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发表于 2004-10-25 19:01 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式


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使用道具 举报

发表于 2004-10-28 06:32 | 只看该作者
FIRST EXPLORATION<P>Leave the train and exit through the door for your first glimpse of Rhem - this is the Arrival Valley. Follow the path up the stairs, through the wall and along a walkway. Look left and right and note the other walkways. Go to the Round Building and press the red button to open the door. Follow the passage and exit out the door at the far end. Follow the path to the end and look out the window. Note the rotating bridge - you will come back here much later. There is a ladder leading down on your left which doesn\'t go anywhere yet.</P><P></P><P>Return to the Round Building, go inside and down the ladder. Exit through the door, follow the path and climb the stairs. Down the other side you can see the train station and the path where you began. Keep going along the grey path and through the doorway in the wall. Keep going to the second bridge. On your left is small island and on the right is an alcove with a Red Button Panel. Press the buttons if you like. Back to the path, turn right over the bridge and through the doorway. There is a placard showing a floating bridge just before a drained lake with a bridge which, if it was floating, would let you get to a 4-Way Tower. This is your first task: flood the lake. Nothing much else you can do here so walk all the way back to the grey path. Take a left turn and follow the path round until you meet a stranger who wishes you well and takes the train. Great. Alone, your only option is to keep exploring. At the far end of the path is a viewer in the wall of the Round Building. Take a look and you will see the mechanism inside. Pressing the button by the door of all the lower exits will bring the ladder round to where you are. Open the door and climb the ladder. Go forwards and turn round. Follow the passage and out the other door. Enter the control room, turn round and close the door. On the back is a useful map - the red dot is where you are.</P><P>Examine the three control panels. The one opposite the door controls the building mechanism (the compass points are mine):</P><P></P><P>You can see 8 exits. Press the button and the mechanism turns through 90 degrees. Note that you can exit two upper doors and one lower door. So we don\'t get lost, the control room is South and the other three are West, North and East (going clockwise).</P><P>Now examine the panel with the 7 buttons:</P><P></P><P>Press any four buttons and four coloured numbers appear. You need to find the combinations of buttons the match the four colours. If you are stuck, numbering the buttons from the left, the solution is:</P><P>Green: 1745
. ~! k6 j/ q$ p# KRed: 5216
" M$ }# g3 D1 d' ~7 hBlue: 2361" T1 b1 I$ G3 x4 n
Purple: 7534</P><P>Turn round and examine the last panel. Press the red button and you can see the train station. Press the green button and it rotates. Not much help there then.</P><P>Turn to the rotation control panel. Press the button until the South and West exits are joined (left and down). Leave the control room, enter the Round Building and leave by the Upper West Exit. Follow the path to the into the next valley.</P>CONTROL PANELS<P>At the end of the path look around, note the other walkways and a fat electrical cable snaking off across the lower path. Turn left and walk down to the end. Three more control panels.</P><P>On the right is a Blue Button Panel. Press buttons 2361 and the screen displays a green oval and a 5 pointed pyramid.</P><P>The centre panel has four buttons, press the top two buttons. The screen displays a water transfer sequence 4:0 - 3:1. Now press the second and forth buttons. This time the sequence is 2:0 - 1:1. This will come in handy later.</P><P>The last panel has an <B>I</B> marker and if you slide the button down to the bottom it displays 3 sets of wedges.</P><P>Go back up the stairs and down the other side. Keep going right to the end until you reach the reservoir.</P>THE RESERVOIR<P>Go left at the first junction and you will get to 4 water pumps. Hold down the button at each pump and note the number on the dial. Go back to the start and continue along the other branch to a telescope. Note the clockwise spiral at the base. Look through the lens and pan around until the 4 pumps are lined up with the graticule. Note the position of each pump. Leave the reservoir and return to the long walkway. On the right is a building with a Red Button Panel outside. Press buttons 5216 and the screen displays a purple oval and a zig-zag.</P><P>Turn right and go into the building. Note the pattern on the door. Open the door and look down to see the manhole. Click on the hand symbol and it unlocks. Note that the bit of the building behind the door is inaccessible - what is behind there I wonder?</P><P>Climb down the ladder and walk along the path to the Pumping Station Valley.</P>PUMPING STATION<P>As you enter the valley there is a Red Button Panel on the left. Press buttons 5216 and the screen displays a blue oval and a connected db.