
评论 《疯人院》深度剧情透析(完整版)--【ICHI 翻译学习系列 01】

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[评论] 《疯人院》深度剧情透析(完整版)--【ICHI 翻译学习系列 01】

brother_ichi 该用户已被删除
发表于 2006-8-24 18:22 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式

《疯人院》深度剧情透析(完整版)--【ICHI 翻译学习系列 01】

原著资料:: D, k1 [1 M2 T* R7 E
# B3 t. q& y8 z
原文首发:http://forums.adventuregamers.com/showthread.php?t=79610 ]7 Z/ R7 X" I. B- t3 ?
原文作者:Mewd. h) N: C6 p" ~4 ^
个人主页:http://mewd462.tripod.com/0 Y2 D! g+ N5 Z0 M" [, D
联络方式:[email protected]
% ?( a5 ]0 K2 s5 Y& @) u  U9 {! i$ s* b& T
*****************************************************************2 y$ w6 }: d! P, s: g" M

1 j4 |# P$ e  C译文对照:% B  P0 }: R1 ^

- q* U7 k+ ]' |7 LSanitarium Plot Analysis $ Y6 W$ O( K- O5 S/ j) ~3 q; ~
- A/ M2 ]  A' q$ W& I, Q
2 y  T( e; i0 i  V% P
* y4 b, m$ J% A) h4 @- W1 w3 g
------------------------------! r3 I- y! l  l  H
Warning: The following document contains countless spoilers for the PC game Sanitarium; if you have not finished the game, than you risk having major events or plot twists ruined for you. 1 n2 O" ]3 T) J6 l" k" H9 O8 Q9 T
7 |6 H* T5 m/ W8 F
7 J( l% T$ K  z- b4 g4 l" n( B9 M6 p; r1 Z/ |
This guide will contain no hints, as it is intended to examine and speculate over the story of Sanitarium. I am making this document in order to organize a deliberately jumbled and somewhat confusing plot. The game is ripe with subtext and symbolism; so many of my observations will be inaccurate or reading too much into an unintentional coincidence. It’ll still be fun though.
8 }% l6 b5 P5 L$ W! U1 f
$ A8 m4 @' U! @% C. W本篇透析不包含任何攻略提示,而是为了研究讨论《疯人院》的故事剧情。笔者写此文的目的,在于把游戏中刻意营造得纷繁杂乱、令玩家有点摸不着头绪的剧情组织起来。这个游戏本身就把潜台词和象征手法运用得非常娴熟流畅,而笔者在此的很多观点都不一定准确,甚至是由于过度深究而造成误解游戏的原意。不过,写这种分析仍很有乐趣。
+ [) m, z* Y5 I' [& u3 ~# l1 Q! ~* j
* ^' ?# ]( F- R2 h5 s
Plot Summary:
& b5 B# j. d0 @$ J% B) J7 u" a+ L: R) P% T& r. }
- P5 u) w2 ?, ^! S
% a0 Z) `4 i( F8 f) d4 g
This is pieced together summary of the ‘real world’ flashback cut scenes that play at key moments./ h1 k9 u' B! L, e/ S

" z- m: t+ l) J6 k- b- A! U以下概要,是把游戏中那些在关键时刻快速闪过、反映“现实世界”的过场动画拼合而成。) f+ p/ h1 L7 _7 _" v
+ ^8 `" J: h# B" H0 j
Max is a perfectly ordinary medical researcher who was driven into the medical career from guilt of his sister Sarah dying of some unknown disease. In a pursuit to stop similar tragedies, Max sets out to find a cure for DNAV, a mysterious disease effective only in newborns. His research takes him and his wife to the Middle-American Aztec; where Max is convinced that he will somehow find a cure based on the fact that a tribe of ancient Aztec villagers somehow survived a plague without the use of medical treatment. Max becomes frustrated, as despite spending a good deal of time investigating, he has found no evidence of a cure. He hears that his old colleague, Doctor Morgan is hard at work at Mercy corporations to invent the Hope drug, which promises to cure the DNAV that is slaughtering the newborns. Max, seeing his current work as a failure, decides that perhaps he should return home and help his old colleague who is close to an actual cure rather than arrogantly search for a cure himself. # F0 q  u0 `, c# m$ a+ _2 Q7 |
9 P# f4 ^4 \% u4 X# x2 x
麦克斯(Max)是一个很普通的医学研究员。其妹莎拉(Sarah)在年幼时死于一种不知名的疾病,此事令他感到深深的内疚遗憾,从而驱使他走上医学研究道路。麦克斯一心想尽力阻止类似惨剧的发生,于是他开始寻求能治愈一种仅危害新生婴儿的神秘疾病DNAV的方法。他的研究把他和妻子带到中美洲的阿兹特克遗迹,他深信自己能在那里找到疗法,因为据史实说:在古代阿兹特克的一个村庄,有一支部落曾在未接受过医学治疗的情况下,以某种方式逃过了一场大瘟疫。但是,麦克斯的希望落空了,他虽然投入了大量时间精力去钻研,却仍然找不到任何有疗效的证据。而此时,他得知他的大学同学摩根(Morgen)博士正在仁济(Mercy)(注1)医药公司致力于开发一种新药:圣心天后(Hope)(注2),而这种新药承诺可以治愈夺去大量婴儿生命的DNAV。麦克斯眼见自己的当前的工作毫无进展,于是决定回美国协助他那位即将成功找到治疗方法的老同学,而不是仅靠自己漫无目的去瞎碰。9 l* }9 T5 P( R
  x6 Q" g6 S9 w0 b. R& @6 ^# `
Max returns home and begins working with Morgan; unfortunately, many of the test subjects who were treated with the Hope drug die off. Research continues, and Max spends a vast amount of time away from home trying his best to unearth what is wrong. His wife, unhappy with being alone while Max is consumed with his work, often reminds him of her discontent. Max is adamant that he must unearth a cure however.
% l) w3 p3 ~. C( S. Q/ Y8 K# e& Y% ^$ I6 v7 }( ?
, v  B, ^( H( R* H9 l
* [9 Q5 y+ {0 u7 i# s4 wAt some point, Max is running simulations on his computer for the Hope drug, and watches it fail before his eyes once again. Inspiration then strikes him, and noticing a small photo from his research trip in the Aztec jungle, he has a revelation and realizes that the answer to curing DNAV has been in front of him all along, in the photograph alone apparently. , B! j" n( i) g
0 h% y+ {* X; k0 K$ _
有一次,马克思正在电脑上对“圣心天后”进行构效模拟,而见到的只是又一次失败。突然,他的脑中闪过一丝灵光,他留意到一张自己在阿兹特克森林研究时拍下的小照片,并从中得到了启示:原来能治愈DNAV的答案一直就摆在他面前――显然,就在这张照片之中!7 _# P5 P  \% x$ S- i

