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发表于 2008-3-3 14:40 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |正序浏览 |阅读模式


AGON: The Lost Sword of Toledo
$ Q* V9 _' Q9 J3 P: J* b
: n! L5 [& B" I- @0 APlaza de la Mancha% S# _+ l' r; y  N& }; ]8 N- d8 X
Arrive in Plaza de la Mancha and see the Potters stall on your left. Talk to Potter and find the way to the painters house." D. R3 F' s) \2 {! G( O/ L
Go through the arcade straight ahead and map will open.
: l" t4 F6 K2 J, V/ {* A$ |Painters house (Diez Palencia) hotspot now available on map. Choose Diez Palencia hotspot% w' ~$ W, z% g1 ^7 \; V9 L
* E% ~# v  U+ c4 r: x" b
Diez Palencia0 |% {! |; f( r9 X2 K' x
Talk to Carmen completely she will give you a key to her fathers room (painters door). Carmen will tell you about her father, family history, Francisco and the music box., Q! c# O, D5 ^8 I; g
Pan right and go to painters door use key and enter. Have alook around.
' ~# s7 U: b2 LGo to desk under window and open top left hand side drawer. Get a winding key. Turn and go to the music box on the chest of drawers at the side of bed.# \/ ^, ~2 T& }% I/ ]
Click on music box . Insert winding key in the keyhole in the lower left corner of music box. And click on key to start. Notice eight dials on music box . Need to find code.
4 O& Z2 ^' `/ x" ?/ |' ~/ r7 O( F) m( l+ U+ I& o
Music Box
; ?0 y" G/ T5 \: }6 h+ f6 `Go to Carmen in the courtyard and talk about music box. She has no info for you.1 q% h1 g& |5 Y3 ?; g4 x& }6 L
Go back into painters room and over to music box. Click on winding key to restart. While the tune is playing click on dancer – a small letter falls from ballerinas skirt.+ T/ j, r% E6 ]
Read small letter in inventory and take to Carmen in courtyard. Give to Carmen.
6 v9 |/ X* V+ EClick on exit of courtyard to leave , Carmen will call you back and offer you biscuits. Take biscuit and leave. Notice new hotspot on map Candelas house (Carmen talked of Candelas family ) go back to Plaza de la Mancha.
) [9 g2 K& h% NTalk to Domingo the guitar player and give him a biscuit to play some songs (to find the title of the music box tune) Domingo plays 3 songs none of which is the correct tune. Go back and get another biscuit and get him to play 3 more (I had to do this one more time ) until he plays El Nenufar – the melody from the music box.
0 j+ x0 r" k3 Y. P5 a+ b& fGo back to painters house and to the painters room. Go to the single bookcase on the far wall . Examine the music sheets in top right hand corner and find El Nenufar score. Take a note of the author Lozano and op number. 28 but there are no numbers on the music box dials. Read the trumpet teachers diary the song was taught in the 6th year . Go to the music box and enter the code L-O-Z-A-N-O-V-I . click on the lock of the music box (grey rectangle just right of the middle of the box). The music box opens.2 S; S* B1 e# v4 A: \
Pick up the blue velvet pouch and open – a medal slides from it. Put back the medal and click on the folded letter. The professor gives the letter to Carmen. Exit courtyard. Select Candelas hotspot., G0 Q. N$ S# @5 j* K
Talk to Isobel completely . learn about Francisco, her husband, the painter , the sword and Carmen. Notice the photo left of door with house number tile. Leave Candelas house (new hotspot on map Police station where Francisco is imprisoned).
$ w* `* ?) H- C- q6 L! `& HGo to Diez Palencia and talk to Carmen who is now sitting on bench crying. She gives you a long letter. Read.Take note of the founding of the different sun secret society.8 `  J2 ]8 U# r3 g