</P><P>Behind the panel is a tower with another telescope and to the right are the water pipes leading into the lower level of a building. Carry on along the path and enter the Pumping Station. On the wooden platform are 4 control boxes. Three display spirals and numbers and one displays spirals and crosses. Pressing the spiral buttons changes the pump settings. You already have the settings for the clockwise spirals and the pump pressures (middle buttons). Go round to the exit on the far side of the building and note the panel. Pressing the button does nothing because you have not set the water controls. Turn round and climb the ladder on the right. Enter the Door Complex.</P><P>On the right is a passage to locked door. The other direction leads to a passage with a door and a lever. Pull the lever and the door motors down to the floor. In this room is a picture of the pump arrangement. Go out the exit to the right and press the red button to open another door. Go out onto the walkway and walk along until you get to a Green Button Panel. Press buttons 1745 and the screen displays an orange oval and a snake pattern.</P><P>Carry on along the path to the telescope. Note the anticlockwise spiral at the base. Look through the lens and pan around until the 4 pumps are lined up with the graticule. Note the position of each pump.</P><P>Go back along the path and just before you enter the Pumping Station valley note the arrow and six symbols. Back into the Door Complex and turn left. Go into the last room and examine the panel on the wall. To slide the door to the right you need to set the mechanism to match the right arrow symbols:</P><P></P><P>For each symbol press the red button until the marker is positioned then press the green button. The door slides across and you can leave. Go to the other side of the building and pull the lever to close the door. Back to the sliding door and this time set the mechanism to the second set of symbols (left arrow):</P><P></P><P>Leave through the right-hand door and go back to the room on the other side of the complex. With the door closed you can now climb down into the lower chamber. Note the panel on the wall. The sneaky toads have mixed up the pipes. Open the valve and water now flows. This pipe relates to the control panel with the crosses in the Pumping Station. Climb back out and leave the room. Make sure you close the door to the reservoir by pressing the red button - note the 3 stars on the door. Back into the room on the far side and set the mechanism to slide the door to the right. Leave the Door Complex and climb back down into the Pumping Station.</P><P>Climb onto the wooden platform and open the right-hand control panel. The crosses should now be zeros. You now have all the information you need to program the control panels:</P><P>   </P><P>Climb off the platform and press the button on the control panel by the exit. Water now flows, but where? Leave the Pumping Station through the door and walk along the path to a Purple Button Panel. Press buttons 7534 and the screen displays:</P><P> 1</P><P>Carry on along the path, round the corner and along to some bridges. On the left is another control panel. Open the doors and note the symbols above the left two buttons. Press the right-hand button to turn on the antenna. The other bridge leads to a broken walkway. But on the far side is another path...</P>
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使用道具 举报

发表于 2004-10-28 06:33 | 只看该作者
GATHERING DATA<P>Retrace your steps, through the Pumping Station and all the way back to the ladder leading to the manhole. Close the door behind you (otherwise you will have to come back later and do it) and walk all the way to the Round Building. Climb down the ladder to the Lower South Exit. Outside is a path that leads (eventually) to the manhole ladder. Climb the ladder and a hidden room is revealed at the end of which is a panel. Press the segments and three light up. Note their positions. Go back the way you came and you will come across a Blue Button Panel on the right. Press buttons 2361 and the screen displays: </P><P> 4</P><P>Back to the Round Building along the passage to the control room. Open the panel opposite the door and set the mechanism to South and East (down and right). Back into the building and leave by the Lower East Exit. Follow the path and turn left at the junction on the grey path. Follow the path all the way up and then down the the stairs. Turn round and go along the path to the right of the stairs. Through the tunnel, follow the path and climb the stairs. Go down the other side and you will end up at a Purple Button Panel. Press buttons 7534 and the screen displays:</P><P> 3</P><P>Look around. Climb back up the stairs and turn left. There is no way (yet) to get to the other building but it is somewhere else to come back to later. Note the electrical cable leading to the building on stilts. Walk all the way back and climb the wooden stairs again. Down the other side and follow the path to the doorway in the wall. Follow the path to the second bridge. On the right is a Red Button Panel. Press buttons 5216 and the screen displays:</P><P> 6</P><P>Continue down the path but stop just before 4 Way Tower. The lake is now full of water so you can cross but before you do you should have:</P><P>Turned on the antenna.9 K+ }. h1 P( L; I3 B- e
Closed the door with the 3 stars.  [7 `( s6 N9 v$ R/ f: i+ D
Noted the positions of the 3 segments on the jigsaw panel.
