In earth that is rich and full of snails." o: c6 X2 w6 K: k
I want to dig myself a deep pit,, O) Z% D8 N$ [) o: [. K0 Y1 C
Where I can lay out my old bones
5 g7 I8 `) P+ ]- yAnd sleep in oblivion like a shark in a wave.
. N. M4 d& N/ tI hate testaments and I hate tombs;1 ~- ^" C" R, x. h
Rather than implore a tear from the world,+ Y9 \9 R ]6 a9 Y; T% T
Living, I would prefer to invite the ravens4 {3 E h7 ^' e+ j4 x# K1 J
To bleed every last bit of my disgusting carcass.
6 I$ h& G3 ^) TOh worms! Black companions without eyes or ears,. I$ O" d, Y6 T4 s: W2 q
Witness a free and joyous dead man come to you;
' U a7 d, ?+ `+ w3 o/ C( PPleasure-seeking philosophers, sons of rot,
. h4 C J1 ^, X. g5 K7 PAmidst my ruin go then without remorse,
0 s0 R3 q& \& ?/ VAnd tell me if there be yet some torture- T/ k, d% e) e* q+ ^5 {' E
For this soulless, dead old body among the dead! |