
【21号】发布白色密室(the white chamber)汉化包【修复】

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【21号】发布白色密室(the white chamber)汉化包【修复】

发表于 2009-4-8 00:02 | 只看该作者
要不是簡介, 我竟然發現不了主角是女的 ……
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使用道具 举报

发表于 2009-4-8 10:22 | 只看该作者
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使用道具 举报

发表于 2009-4-8 10:39 | 只看该作者
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使用道具 举报

 楼主| 发表于 2009-4-8 11:35 | 只看该作者
英文攻略! S" I" X* Y7 W- H8 u
Note: Although not required to play through the game, to view the cutscenes, you will need to have the DivX codec installed on your computer. You can download it, for free, from the DivX website.   \6 j" D& U" y$ n) B+ K
: [9 C' G& c- w, p8 C
Note:: This walkthrough is for version 1.0 of The White Chamber. The developers are planning on making an "International" version with more gameplay, but they are working on a non-adventure for the time being. The download size for The White Chamber v1.0 is 306 megabytes, so if you don't have a broadband connection you may want to skip this one. / _7 j; n4 Z- ^

% J4 i' _* ?& ?' n3 ]" u; QAbout: The White Chamber is a freeware adventure game from Studio Trophis. This is your standard point-and-click adventure in 2D perspective. The game, however, is not for everyone; there is profanity used, lots of blood, gore and acts of grotesque violence. If these things do not bother you, it is definitely worth the time to play. The character you play is right out of an anime movie, but the game really doesn't have any anime aspects to it. You begin on an abandoned spaceship, and work your way through a macabre storyline to find out what happened to the scientists who had worked on the ship before your arrival. You play a female named Sarah. It isn't until the very end of the game till you learn what acts happened on the spaceship. And so it begins...  
3 k3 g7 I9 ^: H$ @$ S
8 [- e0 {1 G+ g3 M: j( JControls: Right & Left mouse control the vast majority of your game. Keyboard keys, however, are used rarely. Your Esc (Escape) key allows you to pause/save/load/quit. The only other time you use your keyboard keys is to control a bot (with the cursor/arrow keys and the spacebar). $ D! T" o- x# O% o5 K0 P6 h

" U4 N1 j" v7 k* s& D6 R' zSpecial Note: The game has a total of 4 endings; they are: Damned, Decaying, Redemption and Venomous. Venomous is an ending that you do not want to experience (you end up being gassed to death somewhat early in the game). Decaying is also a death ending (making you unable to finish the game). There are 2, valid endings, but the ultimate goal is to achieve the Redemption ending and there are 3 ways to achieve it. If you wish to experience the Venomous ending, it takes place where the fridge is suspended. To experience it, use the switch (to the left of the glass door) to open the mouth. Next, exit the door at the bottom then go back into the room with the suspended fridge. You will need to leave twice. When you come back the third time, the Venomous ending will occur.
% B' K5 N! {' s# O3 t- m5 S& ?; E2 n
What differs the Damned, Decaying and Redemption endings is how you answer questions posed both in the very beginning of the game, and questions towards the end. You will notice a blackboard, hanging on a wall, later in the game. One or Two marks will lead you to a Damned ending. Three marks will lead you to the Redemption ending. The questions, in the beginning, are: 1) Do you know where you are? 2) Do you regret? and 3) Are you ready? The third question is immaterial; you will need to choose Yes to proceed in the game, but the first two questions are critical in what ending you achieve in the game. Of the ways to achieve the Damned ending, if you choose No for the first question you will be shown one closing cutscene. If you choose Yes for the first question, and you achieve the Damned ending, you will be giving a separate, closing cutscene which proves that the Redemption ending is the best, possible ending of the four. The second closing cutscene reads as follows: ' T; F4 {% w" l* [. |0 }

% r( P8 ^3 t  ~3 b: w"Unable to atone for her sins 7 z/ \  D" \8 i. M# {1 \

: u3 v& e/ W+ Q' ^the cycle of suffering repeats ( E- b( Z' B3 L6 [

9 X7 M. V1 k6 o! }! ~an eternal loop that will only
; v. l7 E+ W8 H1 z' \; k5 Cbe broken through redemption."  
7 g: y5 C; D0 ~. b8 s. x; a3 X% S& J, P# z# `0 |
Note: The only way to experience the Damned, Decaying and Redemption endings, all in one game, is to answer Yes for the first two questions. If you answer No for the first question, the blinds are lifted (in the opening room) and you are shown that you are in space. No big deal. So, choose Yes for the first two questions if you wish to experience the three endings listed above. This walkthrough will follow this route of gameplay. You cannot, however, view both Damned and Damned (alternate ending) endings. You will need to replay through the game to view the Damned (alternate ending) ending to view it. There isn't much difference between the two, but the message above is relayed in the Damned (alternate ending) ending. I believe the developers offered this alternate, Damned ending to show that the Redemption ending is the ending to strive for to complete the game successfuly.
8 x) d" d( A) ]: d4 I$ ^- W" G! h6 K; d4 V

" {, ?! V1 j! u, T* ?
# M3 L% T7 _- LAll Possible Endings7 R% N) X0 \' v8 X5 r" Q3 g( U' K
(1. Do you know where you are?
/ o5 J3 V- o& t 2. Do you regret?
" s. i0 Z2 `/ H7 c' H% k7 C4 t% y 3. Do you want to leave?+ ?+ E5 t6 T7 u' Z& u6 q! T: W
4. And risk spreading the disease?)
5 n0 L- K1 b! ?+ v; ?
  k/ M; y9 ]/ U3 a2 t1 O, K9 ^; }# a5 \1. Decaying - Answer No for Question 3; the first 2 won't matter.4 q% i  r# s8 M4 t' L% x4 S
2. Damned - (N,N,Y,Y) or (N,N,Y,N)2 J6 m7 k( H( K. l
3. Damned (alternate ending) - (Y,N,Y,Y), (Y,N,Y,N) or (Y,Y,Y,Y)% W' [1 z+ P. Z! l" _' ^
4. Redemption - (Y,Y,Y,N), (N,Y,Y,Y) or (N,Y,Y,N)  7 p- n5 P- k, P( `4 D9 n6 r3 K
) d+ U/ `7 b, ^* ]2 f+ u; a

