" z( }. }3 Y- d% A; s6 R
Use the map to return to town, and as before, exit West and North, then North again. Now you are again in the place where the path comes in from the south-east, and veers west and north-east. You see the cows from here. You also see a Saguaro Cactus, which just happens to be in bloom. Wasn't that the flower that will get Rita's attention? You need to pick that flower somehow. Be sure to examine it, even though you can't reach it. Walk to the long fence (which keeps the cattle inside their pen) and exit to the East. You discover a nice Oasis. It is now on the map, making it easy for you to return here. This is one place where you can fill the flask with water. (You can also fill the flask at the Hospitality House fountain and Bubba's watering trough.) Exit the Oasis.
- w) |+ T3 `7 K5 W0 Y( L; a) h" l* p% {( U, r/ A
Exit the Saguaro node to the west. You see a branched path. There is a wagon wheel sitting there, with a horseshoe next to it. Examine the horseshoe. It's damaged, but take it just the same. Exit to the West. You are on a path. Continue Northwest. You come to an impassible gorge. The gorge is now on the map, but you can do nothing here for a long time. Return to the four-branch path and go North. You come to another dead-end, where you can see a dead horse in that gorge, and a prickly-pear on the other side, which is bearing fruit. You will need to find a way to pick the fruit.3 T3 L/ i) f0 ]% T/ `
9 \2 m. G$ @1 W. o/ ]; _
Return to the Wagon-Wheel, and exit to the South. You see a cactus with hook-shaped needles. Try to take one, but they are stuck like a nail. Use the map to return to Town.( [  D7 Z! ]+ F! S2 O4 e' a: w

# Z8 Q6 v" y2 lEnter the saloon and talk to Kevin - he has a lot to say. He will tell about his ancestors, and why he settled here, in this business. He will tell a tale about the Sheriff, reveal some rumors about Rick in the Post Office, and the Mayor, and finally Bubba's rotten kid. An important clue is that the kid might be diggin' up some graves.
% M" }- v9 G- \: a4 n& K5 G  k" m  C, Q  a( ]9 z
Go to Bubba's and show him that cow bone. Sorry, Bubba is too experienced to fall for that trick. Go to the Train Station, (South from the Village Square) and exit West into the Cemetery. At the far left is a small hole in the ground, Reach in there and find a human bone. ("Ew gross - It's all dirty.") If you happened to look in the hole before Bubba wanted evidence, you couldn't take the bone. While you are here, you should take the time to read the inscriptions on all the stones and markers. Optional - there is a Daffodil blossom you can take with you. ' K% Y/ I" D3 e& }& H" T

% {+ i- P) w  _Show the bone to Bubba. He won't believe someone has just died, because it's been buried already. He can tell by the dirt clinging to it. Go to the fountain in front of the Hospitality House and wash it off. Now Bubba will accept the clean bone as evidence. Al checks to see if the flag has been lowered, but Bubba still wants written proof. Enter the Mayor's house, and make an entry in the journal of births, deaths and marriages. (Examine it first, in case you didn't do so when you were here before.) For fun, click the page on yourself. Show the page to Bubba. Now he is willing to honor the dead, but it'll cost you a dollar for the "Service Fee." Pay Bubba and he will lower the flag. ; ]* p: C  _7 j
6 |# I* P0 S& M# m4 O# Y
Unfortunately, it's still out of reach. Show him the broken horseshoe. When he goes into the barn to look for another one, squirt Mustard on the flag. Bubba will go into a tirade, then take the flag and soak it in the fountain. Take the flag. (Optional: show it to the kid.) Exit the town to the west, and go north to the Bull-pen. Attach the flag to the Saguaro cactus, then open the bull's gate. He charges at the cactus, knocking it down. You can now pick up a fallen flower.
- Q& X8 }& ]8 Y- `, [+ b+ X
! e( b0 O. z! X8 }; Z; JSet aside five minutes before you proceed; you will be triggering the end of Act One, and the introduction to Act Two; both automatic cutscenes. ( b! p: a+ G0 Z

/ R# G; S8 J$ ~7 O2 J, ^: s# A / ?% R" M7 ^# I( }& |; ?& Q9 }) l- x

& S, x9 N6 s6 H! B1 F0 n, YReturn to the Saloon and give the flower to Rita. She graciously accepts it, and almost agrees to go on a date with Al, when that slimy, sniveling dirtbag, Antonio Bandana steps in and sweeps her off her feet. He thounds like he'th from Barthelona.
$ f1 A' y/ `" O& r% _1 U$ p. U! `0 v* s: ^* g: }- H& [. R# L

- {6 |: w* z) ~$ A
, i8 j4 S% |3 s
* h! S  L! D% Q# Q/ G) L; M2 C--------------------------------------------------------------------------------8 j" B" ^/ [3 d; P