' U4 ^& {9 E$ [" c1 eHe quickly runs a simulation, and is ecstatic to see it work. He quickly pours all his authority in the company towards researching this cure, but Morgan cuts his funding. At a meeting, Morgan explains that Max was becoming too distracted by a vague promise of a cure when they should instead focus on the Hope drug to perfect it. Max becomes enraged, accusing Morgan of simply looking for profits and prestige rather than curing the disease. Max threatens to leave the company, but then Morgan reminds Max that his sister Sarah did not die of DNAV, and he was taking this far too personally. Morgan concedes to try and give Max some funding for his research, and the meeting ends uneasily.* Y1 c7 s0 F% |: m
% b4 Z$ I& {* S9 Q- A8 r# f& K
; A, k8 {! B" {4 q; I/ n" z. I1 w1 w5 j- b8 a. z% D( i) c
Morgan cuts the brake cables on Max’s car, in an attempt to keep him from stealing away the aforementioned wealth and prestige from him with his cure. Morgan possibly does this not for that alone, but also to use the Hope drug as a means to show his cruel and belittling father that he is not a failure.
' W, N& O+ t* ~$ R1 B; ?' ]7 S; r& I" c( f8 W& b
/ j; X" ]2 r, m! z- y# D: K+ Q# U+ j0 l  c; k8 ~; x& Q
Max drives home, talking to his wife on a cell phone as he barrels down the rain slick road, and is unable to slow down. His car careens off the side of a mountain highway and Max is nearly killed in the accident.
; d3 Q" s5 {$ o. G. P' b- y- `7 `2 P, K( i
6 {( k2 d! L$ K2 h) Z* ]( u+ r$ ^5 K9 s/ ]/ V# |: c$ @$ Y5 n
What exactly happens next is up for debate. Max is trapped inside of the Asylum. 6 I( a; W$ S  R% O/ h7 J# j
" s4 x; ?1 N8 K" u
接下来的事就是我们要讨论的:麦斯醒来之后发现自己被困在一个疯人院里头。" ^( E8 a6 h/ O8 z
( m8 s. t$ m+ l2 r! L1 u) h, b

2 w' h6 T3 \1 h0 Y% e/ }------------------------Plot Theory 1: There is no Asylum. -----------------------------
: n8 Q: ~& D6 E8 o& ?: e' t  p4 t
2 Z* Y0 `* C- M, f4 ~+ r----------------------------剧情理论 1:根本没有“疯人院”------------------------------

% Q; J% U. o, u# r% T# x: t# s1 o6 c) G2 T4 u
This theory goes that the entire playable game is a delusion in its entirety. Despite the Asylum chapters of the game, this too is part of the hallucination brought on by his head trauma. This is evidenced during The Gauntlet when Max says ‘I see the connection now! None of this is real!’
6 Z& I* Q- y3 ~% k  m' f3 F. r* R# T/ l
这种理论认为:整个游戏完完全全就是一个大幻觉。包括有“疯人院”出现的几个章节在内,也都是因为主角头部受重伤而产生出来的幻觉。在最后的“交叉点”(The Gauntlet)(注3)这一章,麦克斯说:“我明白其中的关系了!这一切都不是真的!”,可以证实这一点。
' Z! r) f) y- |, C6 p* c* g+ R/ o4 e4 e( x- X  {$ T+ W
This would explain a number of things, mainly why Morgan is suddenly a psychiatrist at an asylum rather than a medical doctor and how Max wound up at a hospital rather than still being in the asylum. Simply put, none of that really happened. 9 c' f, X, l7 }/ D
; x7 V; t- y; L' {4 T
5 K6 ~8 t! h1 B- f# x  X$ L6 H1 b# P7 r
The only thing that really inhibits this theory is the horribly graphic turn Morgan takes during The Laboratory portion of the game. He is seen as this inhuman monster that is slaughtering people in order to conquer insanity. He is using disturbing looking cloned children in order to study and harvest the ‘insane flesh’.
) g( ]# A0 x2 N; Z; P  z$ F/ q
* ?$ a6 u3 a! B' C, ]. T: s0 q唯一一个用此理论解释不清的地方,就是在游戏的“实验室”(The Laboratory)这一章,出现在摩根身上的一个可怕的剧情转折:他变成一个毫无人性的屠夫,为了征服精神病而残杀了大量的人,还利用令人恶心的克隆小孩来研究和提取所谓“精神病肉”。
' R& `; g$ f" C* R5 K
( R1 x5 Y  P/ [, j' MThis is mirrored in Grimwall’s chapter, wherein Gromna performs similar atrocities. It is possible that this all represents Max’s disdain at Morgan for not helping him with his cure, or it may have just been the game designer’s way of building up momentum against Morgan as an antagonist. Either way, it feels like a loose tagent. If you beat the game assuming there was more to Morgan’s plans than simply lining his pockets, than you will probably walk away from the game feel it isn’t properly over.. n6 L. T" `' m; _
/ h; x$ d( i: k: i" t  b6 J, c
这个情节在外星人英雄格林沃尔(Grimwall)这一章也有映射,其中的叛徒格隆拿(Gromna)就干着类似的暴行。这部分情节大概都反映了麦克斯对摩根不支持他的新疗法的一种鄙视心态,又或者是游戏设计师为了把摩根刻画成反派人物,故意构筑起玩家对他的反感情绪的一种手法。但无论哪种情况,都让人觉得这段情节不太能自圆其说。如果你在打通这个游戏以后,由此猜想摩根的计划不只是为了填满自己的钱包,而还有更多的秘密,那也许你也会感觉游戏并没有真正完结。" d) i4 O( U( u3 t6 P