% B9 Q0 B. P  o+ b. }+ LNote: The Venomous ending can only occur one way (listed in the walkthrough). 2 g6 `; W- q, y5 n

' r$ S- K9 A9 \/ E8 V9 H
  g/ k8 L0 {) n5 L3 F--------------------------------------------------------------------------------
2 w5 R+ t; V3 N+ ?
( A' g& F5 ]* w/ s0 g' X5 s- \3 p7 M: _9 u
Walkthrough+ F- V6 i- f7 d# i& W
$ o: o/ t( y- h* ]) e, l* R5 ?* `2 S

0 i; O8 B. L. y3 X( sDOCKING CHAMBER
1 Q, ?, p( ^8 B  y) F. U' ~3 E' M$ E- W! x& x* C; ~
. h/ w' k: o" t+ C
Right click on the wires beside the panel on the right-hand wall then left click on the hand icon.
5 M/ c- P0 V) \; u* X& BRight click on the panel then left click on the hand icon.
4 O4 J+ W9 m' j. W8 h/ XNote: Read the notes above before answering any questions. This walkthrough will answer the first two questions Yes to be able to see all four endings all in one time playing through.
1 F* P8 T" X. T
2 R! m- P+ Y8 _8 q
5 ^( i6 b; l  {& U3 v5 d6 p6 ^Left click on Yes when asked "Do you know where you are?" $ _* j% i- O$ Q. h+ ?( ?
Note: If you choose no for the first question, the windows will open, and you will see that you are in space. * m* e8 |/ j8 y: `, z

6 g- b% K) T7 h: r" d! g4 m" U4 @( O6 h3 f! @, p; A! `7 y
Right click on the panel then left click on the hand icon. 4 l# A6 j7 O9 o9 |3 Z& G( W0 m: l
Left click on Yes when asked "Do you regret?" 0 n! p8 V* [6 }& C" C# ?2 \
Right click on the panel then left click on the hand icon.
* Z( d/ Z- a, FLeft click on Yes when asked "Are you ready?" ' p* x# Z4 V+ e
Go through the door at the bottom of the screen. ) v; D1 f2 V+ m/ [9 S
7 k1 B1 [9 k/ |) b* F
CRADLE 2 Y. z  A) S' c, b5 T

- Z4 ?5 _) U) i' ~2 C
0 }# e- u; B( X* a; z8 oGo through the door to the right of the room. 5 a- _( t' f7 P& z: j* ]
Note: If you like, you can right click on the floor stains then left click on the eye icon to learn a little about them. It won't be until the end of the game until you see what happened in this room. * `' o; h" z( m- w7 B

5 P6 N+ z3 n5 V- i/ c+ x- l% }' ^% r
STORAGE ROOM ) c, T9 `% u9 |

3 H$ q& S/ J( W0 E
3 n; U+ y1 r9 M  A% S0 I/ W0 C) }Right click on the lab coat (to the left of the scanner) then left click on the hand icon.
5 a! y* u4 T- BGo out the door you just came through. 8 T, N1 E8 [9 K$ E9 f, M% f! m" Q

, }+ a3 m. ?' c9 \! C4 Z/ uCRADLE 4 t6 S  G! T5 B- ^

2 C( o3 N8 w; q2 z$ C0 C
( E9 E. `! h! e* uGo through the door to the left of the room. + _5 m' _0 J4 C+ ^- J/ l
: K3 ?1 L+ K/ E5 y$ ^& f# I* v
  C# i2 b2 {( ~1 f6 }" z- |$ o+ D
1 g0 ?5 {  b2 k3 [. c) J7 p* b, Z/ ^) l0 _4 J9 Z
Right click on the backup unit then left click on the hand icon. ; d% l7 [2 _! ?' y
Left click on the override key in your inventory (move your cursor to the top of the screen to view your inventory).
- g0 [2 \. x- }, H7 P  }Left click on the station rotation key slot.
% F; B) q+ q  I: A6 f3 b9 o+ l4 XNote: For an easter egg, you can place the override key in the comms key slot. Leave the view of the backup unit (described how to do so below). Right click on the "right" computer (as opposed to the "left" computer) then left click on the hand icon. Enter in the color code to get into the droid console and view the easter egg. We get the color code from a note (later in the game), but if you want to see this easter egg, the code is: Purple, White, Yellow, Green, Blue then Red.
8 q  }) `. V. }) y( B1 L( r  O& Q& x" C; X% ~
# H# x+ `; a6 p: k9 c1 ~
Move your cursor to either side of the screen then left click when it says leave unit.
( q2 O& w% t6 l5 i4 F9 TGo out the door you came through. # U' ]) {* H' O! Y6 N, P/ A! C9 L

