<P>Circular Boardwalk</P><P>Ahead of you the Jacktower rises above the Circular Boardwalk. The Boardwalk and cabins (see fig. A-44) were built by the band while Alida was under construction. The cabins were designed to be a simple escape where they would hopefully write material for their new CD. That CD was never produced.Proceed along the boardwalk until you reach the Circular Boardwalk intersection, turn right and go into the first cabin that you come to. (see fig. A-44.) (4 clicks forward, turn right, 2 clicks forward, turn right, click on the door handle.) Approach the desk. (see fig. A-45.)(turn left twice, zoom in on the desk.)This is Arin\'s cabin. On his desk are a small chest of drawers, a black tine (a spare part from the Moon Tone cabinet), a Whabit (the round intricately carved wooden instrument in the centre of the desk) and an Imager-Logger. (the conical device on the right.) On the wall is an overhead drawing of the Alida island and above it, an elevation drawing as well.Zoom in on the small chest of drawers. Open the top drawer. (click on the top drawer handle.)Nothing much here, just the stationary Arin used for his writing.Close the top drawer. Open the middle drawer. Inspect all the items in this drawer by clicking on them. (see fig. A-46.)In this drawer you will see: an email from Kivas to Arin; a photograph of the Moon Tone tines showing the icons clearly; cutaway diagrams of the Peghead, Potentiometer and Switch chambers. From the email it is evident that Kivas invited Arin back to Alida. From the cutaway diagrams it is evident that the Peghead, Potentiometers and Switch sections of the guitar are accessible.Close the middle drawer. Open the bottom drawer. Inspect all the items in this drawer.In this drawer you will see: a newspaper clipping of a story regarding Alida; a photo of the Alida guitar neck during construction; a note regarding the vault doors. The note reads \'ALL THE VAULT DOORS RESPOND TO THE SAME CODES.\'Step back. Zoom in on the Whabit. Turn the lever.The Whabit lever activates internal mechanisms that rotate 6 bird silhouettes.Press the button in the centre of the Whabit.The button opens the silhouette to reveal a full picture of the bird and its birdsong. This Whabit will help you solve the Switch Chamber T-Flyer puzzle.Step back. Zoom in on the Imager-Logger. Press the \'play\' button. (use fig. A-47 as a guide.)The Imager-Logger was built by Juno as a quick and easy way for Arin to record his musical ideas. The first log is Arin\'s recording of a musical idea, you can see him operating a remote device for the Imager-Logger. Arin had a few musical instruments in the cabin but he took them with him when he left Alida.View all the logs using the \'skip forward\' and \'play\' buttons. (use fig. A-47 as a guide.) Use the \'skip back\' button to watch any logs again.Arin also wanted to write a book about Alida\'s history and used the Imager-Logger to record his ideas. The first 6 logs on the Imager-Logger are Arin and the last log is Kivas. Arin and Kivas are twin brothers and their colaboration made the Alida band successful. Their views regarding Alida\'s fortune, however, were very different.Step back. Click on the overhead map of Alida that is just above the desk. Click on the lower half of the map.Use this map to orient yourself around Alida. Arin\'s cabin has an arrow pointing to it labelled \'cabins\'. (You can print this map from your browser - go to the \'HINTS\' page, click on \'ALIDA DIAGRAMS\', click on \'Arins Alida map\' and select PRINT in your browser.)Look up to scroll to the top half of the map.All the main areas of Alida have been labelled.Step back. Zoom in on the elevation drawing of Alida.The rock underneath the Alida guitar rose above the surrounding cliffs and was cut down to accomodate Alida.Approach the Planetpanel at the back of the cabin. (step back, look down, step back, turn right.) Zoom in on the Planetpanel. Press the button on the front.There are 4 Planetpanels in the bay, 1 in each cabin. (see fig. A-48.) Each Planetpanel depicts a different planetary system, 2 have 4 planets, 2 have 5 planets. Juno used the small Bi-Sphere device to magnify his telescope thousands of times thereby enabling clear observation of planets around nieghbouring stars. He built the Planetpanels to record his discoveries.Click on the planets.As each planet is selected, it rotates continuously.Click on the sun button. (see fig. A-48.)All 4 Planetpanels operate in the same way and are connected to devices in the Jacktower\'s first level. The Planetpanels are part of the Jacktower Imagers puzzle.Exit Arin\'s cabin, turn right and go into the next cabin you come to. (step back, turn left twice, click on the door handle to exit, turn right, 4 clicks forward, turn right, click on the door handle, turn left.)This is Leval\'s cabin although I don\'t think Leval had ever set foot in here. There\'s nothing in this cabin except one of Juno\'s Planetpanels.Exit Leval\'s cabin, turn right and go into the next cabin you come to. (turn left twice, click on the door handle to exit, turn right, 4 clicks forward, turn right, click on the door handle, turn left twice.)This is Juno\'s cabin and there\'s another Planetpanel here. Just in front of you is a wind up orbiting planetary model that Juno built. To activate it, pull on the ring that is just below the model.Zoom in on Juno\'s desk. (see fig. A-49.)At upper right is another Whabit, this one has insects and frogs as sillhouettes, but it operates just like the one in Arin\'s cabin. This Whabit will help you solve the Planetarium T-Flyer puzzle. At lower left is Juno\'s journal.Zoom in on Juno\'s journal, open it by clicking on the cover. Click on the left or right pages to read all the journal.Remember the last journal entry, \'The vault doors have been fitted with sensitive microphones\'.Exit Juno\'s cabin, turn right and go into the next cabin you come to. (step back twice, turn left, click on the door handle to exit, turn right, 4 clicks forward, turn right, click on the door handle, turn left twice.)This is Luke\'s cabin.Zoom in on the sphere device that is on the chair. (see fig. A-50.)This is Luke\'s clue for the Turret Spheres puzzle. It\'s a similar looking device to what is in the turret, except this one has only one sphere and three buttons. Each button correlates to the spheres that are in the turret i.e.. the top button here correlates with the top sphere in the turret.</P> |