- E+ ?6 W( G& U; H$ b  d3 p; `" aActivated 8 button panels.</P><P>If not, go and do so now.</P>THE 4 WAY TOWER<P>Cross the bridge to the 4-Way tower. [CD3].</P><P>Go through the tower to the other side, and open the door to the elevator. Close the door and press the green button. Nothing happens - there is no power. Leave the elevator and follow the electricity cables connected to the elevator tower. On the way note the ladder leading down into the water. Go through the doorway in the red brick wall and turn right. At the end is a Green Button Panel. Press buttons 1745 and the screen displays:</P><P> 5</P><P>Turn left and note the pipes. Go back the way you came and turn right at the junction. At the end of the path is a Blue Button Panel on the right. Press buttons 2361 and the screen displays a yellow oval and a jug shape.</P>TURNING ON THE POWER<P>Go into the building with the <B>II</B> on the door - this is the Generator Building. To the left is a window which looks out over three water pipes, two of which are draining into the sea. Turn round, walk to the other end of the balcony and climb down the ladder. Go out the door on your right and examine the control panel - pull the lever if you like. Back into the building and down the steps. Open the square cover and note the distribution block. Turn round and note the second distribution block. Up the steps, turn right and down the other end to the third distribution block and a Green Button Panel. Press buttons 1745 and the screen displays:</P><P> 2</P><P>Climb back up the ladder and leave the Generator Building. Turn right and follow the path. Open the wooden door, go out the other side and follow the path. Recognize where you are? On your right is a Purple Button Panel. Press buttons 7534 and the screen displays a red oval and a loop.</P><P>On the little island with the ruined railway is a diagram of the water pipe distribution. Go back through the wooden door and examine the cylinder on the wall. It gives a clue to a later puzzle. Out the other door and return to the Generator Building. To get power set the 3 distribution blocks to so that the water flows along the correct path and out the pipe at the far end. Here is the solution if you are stuck:</P><P></P><P>Now go the control panel outside and pull the lever. If you have go it right, the meter on the left shows 100%. Leave the Generator Building and go to the building off to the right (with an <B>I</B> on the door). Close the door and go to the window. Press the square button and the shutter rises up. Press the first button and a light comes on. Now go to the screen to the right of the door and press the button. Note the wedge pattern. Back to the window and press the second button. Back to the screen, press the button and note the wedge pattern. Repeat this sequence until all 9 lights are lit and you have 9 wedge patterns. Close the shutter and exit the building.</P>THE MISSION<P>Walk all the way back to the 4 Way Tower and the elevator. Close the door and (with power restored) press the button. At the top, open the door and enter the upper level.</P><P>In front of you is a machine with two buttons. Press the top button and a message scrolls down on the screen. This then is your mission. Find the four parts of the missing letter.</P><P>Also in the tower:
# W" N) n5 [) u* ~4 x1. A photo of two boys - note the colours of their sweatshirts, the beachball and the quantity and colours of the flowers:</P><P>
- v# w8 e& z' l7 Q$ T: i</P><P>2. A simulator - press the buttons and note the symbols, 3 with white buttons and 3 with black buttons.</P><P> </P><P>3. A diagram of a water system - similar to that represented by the panel you saw ages ago.