' \, [+ g' B& `; ]# ZCRADLE
4 _- d, j0 C- ]( l. t/ J; C3 g# F4 B; l/ R$ P0 f* O0 v$ ]& g
' T* j# h: s* i
Right click on the console then left click on the hand icon. ) r" Y, j. Z; y8 g6 {; k
Left click on the green "on" button.
( w7 `7 V6 i' OLeft click on either the green or red station axis adjust buttons (4 times either way) until the yellow arrows point to the yellow sphere (Irene star).
1 G" M) s! |9 B) @Note: The solar backup power gauge should be completely lit up now.
3 Y) D9 U7 f7 }$ a( ^3 r" k. E& a" h( |" ]& ]9 L
; Y1 v0 i& `3 e0 f8 p7 C
Move your cursor to the top of the screen then left click when is says leave.
# E6 m) y: M. m  ~& jRight click on the wall panel then left click on the hand icon.
7 G) j1 k- ?, y8 \/ h4 V
7 P  I2 Q5 @& D: ?2 ~. jNote: If you click on the lower cradle, you will not be able to come back to raise the cradle and return to the docking chamber (first room you started in to begin the game). There is nothing else to do in the docking chamber, so it is not important.
% Z/ c  F5 k( k' b
) z" U5 r  l3 K. F1 T! R  e* ~, E2 b
2 w5 b; C" ~+ l% }Go through the door at the top of the screen. ) E$ `0 F0 W+ c. l5 C
: S( C2 F* t7 U1 ~. N& P) G& G
STATION LOUNGE 9 D4 h8 |2 e" r; x" c$ X& T

8 a& x0 Z& j; |/ R+ u. |
" D% q# \5 }4 U# NRight click on the switch (red light) next to the sealed, glass door then left click on the hand icon.
9 H; Z& Z8 A1 h4 }- ?7 QLeft click on the glass door to learn that the door is sealed because of the fire. / T) I7 C- ]6 V$ i5 V# m$ _3 Y
Note: To get into the room with the fire, the fire will need to be extinguished before the safety lock is opened.
9 U/ ~% u" ^6 S/ E* q5 [: b' {6 p. ^. V- O0 ]1 z& Q) R3 i0 z
( H  j; f9 O3 p, I  |! n0 V. ?
Right click on the cupboard (to the immediate left of the glass door) then left click on the hand icon.
" G3 z( d+ L! V) Y- M+ {' VRight click on the video disc (in the hand) then left click on the hand icon.
$ r& a( g* {- O9 ]Right click on the severed arm then click on the hand icon.   o0 B( t  j( ]/ y- z5 }6 n" |
Move your cursor to either side of the screen then left click to leave the view.   h# Q: y# N* ]9 k6 w) x- B
Note: Fun, a severed arm... and lots more body parts to collect throughout the game (6 body parts in all). If you saw the easter egg in the droid console I mentioned earlier, the body parts you collect (throughout the game) will construct that guy. - T: g8 I3 s' a5 ]; a) ^: Q# F2 e

" o9 B& H, [, y3 s5 u
" z8 |/ p  t/ MRight click on the other cupboard (left side of the room) then left click on the hand icon.
) D! }" a# T6 K9 x9 g2 s, v* yRight click on the strange box (later refered to as a steel box once it is in your inventory) then left click on the hand icon).
; F) x- b4 H: [0 s4 hNote: You will never believe what's inside the box you've just collected, but you will find out later in the game. The only other item that can be collected in this cupboard is the soda can. It will not be used in the game, so collect it if you like. 1 A# Q) l0 H+ Q2 J6 o/ U) p

, S% Q: [! z# ^: ~3 g+ b
4 s" f% R* x. B& rMove your cursor to either side of the screen then left click to leave the view. 5 X' @1 f9 A# M* j. ]
Note: You will notice a fire extinguisher to the left of the cupboard you were just in. It can be collected for your inventory, but it, like the soda can, will not be used. I believe these 2 items are given as false leads to make you think either item will be the item to extinguish the fire on the otherside of the glass door. - c. \$ k% n5 x' V# k& Z0 s
; c" A+ F% [9 a; r
8 @9 M$ P. S- W3 r' d, H& F& O* x
Go through the door to the left of the room. 8 d! f0 y" r+ l/ ]0 X( S+ s
6 R; a6 z3 e6 t' e- o
SLEEPING AREA & z( c! G) M5 Z" v) i+ X1 n- f

$ |( U" |& L, O' K2 j
& V- }0 ?9 N1 S# u0 t/ `Right click on the mirror (between the beds on the lower level) then left click on the hand icon.
# S0 v' w1 x9 _) r$ x1 c! eGo through the door to the left of the room.
% v0 ]6 I) w" ?& GNote: There is nothing to see or do on the beach. This beach will be seen again if you get the Redemption ending.
- E, H' N# o7 ]; k/ r
" ^+ T. ~+ k. Q1 X. u+ [5 [( g. V$ \
Go back through the door.
# x; d/ G  @( \3 {: B) r# ZGo through the door you just came through to return to the sleeping area.
. [. p" X% w4 d0 k& E8 }Note: As you can see, the beach was just an illusion (but it will be real in the Redemption ending). You need to go back out that door to trigger some events to proceed in the game.
! X6 U; a3 u9 ?% p" k6 [3 v! d# s
2 ~, d5 d0 i# u' F
Right click on the blanket (middle bed beside you) then left click on the hand icon. " J* P2 A0 D. [2 u' [& n9 [7 B
Go through the door to the right of the room.
+ ?7 S  Z) f* A# B7 b% |% r' o0 T+ ]& t( O4 W7 \( L
STATION LOUNGE " ]2 t3 R8 k; h5 b6 Y6 D