, z7 Y2 l) ^' z0 `
$ Y9 q& p7 p8 C  p3 F2 A8 B) O7 {8 e! ?" X( J; p' w' J( [
Act Two
3 L4 ~* x: j0 {Enemy of the Date.
  C* A% @. O. O  AThe cutscene ends with Al sitting on the barstool. Talk to Kevin. Talk to Bill. Talk to the Mayor at length. Antonio is standing next to the Hospitality House. Talk to him completely. Talk to Bubba. Look at the Hammer and "borrow" it. Now you will be able to pluck one of those hooked spines. The fastest way to get there is to use the map to jump to the Oasis, then exit West to the fallen cactus with the red flag on it, and West again, then South. Use the hammer on the cactus.
! C% m* g8 p0 o/ x9 t1 h' [) z  |. b( c( y' k" r8 N
Time to combine some inventory items. Highlight the box below if you find yourself stuck.
: e  m; }+ q6 ^0 ~& b% O) c
/ T* r4 C6 I. \& `Combine the whip and horse hair.
/ b% l/ `& g8 M2 S# CCombine the hook with the whip/horsehair. . D: [" f6 I7 ]- G( _# o: x! X8 W5 D" a" j
Combine the Agave worm with those items to create a baited fishing rod. - n' {2 d" r& s" V' Y. D
Go to the Oasis and catch a fish.
' Y' `2 _4 L) X4 U: @2 r5 _0 m# `0 Q8 `! K1 ^
Use the map to jump to the Indian Plateau. Exit West, then South to find the bear and the prairie dogs. Give the fish to the bear. The bear goes away, and the nasty Prairie Dog talks to Al, in addition to shooting at him. Eventually he tosses a bear claw out. Look at it, and attempt to take it. Al gets too close to the hole, and his glasses are stolen. You need to get those glasses back. " N* i) y  K8 d# ~' [
0 n! B: t+ }* H% R! Z9 M( O
Look at the Prairie Dog. Take the hammer out of inventory, and click it on the hole. You begin an action sequence. Don't panic - this one is easy to beat . . . particularly since there is no time limit and you can't "die"! You do not have to bonk each dog as it pops up. Watch for the one that pops up wearing Al's glasses and hit that one. You only need to do it three times. Once the cursor changes from the hammer to the hand, you can pick up the glasses he dropped, and be done with it. Highlight the box to see a way to "cheat."/ u1 x3 @$ N8 I% m5 g

5 @0 N6 H# S  {5 iIf your reaction time is slow, or you have trouble with your hands, simply leave the hammer positioned over one of the holes and wait for the Prairie Dog wearing glasses to appear and Bonk! It takes a little longer this way, but patience wins in the end. ( b# e2 N! n* [! t# F  N4 d, O

# Q8 m' O  \* m! s4 c: Q& eDon't forget to take the bear claw when you are done with the nasty dogs. Return to town, and enter the Saloon. Rita is tending bar. Talk to her. Take the Chili Sauce Now you need to find a horse. Go to Bubba's. Talk to him until he agrees to rent you an animal. Answer the questions any way you like. Pay him, and the cutscene shows "Prince" Antonio riding away on the horse you wanted.
0 }4 N8 F7 o9 d5 K( h( L6 U( _& A; u) U) c
Look at the Mule and try to ride it. The Mule won't budge. Ask Bubba why. He won't "dangle a juicy clue in front of ya." Go to the Saloon and talk to Rita again and again.
! j' a( u2 }, K6 Q6 W$ N( ]! J7 @% T/ k& {6 Z$ k5 R% B
You still need to get that Mule to move. Remember the old "carrot-on-a-stick" routine? There was an item you couldn't reach before - something edible, but now you might be able to get to it.
& G0 k0 p6 h2 O: t4 V
7 g& L* ~( I0 k6 m- C* S+ sAttach the bear claw to the fishing rod. Go to the little gorge where you saw the Prickly Pear on the far side. (North from the Wagon-Wheel.) Use the rod to snag the pear. Now use that apparatus on the mule.
" u! @7 E. I% F4 Y5 K% Q" x
5 h/ ]2 s! {$ ZRide the Mule to Rita's house, open her gate and knock on the door. (Throw that dog a bone to keep him out of the way.) If by chance you did not pick up the Cow Bone, use the Chili Sauce on Al. He rubs it on his exposed skin. Then walk behind the gate, causing the dog to leave and go around the back of the house. Knock on the door; cutscene follows. Alas, poor Al is left in the dust again, when Antonio shows up. End of Act two.# D& m& Y  F4 H, r, J0 z% j

* E. i% m+ E1 ], i3 j' K* m% z0 r- W: F% R8 h- p( m" `# ^' h2 r
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------# u9 h; j6 u/ H( A! }

  i4 S. J9 A) X9 ^8 P5 KAct Three
( f' y; u: I1 q+ s. N. ^* oShallow Al" `- M) H( K, ]; e$ ]
You wake up the next morning and have a conversation with Kevin. Talk to him some more, then talk to Bill. Go to the Oasis. Talk to Pammy. You learn that she used to work at the 'house, but an awful customer made her decide to quit. Sounds a lot like Antonio.Talk to her again and again until she has no more to say. Attempt to take a melon from the pile behind her.
/ x) [& u9 ]5 d, U7 P! Y
6 j2 A0 e5 L1 w: O& e; p" F" y- PPammy wants some sunscreen. Go to Koko's Store. He doesn't have any in stock, of course; but he will make some for a fee. Give him the Aloe Vera. Oddly, Al pays Koko automatically, without you having to click the money bag on him. Go to the Oasis and give the Sunscreen to Pammy. She want's Al to rub some on. Yuck, it smells terrible. You need to find a remedy for that.
+ y& }. n7 G( ]% X( F. C0 L: D. ]
0 Z- ?* g; m0 e4 K1 i! v+ |" [2 n! XSuggestion - talk to the Mayor. He's the local expert on this sort of thing.
- Y1 d0 p, r, D9 c' D8 j! u; {- q# U) e# L8 s' l
Use the map to jump to the Indian Plateau and exit to the West. Exit again to the West, and examine the yellow flowers. (Creosote bush.) The odor is too faint to help with the sunscreen, but if you water the flowers, they will smell better. If your flask happens to be empty, you will need to fill it with water at one of the three possible locations. 8 }- e9 |8 m' i7 R) v  t
# r6 T* _( Y: g. U- R) \4 }
Use the bottle of sunscreen on the strongly-scented flowers, and return to the Oasis. Use the bottle on Pammy. Ow! It's scratchy now. You need to smooth it out.% b4 T) B$ w' X, m4 t) _) x! F