( h0 Y# D0 o0 s: fAnother thing to consider are the ominous warnings Max receives about being stuck in this place. Perhaps this is divine guidance; it is difficult to tell. The climax, wherin Morgan injects your IV with the mysterious green liquid, we repeatedly see a ‘viral’ representation of Morgan who is trying to keep you restrained in your own mind, but the actual drug hasn’t actually entered your body yet. All of these things combined cast some doubt on this theory, although it can all be chocked up to hallucination and mental exaggeration. Speculation brings us to the second plot theory, however. & L  J& ?4 ^1 j) I# t4 b1 J

& }  y/ t1 \0 e* t, A另一个值得思考的部分,就是麦克斯听到的关于他被困于这个地方的预兆。或许这只是一种神示,很难说得清楚。在游戏高潮部分,当摩根要把一种神秘绿色药液注入你的静脉时,我们会反复看见一个“病毒”形态的摩根,他一直企图把你封锁于自己的精神世界中,然而,那种药液实际上却并没有进入你的体内。所有这些情节,都令人对这个理论产生不少疑问,尽管可以把它们一概都归结于“幻觉”和“意识夸大”的表现。不过,以上的思考却把我们带进第二个剧情理论。6 T7 k1 w% x. o" V! s- n* a
; A7 X/ _+ T" I( v; A
9 L0 o. e  M% T6 d9 {  e
-------------------------------Plot Theory 2: Insanity Drug-----------------------------------9 M! E( e7 g/ k: @
/ ]% }2 K3 F3 D1 a+ ?
-------------------------------------剧情理论 2:精神错乱药-----------------------------------

# [& ?* ~4 y- [  l- O0 S
. ^3 c% P; V6 V! \This is an altered theory that is far less coherent; but it was the impression I got the first time through the game. The Laboratory level plays a much larger part here; in that Morgan’s studies of hunting and capturing insanity is factual. Whether or not the asylum is real is arguable, but the prime thing here is that Max has been injected with a strange green liquid that looks as if it has been harvested from the test tube babies. It is my suggestion that this is a ‘Insanity Serum,’ with which one could infect a perfectly normal individual and make them insane.
0 ]! R# B% R" Q- r4 ?+ l- d' c: |, {0 ?& u
另外的这个理论远没有连贯性,但它却是笔者第一次打通游戏后产生的首个感想。其中“实验室”这章在这里就起到更大的作用:摩根对如何寻找和提取“精神病源”的研究是真实的。尽管“疯人院”是否真的存在仍然有待商榷,但首先要肯定的,是麦克斯的确被注入了一种奇怪的绿色液体,这种液体看起来就是从那些试管中的克隆婴儿身上提取出来的。笔者认为这是一种所谓“精神病血浆”,使用它能够感染一个完全正常的个体,使之精神错乱。& d# T: Z% t9 U, [+ Q
: I7 u8 x4 L7 y. t
During the climax, Morgan injects Max’s IV with this substance. It might as well be poison; considering it kills you if it reaches your arm, but looks remarkably similar to the injection you received before turning into Grimwall.5 q; Z1 O' L- a! Y" q2 O; C

0 ^& f5 b  J. G" e3 ~9 y6 N8 u7 p在高潮部分,摩根就企图把这种物质注入麦克斯的静脉中。当然也有可能是一种毒药,大概在流入你的手臂后就会让你丧命,不过,这种绿色液体,和你在变成外星英雄格林沃尔之前被注射的那种看起来是非常相似的。; q9 X; ~( Y" u$ G) ]" P; p* k1 l
9 L4 t! R* h+ P) ~6 ]& j
If the Asylum were real, than Morgan could have ideally injected him with the serum and planted him in the looney bin to keep him from spreading information about his cure. It is unlikely that Morgan somehow managed to become a head doctor at an asylum just to perform this, however. Unless of course Mercy corporations has their own asylum; but that would just be delving into excuses that have no foundation. This theory is possible, but seems horribly unlikely. % i+ O+ @" X% o
$ \  \! Q, y1 I) S/ o& S
. D1 P8 b2 w, t+ D, m2 ^; |0 C: e( a. s7 }
*****************************************************************& l. V8 D5 E3 C