. V  W( o. O& }) e4 C! x. L
; |9 S! d6 I8 }" \Go through the door at the top of the screen. 7 S4 X$ @# p( K8 k  u7 f! l) _
- G- W6 C6 q( j( W, X$ A
9 q: D; {* Z2 r4 |* m, Q
" [9 o! M1 [% T3 n: u$ ^1 m$ y$ }7 u( ?+ r, v  ~5 F# ^
Right click on the axe (between the door at the top and the elevator to the right of the axe) then left click on the hand icon.
8 m% D# \+ \8 q& YNote: Before leaving this room, you will notice a blackboard with markings on it. These markings, later in the game, will dictate which game ending you will get. You will need 3 markings for the Redemption ending and 2 or less for the Damned endings. The Decaying and Venomous endings are dead ends (not endings to complete the game successfully), so the markings have nothing to do with either of them.
8 `6 c  p" F4 Z/ Y
/ X  U- v# ]% M) Q3 G: q2 B: R7 d6 F
Go through the door at the bottom of the screen. / p( [5 V! z/ k  O+ _
$ m* {# v' z# p- }
$ z( U' z1 G3 G6 v3 g# \/ ~) g$ [; I1 h5 r1 J

: z& ]* {/ M# I: k  o1 b. F8 m& aGo through the door at the bottom of the screen. % B8 c) J( V! f* U2 u+ N1 ?8 m2 |

7 ^% ]' F0 G% c' _6 b7 gCRADLE
; r. h1 b% o0 U; _- u/ h+ p9 M" w, L

% }7 l! [: L9 jLeft click on the creature (laying on the console).
  ], p( s' ^. ~) P( d5 ]$ f8 Z7 ]: q" ]! `4 x
SLEEPING AREA   H9 q7 p- U: j" M  |- v
4 k" P+ G, R, R
; k9 A; w0 q- l1 @* f
Right click on the video disc (on one of the beds) then left click on the hand icon. 6 u$ p" l% }3 U' O# e$ x0 u' w
Right click on the note then left click on the hand icon.
) p1 A1 i+ I* S" q: FGo through the door at the right of the room. 5 H. g* I4 k2 w
$ K9 w, w$ D1 ]& ~
, ^7 |3 ?3 L  }% e9 C
" L. _& M6 {6 y& y) s0 {! w" {4 y9 i+ B  y6 ~' w/ i9 T- T0 n& Q2 i
Go through the door at the bottom of the screen. & E( U* j6 R4 @3 v/ E
6 c2 ^: D" F3 k% x3 c
- b/ Y$ v/ O8 ?0 v2 Y. A: y4 v( N* J3 w+ K; I

* O6 S4 i' V" |  q6 QGo through the door to the left of the room. - c/ ^* P1 b" \( N& g& `  X. h

, a) }/ p. G1 D% f& l2 yPOWER ROOM 1 e9 j" v% ~% B2 V# T

% n+ R- U. [* c/ B8 [1 iNote: You can use the "left" computer to read 4 e-mails, but it isn't mandatory to complete the game. You will learn of a note with a color code to use on the droid console (the "right" computer). You just got the note in the sleeping area with the code on it. 7 p1 H: c, d$ e

2 ]) H3 P! K: o) k
& I" e# o- }1 O- r# WRight click on the "right" computer then left click on the hand icon. ) f9 K7 s5 \& K) H  I# o
Right click on the note (in your inventory) then left click on the eye icon. 9 x. _) z- `; o% v, \! C1 k+ B
Note: "Patience While You Grill Bacon Rind." This nonsense sentence relays the color code we need to access the droid console: Purple, White, Yellow, Green, Blue then Red.
9 k& x  \  Y* v) R
/ s- W  f# t0 G* _/ F8 ihere:8 k# \: ^8 j% V; q, Z3 g
' L; B' j7 S8 [" @, i9 d, y
Enter the code by clicking on the colors in the order listed above.
7 X5 `) q2 X- ~! q; XMove the bot, with your keyboard cursor keys, over to the door to the right side of the room then hit your spacebar key (on your keyboard) to open the door.
; z- q( \  q' INote: You will see that the bot, and the burning body, flew out into open space. You can go back and use the droid console, and look through the bot's view as it floats through open space. & }& W* s- V: H( Q- D2 M0 {' B% Q
7 r9 u5 q. V: d+ F. ?9 k

8 J* a  U: y; `; J4 p5 Y2 bGo through the door to the right of the room.
+ a8 t$ e8 N( l6 F$ O' V+ b, V$ H& `4 S9 G3 g
) x5 ]% b6 g" ?: K. w7 a, w3 g
! Q9 A( M9 D* X+ p3 d$ U" h4 q$ U( @9 A* u/ e* a1 f- T- M* H
Go through the door at the top of the screen.   P( _: Q3 N; i1 k

1 H/ r3 P0 a6 z: v% t$ K8 MSTATION LOUNGE
7 U/ }) A5 [+ L3 u( v0 f4 @
. x2 }+ L2 N! D; Y$ V# x
, Z0 n! V1 c$ d7 C: t4 xGo through the glass door to the right of the room.
  S9 I; N( ]2 t9 s; q' S3 r& c3 `1 y( tNote: You can go through the door now, because the fire has been extinguished. 8 y/ @( V/ g! m+ c3 v( U/ B5 {

' X3 x  Y1 `' Y: M9 S6 N& N) U" J' G( z2 n9 n3 C0 B1 d, ~3 V
* V2 E' I( S, t+ k- k! E, n* v" _% H1 l# ]

. G7 }/ _1 S- p% g, P$ j5 [Right click on the power compartment (small, metal door beside the glass door you just came through) then left click on the hand icon. ! k7 K# l2 C: g" i% J3 Q
Right click on the filing cabinet then left click on the hand icon.
' A' B, }' V' e6 tRight click on th broken drawer then left click on the hand icon.
' V+ R) K( Z+ w$ E4 }. cRight click on the envelope then left click on the hand icon.
+ |$ j/ }; q" U  p2 F9 pRight click on the envelope (in your inventory) then left click on the hand icon. , C5 f! x! e/ ^
Note: You will see that the envelope, once opened, has given you a VHS cassette. 1 y8 e3 z" F& [5 Y1 I
% Y& f! h# ^' _( B' _% R5 z/ ?

