No doubt inspired by Dan Brown's popular novel, The DaVinci Code, five companies, namely Nobilis, Elektrogames, Totem Studio, Kheops Studio and Mzone Studio, have announced their partnership in making DaVinci Experience. Nobilis holds the worldwide publishing rights for the game.8 E! z" c, Y5 h$ m7 Q: l! N
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The press release is quite vague on detail, featuring more information on the late artist than the actual game, but players will embark on a mission to crack the codes hidden within DaVinci's artworks." E; n& R" M3 j+ H' |( t
" Q% @2 ~' y% R9 q5 \DaVinci Experience is slated for a Spring release, next year. . U9 z: b( W6 w& s. { V. d, P
这新闻实在让人有点摸不着头脑:这款名为《达芬奇之旅》(DaVinci Experience)的游戏,居然是五家公司联合制作:Nobilis, Elektrogames, Totem Studio, Kheops Studio and Mzone Studio
0 J+ n0 D: T5 Q" j/ k& l8 \2 W1 Q' A& \( Q$ a/ f6 K) q* D& |, [7 ?
这些公司的名字也够古怪的:Elektrogames——明显是Electro(nic)+games之音同形异体,什么图腾工作室,还有Mzone……莫非是动感地带???5 ]+ _ n/ B5 d8 k/ W" S+ |8 `
( f1 K2 a& [" J! }怀疑是否是假新闻……至少这堆无名小卒是否能呈现一个质量合格的作品值得怀疑。 |