, M' N6 F$ |7 M9 {“it was precisely fourteen years before this Easter”
- Q3 M  U# z( r2 C3 N$ @6 |
. c, P7 y2 ]+ t/ @2 \3 r. c3 BGo to painters room and examine the second secret level of music box. Another set of dials this time the code will be a date. : f) K! n9 ]' c+ D1 }6 C% ~) T
Talk to Carmen again . She will tell you about her fathers death, her date of birth (neither is the solution but the time of death helps to find the real solution) and the darkroom. She will give you a key to the darkroom. Exit the courtyard. Go to police station8 i( C- O7 U( M% }1 M
Talk to Sgt Reoyos. He wont allow to talk to Francisco without permission from Lord Alonso. He also mentions he enjoys cigars. Notice last years (1903) moon calendar on wall. Exit the police station and go to Plaza de la Mancha.
4 r) l* E# h* ^9 O# e- c* I8 N6 ~7 LPlaza de la Mancha – go to Palace on the square – the Garcia de la Rica palace. Pan right and go up two small steps to garden gate Ring the bell left of gate and Hugo the butler will come to gate. Talk to Hugo in return for selling a valuable stamp to Arriaga he will forge a permission letter for you to talk to Francisco. Exit the garden , through the arcade to Arriaga.9 ~/ f. m  @$ I
Talk to Arriaga completely. He is impressed by the English professor and hints that he may have some illegal goods for sale at the right price. Sell the stamp to Arriaga for 1600 pesetas. Exit Arriaga’s shop and back to Plaza de la Mancha.
& F. A: l# I# \7 H% t; f% HGo to palace garden through the open gate. Go to Hugo in the pavilion and give him 1500 pesetas for sale of stamp (keep 100 pesetas in inventory ) Talk to Hugo completely and he will give you the permission slip.Exit the garden go through the arcade to police station.; q$ L5 }5 u; ?8 P$ z
Give permission to Sgt Reoyos and go to police cells to the right through the barred door. Talk to Francisco completely. Francisco needs paper and pencil to write a note to his mother. Go to Reoyos and ask for paper and pencil he refuses to hand it over but hints he might be persuaded to if he had a cigar. Get Reoyos a cigar. There are two ways to do this0 c; x. f; s" j( f+ l: j9 _
1) Go to Hugo in the palace garden and ask him for cigar. When he leaves to get it read his letter to his brother he has left on bench. Head to gate to leave and Hugo will appear with cigar.# }5 P: `# t7 O6 E
2) Go to painters house and take Chinese cigar box from writing desk. Turn all the switches on the box to face right. Take cigar.2 l* A4 A) M$ X/ Q) G0 f9 F
Go to police station and give cigar to Reoyos. He will then allow you to take the paper and pencil from the counter right of the cells door. Look at the 2 photos with the number tiles on counter too.Got to Francisco and give him the paper and pencil. Read the letter Francisco writes to his mother – he asks his mother to allow you entry to the house to help with the investigation. (to watch Arriaga shop)leave the prison and go to Candelas house.
& d0 @% t, y4 I" [% e, J6 ITalk to Isabel completely and give her Franciscos letter. Isabel lets you go upstairs to Franciscos room. Go upstairs and enter last room on left. Go to window right of door you can see the window of the upstairs room of Arriaga’s shop but he has blinds pulled down so you cant see inside .Have a look around Francisco’s room.% t+ q$ F! b+ {) H
Leave Francisco’s room and go back down the stairs and leave the " R+ U$ b  M5 k9 N

( I4 c' _" _; @, T2 O7 C0 qCandelas house.9 j( m8 f4 [. }! j( a! U
Go back to Diez Palencia and talk to Carmen. Ask if you can borrow medal for a while. Medal now in inventory. Go to leave. Carmen says Father Perez would like to meet you.Leave courtyard new hotspot on map – church.9 o9 j/ h4 }$ I; U5 g7 a
. G* x: L* [$ o0 ^# L' @6 Y
5 y8 ]. \0 q- Q
7 Q" u4 G) k, \, x- E' @

4 y" n2 l3 G7 Z, h( P# KChurch$ S% U0 [- v3 s, w
Go to the church. Talk to Father Perez completely. He explains how to calculate the exact time of Easter.3 b+ e! E' v: C5 d$ Q

3 \; Z+ r$ r& {* y- q2 z1 P* ], aWith last years moon calendar from the police station we can now calculate the exact date of the previous Easter. 30 Mar 1903 the foundation of the secret society was 14 yrs before so the date we need is 30 Mar 1889 and from the perpetual calendar in francisco’s room we can determine this day was a Saturday. (there is another interpretation of this puzzle depending on the fullmoon in the moon calendar 08 Apr also a Saturday which will also be accepted by game)% P% c/ A8 P# X4 R# z
# l# g6 Y* m1 {3 F9 X( W6 J/ }
Go to the iron door to your right and examine the keyhole. Father Perez will comment talk to Father Perez completely about door. Exit the church and go to Arriaga.
% L! [: X* f( e% z
) f9 y& l- c4 H5 M  hTalk to Arriaga and show him the medallion. He’ll now think of you as a possible buyer. Follow him through the curtain behind the counter and up the stairs. Enter room. Look at the contents of the room Arriaga will comment as you examine items. Go to window and try to open blind – Arriaga insists it stays shut. Turn around and see the sword. Take a closer look.Talk to Arriaga again and leave room Exit shop. Select Diez Palencia hotspot.. }7 _- K/ ~8 ^( @3 C% g4 ~- a, M