- Z) x6 H5 W! L; Q7 Y+ I1 QMove your cursor to the left side of the screen then left click to leave the view.
" O- m; e  G+ T/ Z7 f4 H; T  oGo out the glass door (left side of the screen).
6 y/ x, f/ {# L" {& R2 O
, N3 {/ o. I/ S- {* hSTATION LOUNGE
- U- W5 L' y7 G2 d- z4 t8 V, _4 w0 v! C! y1 x
' T( Q$ A0 b% I/ S/ ]
Go through the door at the bottom of the screen. " E2 A4 u/ f0 k( ]; E% }* S

( t! T* X, ~( ]1 h: v6 cPASSAGE : s! b- f& ^3 j& a3 I

3 b8 E' l8 v/ ?3 a4 F3 S1 X: a- f3 I( M) ]
Go down the passage 5 times. * I  R* O3 `9 S* @% ~  Z, G

) h+ T6 }% R' G1 j9 o* |2 \- MCRADLE
3 g+ |  j; l: s6 ?$ _5 P6 Z
% m7 J  \3 {' W+ P) {& _. V* f: O: d+ m+ c' H
Go through the door to the left of the room. % ^4 _+ c4 N2 G# K  \
2 e. l" r* d$ `: i; V
POWER ROOM ) t# o; r0 ~4 M+ b8 S. _4 ~9 u
& n; r/ l7 ]0 L7 H3 V
+ a( O! c* A& \$ }* V
Go to the far, left side of the room. ; ~' F- y0 j8 \, x4 H
Right click on the panel (of the tank holding the body) then left click on the hand icon.
4 t! F9 ]. S0 A* p7 d. NGo back to the far, right side of the room.
  n3 V# G  T. y) JLeft click on the Axe (in your inventory). 3 B$ R4 P. Y1 u$ \* Q0 e& t, h
Left click on the pulsating pipe.
/ }9 j! l4 O" z: ?9 R$ bRight clickto return the axe to your inventory then right click on the arm, and left click on the hand icon.
- c0 I8 W7 r. i* Y+ vGo through the door to the right of the room.
% }8 b/ A, l$ B7 z  m" F) A/ }
5 _0 |- Y% b$ L+ H, d5 x* OCRADLE & Z5 K& O: z& l1 a1 E* _0 g0 t* c

+ S7 g# N7 `/ o5 p: J. ?8 G: R/ U( }0 f7 Q7 I6 M) L4 Y2 h
Go through the door at the top of the screen.
( t2 I) p0 E+ @9 \# J: e& r( O. j* X& L: |0 O# h2 F7 `: B' G
STATION LOUNGE " W, ~' }/ @7 F( y/ }6 z: Y0 w
* e$ d  a. [/ d
3 ~$ A2 D8 |: p! B6 l/ V
Left click on the 2 video discs (in your inventory), individually, then left click on the video screen (in the middle of the room) to watch the video messages. % x) ~/ F1 [2 @6 N* q, j2 `
Note: Remember this guy; we will see him again later in the game both on a third video disc as well as in person. & O1 t! I" P7 x9 u8 c: W& `
( b$ }7 G4 b  E* q

! \  Y. f( H$ t5 S2 cLeft click on the mirror (in your inventory) then left click on the video screen.
: }. L# G6 f9 S% |Go through the door at the top of the screen. 0 P" B. H6 X& s. r( t9 P' `+ w: j
$ k: M  P6 n( u: C7 Y4 i" n7 T
STATION LAB ) B7 Q5 Y( Z; u$ {! r6 u. A( Q& [1 l1 t
) R. q5 x* w' j% T: C) }
; c/ t- l  n$ {( M. s/ Z) z0 F
Left click on the VHS cassette (in your inventory) then left click on the video player (bottom shelf on the right side of the room) to view it.
5 |1 j; S% x4 G* LRight click on the laser cutter (next to your right hand) then left click on the video player. 4 B1 l7 q4 o- g  c7 }
Note: We will see this laser cutter in one of the closing cutscenes of the game. Our character has used this device before...
6 [/ P. M4 v/ \5 K* _# K  a( K, z# p. s$ B5 c0 f- x
5 c6 `) p" W8 H+ p! N
Left click on the laser cutter (in your inventory) then left click on the video player. / N* B1 E. ]  p- m
Right click on the batteries (to the left of where you are standing) then left click on the hand icon.
; X3 f" P9 f( x& YRight click on the sample dish (beneath the blackboard) then left click on the hand icon.
, g9 `' e+ h/ K3 o6 G8 h+ xRight click on the scalpel (beneath the blackboard) then left click on the hand icon.
5 G$ G% g* N5 D  P, p5 V0 ~Note: You can use the sample dish, but it isn't mandatory, on the lab microscope (to the left of the welded vent door. We will use this sample dish, for another purpose, later in the game.
3 v! h6 P: L2 U" b. l2 w
- V% h- Q# w* t! T1 V% k( Z! {
% w, L' q+ B, nGo through the door at the bottom of the screen. 6 ]& q: ~0 X( O# D' ]
! K" f& e  j' }. i2 V  b. k8 m
; }' R( j; q  Q! ]( m/ L3 i' b$ R  w' W
Note: Here is where one of the four endings occurs. If you wish to experience it, save your game so that you can pick up here where you left off. To save, use your Esc (escape) key (on your keyboard) and create a save. 0 G1 F3 W" _' o/ J/ d3 ^; z

