下面是引用popgog于2005-09-15 16:43发表的:+ \6 ^. w! `" J8 V G5 q- W
其实饮食文化还是中国悠远,ketchup就是“茄汁”老外和南洋人学,南洋人和广东人学罢了。, O, i( k+ u3 ^3 M6 b! i6 p
7 L: H% M9 C! M7 b5 _) w
; F2 F" u+ v' {; C, I3 y! P, w$ j一笑置之:
* J- [3 P7 p) P* D: H1 akechup就是粤语的"茄汁"的读音翻译, "茄"就是"番茄" ) y8 t+ I' H4 w) @0 q
呃,番茄番茄,原产并不在中国,而且中国菜中把番茄调制成番茄酱加以运用似乎也并无惯例。2 w( J7 G3 z. G" ~
) v$ ]$ c! i# z; p5 i原产于南美洲的秘鲁、厄瓜多尔和玻利维亚。 在16世纪,番茄才从墨西哥传入欧洲,初在意大利、西班牙、英国、法国和中欧作为庭园观赏,果实很小,且颜色非常鲜艳。直到17世纪,番茄才在欧洲被人们作为蔬菜而栽培,但发展很快,在本世纪下半叶,番茄已成为全球种植最广泛、消费最多的蔬菜作物之一,1990年的全世界番茄产量已达到5000万吨。% r: u- b: q8 e1 A. q
8 }/ w4 m: f. a3 y5 W0 J" n: ~0 |番茄传入我国的时间不算长,大约是在17世纪末到18世纪初之间,由西方的传教士、商人或华侨从东南亚引人我国南方沿海城市。 番茄在我国的规模性生产,在本世纪初开始于台湾南部及东南沿海地区,直到30年代,我国东北、华北地区才逐渐种植番茄,并多集中于大城市郊区。
% m' j+ l* D' l6 {, \' Y又查Dictionary.com,Ketchup一词的Word History如下,果然印证了我的疑虑:
# F5 m+ W- {* |. ]: m2 B# fWord History: The word ketchup exemplifies the types of modifications that can take place in borrowing both of words and substances. The source of our word ketchup may be the Malay word kechap, possibly taken into Malay from the Cantonese dialect of Chinese. Kechap, like ketchup, was a sauce, but one without tomatoes; rather, it contained fish brine, herbs, and spices. Sailors seem to have brought the sauce to Europe, where it was made with locally available ingredients such as the juice of mushrooms or walnuts. At some unknown point, when the juice of tomatoes was first used, ketchup as we know it was born. But it is important to realize that in the 18th and 19th centuries ketchup was a generic term for sauces whose only common ingredient was vinegar. The word is first recorded in English in 1690 in the form catchup, in 1711 in the form ketchup, and in 1730 in the form catsup. All three spelling variants of this foreign borrowing remain current. , A( y( T0 h+ P) K, I
6 d2 \6 C; V" v9 {- y: f# r! E- M2 o/ o2 z
番茄酱是西方美食的传统,这一点是确定的。语音上的由来只是个巧合,和中华美食没有什么联系。 o" p* l" F2 t- g4 o4 z' b, e- H
! g* j6 D5 m }4 ]( z2 V(这种见风就是雨,把许多好东东记到中国人头上的思维在Wikipedia上叫做“中国中心主义”,呵呵。没有责怪的意思,反而要感谢popgog,让我去考察了一番,找到了正解) |