) `! _+ Q" v: O! }. X4 RDiez Palencia6 A! u7 i) d- I! g" V+ y* T4 n
Go to painters room and over to music box. Enter code for the second level of music box by turning dials:2 u0 b) T+ Y4 @2 W% g/ ]$ ?
1889 mar 30 sat or 1889 apr 08 sat& `9 `0 E% H. Y
7 P( k# _4 {) U2 ^; l  W, W
the musicbox reveals a notebook and key. Read the notebook it is info on photo development and notice the occult symbols in the corners of the pages.
2 o1 b- N4 b8 B* s4 KOpen the darkroom with the key from Carmen. Its dark (surprisingly lol) to the right theres a box of matches put in inventory.Turn around theres a cupboard on the wall on the other side of the door on top of which is a lamp . Light with matches red light now floods room. Go back to where you picked up matches on the bench to your left pick up camera, lens cap, empty photo cassette and take a sensitive glass negative from the cupboard above workbench. Read the instructions on the wall poster left of the cabinet. Go to the cupboard and close the red lamp. Combine the glass negative and photo cassette (this can only be done in complete darkness). Open lamp and leave dark room. Leave painters room exit the courtyard and go to Candelas hotspot., r  X9 c& h, l; h5 |5 c) g6 `/ `
" s8 p0 @. D5 \& {, b  f( W1 \
Candelas house.
  t# ?+ m- U7 _: W' L1 pTalk to Isabel completely and go to Francisco’s room.$ D5 w) y- T  C0 }
Set up camera. Go to window and notice the Blind is down in Arriaga’s shop.2 u, }: ~) x& i0 H! k
Put the camera from inventory on windowsill and look at the blurred image on the groundglass .Click on front of camera and adjust the sharpness of the image by setting the camera to the longest accordion position. Check image now on ground glass should be a lot sharper .6 V( f7 G; K6 r& U- l
Go to bottom right hand corner of room and take fishing rod into inventory. Use fishing rod on Arriaga’s window blind.
7 X4 O5 I" W: P. m, N" {: hGo to shelf beside room door and take ornamental tricycle then attach to hooks above window frame. Take the end of the fishing line from window sill and attach to tricycle . Pulley system !still a bit of line on window sill
& u# r! h9 H  `# `+ L/ L( x# iTake the mirror from the small table right of the window and set on window sill. Adjust the angle until as much light as possible shines on Arriaga’s window. Place lens cap on front of camera and attach end of fishing line on lens cap.
5 K" A" i, z* q. d1 T2 PUse photocasette from inventory on ground glass and click on top right hand corner of photocasette. Phototrap now ready.  i6 q: @; B  E' A
Exit Candelas house and go to Arriaga hotspot.
- }0 [5 H$ e0 Z: G. X! j
& ^2 q( x, F; @* {- S4 |
; B( A- F; o. w; G
( e) F% C9 ~: l/ Z! i& W! R0 T! K, e9 t2 F2 q, B

6 H+ [, O$ W* o* ZArriaga.
8 I6 `) U3 d! Y4 o! XTalk to Arriaga and ask to see sword again. Follow Arriaga to upper room and convince Arriaga to open the blind so you can see the sword in daylight. Go to window and open blind. Talk to Arriaga then leave shop. Arriaga hotspot now gone from map. Go to Candelas& G& Q1 x2 ~' Q+ w; C
  E+ Q1 o6 M3 o$ o& }! ^
Candelas house
9 j' E* u7 b* a+ F" K: P) ~Talk to Isabel and go to Francisco’s room. Go to camera. Use the frosted glass from inventory on back of camera .Now have exposed negative in inventory.
  a: B; p  p& f7 V; E9 r4 q9 OLeave Candelas house
' l) s% x' ~/ [  }9 I3 y- }+ |. T. Q7 \) H  `0 s- C9 z5 s
Diez Palencia% R4 A' j6 B9 w' ]4 X1 K' ?3 x
Go to painters room. Examine music box. The next puzzle is a quotation from the bible. Turn and go to the painting stand in the bottom left hand corner of room. Look at the paintings on the floor – they are three different states of the same artwork. Go to double bookcases and take the book of El Greco from the top shelf of the left hand side bookcase. Look through book and see all 3 unfinshed paintings are based on El Greco’s painting :The fifth seal.
' U- X! @9 R/ T2 O" |Go to Carmen in courtyard and talk completely she suggests you talk to Father Perez about the biblical quote. Exit courtyard and go to church.2 m( Y, \7 l0 W2 F! P