! W8 u- Q0 T4 y0 a6 C$ W$ Y. v翻译注解:% q( \: h) n+ T, y6 S
, N7 r: V5 t: V* m) M  U  x& w" }
( \0 D$ w) g2 O/ O3 |
! E2 {( B0 }# G7 |, T注2:Hope,原意“希望”,也是讽刺该种药所谓“希望”其实是希望求名逐利。考虑到西药的中文译名有音译和意译,但名称要醒目,有商业味道,因此暂译“圣心天后”。“圣心”乃暗喻脱离混乱的精神枷锁,保持心智清醒;“天后”原指希神赫拉(Hera),这里借代游戏中的天使石像,并且取“后”与“Hope”同音。
$ S) J/ d5 Y8 u, u( n. M3 ]9 Y  q1 t1 T* Y" t7 R  a
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brother_ichi 该用户已被删除
 楼主| 发表于 2006-8-24 20:43 | 只看该作者
译文对照:+ i$ x$ Z- t$ Q) T3 A7 I
" Q1 K. ^/ e7 V
Chapter examination:. N! u: p+ J* ?1 I0 O3 v! P6 L9 B
6 {2 f8 g! M& W+ p+ Y/ A4 {' \/ W0 M6 C7 G
. w8 F3 v' r" J7 j# L) \% H+ I/ {! ?: Q
1: The Tower Cells
# O# Z3 \$ i5 w' s/ m+ T2 L
8 L  D0 T! X5 }+ _8 J, H" `1:塔楼病房

8 b& b9 W, _) H6 w2 e) m9 y) `# e3 k- H1 f: H- x7 q
The introductory chapter is intriguing, in that it foreshadows all of Max’s delusional fantasy worlds except for Sarah’s Circus. I feel that it is ironic at this stage for the designer to set up all these insane people for you to dismiss; only to make you the hypocrite as you delve into these self-same delusions.
" t! o+ K6 @* g4 d$ n9 a
  W8 I0 G' c, m) i4 h游戏的序章很吸引人,在这一章里就几乎对麦克斯由幻觉产生的所有精神世界作了铺垫,就除了莎拉的马戏团世界。笔者觉得这个场景设计有种讽刺和“伪君子”的意味:游戏设计师安排了这么多的精神病人让你打发,让你觉得自己是个正常人,然而,之后你也一样要进入到自己的幻觉中去。! R0 z/ `5 a- j  N; s$ ~6 g5 g

# ?6 [- n/ X( i( cThe Tower is going to explode any minute, and Max is trapped not unlike is imminent death at the hands of Morgan. Max is only saved when he uses the key on the angel statue, and it comes to life. 9 q' ?$ k: t. @' l; E
) U. ?- I3 S, B5 k1 j) _
9 D! l2 ~* m, W) T; f4 y
+ b$ z. T; {7 G9 i- NThe Angel’s speech possibly represents Max’s own urgency to get the DNAV cure to save various newborns, or actual divine guidance. : @0 P8 O$ V+ J4 j0 h- B" f& {8 M; `

; R* y8 w% A; }0 j! Q天使的话可能反映了麦克斯本身想找到DNAV疗法去救治新生儿的迫切希望,又或者是一种神示。, n  j' X1 ~1 H7 s% W
, |( l& Y: G: T$ P
The only other thing worth mentioning is that Max uncovers the video tape that misleads you into thinking that Morgan is here to help you. This doesn’t seem to harbor any symbolism, but does set up the plot that is soon to be twisted. / s. r( ?3 c9 j& e; V- @
8 F& l. y+ M9 N6 {/ r
7 j% g. P( ^4 _$ h9 I/ K( x9 W  {& U, U