, W1 G. O$ n1 `4 ^2 e/ m</P><P>4. A printer with two 6 figure numbers marked on the wall. The red button turns the printer on, the number pad selects the image and the green button prints the result. Entering the numbers 275371 and 446188 will get you a set of symbols and a black and white picture of the two boys. Now recall the button panels with the grids and the numbers. The grid number 1 indicated button 9, grid number 2 indicated button 9, grid number 3 indicated button 3 and so on. Press the keys relating to the positions indicated by the button panels in the sequence 1 to 6: 991931. The result is a radar map Compare the symbols on the map to those you saw on the antenna control panel out by the Pumping Station. You did turn the antenna on didn\'t you?</P><P>With all the information noted down - you can\'t take the printouts with you - it is time to find the pieces of the letter.</P>DRAINING THE LAKE<P>Leave the room and take the elevator back down. Turn left inside the tower and follow the path to the Red Brick Building. Note the wooden building on the opposite wall with twin pipes coming out the bottom. Enter the doorway and look down. Press the button and a floor panel slides out. Continue forwards and climb the stairs to the wooden building. The left hand room is full of water - what is it hiding I wonder. Go back down and slide floor panel back once you have crossed it. Back to the 4-Way Tower, go straight across and round the corner to the brick wall. Just through the doorway, turn right and right again at the end. On the right towards the end of the path look right and note the water pouring out of the pipe and into the lake. Keep going until you reach a familiar wooden floor - it\'s the one you slid into place on the other side if the wall. Note that there are no buttons on this side of the wall. Keep going now to the Square Building.</P><P>Take the path on the right and you will end up at a Round Elevator Tower. The door won\'t open but take a look around. You should be able to work out that the large pipe comes from the Pumping Station and drains into the pool by the 4 Way Tower. Return to the Square Building. Inside, up the ladder is another map</P><P> <P>Climb back down and exit out the other door. Press the button and turn the wheel to shut off the water. Back inside on the left is a lever. Pull it down to change the water flow from right to left.</P><P>Walk all the way back to the valley with the 4 Way Tower. Now that the water has been shut off, the pool has drained and you can climb down the ladder and back up the other side. Follow the path until you reach the water tank.</P>
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使用道具 举报

发表于 2004-10-28 06:34 | 只看该作者
WATER TANK PUZZLE<P>Explore the compound and you will find 3 cisterns and a set of equipment that controls the flow of water from one tank to the another. There is also a indicator panel that displays the contents of the main tank when you press the button: 6400. Find the path that leads through the wall and note the number painted on the wall of the cistern: 1200. Go back to the distribution block. The 3 clues to the puzzle were:</P><P>The diagram in the 4-Way tower.
9 g. P" o/ @6 n8 i" j6 R6 N# s8 y; jThe panel that indicated the volume that could be transferred.
7 U' U. T. ]  b" RThe rotating cylinder in the room with the wooden doors.</P><P>The graduated scale tells you that you only have 4 chances to do the distribution so take care. Clicking on the cylinder tells you how much water will be transferred when you pull the lever. Remember that the main tank can transfer 1/4 of its contents to the cisterns and the cisterns can transfer 1/2 their contents to each other.</P><P>Solution: </P><P>1.   Move the distribution block to join the two left pipes. Pull the lever to transfer 1600 to the cistern leaving 4800 in the main tank.* N% o* j+ j9 E2 T$ ^" C$ z3 l! x3 z+ @% Q
2.    Move the distribution block to join the bottom two pipes and pull the lever to transfer 1200 to the bottom right cistern leaving 3600 in the main tank.