( o! ^% p( g  a2 V* a9 K+ a6 oChurch.1 j' [; D' g, T/ S: K" h, h1 w
Talk to father Perez he will give you a small bible with all his usual texts bookmarked. Go back to painters house
  C2 c$ t* o& s7 q7 q/ C# ~0 z
$ u' C$ j; I  [Diez Palencia  ~: M- n& U! r: c! `
Go to music box and open the bible. Look at the readings and in the book of Revelations read para 06.09 andit refers to the breaking of the fifth seal. Set the dials of the music box to REV0609 and click on grey lock to open. The music box opens and reveals a strange key and another letter for Carmen take both in inventory.  g8 J2 h- I8 l$ ]
Go to dark room on the top of the cabinet opposite theres a jar of paraffin oil combine with lamp in inventory. No need to use the matches – it will light up automatically when needed. Pan left and see a rug on the floor in the corner. Lift rug to reveal trap door. Click on lock and unlock with padlock key in inventory. Entrance to sewage system. [SAVE GAME HERE] save game before entering maze puzzle.% O; H( ]. ?& q6 U3 @3 Y

2 Q" d+ R0 j2 x5 x2 [Sewage system Labyrinth
/ m! @& C' }2 O! I5 i  J5 K(to solve we must follow the sequence of occult figures in the painters notebook)- k6 _; T8 z$ S8 I/ y& M
F = forward, L = left, R = right.
4 ]2 d% g- R) k" R. \Pan left F F F pan right F F pan left look at plaque on wall – Wheel
' t( V7 x# f+ A& @: PPan left F pan right F plaque on wall – Horse# L" o  L# q/ q
Pan left. Cut scene arrive at steps leading to courtyard. Climb steps and have a look . Pick up picture of door with number tile from ground left of steps.2 l4 h: O7 {/ W4 k* t5 t' P
Pan right locked gate. Pan right F look at wall plaque on left – Sun
- Q8 h6 {' N  Z3 gPan right F F F look at wall plaque on right – Monkey.% I2 k- n' B, V- o. ^6 Y3 H
Pan right x 2 F wall plaque on right – Circles8 A+ n- V3 i9 e5 N% k2 Y3 X
Pan right x 2 F R F wall plaque on left – Hand
2 s1 T( e( d' o! kPan left F look at plaque on right – Frames1 U% g; F& }( b- X! K! k
Pan left F L R R L pan right x 2 F – Rose plaque! R1 U0 I6 c8 W: t# _
Go right enter hole in wall and enter secret cellar. Now you’ve completed labyrinth you will no longer have to navigate as there is now a hotspot map of sewer.
, P7 \1 c5 ?& r7 e+ s+ ~& Y4 C; ]5 Z+ q" H; ]
Secret Cellar* b" V. s* q) E- Q: S( r% o" h
Look around the cellar. Go to small table next to book shelf. Lift book and find weird key. Take key. In inventory right click on weird key and combine with the other weird key to make double key. (remember iron door in church ?)' f3 j: X/ y( [+ A/ f
Look at the red writing on wall near to the alter and take note:# D. H2 p- G+ ^! l4 h2 S
111412310 WK  t% a, G" b. x8 K" u/ {
Notice the long box below the writing . locked. ' F6 ~9 D# [3 N1 l1 L) `! P
Leave the cellar through the hole in the wall and the map will open . Select Diez Palencia hotspot.) `- K. a! ?  v* M2 a. r