) C9 K5 I6 j6 o& O# _' z+ N+ ZGo to the Hospitality House and enter. Buy some Lube from the dispenser and use it on the sunscreen.
; C; R' N6 Y3 o+ vWhile you are there, try knocking on Lou's office door. That's the door with the Bull's head on it. He has about a hundred ways to reject Al.% g+ C6 H1 G7 [) e
% G' S  v. O. M/ l2 X& n0 I
) a( n  f9 z2 ]! f$ [. v
Go to the Oasis and try the smoother sunscreen on Pammy. Jeez; now it's too runny. You need to make it thicker.
$ E) g. O( z+ Q, G
5 Q# Y' N, [: A3 {( s5 n( P: |Go to Bubba's and put some molasses from the barrel into the sunscreen.
3 N, l( E# l2 x( |9 |, g% P" w$ g! q$ t/ U$ X/ z2 A: |/ k
Use the sunscreen on Goldilocks, now that it's Just Right. Act Three comes to a close.
* v! W# c- P" X: H4 F6 V
: W0 O/ |2 U' Y; r2 x7 H& V" E& L0 Z! n7 x6 b' s
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------2 ^) V, W: I: w5 M
& p0 v* r4 l- K
Act Four, h/ g# y. J$ Q$ Z! M9 ^
The Torn Identity' ~. d8 h# x% G4 M# u" E' G! ]
Enter the Hospitality House. Knock on the office door, "Pammy sent me," and Lou lets you in. Talk to Lou. He will offer Al a position on his staff, provided he can pose successfully as a woman. He needs to find a dress, some makeup, a wig, and something to fill out the dress.
6 l6 f  L+ Z( N/ g
' n9 d% z6 q( r% l6 `7 C5 F0 mThere is some slightly raunchy material in this scene, all of which is totally optional. If you are easily offended by suggestive material, skip this part. To see what it's about, highlight the box.
4 {; I2 L  l( n, F) y. B
, l" K% x- H( I$ a' _$ T
/ G# f/ U) D, r& Y2 ]: s, q% _3 \2 D
5 K  z" o" ]( y! xFor fun, examine the pile of magazines, then pick them up. Click through them slowly, as each one seems to reveal something suggestive on the next one down, then turns out to be completely innocent.
2 s4 ^& A' T* B* ~" i: wFinish the conversation with Lou, and show him all your inventory items, one by one. He and each of the girls will have something amusing to say.$ P. H( h, N6 _2 f' w
2 ]6 R; ]. b; }+ X
- G% \( ~) E* t5 h. e5 I
8 f# K! w0 \) Y; b6 u& A. l5 L
- [7 v1 \$ `, z+ I- Q6 Z; ^
Exit the town to the West, and West again. You are standing on a high plateau, next to a large tree. At the base of the tree is a Pointy Stick you can take (hard to see.) Return to the 'house and go to the door to the right of Lou's office, arriving at the upstairs window. You see some clothing drying on the line. Use the Pointy Stick to snag a nice blue dress. Go back downstairs.& @9 y& d- d  u, ]% Z& l9 U7 o

9 K6 v7 U6 b4 r# H) rTake the Cost Mo' Magazine out of inventory and click it on Al. Now you have a postage-paid order for cosmetics. If you have been exploring, and always found the Post Office closed, now's the time to check it out. Exit the town to the East into the Village Square, and open the door to the Post Office. Talk to the kid. Make a mental note of what his hobby is. Talk to him until he absolutely won't talk any more. Take the Makeup Ad (not the magazine) out of inventory and show it to Rick. He reluctantly fills it out and gives it back. Now you can mail it. The place to do that is hard to see; just left of the ad for Stamps is the Out box.
# D2 k! x- `6 C  D# s3 x! p
& S$ n4 g; d+ C% Z9 `Exit the P.O., and go to the Train Station. Whoa - that's fast service. Talk to the FedUp guy on the horse. Now you have a Make-Up Tin. ; l8 Q% N% j6 a, M) m' X; i) \9 f! {
7 l2 |5 V# r2 P% W2 h
Talk with Valerie, the drag queen. As always be sure to finish the conversation. Oops, there's another hint about the Mayor. Finally, she wants tools so she/he can return to construction work. Give her the hammer. You get the red wig in return. Don't forget to show Valerie your inventory items, just for fun (caution mom - slightly suggestive stuff.)
0 P* |, u  _( Z3 ^5 a6 x9 m) t! D* m6 Z  Y( S
Go to the Oasis and take a nice pair of Melons.
/ q2 A( \) z# }) r0 w% J7 A) e4 y1 r
) L( z% \) n* k5 t$ n6 VThat should do it. Enter the Hospitality House, and go into the Changing Room, the door to the left of Lou's. You are dressed as a woman. Knock on the office door. Lou gives you the key to Room Three. Go there, and as expected, Antonio the Greaseball is waiting, while the Narrator elects not to watch. Talk to Antonio, and do as he says. When you are done, and out of the bed, go through his clothes. You find his ID card. Aha! He's really Andretto Bonabuns, a gardener from Tijuana, not a prince at all.7 F" v. ?( j8 J  u8 X3 h% s7 ]7 {4 |