4 B7 R  V8 b- t. R; L6 M4 M* d3.    Return to the cistern, press the button on the control panel and it displays the content of the cistern: 1200. Magic. Climb the ladder and open the hatch. Crawl through the cistern and down the other side. The next cistern requires 800 units of water.7 b  i& j1 D! ]4 C" E; e
4.    Back to the distribution panel. Move the distribution block to join the top two pipes. Pull the lever to transfer 800 to the right cistern leaving 800 in the left cistern. Go back through the first cistern and press the button on the next control panel to display the content of the cistern: 800. Climb the ladder and open the hatch. Crawl through the cistern and down the other side. The next cistern requires 1100 units of water.; }( S: Q7 T8 Y, x$ J/ \8 O* E
5.    Back to the distribution panel. Move the distribution block to join the two left pipes. Click on the cylinder to discover that only 1/3 of a normal transfer will take place. There is 3600 in the main tank and a normal transfer is 1/4 or 900 units so 1/3 of that is 300 units. Pull the lever to transfer 300 to the left cistern. Go back through the cisterns and press the button on the next control panel to display the content of the cistern: 1100. Climb the ladder and open the hatch. Crawl through the cistern and down the other side. Note the control panel with 3 coloured buttons. Climb the ladder and open the hatch. Crawl through the tunnel and into the main tank. The first piece of the letter is the case. Note the colours and numbers painted on your right.1 \1 N" y4 `0 u5 b
6.   Back to the control panel. Press the top button the set the lower buttons t red 1, blue 5 and yellow 9. Press the top button again and you can now retrieve the first part of the letter from the case.</P><P>All the way back now and press the button connected to the pump to transfer all the water back into the main tank. Leave the valley and return to the Square Building. Turn the water back on using the wheel round the back and return to the 4 Way Tower.</P>THE SIMULATOR CONTROL ROOM<P>From the 4 Way tower, walk to the Red Brick Building and on to the wooden building with the twin pipes. Make sure you slide the floor back in case you need to return to the Square Building. If you transferred the water flow in the Square Building you can now enter the left-hand room and go through the door at the back. Walk along the suspended corridor and down the ladder at the end. Round the corner the way is blocked until you press the red button. On the other side of the rotating door press the red button to close it again (just in case...). Continue along the corridor and out the door. At the end of the path is the Round Elevator Tower. Call the elevator using the lower button and open the doors using the upper button. Climb inside. Close the doors and go up. Open the doors and leave the elevator. Make sure you press the \'rotate\' button on the outside of the tower. Walk round the path and you should recognize where you are. Continue to the telescope on the left. If you look in the lens and pan around you will see three stars on the door on the building. If you left the door open you will have to make your way back to the Door Complex and close it as it has an important clue for later on.</P><P>Keep going along the path, down the stairs and onwards to a sandy path. On the right is a bridge to a building with an upper window. Inside is a locked door - note the symbols on the door and the camera on the opposite wall. Go outside and turn right into the Simulator Control Room. Go inside, close the door and there is another map:</P><P></P><P>It is the same as the first map you saw, only now the red dot has moved. Press the \'simulation\' button to the left of the door. Connected to this button is a control panel with four buttons. Press the buttons until the symbols on the screen match those on the locked door. Now compare these to the symbols on the paper you printed out in the 4-way Tower.</P><P>    </P><P>Door - Simulation - Key</P><P>Turn now and go to the control panel on the opposite wall. Press the red button and key in the code 8527. Press the green button and the door opens. The third control panel doesn\'t do anything yet.</P><P>Leave the control room and walk round to the now open door. Continue along the path and all the way round to a doorway on the right. You can see the revolving bridge you noted soon after you arrived in Rhem. Turn round and take the right hand door. Go down and up and across the bridge. Open the control panel and rotate the walkway to align bottom and right (actually North and West). This will allow access to the last remaining exit from the Round Building. Walk back across the bridge and in the room turn on the power to the rotating bridge by pressing the button in the top panel. Walk all the way back to the control room and press the red button on the third control panel. Now press the green button to rotate the bridge. Back to the rotating bridge and cross to the other side [CD2].</P><P>Climb the ladder and enter the Round Building. Leave through the Upper West Exit at the other end of the passage and follow the path down to the left. Examine the <B>I</B> control panel on the left. Pull down the lever once and note the three wedge patterns, and the order they appeared (bottom, middle, top). Back to the Round Building and climb down the ladder. Out the door and along the path to the Radio Complex [CD1].