9 L* i- u% Z7 O" fDiez Palencia9 A& G; g0 ?. e. }' N
Develop picture.In the dark room take the measuring cups by the sinks . inventory cups: 10 oz, 1 oz, 1 gr.
- v3 ^3 l  E; C) j( Q+ b. mGo to the shelves opposite the door and read the book on chemicals.3 O. G8 V/ X, [& |" |
Developing negative :
- n! L* H+ B, b  c2 q0 H1st basin - 40 oz of water (from tank right of sinks – click 10 oz measuring cup on tap and then click full cup on first sink 4 times) + 10 oz developing solution (from shelves opposite door)7 Y2 w$ ^; m9 l0 T# e2 x
2nd basin – 40 oz water + 10 oz Na2S2O3
8 \8 _, h: ?- \. H. Y/ z3 O# V3rd basin – 50 oz water + 5oz Na2CO3
# ]$ ~3 Q( \# l( fclose red lamp so the room is now dark. Right click the photocasette in inventory to separate – an empty photocasette and exposed glass negative.% J7 Z7 t+ M5 S! x, r4 S5 a. {3 f
Immerse the glass negative in the first basin – at which point a clock will appear on screen, for 30 clock beats.remove from basin
4 Y3 ~' t. n( q/ G. AImmerse in second basin for 30 clock beats. Remove from basin
) v/ R$ v8 B+ F9 @Immerse in third basin for 60 clock beats and remove.4 m' _7 B5 U# a2 o, S9 U+ w
Open red lamp. Put the wet glass negative on drying frame to right of basins.
  ~( f4 x( _5 i, _7 ]* q% EGo to small cabinet above table and take photopaper. Go back to the basins and click on the taps to empty each basin.
: D0 T4 @% y* w1 P$ ESensitizing photographic paper: M5 B8 b* g' J4 c1 v
Into one of the basins put 40 oz distilled water and 10oz Ag2NO3. Immerse the photopaper in the solution for 10 clock beats and then hang on the rope to dry .3 e+ j  n  V& f5 K+ E, @: S
Go back to the basins and take the now dry glass negative from drying frame. Take the copyframe from the chair and combine with the developed glass negative in inventory.
: c# P3 I) t- L0 YRemove the now dry photo paper from rope and combine with printing frame. Inventory : loaded copyframe. 2 I8 A# m7 y3 }' O# O* @6 l0 }
Leave the dark room through the painters room and talk to Carmen in courtyard. Ask about the secret cellar. Put the loaded printing frame on the rim of the well (where the basket with the biscuits was earlier) . Exit courtyard and go to church.3 f- p% S+ M0 h: A1 P3 V0 _
  ~. Q/ R; g+ x4 n! T; N$ C5 p. O

. w$ T! p  s" R3 J% l4 O3 H3 ?2 G6 F6 Y4 h: W) ?8 b3 _6 X5 s
6 |9 e' p0 R* I+ z8 {  V7 tGot to iron door and look closely at lock . Try double key but you cant do it while father Perez is there. Leave church and go to Diez Palencia.
: K7 Z% t5 e9 n7 f2 A5 K9 ?+ k6 X) H/ O
Diez Palencia
/ d1 q& H$ b6 T. l: r7 UTake the copyframe from edge of well. Inventory :right click copyframe to separate into 3 pieces – glass negative, empty copyframe, and sunlight copy frame. Go to painters room and into dark room2 K% X, W4 p" U! {3 S
Finishing the photo.2 L( c9 D/ u# ~! Q
60 oz water in first basin, k6 G+ l, t! \! u9 |" {8 w2 U
40 oz water + 1 oz AuCl3 and 1Gram NH4CNS second basin
, K3 Y) S& l4 ]( W40 oz water + 10 oz Na2CO3 third basin. i* @% m( L" B% `- z% o3 v
immerse photo into 1st basin for 20 clock beats, 2nd basin for 80 beats and 3rd basin for 80 beats2 q* ^8 R( p8 D  ^. c
click on taps to empty basins
' v3 U2 F- e. u5 S3 q# `60 oz water into 1st basin immerse photo in for 60 clock beats.
+ w4 r1 @8 \: i& O* aHang photo on rope to dry. Step away from photo (this allows it to dry) then step back and remove dry photo from rope into inventory.% x+ Y) A& p5 f0 [) i7 H* m7 z! G* O
Leave dark room and painters room and go to Carmen in the courtyard give her the photo. Exit courtyard and go to Plaza de la Mancha.
3 E1 S' `$ z" W* n$ m. q) _4 {6 a7 b' J: s2 t2 k0 W$ d
Plaza de la Mancha; {/ \* x! r( B9 b7 W, _
Talk to Domingo and ask him to do you a favour involving phoning the police station with a message for Father Perez. Give Domingo 100 pesetas from inventory. Go through arcade to Church.
8 U5 K4 n. \0 S- u1 v7 V& F6 b/ x3 c- L
4 _6 T$ Q, j$ M" YTalk to Father Perez. Cut scene Reoyos comes charging in saying theres an urgent phone call for the preist. Perez leaves with Reoyos. You are now able to enter the tower room.& b( d4 M! |, f; F8 M. r