. ]- d  v' b' w+ ^/ ]( lChange back into your regular clothes, then go see Lou about your pay. He doesn't give you money, but a nice Inflatable Doll. Oh Well. For fun, you can show the doll to Pammy and to the Mayor. Enter the Saloon, and talk with Rita. The closing cutscene shows Antonio being arrested, then escaping under the distraction of an Indian raid.: `! K$ v+ j+ m" @* @" @

  z( l; s9 _/ X; |5 z% J1 I3 A8 |6 M% d+ J5 _9 p( E6 F
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------; I$ J2 Z8 ~# F: p" C7 d
& n: g! @6 X: v) @% t
Act Five% m2 J& g1 }% G0 h: ^6 [. E% d' L
Free Billy
6 g" Y# x; @" n! _: j% ?Talk to Kevin and Bill. Bill is in a bad state, and wants to die. Having met the Sheriff in the last act, maybe he can be helpful now. Go to the Village Square and see if his office is open. Yep, the Sheriff is in. (Don't forget to look, touch and talk to everything. Touch the wanted poster. The Narrator speaks German with a very Yankee accent, and says what amounts to "Jan is handsome; but - hands off - too handsome for you!") Talk to the Sheriff. Also try talking to the Indian in the cell (you MUST do this in order to proceed.) You realize you need to create a disturbance. Go outside and examine the gallows. Go back inside and talk to the Sheriff about the Gallows and about Rita. Exit again. Al thinks of someone who might use the gallows. 2 ?2 |: r- P7 `9 X, N. ^
8 O9 Y7 w/ E/ y& h
Go to the Saloon and talk to Bill. He decides to "off" himself. When you find Bill at the gallows, uh-oh, he has reinforced the post with some rope, so the gallows will support his weight. Use a match to partially burn the rope, weakening it. Go inside and talk to the Sheriff again. Ka-Boom, The gallows collapses, and the Sheriff leaves you alone with the Indian. Find the key hanging on the wall, and use it to let him out. ("Lawman keep tool of steel teeth on flat wood.") Now, he is afraid to go outside because the Sheriff will just catch him again. What to do?
  H4 C+ y+ V/ e
+ b  B0 i% _* `! \) |$ n! b9 M* C, m  BThink. Did you disguise yourself before? Give the Indian your dress-combo. Nice melons!2 i! t- j; T& v7 r. A* v$ o, v' [$ I

) g% \" v, p) k4 Z6 aGo outside and talk to Bill. Arrgh; now he talks in rhyme. Talk to him until he leaves. Take the Rope. (If you pick up the rope before talking to Bill, the act ends and you will not have the conversation with him.)" C1 h# N% K! ^2 X4 n% O  }4 \
$ ]" x5 [& j8 a9 z( z" m

& W6 z* ^& V8 ?- J2 B$ [: A) q9 X5 s--------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ h. j+ \6 H  p% i
5 X* w0 b5 ^- j4 ]% f! H' `Act Six/ h; }' X- J  r
Indian, a Stone, and the Last Town Raid% g" |- k% b7 v# I, O. D% |
Al will be standing at one of the crossroads. Use the map to get to the Indians' Plateau. Walk forward until they shoot an arrow. Now talk to them, and speak the password: "Stop That" Use the Rope on the pointy rock to climb up, and talk to the two Indians.9 z- F9 @8 T# `* i5 X' v9 o9 O$ |

% L" s8 y8 n# ?1 S' m6 H4 y  DGo to the campsite. Look at all the tents. Enter the Chief's abode. Look all around at everything before you talk to him. Finally, see what he has to say. The conversation centers around the stone, which has been split in half. Evidently, the stone halves are the key to finding the Lost Dutchman's Mine.
% c& s  Q/ s( e5 B# |6 ~
5 C( k- w- b  C  M" mOptional - visit the Casino tent and slide down the pole. You can play the slot machine, but be careful - you win some; you lose some. The way to build up your money pouch is to save before you begin betting, and save again whenever you score well. It's not really necessary; because Al began the game with just the right amount of money to purchase everything he needs. If you exceed $10,000 you are rewarded with a brief cutscene of Al in bed with a bunch of 'babes.' (Not to mention your $10,000 disappears!) If you exit with your winnings before reaching $10,000 your winnings are safe, not that it matters 'cause you had enough money anyway. If you want to skip the Casino, you can exit the Indians' plateau by clibing down the rope.
3 y8 o% \) R5 \& d, B1 ?8 m/ R1 F9 F+ ?! _; {' G5 ?' c$ L
To leave the Casino, click on the high-up Exit sign. Return to town and talk to people. The topics are "About the Indian Camp" and "What to do for kicks." Kevin, Bill, the Mayor and Bubba will all discuss those topics. Koko, on the other hand, will provide what the Chief asked for - Koko's Kola - if you can find all the ingredients.
+ f! o8 x; C; C
3 M8 X; d/ ?4 @9 y3 m; `- You should already have the Prickly Pear./ [' V5 \) Z" n' E7 n
- On the mantel over the Mayor's fireplace are some shotgun shells. Take one, and click it on Al to get the gunpowder.- ]( G3 b, P  T4 z4 I1 W3 h6 i
- Tobacco Ash will come from the cigarette butts in the ashtray, under the dartboard in the Saloon.
1 C$ e$ h( p9 z5 \. @+ e; l( t. @- Finally, the egg must be knocked out of the bird's nest.
( u* ?* M0 Z4 n% _1 d; T6 o3 {9 L, b. G: }/ ^
Quick route to the bird's nest: Use the map to jump to the Indian Plateau, exit to the North, then West, and finally North. You need to stand in the correct position in the cave. Walk along the raised path to the right, until you are standing on the point overlooking the Cholla. Now you will be able to toss stones at the nest. Note that you can also toss stones at the egg itself. Be careful where you aim. But; uh-oh, the egg might break if you knock it out of the nest and it falls to the hard ground. You must provide some sort of cushion. Place the inflatable doll at the base of the cactus, under the nest. Now hit the nest with a stone, and you will have an egg. (It will take about five throws, as the Narrator uses up his current supply of wisecracks.)
* }- m; ]0 v5 ?, o( H0 _& G1 e2 e( L% w* ?  C
Go to Koko and give him the four ingredients. He makes a can of Koke. When he is done, he too will talk about the Indian camp and what to do for kicks. Exit Koko's and go see the Indian Chief. (You can show the can to the people around town first, if you wish.) Al automatically gives the Kola to the Chief, who gives Al his half of the stone. Then follows a celebration scene. Listen to the story about the Aztecs and the cursed gold. Listen particularly to the part about who may possess the gold.
$ P% I% Q& A: M$ b4 ]. M" U3 e7 O% ]% v( ~, J' L

