<P>巫毒小子这个游戏我记得以前玩过,风格幽默关卡精彩。是发生在一艘海盗船上的冒险</P>6 y+ j: S; t; b) v
<P>最近又发现voodoo的另一个“版本”?和我以前玩的那个不一样啊~不解,还向各位请教</P>" ]$ o/ |& B3 Y% H# @) u, H" c
<P>VooDoo Kid和VooDoo是两个游戏啦</P><P>前者是很好玩的入门级商业AVG游戏,有中文版</P><P>后者是用某AVG游戏引擎制作的同人游戏,估计是免费的,看画风还不错的样子</P><P>这里有一些VooDoo的介绍:</P><P>Game play: Download the Voodoo Game and the ADePT (Adv.play) engine from the game site. After downloading, click on \'advplay.exe\'. Then select voodoo.adv to open the game. The top bar shows Change menu (2 scrolls), Open inventory (chest), Open diary (open book), Walk (red shoes), Open (door), Look (eye), Take, (bag), Use (one gear), Use-combine with (2 gears) and Talk (text bubble). At the right is the score with a total of 666 on completion of the game. When Change Menu is clicked, the New adventure, End adventure, Read adventure (load), Write adventure (save), Info and Options. Talk to everybody more than once to learn new information, especially in Act 3. Look at the diary to check your progress.</P><P>这里是VooDoo的攻略:http://www.gameboomers.com/wtcheats/pcVv/voodoo.htm</P>