</P>THE RADIO COMPLEX<P>Go down the stairs and along the path to the building. Take the left path and continue all the way round to the back of the building. On the bridge look to your left and you can see a cabinet containing another piece of the missing letter. Inside the building are two more doors. Take the door on the right and walk round until you find a radar screen. You should see a golden dot which represents the position of the radio antenna you activated ages ago. If there is no dot you have a long walk all the way back to Pumping Station and out the other side to the control panel where you need to press the right hand button - this is the \'Lone Antenna\' marked on the right hand diagram below.</P><P>Leave the radio shack and go to all 12 antennas in the radio complex and press the right hand button. With all 13 activated return to the radio shack and pull the big lever to move the grid over the radar screen. Compare the result to the diagram you printed out in the 4-Way tower.</P><P> </P><P>All you need to do is set each of the co-ordinates on the antenna control panels to those on the diagram. So it is back outside for a stroll round all the antennas not forgetting the one out by the Pumping Station. If get lost or stuck the full solution is here)</P><P>With the co-ordinates set, return to the radio shack and pull the lever up to move the grid out of the way. Go to the radar screen and press the red button. There is a \'whistle\' on each correct location, if there is just a click you need to check that antenna. Note the numbers that appear in the centre and go now to the control panel behind you. Program in the code 8829 and press the red button. A bridge slides across.</P><P>Go back out to the entrance hall and examine the door to your right. It has a <B>I</B> painted on it, the same as the control panel with the slider control. Compare the nine wedge shapes you discovered in the generator complex with the three you got from the screen after you pulled down the slider. Match the patterns to get the wedge numbers. Now enter those numbers into the control panel and the door should open allowing you access to the second piece of the letter. Note that the wedge patterns change each time you pull the lever down and they display from bottom to top.</P><P>Back now to the control panel and press the button to slide the bridge back across so you can exit the Radio Complex.</P><P>Return to the Round Building, climb the ladder and leave by Upper West Exit. Walk all the way back to the Manhole and down the ladder. Return to the Lower South Exit of the Round Building and press the cross button to call the ladder. Open the door and climb the ladder to enter the Control Room. Use the panel on the opposite wall the rotate the mechanism to the East and South (down and right). Enter the Round Building, walk along the passage and, down the ladder and out the Lower East Exit. Take the long walk all the way back to the 4-Way Tower.</P><P>If you have not yet rotated the elevator and reset the airlock you need to do so now. If all is in place take the left exit and wind your way all the way back to the Square Building. Take the path off to the right and up the stairs and into the Round Elevator Tower. Go down and follow the path round to the door at the back of the Square Building. Inside, if the airlock was reset, follow the passage up the ladder, along the walkway and down the other end. Follow the path to a Pentangle Complex</P>THE PENTANGLE COMPLEX<P>On your right is a pillar with diamond shape at the top. On the left, if you walk forwards a bit is a round building holding the next piece of the letter. The door leading to the building has the same diamond shape (but is locked. Again). Opposite this door is a little bridge leading to another locked door. OK, nothing else to do but climb the ladder. Walk along the path and into the red walled complex. Just round the next corner is a door on the left. Enter the room and climb down the ladder. One path leads to a locked gate and the other leads to a bridge held in place by a steel bar. Turn the handwheel to unlock the bridge. Nothing happens so climb back out and turn left. Round the next corner is a monorail. Start the train using the red button and set off using the upper arrow. After a very short journey, climb out and go round the corner. Note the pin holding the train in place. Leave the building and take a good look around.</P><P>In front of you is a 5 Sided Building with a bridge on the right. Note the large pipe leading from the building in the far right corner. The door to the 5 Sided Building is locked (no surprises there then). Head towards the bridge and note the panel with 4 round buttons and one square button. Go over the bridge and into the red brick building. Take the path on the left and note the ladder leading down into the water. Go round the corner and press the button to lower the ramp. Keep going and up the ramp on the other side. At the end of the path climb down the ladder and examine the panel on the wall of the building. The shapes keep changing when you click on the panel but they should be familiar from the Simulation you saw in the 4-Way Tower. Turn round and pull the lever down to start the water pump.