" u  l8 g. p' Y& G1 l, w4 \--------------------------------------------------------------------------------$ F9 y- t9 D: W5 U

0 n5 h6 d2 \$ YAct 7 - This is War!5 ~6 v/ r: z" b( n
The Exterminator - Rise of the Termites.! m+ Q2 |) o( Y; U( I' f
Al wakes up in the Indian Camp. Talk to Wil -er - Wilma. 8 f! M: A) X# n/ u. g( ]/ `

! \! l7 N% R) k, fGo to Town, and talk to Everette, the Exterminator. (Use the talk icon to get close-up, then talk to him.) Good grief, he's going to get rid of those pesky termites all right, along with the entire house and the Mayor too! Watch as he pushes the plunger in order to rid the town of evil, and the effort fizzles on account of a faulty wire. You should think of a way to save the Mayor's house.
  Q6 {% e- l, d5 h% p& X( ]7 Q6 G* |& O/ L1 O
Go inside the house, and look around. You see a suspicious spot on the wall, above and to the left of the fireplace. You might try grabbing the termites with your bare hands, but to no avail, they just jump around. Try some inventory items. Aha! The flask seems to have some effect, but those critters aren't really interested in an empty jar. What can you do to get their interest? Three spoilers in the next box. Highlight carefully if you want to see them one at a time.* t9 W2 o1 i# s. K, r6 m* T+ c

% K- g) q; \0 A' `They might jump into the jar if it contained some wood shavings. Go outside, and use the map to visit the Gorge. ( f/ \. C  U0 R, y1 W; [+ e2 w
6 o8 n) Y4 J( ~2 P- A4 ^; S7 n" Q) x; J  V# P9 K% J5 Z; f' V
See anything useful? There is a tree that has "dried and died beneath the unforgiving sun."' l% W1 F! V# a) l- z
) C+ P) L( p5 k& ~7 E
6 i! K/ i: Q* k" V
$ O& V7 ?! L& U# o6 [. w& Z$ V3 M, v* h2 Y
Use your knife to collect some wood shavings. Al automatically puts them into the flask.
5 r9 d. V/ v1 g. d
7 E  G" W6 H0 K. ~
2 x' n3 l$ w, ]$ W. }+ M* pReturn to the Mayor's house and show the flask with shavings to the termites. Yum!! They jump right in. Go outside and go close-up to Everette, and show him the bottle. Watch, as the Mayor's nap is interrupted, the Commando exterminator is satisfied, and goes away. Click on the dynamite to take it and the detonator. Return to the Gorge. That dead tree is pretty fragile, isn't it?% P7 y6 e; w) `  ]8 _
  g$ m9 u, d6 B; w3 m  j
Use the dynamite on the tree. Watch the hilarious scenario as the little yellow bird interferes with Al's plan.- L4 [5 X/ @1 q

: \& Q- C, J; e5 G5 ^- X. kCross over the tree, and go up the steps. (Funny: look at the sky) Look at the front door. You discover a lock that must be opened with some kind of code-word. Return to town. Enter the Saloon and talk to Kevin. He's worried about Rita. Go to Rita's house, and knock on her front door. Talk to her, and she will let you into Jacob Waltz's room. Look under the pillow and find his Journal. Pay close attention to the second-last paragraph. Something about a Mule and Key.
$ H9 l7 I5 p) G* q6 ?3 l! a/ F. f# Q4 q; v( Y
As you close the Journal, a piece of paper floats out. Pick it up and see that it contains some kind of cryptic word. Also take the empty flask, since you filled your other one with termites and gave it away. You just never know when you'll need a flask.
( q. l, @4 \$ t7 p7 F& ~1 A
' g, @  V; a2 q( N
5 A) i7 Y& R+ u  m--------------------------------------------------------------------------------) g5 `: [8 l( o2 d5 _