( g$ M2 t4 H0 ^+ |8 {4 QTower room.( c7 ]7 b8 v8 b$ S: X* w
Go to iron door . close up and use double key . turn . open door. Enter.) n1 y7 d: T  b6 S7 Z7 p
Look around the tower room.Go to the small table in the corner and take key and letter from Carlos.( v+ H; {0 w0 h; c5 g: K. E1 [
Go to the kaleidoscsope at window. It is an optional puzzle and not necessary for completing the game. [Save game before beginning], r) P4 P6 p5 G9 F% p& |" i+ K, ~
The 6 cylinders of the kaleidoscope have a numbered order. Use the WK number from the wall in the secret cellar 1-11-4-12-3-10 along with the tile patterns to solve. We can still got to all these locations where we have seen these tiles:
4 Y4 c* [4 x* j  @
3 \9 c* l# @% G1 on the plaza de la mancha$ m) P# m+ x: A. n6 Q( x4 [0 M( {
11 photo album Candelas, j" n8 C! U9 O2 Q
4 photo album Candelas
/ w, a. q1 v  c7 I% P8 {# X9 U# [12 secret cellar
) z9 b# ]# E) t" b  R3 plaza de la mancha
6 d3 Q4 T/ X/ O9 N. p$ ?  y10 painters room
1 H+ S  H5 s9 [4 F' G% t) K; X7 [4 C8 y! g
turn the cylinder to the matching pattern . note – some colours may not match but the pattern will. If youre having difficulty completing this puzzle download solution here.2 \3 v3 {+ z6 M+ V) B+ {4 y: i, ?

+ @  t; G1 w7 I- t# J6 IWhen the cylinders are set , the chamber will open to reveal fourth codex page.' M9 @! J) S# E+ J/ Z
Leave tower room. Exit church select Diez Palencia0 N" a' A1 T# R; v
; N% @; {5 G& t/ o! f
Diez Palencia.7 @7 k$ l7 C2 k" w7 L
Go to painters room > dark room> sewage system. Pan left go forward Map opens > secret cellar
  h' I  J. F- X9 I6 `; ~4 `! Z% U! @' ^- G
Secret cellar% ]2 l4 ]' q5 N8 W, _" @$ ^
Go to the alter and the locked long box on floor. Use the key found in church tower. Take original sword. Leave the cellar through hole in wall map opens. Go to Diez Palencia hotspot > dark room>painters room > courtyard. Exit courtyard and select Candelas hotspot.
/ ?8 {1 Y' |& E$ N7 p
9 x( z8 s, N6 m. D1 Z
- v7 Z4 j) d# D* fCandelas
" k4 N, k2 y, q6 `5 c# O: C$ H. L- b5 g3 ZTalk to Isobel completely learn about Francesco, Arriaga and the Alquerque gameboard. Isobel gives you the key to the forge. Leave Candelas house.
' y6 X* s5 y/ X9 i2 d0 ]Select the new candelas II smithery hotspot below Candelas house.. [6 a5 K8 U; y' W/ N

, r8 c$ v& ]- _8 m9 bCandelas II
/ ^4 i9 M( {4 Z) q6 A# YLook around the forge – many useful objects in the room but we don’t need them all yet. Just take the crowbar from shelf to right of furnace and leave forge.got to Diez Palencia
. g6 w/ D1 C" B( Q5 z# p: a$ p5 H1 r0 L. x1 f0 \4 G
Diez Palencia: Q& h1 h% G; \! q. q
Go to painters room > dark room> sewage system. Pan left go forward Map opens > select the exit hotspot.' }; |3 W" F$ P" P' T) J
+ J/ U8 ?: G9 e1 D9 h
6 L$ w. N" L# p* t/ g; K$ S6 t2 q- vObserve the locked gate. See a ruby ring on the ground behind the gate just out of reach. Use the crowbar to reach and pick up ring.
8 e7 v4 A: G4 m# r. |Climb the ladder and use crowbar on manhole cover to open
3 M5 ^6 O* K5 ]* P$ R9 _! e6 zArriaga
; w2 g0 J6 e% ?* U" SGo to parrot and look. Turn and got through entrance door and enter Arriaga’s shop.3 z: w4 x! M+ a$ O0 |( s
Got to the counter in the shop (through the curtain) and see three bowls of birdseed.; ]  r+ M1 f  Z9 U: y8 v
Take a handful of seed from the spilled bowl. Go to cabinet on the back wall of the shop and look at the chess board on floor. Observe the chess men – the knights are missing. Step back and look at chess board on shelf , take the ivory knight.
, U8 e9 A5 l5 D+ F$ YLeave the shop through the back door and go to parrot. Give the handful of seed to parrot . The parrot tells you about the “steps of the Viennese valse” :
, I4 _! k# [' L) Y: y* T3 a+ _1 A# N  `0 I! m. P9 O3 B- d
Forward – Left – Forward – Right – Right – Left – Forward - Forward
- O& P7 b7 v, K9 S# A– Right – Right – Forward – Left – Left – Left - Right – Left8 d5 y+ f1 J6 A0 a: g6 T

