
英文版 吸血鬼萨迦 1:潘多拉魔盒 Vampire Saga: Pandora's Box

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[英文版] 吸血鬼萨迦 1:潘多拉魔盒 Vampire Saga: Pandora's Box

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吸血鬼萨迦 1:潘多拉魔盒 Vampire Saga: Pandora's Box

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Vampire Saga: Pandora's Box
Developer: GO! Games
Publisher: Alawar Entertainment
Hard Drive: 104 MB
Release Date: 2009-09-11
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Explore eerie locations and search for hidden objects in this captivating mystery thriller. With a spine-chilling crime at the center of its spellbinding story, Vampire Saga is not intended for the faint of heart!
  e( L  j1 \( ]5 T4 XWith a chilling crime at the center of its spellbinding story, Vampire Saga is not intended for the faint of heart. Join Matthew Ward as he steals aboard a cargo ship to escape the violence of the Spanish-American War, passes out and then wakes up to find himself alone with several sinister-looking coffins. Where did the crew go? Why is Matthew having strange visions? And why does he feel like he's being watched?
( ?6 ]4 X# l; c1 }( Q9 }You'll answer these and other questions as you explore eerie locations, search for hidden objects and follow a story full of nerve-pricking encounters. Along the way, atmospheric music and sound effects will immerse you in the events unfolding on your computer screen. Without a doubt, this captivating mystery thriller will give you the creeps!
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泰勒的祖父给他打电话并带来了让人震惊的消息!在见过他的祖父之后,泰勒被送到了一个时代去体验神秘的事件并且被引导去感受被揭露的荒诞事件。怪诞的维多利亚时代的地点并去发现吸血鬼传说:潘多拉魔盒的真相!当你深入那个旧时代的神秘之处的时候,搜寻极好玩的隐藏物品场景并玩有趣迷你游戏。/ ~+ f; q  i1 Y) E* N! v' P
√沉浸其中的气氛; q& D6 V% q$ _$ Z$ J7 N
$ G) z/ P/ r5 k2 R(感谢 糖醋鱼 提供翻译)
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+ \4 ~6 [$ V- I6 |
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5 Z' i2 i9 ?4 ~' X8 {. {
4 X* ^  U" b% ^7 QGame System Requirements- u9 Y, f/ K, I9 r# X2 x$ I0 D; b7 K" I
OS: Windows XP/Vista/7/8
' }! p8 |3 F# r! Z* C$ e, QCPU: 800 MHz
# X6 Z, p  u5 }# F+ b2 \RAM: 128 MB8 K9 E4 o) d# Q
DirectX: 6* v- t4 T4 c# t3 S( _( x- {

! \3 G8 |0 ?2 @, F8 `8 GDownload Here: https://www.chinaavg.com/forum.php?mod=viewthread&tid=45657# X6 `4 {9 c& V& R
Check out the offical walkthrough!
/ A6 M9 v" Q! [3 E" K& R) o1 z% y3 z9 C. {7 v8 C) ?% G

8 w8 L. Q+ G$ Z6 c


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