; x$ p9 k6 A: r$ v7 c. N% H& u% R  hAct Eight3 s- q) Y0 M. R+ n: p
Bridges, Stones, Diaries
9 k0 y# C# d9 B7 s, uYou find yourself in the Village Square. Go visit the kid in the Post Office; ignore his zits, and talk to him. (Use the eye and hand icons on him first, if you want to be grossed out.) Show him the coded note. He tells you how to decode the word. Each letter represents a letter four places earlier in the alphabet. There are at least five possible code words you might have received; one of which was randomly chosen as you began the game. Write down the alphabet from A to Z. Then write it down again below the first one, starting with E.  When you get to Z on this lower line, continue to the 'end' with A, B, C, & D. Now, find each letter of the code word in the lower line, and read its decoded counterpart in the upper line.
& |5 U" R9 E8 b8 @7 u9 G6 J+ d
" N2 ~9 n$ d8 b. yGo into town and enter the Saloon, Rita is on stage, singing a haunting song. Click here to see the words.$ E5 S4 }7 z" |- C4 k
9 K4 r# e, h1 p$ f% b3 O( q2 Z( Y/ M
Go Bubba's. Talk to Bubba - he reinforces the clue regarding the Mule's digestive disorder. Is the Mule standing there, where the prized stallion used to be? Does Antonio still have the stallion? Who knows. The Mule ate a valuable key according to Jacob's notes, and is afflicted with an inexplicable mixture of constipation and diarrhea, remember? Do you have anything in your inventory that might serve as a laxative? You might have picked a Daffodil at the Cemetery, or an Oleander blossom from one of the paths. The Daffodil only makes the mule burp, but the Oleander - Yuck! The Mule yields up a healthy belch, and then some. The key will be found in the puddle of excrement. (Yuck again! Al wipes his hands on his pants. I would have thought at least he would rinse them off in the watering trough.) * T6 i, \, `- w5 d6 N+ S
* ^+ o! a+ a) J& q* t0 q
Go to the cabin, and press the buttons on the lock representing the word you worked out. The door opens, and you find a mostly barren cabin. You can take the Shovel, but the chest appears to be empty. But before you leave, look around very carefully. Is anything out of alignment? Check the floorboards. Sure enough, one of them is loose, and you discover another chest hidden beneath the floor. Try the little gold key on the chest. Eureka! You read Eduardo Peralto's Journal. You also receive a piece of salted licorice.
1 v" J; O! ^/ J! e2 E
% Q, D3 W1 f$ x7 E1 \: {+ Z: e# C  M4 W* [* |One of the items is a rubbing of the missing stone. Combine the rubbing and the stone-half to complete a whole rubbing. Now you have a map to the Lost Dutchman's Mine. Exit the cabin. Night is falling. Al checks the map, and ends up at the Aloe Vera gorge, where we thought you wouldn't need to go again. Try using the shovel to dig down to the path. (If you didn't take the shovel, don't worry about it - it's only a distraction. You need to figure out the real way to get down below.)7 W5 J0 P: S, |. D  {# w

6 K7 J* j& l. p# K4 rWhoops, so much for that idea! The handle snapped off the shovel. You need to find another way do dig down - maybe someone or some thing can help. Have you looked at the Wombat's home? If so, you learned that it is a nocturnal burrowing mammal. Well, it's night now, and you sure could use a burrow. Exit, and Al goes directly to Town. It's so late, everything is closed except the Saloon, and you don't have time to go there. You exit East and discover that the Wombat has emerged from his hole, and is meandering about the enclosure. Unfortunately you do not have the dexterity to capture him. Return to town, and find the machine in front of Koko's, that dispenses Wombat Chow. Buy some, and then give it to the animal. While he is busy eating, you can pick him up. Go through town to the West, and put the Wombat on the ground at the place where you broke the shovel. (Which seems to have disappeared!)! H) K6 Y1 \+ F( d5 v* G9 {