9 ?2 o8 |& e' W2 g! x1 Q( T; ]8 ?2: The Innocent Abandoned( E6 g" I; q. {/ ~: ^

0 R* d) H4 J0 K. {8 {- J2:无辜遗童
- k' W6 v' Z7 n

  m/ {# g; w/ g4 {7 }) {4 EThe children are likely to represent the DNAV victims that Max aspires to save from the disease, which is represented by a gluttonous plant monster from space that is mutilating the children.
- G+ }2 c: Z" g. \: E- z- w  Z& n& i0 T, d4 ?1 N
这些儿童很可能代表了麦克斯立志要拯救的DNAV病童;而麦克斯看到的却是他们全被一个暴食者――一个叫做“母亲”(Mother)的外太空植物怪兽残害着。% u0 h" b) E2 q6 @7 j
, k6 A; J* B4 j# C7 \, Q, O
I feel that there is some major significance with digging up Carol Driscal. Carol represents Max burying the pain of Sarah’s death; and when he digs her up in order to progress, it similarly represents Max having to dredge up the agony of her death in order to progress emotionally. Carol’s brother, ‘Lumpy’ who missed her terribly, represents Max’s self-loathing for having failed to fulfill Sarah’s last wish. While Max is out to save the children stricken with DNAV, he knows that it cannot bring back Sarah, nor will saving the children of Genet bring back Carol.
. w9 w+ E, J/ i, m2 L
; B4 ]: s3 ~0 ~% i笔者觉得,挖掘卡洛尔•德瑞斯科(Carol Driscoll)尸体的这段情节包含着某种重要含义。卡洛尔的尸体代表了麦克斯埋藏于心的丧妹之痛;而麦克斯要把她挖出来才能继续下一步进展,这同样代表了他要把丧妹之痛挖掘出来才能推动自己的精神往下一步发展。卡洛尔的哥哥“大块头”(Lumpy)非常想念他的妹妹,这也反映了麦克斯对自己未能完成莎拉遗愿的怨恨心理。麦克斯在现实中拯救那些受DNAV侵害的孩子时,他知道这是不能让莎拉复活的,同样,就算在精神世界中拯救了珍尼村(Genet)的孩子们,也不能让卡洛尔复活了。% \# M! m; m0 U
( u  E) q$ I3 ^6 k
I get the impression that the entire driscal family plays an important role in the psychological symbolism of Max, but I can’t place my finger on it. The father was abusive, and the wife was killed; they received the most attention, including Jeddah Driscal making an appearance during The Gauntlet. Mother made her decision to slaughter the adults based on the actions of Reverend O’toole and Jeddah Driscal. It might’ve been just to set the stage for the adventure.
0 F3 G2 G3 d. G3 A0 ?$ K$ P5 a1 B9 N3 S  P, v9 q
笔者还认为,德瑞斯科这一家人在麦克斯的意识象征中起着重要的作用,但具体还不太明了。这家人的父亲是个虐待狂,他杀了自己的妻子。他们在游戏中被提及得最多,而且杰达•德瑞斯科(Jeddah Driscoll)这个名字还在“交叉点”这一章出现了。奥图(O’Tool)神父和杰达•德瑞斯科的行为,导致“母亲”决定杀光村里所有的大人。这可能是为了给这一章的冒险故事搭建一个舞台背景。( D" E& \, t3 c! t' o) ?

9 g( j# j% ]/ [/ b9 L5 RI still don’t get what the deal is with the pumpkins.
; R" B4 P$ V4 J% V$ w. F2 `3 _8 N. X3 g& v. f/ ?0 Z4 |: q! R# M
2 N3 v- L# ?0 i* U- O# u7 _7 a0 K. O" ~

! Q) H+ D6 F7 |' l3: The Courtyard and Chapel ) G! W! q0 T/ A' O

: H9 u  P1 R# D4 o$ D/ g0 v3:礼拜堂庭院
, k6 Z9 _( @7 o6 l. W1 P6 f5 X7 \

- e) @( V. a8 Z6 O* u5 b3 t2 SThis was fun. The designer set up the melodrama of the space plant monster, the satisfaction for having saved the children and then takes you back to a ‘reality’ where you are deemed insane. Everyone is very
- G* |1 L' S4 O' Z' o& VCondescending, and the representation of insanity here is a corney stereotype of what most people assume it means. It is a truly clever fake-out, despite your apparent lucidity.
7 f2 [! l; f6 O% r* M5 v$ L) _! [: x9 x  `; ^* ?$ s0 Y* y
这一章很有趣。游戏设计师在设计了一场“智斗外太空植物怪兽,拯救被遗弃儿童”的情节剧之后,再次把你带回“现实”世界――你又被当作精神病人看待。这里的每个人都非常傲慢,让人一眼就能看出是那种老掉牙的疯子行为。尽管从表面上看来你很清醒,但这一章绝对是个非常聪明的“伪装”。- a3 n. F# u+ p) @, p0 y

9 Y' v0 d; T* `5 L- xNo real symbolism to report here. Morgan is still the good doctor, and the chapter seems to be used mostly to disorient you. The hooded woman who pangs over the disappearance of the fountain spirit gargoyle, Crag, possibly represents Max’s wife in her want for him while he is consumed with his work. This is not one of the better examples of this. When Crag asks what Max desires most, he is completely truthful and requests to see Sarah once more.
* V5 m5 f$ d5 E, f( O
  h- Y% R7 F. o% p0 o, V这章也没有什么实际的象征意义。摩根仍然是个好医师,整个章节似乎只是为了迷惑玩家。罩着头的女人对喷泉精灵兽卡拉格(Crag)的失踪感到悲痛,大概是代表麦克斯的妻子需要他的时候他却忙于工作;不过和前面说过的例子比起来,这个并不算太好。当卡拉格问麦克斯最想得到什么时,麦克斯说出了真心话:想再见莎拉一面。
5 K) J, \1 j  @# s$ p( N
1 e: m$ P) x! R& {6 q6 a5 i0 N- l7 o: @% {. b" b
4: The Circus of Fools
0 _, z  }) e; F; E
9 Q" `2 l6 G* v" d5 R8 B! ^# _6 j4:愚人马戏团

5 Z7 l% a# F4 l* P6 t) t6 l& t8 |% n* n
The circus was the one place that Sarah was never able to go, and Max wanted to take her there. He becomes her in order to take her there. The circus is nightmarish though, possibly reflecting the trauma of her death in association with the circus, or his cynicism with age.: h3 ]1 B( D" ?8 v1 N: R8 q

