
关于迷迭香(Rosemary)的汉化(jimi 请进)  14:00更新

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关于迷迭香(Rosemary)的汉化(jimi 请进)  14:00更新

发表于 2009-7-10 20:58 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式

关于迷迭香(Rosemary)的汉化(jimi 请进)  14:00更新

" ?' |4 ]7 k7 X) n  ~& Z6 @8 B  P8 ~& S1 s' P
对于字幕内嵌在script脚本里的WME引擎游戏,我还没仔细研究过。3 q8 A/ y8 h2 ?. |# [; g0 I3 A
+ d* W  Z" p2 W' Z, z
5 [1 k% T- Z( p, _" c$ s1。就是采取你现在的方法,补空格,万一多补或少补一个就会游戏崩溃。
" K( G. L+ G$ `3 j   这是必然的,解决方法是开发一个小工具,不过这个工具其实也不是那么简单开发的。
. G9 `2 Z/ J+ l$ a! W9 i& L$ u& P4 r$ _5 b6 a3 O
2。用HOOK的方法。目前还需要进一步的调查研究。) g" I0 S+ ^+ K* [  B
+ u6 J4 U1 S9 x0 f  z" x
现在想知道的是,用补空格的方法,如果字节数完全符合,能正常显示中文吗?, e8 x: W% ~! F+ V1 A6 S
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使用道具 举报

发表于 2009-7-11 13:22 | 只看该作者
用补空格的方法,节数完全符合,能正常显示中文,我在网吧截图暂时没有,抱歉- m8 z, u  \- _
另外那个hook是什么啊??觉得好像外挂; u; u% R1 n3 k: u2 F

* x7 p( d. ~6 P& w肥牛兄正在研究工具,007可以和他讨论下
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使用道具 举报

 楼主| 发表于 2009-7-11 13:36 | 只看该作者
hook的原理类似外挂。; u: u' X" m5 j" f& y1 `0 O+ ]+ L% T3 U
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使用道具 举报

发表于 2009-7-11 13:47 | 只看该作者
7 a9 p3 E) A% U. g* W3 rhttp://gambit.mit.edu/loadgame/spring2009/rosemary.zip
7 g1 ~: v! \$ i, ]3 i5 t$ V原帖在这:
" @) _0 t& Y8 Khttps://www.chinaavg.com/read.php?tid=17858
6 @9 `2 P  J8 S  N4 [这个是sky发的
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使用道具 举报

 楼主| 发表于 2009-7-11 13:50 | 只看该作者
OK. 收到,谢谢!
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使用道具 举报

 楼主| 发表于 2009-7-11 14:01 | 只看该作者
6 C" B/ B1 M6 E' ]http://www.aluigi.org/mytoolz/exestringz.zip
# T# g# s* Y. s* |% ~, ]* b+ R1 ^6 D8 `4 Y) n
http://www.aluigi.org/mytoolz.htm& L7 K/ O$ h. R& H$ s
Executable's strings lister and replacer 0.2.3 (exestringz) .image.
6 ~( l+ a1 h' |9 P5 _! hthis tool has the main purpose of finding any ASCII and unicode string inside PE and ELF executables with the possibility of modifying them using any external text editor and re-injecting them in the original executable.! k6 y& N* x: N( E1 L
technically the finding of the strings works in the following way: it disassembles all the executable sections of the input file (like .text, only x86 32 bit supported) and visualizes any string or any array of strings, so any instruction like push "string" or mov eax, "string" or mov eax, "[4*edx+array]" and so on is handled perfectly.5 Y  E5 f* J% |$ a
instead the injecting of the modified strings back in the executable (ELF not supported) is performed through the adding of a new "stringz" section which contains all the new strings and the substituiting of all the pointers to those strings collected in the "finding" operation with the new ones (relocation).
' W( p. T. E% h# g1 N& Ithe tool can be also used as a quick and advanted strings program (the one available on *nix) with the difference that the strings found by exestringz are not casuals but are found and confirmed by the disassembled code avoiding false positives.
! v# m0 T  i) q9 ^anyway through the -b option the tool can acts exactly like the strings program and naturally can also re-import the modified strings." z1 E. v0 B% }' O3 M1 i  _
there is also an "experimental" option specific for the asian utf8 which was also the reason of the initial creation of this tool for the translating of a japanese game.( G- W4 E: I. q6 Y9 f4 ~
note that for obvious technical reasons is not possible to export and reimport ever all the strings for any executable because in some cases (usually with big programs) could be generated false positives, anyway the output file generated by the tool is very easy to understand and edit so it's not a problem.8 l( t  k* V& t8 c1 {' N7 q
technical limitations:
! B9 ]. h9 M6 n7 s% k8 l& l1 t4 _; U
2 N- P/ H9 R( n/ A" ]( N6 Tthe end_of_line (carriage return/line feed) is left as was in the original string, so the result is that the output file could have a "mixed" style of unix ('\\n') and windows ('\\r\\n'), and some text editor could try to convert the whole text in or the other style causing troubles (for example overwriting other strings or resources in the executable)
! ?% K5 W, a* j  g  i# \2 `# d# zthe recognization of the english strings is ok since that charset is enough limited but for the others it's just a chaos anyway the tool is still a work-in-progress...
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使用道具 举报

 楼主| 发表于 2009-7-11 14:03 | 只看该作者
你把脚本文件改为exe ,修改完毕再改过来即可。
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使用道具 举报

发表于 2009-7-12 13:25 | 只看该作者
/ v$ ]! _" c7 O1 k5 e  ?. n. U2 \ + Z5 t1 w+ e9 J; }1 R3 I) {2 p, v
画面下方的动作按钮需要改图 5 X3 v* q7 |5 f$ n: A

) ]. [; r) I; U9 @+ M5 o+ g2 D另外那个软件我不会用,命令行看了头疼啊
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使用道具 举报

 楼主| 发表于 2009-7-12 13:35 | 只看该作者
OK,收到。- L6 [, J1 f5 A3 A) E4 ]
接下去我会研究一下的,方法应该不少,要找出最高效的方法需要花点时间。" u. O( C/ n6 h3 `, r; H
5 q5 `. C% ^' u$ D: D9 A( r
对了,最近估计有几个scummvm的游戏都能实现汉化了,你能不能先把这个WME的游戏暂停一下。先汉化一个scummvm的游戏?是纯翻译,技术上基本没什么问题,也很简单。" J, A1 ~3 H! k  l; @2 B8 {
  [( |1 b$ h8 A+ J4 E
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使用道具 举报

发表于 2009-7-12 13:42 | 只看该作者
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使用道具 举报

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