9 T9 P6 Z$ ^% l0 F) [The Wombat obligingly digs a tunnel, and wanders away, up the path. You follow, and find yourself at the plateau where the mine entrance is located. Upon entering, Al has a final spat with the Narrator.
0 a) x0 l. s& R9 S8 I" n- X
! j! V" |% q, T4 R' j# g0 ^
7 n+ k  W& S$ S* A% ?  h- Q& T+ v--------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- T# t% }) a! X3 H
9 a. J( M/ k3 A+ l* B8 MAct Nine& d  f  K( b7 }* S- i2 A* _1 E
The Peraltos4 {; N' F5 g# y, d) v- o2 e
All good adventurers need a lantern, so you pick up the one you see on the ground and instinctively light it with your carefully-preserved matches. Stand on the elevator platform and click on the mechanism to lower yourself into the mine. Exit West, and look at the pickaxes until you find the loose one. Take it, and go East, returning to the elevator. Go East again. Enter the Tunnel. You see some tracks, leading West, South and East. The way to the West is blocked, it's a dead end. To the South, the tracks end at a precipice. (If you use the rope to climb down over the cliff, you discover there is nowhere to go, and must climb back up.) # ]0 o  w/ U) A# C
6 c! v3 p3 r% v+ [$ v5 B
To the East, you find a Mine Cart, and in front of it, a track-switching mechanism. If you give the cart a push, it will roll into the next room, and if you push it again, it will roll into the dead end. That's not much help. Maybe changing the Switch will help. Push the cart back to its original position if you have moved it, and examine the Switch. The lever is missing. Try using the pickaxe as a lever. You're on to something, but the handle won't stay stuck in the mechanism by itself. There must be some way to make it stick. Go East beyond the barrier, and discover the Tar Pit. You don't want to get Tar on your hands, but the empty flask will hold some very nicely.
* Q8 K" T- [9 n1 i+ I5 l' d% }4 J# m9 I  g* z
Return to the mine cart, and use some Tar on the Switch Mechanism. Now the pickaxe handle will stick. Oh, rats. It broke. But it also switched the tracks. Al retrieves the pickaxe head. Push the cart into the next room. Push it again, and it goes around the corner. Shove it once more, and - oops - it topples over the cliff. Use your rope to lower yourself down to the bottom. The mine cart has fallen on its side, next to the elevated plateau, making it possible for you to clamber up there. Go East. You see an underground river, and a blocked tunnel to the North. At the East side of the room is a stone step leading into the river. Inflate the rubber doll.(Click the doll on Al to blow it up.) Al steps on the inflated doll, and rides along the river. Oops - he goes over the falls at the other end. To save Al, click the right mouse button twice while he is riding, to get the hand cursor. Place the cursor at the steps, near the right side. Click just as he is passing the steps and he will jump onto dry land. (Save game if you don't want to have to do that part again.) Enter the tunnel.
* l% f: H2 Q, G6 u
. B" B6 ]( ^5 ^2 H& d( v, BYou are standing in front of a statue of sorts, and see some colored tiles on the ground, with one loose tile next to them. You might want to save your game here. Pick up the loose tile, and click on the pattern on the floor. Yes, it's an old-fashioned sliding-tile puzzle. The tile you picked up is the final piece, to be inserted in the lower-right corner, after solving the puzzle.
3 c% \$ @  _; L/ A7 D* d- Q9 l! P
% X3 W: E* X4 J% @1 y3 h; JThere are only nine pieces, and they are easy to identify; by their pointy sides, or vertical sidebars. A definitive move-by-move solution cannot be given here since the generation of the slider puzzle is random, with different start orientations being produced with each game!  But just the same, here is a general solution ....7 L5 h) M+ a$ \5 T7 T# k: w( n
% @) M) u: v2 D
Have a look at this page.4 \% }, C8 d: q8 R$ T/ a# a
Fixing the image will open a panel on the statue. Press the button ONCE, and exit the room to the South. (The button is a toggle, and if you press it again, the river re-fills.) The water has drained from the river, and there is a ladder next to the steps. Climb down and enter the next room to the West. Oh, good grief - Greaseball has followed Al all the way into the mine. In this scenario, Antonio will place his half of the stone on the wall, and Al must do the same. You will have the option of hearing a lengthy exposition or a short one. Your choice. At the close of the scene, Al will go into the next room and face a five-question quiz from the 'disembodied voice.' And I'll bet you thought we were kidding when we said there would be a quiz! There are actually fifteen questions, from which five are randomly selected. Some are serious, and some are silly. You must get five correct answers in a row to proceed. , M6 I% y) g. {. L1 V; |& K' q
, W! W- a6 K% l9 Y# H6 ~
Some of the answers come from information seen during the game; Al's age was revealed in the Introduction.3 O; v  n# B6 w; F! y; h: v
: S$ ~7 h( J& F9 K" ?" b
How old? 42 Your name? Alamo Genre? Adventure Beauty? Beholder Truth? No 2 `6 i/ l4 ?  x* N8 h: L  W
Wise Man? Nothing Parents? Yes Seashells? Seashore Anozira? Arizona Potato? Four
/ ^' ~4 I5 Q2 L# {Blind? Bat Gold? Aztecs Virgin? Yes Not yours? Selfless Wealth Misery? Company
7 L7 f+ f) C8 l+ a
' r3 ]3 U0 R' p6 w: f6 H) t* Y1 O0 f$ P4 b* O5 G& n
Five correct answers will open all the doors, and Al will enter the Treasury, pick up the gold, and become trapped along with Antonio. Try talking to Antonio. That doesn't do much good. Try banging on the door. That doesn't accomplish much either. Antonio tells you to go pull the lever on the other side of the room. Use the eye icon to look around the room. The important item you must locate is the Pillar. If you look at it before he tells you to get the lever, Al says "It's a creepy stylized pillar." However, if you look at it after, Al says the pillar looks like a good place to hide.
- j8 [$ b1 l* F/ o# m6 b
7 U' v8 p, e$ F% d" d( ^I suggest saving your game here; because you will most likely need to "Try Again" and won't have to look at the pillar and see the place to hide each time.
' @5 E% X% f7 U
  N7 e7 ?, I! p/ |1 AHere are some progressive hints:
. o1 h0 ~# U3 n. v) C% A" L% B3 Y8 U0 V

$ y3 o" l% j, J  J
4 Q, m/ j0 h( c3 W4 O9 A$ v$ jIn order to reach the lever, you must lure the Skeleton around behind and to the left of the Altar, until he sees Antonio and engages him in an ongoing gunfight.
5 [- i6 A) y; f$ Y/ a) ~9 `# U+ a- X9 {2 r$ l% Y( A+ U
The next hints tell how to do that.
7 I% G  d0 T& G/ y( Y# ^7 M: ~+ p$ a, d  p- R* U! I
Click here to see a picture illustrating Al's actions.6 `/ _" U6 N2 \; `4 P
+ Q, |9 k( J& U0 G- k
Click the crosshairs (walk icon) on the little pointy rock on the floor, left of the altar. (See #1 in the picture.) Al will walk there and stop.) i3 ^0 a, K  z; ~: T* \
Click on the #2 spot, watching the skeleton. The instant the skeleton moves, click on the #1 spot again, making Al reverse direction.# n( x( S* G3 m) P8 z
# n( r9 P9 w" j# d; n* G3 Z2 G& K
! K+ L1 @1 P' g8 n! B& V