6 c7 i! i* G4 y8 B2 u: ?1 r1 I去马戏团玩是莎拉尚未实现的遗愿,而麦克斯本来是很想带她去的,为此,他“借用”了她的身体来到这个地方。然而,整个马戏团是一片恶梦般的气氛,这大概也反映了麦克斯的心灵创伤:因妹妹去世而未能带她来这里玩;又或者是他本身随着年龄增长而产生的一种愤世嫉俗心态。& ~/ P9 z* T% g$ t  p( a* v
9 c& w8 Q7 c* C3 x$ P! w
There is a nice throwback to chapter 2 in the form of Reverend O’toole apparently having an affair with the Driscal family mother and fathering a monster as a result. This baffles the player and blurs the line between this being delusion or an actual place. Clever. - t5 M- e, R& W% q* H2 n+ C4 ]
) F3 Y8 A8 j( C% N/ f6 Q" [
在这章还有一处很好的照应了第2章,提及到奥图神父显然是和德瑞斯科家的妻子有染,并且生下了一个怪物。这一点也迷惑了玩家,让玩家分不清这里究竟是幻觉还是真是存在。聪明的手法。# |' L" }1 |. w! L" o- r

! l4 j3 k8 `: c1 I5 J3 EI don’t know what or if Iggy represents anything. If anyone has some suggestions, feel free to offer them.
* X! T2 D  m! q) O
& G1 h* Y# x) g- l' S$ A$ Y5 N笔者尚不明白伊吉(Iggy)这个章鱼怪是否有什么含义。若有谁有什么意见,请不要吝惜赐教。3 {2 C. Q( U# C  a* j, D; R8 e1 P* M* F
2 F4 X3 w/ R. R+ B: i- Z! `
The firebreather of the circus is a pretty apparent parallel with Max’s wife. Her lover, the sword eater, went out to investigate the Mansion on the far side of the sea, and never came back. Seeing as the entire Mansion segment of the game is about Sarah’s death, this possibly means that Max has never gotten over Sarah’s death, and thus is emotionally distant from his wife. He might also have a fear that she might have an affair.
% x6 W; O( B. V2 T6 D7 |
4 _' s! O+ r. m$ ?马戏团的喷火女郎显然就是麦克斯妻子的化身。而她的爱人,那个吞剑者,去了大海的远方调查那幢大屋,再也没有回来。明白到游戏中的整个“大屋”部分都是讲述莎拉之死的,因此可以说,这个部分意味着麦克斯对莎拉之死一直耿耿于怀,因此和妻子的感情也有隔膜。他可能也在担心妻子会红杏出墙。" }3 w7 A( Y. f2 e
% M  E: w* S$ o4 F& D
The mansion portion of the game is a pretty transparent revisiting to Sarah’s death, where Max finally has a chance to heal emotionally by obtaining resolution. Assuming the game has some spiritualism to it, than her forgiveness may not be his fantasy alone. At last Max can forgive HIMSELF as well for failing to give her the doll he couldn’t find, and move on.; S4 c2 v: }& }0 A1 ?, i5 W; s, b

- K* K2 ~& @+ J4 w& f3 {* ?游戏中的“大屋”部分显然是为了重现莎拉之死,而就在此,麦克斯终于能够重获勇气,治愈了心灵上的创伤。估计这个游戏中确实是发生了一些“召灵事件”,因此莎拉的宽恕就并不仅仅是麦克斯的幻想。最后,麦克斯终于弥补了自己当年无法为莎拉找到玩具娃娃的遗憾,继续往前迈进。
7 m" b5 M  @. w4 F0 L) J
* F. v8 ~% U3 W; X9 z0 R0 S0 x0 ]
$ R8 ]. T; Z0 Q! U) L5: The Laboratory 8 f5 b  L  E$ }3 J2 B

5 }% W8 R7 S# t6 s0 U5:实验室
$ _* Y9 v7 X& u% e
3 d" s7 ]9 t% K# A& c9 ~9 r0 d
Here, we start out in a small tower where the doll rests upon a bed with the skeletal remains of a girl. There is no reason to come back to this room. It represents Max moving on and facing his next major challenge.
9 G4 ~5 _; `7 \/ U( W
) Q( [$ w  }- B; u这章开头,我们出现在一个小塔楼内,那个玩具娃娃和一具女孩子的骷髅躺在床上。没有理由再回到这个房间了。这代表了麦克斯要继续前进,去迎接下一个大挑战。
* E/ c& ~) Y" I% ?
+ [; i( ~0 t3 |6 rWe witness a cutscene in the western turret of Morgan’s father belittling his work and competency. I believe this is the show Morgan’s prime motivation as an individual; his frustration with his father and want to show him that he underestimates him. % e& Z2 j9 r9 Q5 k2 X

5 s( y  M1 M5 h' F1 ]. ]1 ]在西边塔楼,我们看到一段过场:摩根的父亲对儿子的工作和能力不屑一顾。笔者相信,这就是令摩根走上不归路的首要动机--由于他的信心被父亲挫败,因此他想让父亲知道是他低估了他。' c+ C6 y& w" T* K( p! b

0 Y2 x+ d  N0 QWhen we come to the actual mutilated bodies however; this could simply represent Max’s darkest feelings towards Morgan; although it is hard to believe it would come to this extreme. It is possible that Morgan really is doing something this bad but it is just as likely that this was just a hallucination. It’s a strong motivational tool to push the player along in a stride against the corrupt doctor.1 @; ?- F. j. Z- A+ ]