  j0 a) I( M# ^) z1 I; t$ Y; u) G! a2 v/ {5 d* p8 I, m  t
Right click on the switch (red light to the left of the glass door) then left click on the hand icon (to open the pit/mouth).
7 i' @3 {* a1 u! CNote: To view the Venomous ending, if you wish, go out the door at the bottom of the screen then come back into this room. Go back out the door at the bottom of the screen 2 more times. When you return to this room, the Venomous ending will occur.
* p0 \' t4 `; i% C# f7 w7 N# ^' T0 W9 D7 }. y
) j( @! L9 f. g) P3 ^; M6 A# S
Left click on the axe (in your inventory) then left click on the chain (connected to the left wall) to chop the fridge down. ) `2 v- W/ [( l" |: \
Right click on the screen to return the axe to your inventory. ' b: y# H( B+ S( u- |, t
Right click on the torso (hanging out of the now-open fridge) then left click on the hand icon to collect it. 0 a  S$ G* m$ a. H
Go through the door to the left of the room.
4 @9 s/ u" F* A" Z0 }- G) o) j) o6 B, @! {6 m& _( K5 l) X
% f) I3 \0 w6 v. p' q7 b
, {/ {2 f+ R) p1 i% M$ x% d! p$ Y2 ]) u- v. ^% u
Right click on the shower panel (upper level, on the floor, to the right of the black panel) then left click on the hand icon.   t5 v8 ~. E/ V2 A8 d
Right click on the black hair (in the water) then left click on the hand icon to collect the head.
6 r9 L1 t) b+ ?! b8 M7 ?1 ]4 `Go through the door to the right of the room.
8 _, k1 Q6 @# z- f7 r5 _+ Q1 }% U
$ ^* A' c2 E" i# y- y1 z$ Y+ pSTATION LOUNGE
' Z/ H! k% U: u* p. r8 S4 I" P% @9 ^1 A
4 b1 _9 x1 m: d3 B
Go through the glass door to the right of the room. ) }$ T; w; k( ?2 a0 d. Q
' [5 y# O4 F/ m, ^
( A2 U% T% R5 Q! r6 k  ^, M
$ g, j5 }. J, S. j* ]6 d2 {, zNote: If you haven't already, right click on the power compartment (right, metal door to the right of the glass door you just came through) then left lick on the hand icon.
  P. d) ^" {7 A% }8 ]
- T5 Y+ c3 \% u4 p
; \* C5 B7 N) N) Q) qLeft click on the batteries (in your inventory) then left click on the on the open power-compartment door. 7 n+ Q" Z- K9 Q0 J1 I' t5 k
Left click on the steel box (in your inventory) then left click on the laser desk (just above the left door beside the open power compartment). 5 e5 q5 d9 ~3 Z% V. ~
Right click on the "unsealed box" then left click on the hand icon.
1 B8 c8 a' |+ E; yRight click on the eyes (in the box) then left click on the hand icon.
3 H6 P* Y. `3 m4 e3 u( s2 WMove your cursor to either the right or left side of the screen then left click to leave the view.
: g7 b9 h8 n$ B* m0 q  R; fNote: We need to do more before we can do anything else in this room. 7 j. u4 R- ?4 M6 @5 W7 b

. Y8 \( y. q  y
" t; l& N$ ]3 V" z5 JGo through the glass door to the left of the room.
& g* ^, n( r4 l8 k3 y5 P- H$ B5 `& H6 k2 B3 f( d& `
5 V% u2 E' E- ^, q% y& Z3 h
, i& x( O4 S5 o: r/ d. Y& }
Go through the door at the bottom of the screen.
! }8 v0 `  |" O/ U- q+ s3 c3 ^* N9 v. J
CRADLE ) I' x: V: @/ H8 b
# p. M1 ~0 W- u' G: b
- J+ T! p! ^9 j
Go through the door to the left of the screen. / C2 y$ p) S6 Y' ?" q0 |
+ [4 L% X& N2 R, }
POWER ROOM + `+ W1 c% D% v4 F: u

& A. Z" B. ~5 K3 d7 H+ q: o; r$ p& @# X( I
Left click on the machine (the "sequencer") to the left of the "left" computer. 6 s4 L, _- F. a, ~$ a( w. e) Q& S" K/ p
Left click on the sample dish (in your inventory) then left click on the sequencer machine. 6 |& b8 v7 ], X
Left click on the ID card (in your inventory) then left click on the sequencer machine. " w( s; h: R( Y3 M3 P9 E
RIght click on the scren to return the ID card to your inventory. 0 N3 I) A3 u' T/ U$ m
Right click on the analyzer machine (beheath the sequencer) then left click on the hand icon. 0 ]8 e$ ]! k( C7 L3 R
Right click on the panel then left click on the hand icon. 5 _# r+ E! V5 {8 a, z7 S
Left click on the scalpel (in yur inventory) then left click on the wire in the open panel. 0 Y5 S4 P/ t$ v. y4 [$ R% b- j- @/ V
Ruight click on the screen to return the scalpel to your inventory.   n* }; s5 i, T
Move your vursor to the right or left of the scren then left click to leave the view.
/ C# f9 \5 n) K9 Y- Y" y. lGo through the door to the right of the room. 9 f  f+ [; b+ k- \& A2 t# e3 p