+ l# K' i7 S# v9 Q+ c) D
4 {8 W- [" Q! B
6 c( l: q* W6 _/ w# g# b- w7 l8 a2 ?
Keep the crosshairs on the floor in front of Al, clicking about once a second, or a little faster, so that he doesn't pause. Imitating the gaps in the yellow line will do nicely.3 O0 [! v# d; g# K5 S
When he steps up onto the Altar, you can double-click, making him run. Continue until he hides behind the Pillar. It will be necessary to run.
+ o. L2 j7 [- v6 R3 [6 z- y! [
3 l5 J- n2 s9 z. J; y6 t) yThe Yellow lines represent where he will walk but not run, the green lines show where he is able to run.
4 t* M: a, y, h' }6 D ; g' J6 h5 i! l, O& q

' s( N' C% X& u" V5 e ! `. F# |6 R" C) ?6 f! P- f( N
; |2 E( O* f+ Q. Q5 U

+ D5 v6 Q" z2 {2 @1 l& J: J" H" s
( S' C0 X7 F4 p' A4 NIf the skeleton stops short, and doesn't start shooting at Antonio, Al must venture out of his hiding place and return behind the Pillar. Just don't stand out there for any length of time. ) Q) G9 c* X" s- f

5 `9 h$ E6 `# I, P* R - H" E7 [) E' Z& f$ ]7 ?
2 I5 H4 M5 N. x* ~" f
! z, F4 @' k9 y. `' U

+ M& G$ D# l$ J1 ^Do save your game once the Skeleton and Antonio start fighting, even though you are safe. You will only get shot if you walk toward the skeleton. If that happens, you will need to replay the above sequence.
5 |0 m3 e; N0 R8 R3 b! A5 B7 ~! a( ?4 X* j

/ c0 y1 n$ z5 Z  Z/ Y& I- J5 }2 I% I  S
Once you've accomplished that, it is safe to walk across the room behind the Altar and pull the lever. If Al stands in front of the lever so you can't see it, just move him slightly to the right before pulling it. The door opens, and Antonio departs, leaving you stranded there with the Skeleton. Take the Rita Flyer out of inventory and show it to the Skeleton. In the touching scene, he turns out to he Eduardo Peralto's ghost. He lets Al out. (From this point on, it is not necessary to save; you will always have a "Try Again" option.)
7 z& q5 a8 ?4 ^: A0 N9 L' d$ o1 G* w; {& h; ^5 c  m2 X6 l5 t* ^
There is no time to lose. You need to retrace your steps all the way back to the elevator. Do not delay in the room where the stone halves were put in the wall; that room will collapse shortly. Exit to the Southeast. Climb the ladder and step up onto dry land. Uh-oh; the river fills with water again and you have no way to go upstream. ; o' ]7 G; w. _

0 F! r- _& N) `2 J. q5 ~Go into the little room where the slider puzzle is. Pick up the Broken Tile, which is on the floor next to the puzzle. Repair the broken tile with some tar from the flask. Now open the puzzle, and place the repaired tile in the lower left corner. The magic door slides open, and you can push the button ONCE, emptying the riverbed again.
8 l0 u. V9 @+ K. _0 s; o; T9 L( ^' P" S: @  Z8 ~0 Y# J; x; x
Step down into the river, and exit West. Climb up the little steps and exit West again. You see that Antonio has cut down your rope and is escaping above. Use the hand icon to crawl down the mine cart. Pick up the rope and combine it with the pickaxe head to create a grapnel. Use the grapnel to climb the sheer drop.
' B6 j; W6 |: `# g2 r6 u+ G' c1 T* D, ~; W( O9 k8 w  ]" E
Exit East and then North into the tunnel. Antonio will take a shot at you, and you duck back into the tunnel. Now follow him into the elevator room. Take the Whip out of inventory, and wait until you can see the mechanism underneath the rising elevator. Use the Whip to jam the machinery. Antonio will be trapped over your head, and you will be protected from being shot because you are hiding beneath the platform. Notice that if you try to depart in either direction you will get shot. The platform swings as Antonio shifts his weight. Give you any ideas?4 J+ U: F. _- \# J/ Q6 k+ z
" k6 i6 b8 t; q4 Z( @
- M  b9 P6 M" x5 a

3 ^7 V. q  A, \Step slightly to the right, then to the left. Antonio will try to see over the edge, causing the platform to swing. Just don't go too far out to either side. : R$ k/ x5 [3 ^7 k% H
Keep repeating that, imitating the rhythm of the swinging platform, but going in the opposite direction. Soon he will swing too far, and the platform will collapse, bringing about Antonio's demise. You are free to pick up the Lost Aztec Gold.
! Z+ g5 H% n; H3 u - d1 e7 F2 ~; \" u. x

* z# Z; h; z+ H" t% X* REnjoy the closing scenario.! p2 g4 U  v9 ^) D( v

6 D/ J* T$ A6 `Please be sure to watch (and listen to) the closing credits.
. W2 R7 D5 a2 J6 M7 W; J3 l4 d5 b' X1 T2 b3 n( E9 k' h0 M2 c
# |0 ~0 n; i, h& k7 N2 p
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------6 b$ v, X/ i" Q4 A# N

* Y& Z7 P- Q8 ~) ?$ tCopyright 2006 Tally Ho and Len Green" m- L. R9 x4 B
Images property of Himalaya Studios& r3 o* M  U7 |0 B, x  f' D  k) F

2 w% P8 j# r3 A0 T& n6 F- I/ h3 m0 y# s: F' N
For some more fun, research these Easter Eggs. We have found several, and are continuing to find them; but diligent players will uncover even more, we are certain. Please report new discoveries to Tally Ho and we'll include them in this walkthrough, with credit to you!
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