) H. ?/ P) c6 W然而,继续前进我们就见到一具被破坏得面目全非的尸体。这个景象可能只是代表了麦克斯对摩根的一种黑暗印象,尽管印象会变得如此极端而有点令人觉得难以置信。或者摩根确实是在做一些如此凶残的事情,但这个情景更可能只是一种幻觉。总之这里的设定起到一个很强的推动作用,推动玩家对那个无良医生摩根产生强烈的反感。
& j9 b; {2 O6 s% e' Y% Y6 }6 y
. W* h+ L- x# X5 p1 ?) p: V9 iAfter dealing with the chalk board puzzle, we discover that Morgan has a closest filled with mutant (cloned?) babies. Apparently this is in Morgan’s pursuit to hunt down and capture insanity before it has a chance to really spread and infect the body; but it could just as easily represent Morgan’s reckless pursuit of a cure that, in Max’s eyes, is causing unneeded sacrifice. Max wants to save the children, and Morgan wasn’t very willing to help his funding.6 J  _- Y5 N( u9 X
) `4 ]2 p! ]. D: \7 q" D1 j- N
解决了黑板上的谜语之后,我们竟然发现摩根有个密室,里面放满了变异(克隆?)的婴儿。很明显,这里的东西是摩根要寻找提炼“精神病源”时留下的,并未真正用于散播和感染正常人;但也可能只是代表了麦克斯对摩根的看法:在他眼中,摩根为了找到疗法已经不顾一切,造成了大量的无辜者牺牲。麦克斯只想拯救患病的儿童,但摩根却不太愿意资助他。+ o" d: [4 j# J) ^: a

, ~! S, j/ S: |6 r0 u' S% i, J
6: The Hive
# O9 l" g9 ?9 [4 ^8 r. g
4 ~7 [5 \' m( D6:虫穴

' z- [' K: X) m6 t# b( \% `! V
  C( j2 u- {, D* D1 vGrimwall is Max’s childhood hero, a fictional character he adored to no end. It deserves a large part of his mind and heart, and thus it becomes one of his delusional fantasy worlds when Morgan becomes a wicked arch nemesis style force to destroy. It’s corney, but it works. - I& _6 S* p2 e& u6 N

7 a! f2 a; D$ g格林沃尔(Grimwall)是麦克斯小时候的英雄,一个他崇拜无比的漫画角色。他在麦克斯心目中占据了很重要的地位,因此就幻化成麦克斯的一个精神世界,而摩根在这个世界中也变成一个类似“死对头”那样的宿敌,要他去打败。虽然情节有点老土,但效果却很好。
- n+ W; }! B, `" I% {
* v' s% Z' k2 FThe hive is a problem; it is an impending force of doom. Gravin and Gromna are sent on a team in order to deal with the infestation, this is parallel with Max and Morgan’s appropriately on the Mercy Corporation research team. Gromna, however, betrays the research team in order to obtain power, glory, and immortality. 9 N* r; G- s1 H( [' Z5 t2 @

5 j% x: k  Z8 M" O* S# ~. p) {: \虫穴是个大麻烦,它将要毁灭这个世界。格拉文(Gravin)和格隆拿(Gromna)作为一支先头部队的成员被派到此对付这次入侵。这是映射了麦克斯和摩根也同在仁济医药公司的研发队伍工作。然而,格隆拿为了得到力量、荣誉和不死之身而背叛了队伍。, g- {* R. ~$ t/ l# C; Y
/ T. l! L: z, N# h+ z
On Gravin’s computer, we see a message from his wife, telling him to come home and see her, that she is worried about him and lonely. This is another example of Max and his wife’s seperation. 5 _- a% l8 ^' u# Z/ {& n

  W# m8 q0 i6 p2 v. G在格拉文的电脑中,我们看到一段来自他妻子的信息,叮嘱他一定要回家团聚,因为她既担心他的安危又很寂寞。这也是反映了麦克斯和妻子长久分别的情况。! n( C0 U6 J( Q9 u  _
6 r( ^+ j, q4 x
Gromna’s clones and their exploitation in order to give Gromna immortality is on key with Gromna’s shady dealings for fame and money with the Hope drug at the expense of an immediate cure.
/ [- ^& o" t" G3 E2 O: P1 W% f/ V% |+ S$ L
% }; `9 W. _& H7 r. {1 L, J' Q* j3 |2 c
When Gravin starts work on The Machine, we receive a hinting flashback of Max finally discovering the cure for DNAV. Conquering the Insectoids was similar to defeating DNAV.  Z( J) ^* r/ u, z

. G' x! @- W1 }! Q# H% P. p当格拉文启动了机器之后,我们看到一个一闪而过的回忆:麦克斯终于找到了治疗DNAV的方法――征服了虫穴就相当于征服了DNAV。1 p8 Q' Q+ q* b4 y5 |5 }7 g6 E
  W( @8 w7 M+ Z: I
' F+ y! N0 L" h# s/ t" F3 [0 \
7: The Morgue and Cemetery! Z" b4 l5 R' y; I* d
" J; l1 w2 @9 d. A' k
2 n" T% G, W$ d/ e- {5 ~+ F

