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之所以选择了代号13,因为它是microids公司的作品,而且画面是2.5d我喜欢的风格,但玩起来说实话感觉有点粗糙。) _. p3 U) _; s! q/ z+ o: T
5 H& s# O! y" c: j剧情来讲,整个故事流程很短,如果集中时间玩,估计有4-6个小时即可通关。* z9 y p2 r& Y
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关于结局,本觉得没有太多值得讨论的,最终能活在有sophie的现实里应该是男主角最向往的。. h8 V5 \+ e S. P
! r4 J, @1 p5 t, L" b3 o8 Y但攻略里关于结尾却有这么长的一段话,抄下来,明天上班再细看:
& x0 O% e- a/ E) g; _" ~
) l' P; b1 s+ [* Q& ^. rSo which is the correct choice? For your character, who had never gotten over losing his love interest, Sophie, 8 years ago, relief from heartache seemed the correct one. For some of the "Subjects" from alternate dimensions, achieving a form of enlightenment and nirvana by joining with Ah Cizin seemed correct. Remember the Buddha in the altar on the wall that you saw in one of the cabins? But at least one "Subject" wanted to continue living in the real world with his Sophie. And choosing to unite with "Ah Cizin" would have been more attractive if he hadn't mentioned almost dying and having to "fuse" with every member of the tribe that had once inhabited the island in order to survive. Ah Cizin may indeed fuse his consciousness with those he absorbs. At one point he says he remembers knowing a "Sophie" from a long time ago, and he seems genuinely sorry for your character's loss. But that doesn't mean all those people he "fused" with are alive inside Ah Cizin, only that he now has their memories, and possibly a trace of their compassion.
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, H4 E, [0 X7 T" T* I* j! j; RAnd what exactly happened to your character at the end. At first glance, it appeared that Sophie disrupted Ah Cizin's absorption process by giving him a body he wasn't expecting, so both she, and later your character, ended up underwater in your character's dimension, near where he almost drowned. But if the Sophie you see in the game is just a hologram, how would that work? Or did she somehow manage to finally teleport her physical self onto Ah Cizin's island? Or is everything you see of Sophie dragging your character to the surface of the water all something going on inside Ah Cizin's mind, where both Sophie and your character can be together? If that's the case, it isn't the enlightenment and freedom from emotion that Ah Cizin promised.1 p4 b2 R6 O2 h
, t" F u; G8 c- AIf Ah Cizin wants to fuse with smart people, he shouldn't have any objection to joining with Sophie, who was smart enough to find a way through dimensions to Ah Cizin's island to find her universe's version of Franklin. We have to assume Ah Cizin has no aversion to fusing with females because it's unlikely that every member of the island's tribe was male. The last scene you see is Subject 14 and his Sophie running away. Was Ah Cizin attempting to fuse with Dimension 14's version of both of them? – something that didn't appeal to either of them because they were quite satisfied with living in the real world together. |