& z' {/ r% S: E5 C, BGo back into sewage system via the manhole. Try the ivory knight in the keyhole of the locked gate. It fits ok but we need a handle to turn it. Pan right go forward and map opens . select Diez Palencia.
# z* a% |6 S4 ]# ~8 g7 _1 Z* S3 ?" @0 g4 P/ h5 {
Diez Palencia
* A$ ~* q# G  B4 UDark room > painters room > courtyard > exit .select Plaza de la Mancha.
8 B$ t! d8 B1 e2 @0 B" X3 U4 E8 {( C4 k- D
Plaza de la Mancha.$ t9 l* q2 c: m4 R/ j8 {
Go to potter and ask him for some clay – you’ll need to give him ruby ring in exchange. Take clay.
; W, Y3 d, _/ V' J4 x" B6 C# fGo into the square and to the bench where the man had been sitting reading the newspaper. He ahs left his newspaper behind. Take newspaper.
$ z( G* t! q1 I: ?Go through arcade and to Candellas II hotspot.
% @/ s# Y* `; ]0 q/ C  v7 c, n6 m6 n/ M3 q' C7 x
Candellas II
+ `% b0 r$ L+ Z! M/ ]Go to table, in close up pick up knife. Combine knife and clay in inventory to get clay bricks. Use the clay bricks on the casting frame on table and then use chess man on clay. Close the frame to make an impression of the knight. Open the frame, remove knight back into inventory. Use the knife in inventory to cut a channel into the clay in the left frame. Go over to wall behind furnace there are some hooks on the wall with unfinished keys take one from right hand side. Go back to table and use the unfinished key on the clay in the left frame. Close frame and lift into inventory. Go to furnace and pick up some firewood to left of furnace and put into furnace. Put newspaper from inventory into furnace and light with matches from inventory. Use bellows three times to maintain fire. $ T# o; R' ]8 a+ w2 y9 N; v( c
Put the casting frame onto grille and go to shelf left of furnace and lift gloves. Go back to furnace and use gloves on frame. The frame is moved along the grille. Take the melting pot from the log to the right hand side of furnace and put on grille. Use bellows three times again. Step away from furnace.
2 H) t4 c% }! `! g) k0 a" I% z/ ^3 ZGo back to furnace and use gloves on melting pot. Use melting pot on frame (the melting pot is put back automatically on the log) . Take the frame from the grille. Go towards table and put the frame on the anvil. Use the knife on the frame to open. Take the chessman key from the mould. Leave the forge goto painters house.) o) |' H1 N7 z  w) \

; ?. Z3 m: s  P$ c, Z3 D* q0 H9 P; s5 |* v6 y/ r
Diez Palencia
6 X" W, S) I3 L& C2 \* hGo to painters room > dark room> sewage system. Pan left go forward Map opens >select Exit hotspot
5 d9 x; K  B# n* \6 E: I; z
( h4 e  d2 e, Z- G; X  |5 S8 @4 SExit.
/ F2 `$ P% V! T/ S2 qUse chessman key on locked gate. Enter new labyrinth use the steps told by parrot ie:  k3 P; d& V; `. t2 v2 p) Q0 A
5 h; M1 U; H' V* o: K9 N
Forward – Left – Forward – Right – Right – Left – Forward - Forward# j; ^' f- a+ G3 t$ U, G* [* J6 e
– Right – Right – Forward – Left – Left – Left - Right – Left" p" f" k! N! I9 `* i# `5 _6 g
Go up stairs and click on door. Cutscene Arriagas waiting there and pushes you into room and locks door.% U9 ~- s  L8 T& {  _( b