# Z9 I( ^7 T$ |3 tCRADLE
4 J( G" V, f" L( w) h4 I) B' K
- W7 h. d" r5 x( `( f' h1 N) e8 F% ?/ ]
Go through the door to the right of the room.
4 A) r; I4 x+ ]% I% K+ a, W: \$ ?
STORAGE ROOM * J6 }  S0 [) \6 d9 }. J
* o6 C9 }) _& R, B7 Q2 A
  r; |2 R& F8 ^3 v1 C7 E3 D
Left click on the ID card (in your inventory) then left click on the scanner to open the gate. ( Q! O7 k) S  R# E5 E# p6 ~
Right click on the screen to return the ID card to your inventory.
. u0 H- u; O4 x6 vRight click on the explosive then left click on the hand icon to collect it.
( K4 w4 c4 L* U" D  M+ @Note: There is a magazine on the gray crate. You can view it if you like, but it does nothing and you cannot collect it. Perhaps this item is meant to be an "easter eggg" in the game, but it proves to be useless. 3 q* m1 N, ?/ x

. A" v. T  z4 n9 x. l+ ]8 k0 TNote: Time for a real easter egg in the game... This step isn't necessary to complete the game, but do it if you lile. TO the right of the flickering screen is an M.E.S console. Right click on the console then left click on the hand icon. Again, right click on it then left click on the hand icon. Right click, one last time, on the console then left click on the hadn icon.
  o) v- p, V& q7 P4 _& ]8 ~/ U
( f4 B. c3 C/ {" X) Y" m! H
" u3 d* D0 P9 \2 x3 HLeft click on the axe ( in your inventory) then left click on the explosive.
* N4 s* M. w8 a, MClick on the "Game Over" words to change view.
  X& W( H5 k. F+ p4 [: ]8 m9 T$ O# I( U6 g9 r5 Y
+ Y* A& i) n0 \8 l
Right click on the screen, fi you performed the easter egg, to return the axe to your inventory. ( d/ @1 j- ^2 j% g8 Y6 I
Right click on the freezer-door handle then left click on the hadn icon. % A/ F2 L2 B& ~
Go inside the freezer. 9 j9 I* Z8 d6 f3 r7 d

6 L; S" D& e1 ZFREEZER
  M# i7 I3 {; z! W
1 J( X. g4 Z! a/ T( s0 k4 ~* z' H( D& Z3 D) Q0 w6 B4 h
Right click on the freezing man then left click on the hadn icon.
- S9 J5 t* a, ^& ?2 PLeft click on the axe (in your inventory) then left click on the exposed lefg of the man on the wall.
. Y; p+ a% @- l, Y: g  xRight click on the screen to return the axe to your inventory.
( Y, t, `; _( S2 C1 uGo through the door at the bottom of your screen.
% n  `9 j: c% _( w
( G4 U( s0 t  ^: R. kSTORAGE ROOM 6 m: k/ Z8 w0 C0 `4 U, a( J2 O6 p) Z

1 M+ q) H! U  V+ y+ e# [% h
  ]; a" q: _* P+ F- ]8 t/ A  QGo through the gate on the left of your screen. # H/ s- }. ?9 \3 \2 G

7 {% }: e: @, k  V, [: G! L
8 ?  X1 }& d  E' WCRADLE 6 j2 k: o. m. D1 s

0 W+ k% H* u9 r- s# m* H
5 c$ L7 `- {9 _9 A( @3 C% aGo through the door at the top of the room.
, Y7 B1 b$ Y8 n
! {  y6 e& K$ A" Q3 S% F5 X3 NSTATION LOUNGE 9 J, g1 Y' ]$ E$ l- r+ u
" P7 Y/ q* J* h2 X; V0 ~

( d1 r0 Z+ L" Y/ ?Go through the door at the top of the room.
) V! B! b6 a# U* R* n+ T  c0 c1 X
% B9 G2 f1 |5 E: K8 b: ?9 @) H  \% Y

8 O3 {8 S" {( pLeft click on the explosive ( in your inventory) then left click on the welded, vent door at the top of the screen.
/ |5 q* I6 p# h! b6 [Go through the door at the bottom of the screen.
. D' a& B' K( T4 }4 Q! m, i9 u; ^- C) C8 n0 o
0 K: U* N( V5 H& `& c6 A
( P! S8 X- V* T; U; o9 _0 R
+ O# \! `  M$ T; Z1 }Go through the glass door to the right of the screen.
5 l, a" Q& r1 l/ q( i$ i  Z7 ^* y$ g; q* x6 W& u6 A. ]
0 _* B, e9 D( G$ E3 }, `9 P- x
! c# S7 e* o) f6 Y  j" Y' S( Z+ {2 g6 h  r4 [1 H, K( b
Place all 6 bodyparts (from your inventory) on the bed with the impression of a body (with the eyes going last).
( [+ `* E5 |7 S( uLeft click on the blanked (in your inventory) then left click on the body you just formed. 8 h8 E) Y. R- R4 y
Right click on the laser desk then left click on the hand icon.
* g4 y5 ?9 a8 F; u' z) ?+ KGo through the door to the left of the screen. 4 a. D; f& P! d3 \$ ?* g( H1 L
9 f2 G& Q. |# p# t; T* P
STATION LOUNGE ' O; i) {, _, j
3 B; ~$ l6 j9 J& Q7 e( H* ~3 ^