</P><P>Climb the ladder and walk back to the ladder leading down into the now drained pool. Examine the diagram on the wall - there seems to be a hidden passage beneath the monorail.</P><P>Climb back out and cross over the bridge. Walk to the other side of the area to where the pipe disappears over the wall. After climbing the stairs you should realize that you are back where you entered the complex. Go to the room where you unlocked the bridge. It is full of water and you can now cross to the other side. Open the box and pull the lever to unlock the gate. Turn round and look into the well. It is empty but there is a bottle down there and a drain on the left. Turn about and take a stroll all the way back to the pump. Pull the handle to return the water to the pool. And now it is all the way back to the well. Climb down the ladder and go through the unlocked gate. Open the drain at the base of the well and head back once again to the pump. Pull the lever to flood the building and return once more to the well. You can now pick up the bottle. Pull out the stopper and examine the illustration hidden inside:</P><P></P><P>It is the key to the shape sequences that unlock the door to the 5-sided Building and relates to the simulation you saw in the 4 Way tower. Drop the bottle back in the water and head back to the 5-sided Building. This time instead of turning right to the bridge, go straight forwards to the panel on the wall. Click on the panel until the symbols are: line, square, diamond.</P><P>Head back over the bridge and return to the panel next to the pump. Click on the panel until the symbols are: line, square, triangle.</P><P>Back up the ladder and down the ramp. Press the button to lower the ramp and walk round to the other side of the building. Press the button to raise the ramp and walk round to the other side of the building. Cross the ramp and round the other side is a tunnel that is now drained. If it isn\'t you need to pump the water out. Follow the passage and you come out near a beach ball. Go to the panel on the wall. Click on the panel until the symbols are: triangle, circle, diamond.</P><P>3 down and one to go. Head back along the passage and out to the bridge. On the top of the bridge you can see a path off to the left. That is where you need to go. Walk back to the monorail station. Jump into the train and start the engine. Press the down arrow and the thing complains but cannot leave because the pin is still in place. Jump out and pull the pin. The train shoots off back to the other station. Below where the train was is a hatch. Open it and climb down the ladder. At the far end of the passage is a path leading left and right. Go left and you will end up at the last wall panel. Click on the panel until the symbols are: triangle, circle, triangle.</P><P>Return to the ladder. You can explore the other path but you will only end up back where you started and probably locked out as well. Climb the ladder and go back to the panel with the 4 round and 1 square buttons. Press the square button and, if all the panels are set correctly, the door will unlock.</P>
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使用道具 举报

发表于 2004-10-28 06:35 | 只看该作者
THE ELECTRICAL CIRCUIT<P>Enter the 5-sided Building. In front of you is a control panel. In the back wall is a circular panel connected to 5 boxes. Press the left-hand button on the control panel. It shows the beach ball in the water. Relate the 6 segments on the circular panel to the colours of beachball on the picture of the 2 boys you saw in the 4-Way Tower:</P><P></P><P>During your wanderings you also activated 6 Button Panels which displayed coloured ovals and icons. All you have to do is set the icons on the 5 boxes to match the segments on the circular panel.</P><P>Stuck? From left to right, the icons are:</P><P>    </P><P>Now press the right-hand button on the control panel. If you have set the icons correctly the left hand button flashes. Press this button and the location of the next piece of the letter is revealed.</P><P>Leave the 5 sided building and return to the monorail station. Open the hatch and climb down the ladder. At the end of the tunnel turn right and follow the path into the room at the end. Do not go out the exit - the door will lock itself behind you! Turn round and close the door and as if by magic there is a hidden tunnel. Follow this new path to the pillar at the end. Pull the lever down and walk back into the room. This time go out of the exit (the arrow points the way) and on to the door you saw when you first entered the valley. Press the button and go get the piece of the letter.</P>PREPARING THE WAY<P>Time for some walking. A long time ago, soon after you stated you stood at looking at a building with a bridge down below. It is time to raise the bridge. Make your way back to the Round Elevator Tower and go back up. You need to make your way to the Simulation Control Room. There are two routes you can take:</P><P>1. Go to the 4-Way Tower, walk across and round to the wooden building attached to the wall. Through the door, along and down, through the airlock and up in the elevator again. Walk all the way along the path until you reach the Simulation Control Room.</P><P>2. Go to the 4-Way Tower, turn right and follow the path back to the Lower North Exit from the Round Building. Call the ladder and go out the Upper North Exit to the rotating bridge. Walk to the Simulation Control Room.