+ o/ Y! y" R; U& yChamber" _' A' G% G5 M" R5 O0 ]! S) h. v! c
Talk to Arriaga. He leaves.
0 w6 `# c3 V. r; w' WLook around chamber. Go over to the cupboard and take the Alquerque board from bag. Click on box on top of cupboard its too high too reach !.
' j; X: v7 H, b) DLift one of the barrels. A grid of transparent barrel icons appear showing where you can position it. Move the barrel as close as you can to the cupboard. Lift the other barrel and place it beside the first. Lift the box and put it on the first barrel closest to the cupboard. Lift the chair and put it in front of the other barrel creating graded steps to the top of the cupboard. Click on the top of the cupboard from the start of the steps and climb to top of cupboard. Take the rope from the box, the spade head and broken handle and put in inventory. Lift the empty crate and take down the steps with you.set empty crate down anywhere.% L" ^2 v; j  N) V% |0 \* c
Go to the elevator and take a look. Notice the sign showing the loading capacity. Use the spade handle on the elevator cogwheel to give you a new handle. Step into elevator.Unfasten the brake and click on cogwheel to start elevator.
( {7 L' c) V- R" k- k; f4 {: m7 D- g  Y5 F, P) R1 y5 U: s
Lower chamber- h- A! f, p7 I
Step out of elevator and go left take the pole leaning against the wall. Take the empty barrel (the one with the broken stave) and manoeuvre into elevator. Click on cogwheel and take barrel to the upper chamber. Take barrel out of elevator.
3 b7 c& x9 t  Z: V
4 F3 ~+ u  @6 K9 [: k) zChamber
5 d+ G2 o9 s* n% aClimb up your makeshift steps of barrels and use the long pole on the hanging chain. Chain is now in inventory. In inventory combine the long pole and spade head. You now have a spade. Lift the closed box from the top of the barrel and put aside. Lift one of the barrels and move to the cupboard with shelves. Lift the other barrel over to the cupboard and position so to have a gap of a barrel between the two barrels. Go to the right of the cupboard and lift the plank and lay plank across the two barrels. # y  d4 X/ D7 h* _* U
Go to the broken barrel you brought from lower chamber and place on plank (closer to the cupboard) lift the closed box and set it beside the broken barrel. Move the chair and put it in front of the other barrel. Climb up and click on top of shelf. Check the ventilation duct above. Use the chain on the grille of the stack. Climb down and go to elevator. Go down to bottom chamber.9 t9 D  g0 n, g
) g/ ?% m% `( _6 l
Lower chamber
: K1 Z9 v& c* l* b% S# OGo to empty barrel. Use the spade on the soil and put in barrel (you cannot fill the barrel with soil and take up in the elevator or you will exceed the loading limit of the elevator) . take 4 spadefuls of soil into barrel and carry it to elevator. Start the elevator and take barrel to upper chamber.$ l' T5 K, k3 |  V# I, O) y( L

" |9 N3 Z" F9 H  Y1 n7 DChamber
8 a/ K- W  J1 H9 Y) [, E. GTake the half full barrel from elevator and set it down anywhere. Lift the open box and take it to elevator take down to lower chamber and fill with soil return with full box and empty into open box (you’ll need to complete this procedure twice) .
& v3 O" Z) v) R" e' W- g  @6 z$ d) y+ xLift the box out of the elevator and put it aside, Lift the open barrel full of soil and carry it into the elevator, Lift the box full of soil and carry it into the elevator, Find the hanging chain beside the cupboard with shelves, Take the end of the chain and fasten it to the iron railing of the elevator.8 F. k1 m0 X( r9 c  Q
Go to the point opposite the elevator and unfasten the brake from outside the elevator using the spade (its long pole) Pick up the broken hook from the floor. Combine the hook and the rope in the inventory. Climb up the steps to the top of the cupboard with shelves
3 C% M8 D& H- }, [0 R9 Y. ]Use the rope with a hook on the ventilation duct opening without a grille, Click on the rope and climb out of the closet through the ventilation duct. the professor gets to the forge; lady Isabel is there., @4 d+ U9 r. i# F( r3 N
, R% X& x5 p( _4 x$ j$ P! Q8 G' |
Candelas II/ g7 \7 |7 O5 @2 a) e
Talk to Isabel and hand over the alquerque board found from inventory. Leave the forge and go to Candelas hotspot.
! m8 F/ E/ f8 c3 A" e8 g3 u5 V5 |9 R. @" Q6 }
Candelas: [2 r; [2 ~' [2 G3 g6 y
Talk to Francisco and hand over the original sword from inventory - He was released from the charge; the sword obtained and the medal together add up to the value of the Diez Palencia house; so the youngsters are saved from forced marriage as well.4 Y+ i7 z; C( ~
Read the rules of alquerque and play alquerque with Francisco If you win the game, Francisco will hand over another granite plate from the lap of the black statue – mission completed if you don’t win Francisco will invite you to play again until you do ! . X: B  N  F1 r0 x1 f# `5 S
Watch the closing cutscene
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使用道具 举报

发表于 2008-3-21 12:49 | 只看该作者
虽然一句也看不懂,但还是说声:辛苦啦! [s:2]
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使用道具 举报

发表于 2008-3-19 09:59 | 只看该作者
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使用道具 举报

发表于 2008-3-4 13:36 | 只看该作者
/ E! o* a! e) x# F% \英文的,看起来费劲。。
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使用道具 举报

发表于 2008-3-3 15:33 | 只看该作者
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