# F/ D6 ^/ f1 V4 t2 JGo through the glass door to the right of theroom.
4 i2 s9 H6 x7 m/ O* R6 T
& J! b# m2 K( h; t  w3 T4 FQUARANTINE LAB / J6 J1 l. \. R, m
' h2 d0 u6 c6 L3 N7 f
/ c  e$ p* N  u6 ?6 l; P2 g" y; L
Walk over to the Quarantine/Biohazard enclosure. 9 i) I6 Q" V: k# B' v  O
Right click on the body inside then left click on the hand icon. 9 |  G7 m7 h, ~
Note: Save your game. If you want to experience the 3, remaining endings. YOu can experience one the load a save to experience the remaining endings.
; K! T6 h8 T. y/ y2 P+ j- h3 T
4 l' e& K9 X8 i( k
$ T" U/ Q0 D) @9 _Right click on the red video dic (on the bed) then left click on the hadn icon to collect it. 3 _! O4 a6 v( Y+ h/ t
Right click on the "dirty wall" below the Quarantine/Biohazard sign then left click on the eye icon.
. p! c4 @7 o3 aNOte: First question is: "Do you want to leave?" If you left click on No, you will experience the Decaying ending. If you click on Yes, you will be able to view the Damned or Redemption endings.
* c8 [6 ?. g, D) p7 `6 p+ O4 _1 ?+ E5 k3 {+ o3 v" S; L
Note: Second questions is: "And risk spreading the disease?" If you answer Yes, you will experience the Damned ending. If you answer No, you will experience the Redemption ending.
* y% S/ c4 V7 L8 c! s& z  e& F
7 G" Y4 G+ |: T$ k6 g9 k4 a
" r% [7 B1 C) d8 d" y. ?3 Z5 hGo through the now-open door.
; z" a" b2 |! d3 e" D+ cGo through the glass door to the left of the screen.   [- p  `) F. c) q8 O  y
4 J: X* l1 z9 N; s7 \
STATION LOUNGE 9 _' t5 [6 w0 c6 b2 r2 U! D, n

) c% g4 J9 b# X) Y* m- l- r: \. u0 O9 W3 [4 l
Left click on the video disc #3 (in your inventory) then left click on the video screen (to view the final video). 6 N6 U* e; C5 a" R/ E, h
Right click on the screen to return the video disc back to your inventory. 3 Z3 h: e+ u- S& b4 }( L, c
Go through the door at the top of your screen. ; |) r" E3 D# c% [9 w

* V1 K4 p2 A+ J0 j5 N6 @6 pSTATION LAB % O" G! c6 G. |& x
3 T, I" z/ {( G  c% y# q5 A
Note: Notice how amny markings are on the blackboard: 2 will mean a Damned ending, adn 3 will mean a Redemption ending. 1 {/ ]; e5 Z- r0 B" A
4 ^1 E' ^# s1 s! h& [
6 S/ u8 |! l% O9 w6 {7 _
Go through the open vent door at the top of the screen.
1 W9 v3 @) w, Y- g7 n% }/ e/ y0 a7 V* s' h5 i8 ?6 q
, C3 E. E( x- G2 i8 ]# [, j6 N# Z
' u2 c$ ^; B- E  y0 F. R  s
Go through the open vent to the right of the room.
# C) _/ o' U4 f+ t) @, `& {: V/ p0 _$ t$ d3 O9 k
+ a* u3 v" v* G4 ~7 b1 H7 P0 J4 T( o  h' n" O* R
' M: X. R0 H7 U( c! Y
Right click on the body then left click on the hadn icon. 3 Q" ]% W  T0 [
Go into the shaft ( to the right of the artefact). ( Y- s( w# Y  o* E' w

! y6 ^+ v( B, d/ RFAN/GRINDER ROOM
" d! {/ F$ w, u" }
$ M0 @# T4 I' p4 w1 ?
8 h  U+ {* j/ RGo through the door at the bottom of the screen.   P% L! l* Z- h5 L" [+ i

" @! R  P) J% F" P* b, qSTATION LAB
. s9 m/ ]+ x4 L; [
# C9 ?* ]- o6 w: Y' G9 \4 W. m0 _! T& N, y6 m$ b! N
Go through the door at the bottom of the screen. * w; q# Y. B: |, @2 Y) E' q

2 u* d8 {4 H5 n+ K3 f0 O3 M3 eSTATION LOUNGE - e+ A. Q  i$ z: d

$ S2 ]' S4 N/ h
$ i  r7 ~1 L* F3 }; k2 [/ ^1 IGo through the door at the bottom of the screen.
' {' X/ G. |7 O9 `! B' e6 j
0 @& U3 \# i3 ~8 R; g/ SCRADLE
; e9 D5 S' ~+ \- H. _- k8 V$ _$ J# S
Note: Although nor mandatory to complete the game, you can go through the door to the left of the room and view more of the ending cutscenes. YOu can try opening the floor panel too.
, ]9 Z2 m2 S! k+ z7 I9 k
' T" z7 M7 |" b8 ]/ B4 ?  p# K$ y9 h, I4 q: b+ U; j% @5 S6 S
Go through the door to the right of the room.
; e. J" R/ a( ?  d& |9 B
8 u* O& g4 \/ [: m. s4 y- _STORAGE ROOM
* B( j% L$ n( }) t' e8 U
4 `# u, L+ }* |! g
0 v! a9 q) x& z+ vGo through the gate. 6 O& p+ {+ s7 M( G2 R/ E
Go into the escape pod (green area) then view the closing cutscne.
) w! l& [* {1 M/ F$ q* h& j$ j3 D0 k( F( f# H4 s2 @9 G( b0 d5 r# L& S# D
- L# E; }# w7 I6 J2 D
+ K# @+ U- U* m) |! V
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 楼主| 发表于 2009-4-8 11:37 | 只看该作者
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发表于 2009-4-8 12:23 | 只看该作者
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发表于 2009-4-8 14:27 | 只看该作者
555555555555~~英文不好2 g4 h) [1 s9 s" b2 ?' u) n  ~5 V
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发表于 2009-4-8 14:29 | 只看该作者
刚一看,我还纳闷呢,游戏王也出解密游戏了?。。。。。。。。。。。 [s:2]
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发表于 2009-4-8 15:53 | 只看该作者
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 楼主| 发表于 2009-4-8 16:23 | 只看该作者
引用第16楼weirong于2009-04-08 14:27发表的  :1 l  @) H2 v, C9 V
555555555555~~英文不好$ w* A) O. Q# K) e" r8 C
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