</P><P>Inside the Simulation Control Room, go to the control panel on the left and press the red then green button to close the door.</P><P>Another long walk now, take the path all the way back to the Round Elevator Building and go down. Follow the path all the way back to 4-Way Tower and turn left. Follow the path back to the Lower North Exit from the Rotation Building. Call the ladder and go out the Upper North Exit to the rotating bridge. Across the bridge and follow the path to the now closed door. Climb the ladder and at the end of the path is a mosaic puzzle. Remember seeing this before? Press the shapes to match those you noted at the Manhole Building:</P><P></P><P>Turn round and press the button to open the door. On the other side look out the window. Recognize where you are? Pull the lever down to raise the bridge. Another walk all the way back to the Round Building, down the ladder and out the Lower North Exit. Follow the path to the right of the stairs and through the tunnel. At the other end of the path, up the stairs, you can now get to the Double Building on the far side of the arena.</P>THE DOUBLE BUILDING<P>Inside are two doorways. Take the right exit, go down the stairs and back inside. On your left is room leading to the final piece of the letter. On the wall is a control panel. Press the square button and 4 symbols appear. If you can set these you can unlock a gate. Leave the room and cross over the bridge. On your left is a train! Fantastic - it is your way out of here at last. The gate is locked - how novel.</P><P>Climb back up to the upper level and go to the other doorway. On the far side of the bridge is a room with another picture of the two boys and pictures of 4 Button Panels. Note the numbers beneath each picture. You need to find these Button Panels and translate the numbers (there are only 7 buttons and the numbers go up to 9).</P><P>Time to go walkabout again. Leave this building and return to the Round Building, up the ladder, along the passage out the Upper West Exit. Walk to the railway station and go along the track to the end. Turn round and note the panel to the left of the tunnel (which you may have seen on your train journey to Rhem):</P><P></P><P>This matrix is the code you need to translate the new set of Button Panel numbers. The buttons are denoted by the 7 blank squares. The first button is equivalent to 4+2 or 6. Do the same sum for all the buttons and the result should be:</P>Button1234567Number6745398<P>The next job is to locate the 4 Button Panels.</P><P><B>Red Button Panel.</B> Head for the 4 Way Tower, at the end of the sandy path on the right (opposite the island where you found the water pipe diagram). Press buttons 3421.
0 `; s, B" f7 w<B>Green Button Panel.</B> At the 4 Way tower, head for the Generator Building but turn right just through the red brick wall. It is at the end of the path. Press buttons 6357.- j! L! G% F3 x( T* H! [" T( K3 K
<B>Blue Button Panel.</B> Go to the Lower South Exit from the Round Building. Follow the path and it is on the left. Press buttons 2673.& F, {4 L1 T) ^' `: L
<B>Purple Button Panel.</B> It is at the bottom of the stairs in the same location as the Double Building. Press buttons 4152.</P><P>You now have 4 icons which you need to program into the gate mechanism. Go to the Double Building and down the stairs to the gate control panel. Press the the square button and click on each of the 4 circles until they display the correct icons:</P><P></P><P>Exit this room and cross the bridge. With the gate now open you can enter the new room. On the left is a lever that opens the gate to last piece of the letter. On the right is a key hole. Pull the lever and go to the room holding the last piece of the letter.</P><P>Two more panels. On the left is one with three stars (remember seeing these) and on the right is a one with four colours.</P><P>The codes for the three stars was found on the back of the exit from the Door Complex. The codes for the four colour panel are taken from the picture of the two boys in the 4 Way Tower. There were 5 yellow flowers, 3 red flowers, an 8 on the blue shirt and a 2 on the green shirt. Enter the codes and collect the last piece of the letter.</P><P> </P><P>All you need now is to read the letter. Head back to the 4-Way Tower and take the elevator to the upper level and go to the control panel opposite the door. Open the cabinet door and drag the pieces of the letter from their location just below the main screen. Close the cabinet door and the letter prints out. With the mission over it is time to leave. Press the lower red button and take the key.</P><P>Walk all the way back to the Double Building where you got the last piece of the letter and use the key in the keyhole to open the gate. Your way is now clear to jump into the train and leave Rhem.</P>THE END
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使用道具 举报

发表于 2004-10-28 06:39 | 只看该作者
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使用道具 举报

发表于 2004-10-29 01:48 | 只看该作者
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使用道具 举报

发表于 2004-11-6 12:28 | 只看该作者
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使用道具 举报

发表于 2007-9-2 18:18 | 只看该作者
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使用道具 举报

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