5 k# `* G: J$ F# e7 jThe slight office setting here, along with the introduction of the Aztec theme, represent a stronger theme of Max’s work. The glass eye, the tree, and the extreme tempetures are all baffling. If anyone has any suggestions, feel free to share them. At the very least, it all creates an ominous atmosphere.
; f$ n5 {1 |8 ~' u% x6 f
5 @; |' C% j; j: F$ ~$ Z) q. E- h这里的一个小办公室,还有对阿兹特克文化的介绍,都强烈暗示了麦克斯的工作。但那个玻璃眼、神树,还有极端的高温都令人摸不着头脑。若有谁有什么意见,请不要吝惜赐教。不过至少它们确实营造了一种很好的凶兆气氛。
1 v- X, J4 [( E3 W4 \$ g
5 R1 k( t' C! X/ F" c) m
+ P3 t  s' @5 @# \5 u  b& p& Q* K% B8: The Lost Village
9 ?# o4 A' X6 p( J+ o. W* ^' g7 a7 v8 u7 Q& Q( ?0 m3 W
* O, N' P; g3 G: D6 j8 Q
: J, L; a' q0 E4 p' N
Not the greatest chapter in the game; regardless, the drastic change of setting was perhaps the most fantastical way to represent Max’s work. The symmetrical puzzles and required attention to details (such as inane things like which shade has which rank) could be meant to parallel the work and progress of trying to find a cure. The village is plagued by an evil, Morgan/DNAV again, and people suffer. Max again takes the role of protagonist to deal with it. Although I do not feel that Olmec represents max. That role can be reserved for the Chieftain and the Witchdoctor. The Witchdoctor’s selfless sacrifice
' K6 _: i+ C- h5 A: x. f$ u4 V6 B0 T/ P& `6 S; [8 T* x
虽然这章并不是整个游戏中最好的一章,但其背景和人物设定的强烈变化,也算是对麦克斯的研究工作的一种最有想像力的意识反映了!对于这章中那些四平八稳的迷题,玩家需要细心留意每个细节(例如“哪个鬼魂是哪个等级”这类枯燥的东西),这也许正反映了麦克斯在寻找治疗方法中付出的努力和进展。整个村庄遭到一个邪神(摩根 / DNAV)的肆虐,村民因此蒙难。麦克斯再次担当起与之对抗的正义主角。虽然笔者并不认为战士欧米克(Olmec)代表了麦克斯――替代的角色可以认为是酋长或巫医。巫医无私的捐献了自己的生命。/ v; H! `/ n9 F4 X+ O5 R
; r3 t1 I0 L( I# E/ Q
In fact, all of the male leads, the chieftain, the witch doctor, and Olmec could be considered representation of Max. The Witchdoctor plans to selflessly sacrifice himself; while his wife resents this for her own needs. The chieftain has lost a daughter, akin to losing Sarah, and is cynical and world weary about her death; still there is obvious hope that she could remain.
! C; T: G, a$ T1 B
  W6 Q% F9 g4 B; [9 x0 v而实际上,我们可以把所有的男性领导人:酋长、巫医和欧米克都看作是代表了麦克斯。巫医打算牺牲自己,而他的妻子却自私的埋怨他不顾家;酋长的丢了女儿,又好比麦克斯失去了妹妹,他对她的死也是那么愤世嫉俗,却又满怀希望她能够幸存下来。& V2 I/ D$ M# ]% c
0 T* i* E, q2 Y  q: B6 i: K
Olmec represents a cure to the evil, the key bit of information, although he himself isn’t the literal answer for DNAV. Olmec finds the chieftain’s daughter, and this could represent a vague feeling that if he could find the cure for DNAV, he could recover Sarah, even though he knows this is not true.
; m4 u7 J4 t5 F- d3 x
1 c. r" Y: l7 ~+ v0 Q4 b' T) T. q欧米克代表了打败邪神的“治疗方法”,这是最重要的一点信息,尽管他本身并没有在字面上回答DNAV。欧米克找到了酋长的女儿,这可以看作是麦克斯的一种模棱两可的感觉:他仿佛觉得只要找到DNAV的疗法,他就能救活莎拉,尽管他自己也明白这是不可能的。8 x5 J+ W5 j: j4 t  b: v. M; c
. ?  T2 b1 X# n0 d, b

3 _9 B0 Y+ i5 ]  T, a9 t9: The Gauntlet2 c( x. s8 z. @9 g9 b
+ {) ]! L. E& b; D: {+ G
2 @6 Y) C6 S- p+ s9 Z: o; Q

2 r1 Q3 R- }8 j( nIn a last ditch ever to contain Max in his own mind, he is given everything he wants. He is home with his wife, outside of the asylum, and he is even given Sarah back. Max nearly caves in from relief, but then he sees Sarah’s urn (Containing her cremated ashes), and realizes that it is all fantasy.
  X1 J6 E( {, J; v) R4 X& z/ G( V/ c  c
) K+ c) a5 ]! J" m/ J% B4 g! q0 Z  d8 O# p# I1 q$ }$ Z( U- `
The infectious representation of Morgan is a bit bewildering. Morgan himself may not have any direct control over the delusions influencing Max, but it does make the entire game feel climatic. As Max tries to escape his own insanity, the delusions begin to collapse upon one another and we get a demented Gaunlet to surpass. 0 ~9 ]) ~( l4 E' r& n% r+ |
5 F" D/ ?9 m0 A8 k) s
那个病毒形态的“摩根”有点令人迷惑。虽说摩根本身并不能直接控制麦克斯的幻觉,但这种手法确实为游戏增添了诡异气氛。麦克斯尝试逃出自己的意识世界,幻觉也开始一个接一个的破裂,我们就来到最后一个需要突破的交叉点。3 E" P. d7 g1 i& J% ^, V/ R+ |3 `
/ ^4 n, }, {& b8 u: J
He uses the strengths of his avatars in order to work around puzzles to reassemble the angel sculpture. Max wants the powers of his avatars for they contain abilities and traits that he wants in himself. The angel statue perhaps represents divine aid. Any other suggestions would be welcome.
+ H! k8 Z% u- p% O: C
/ z$ J( m  A$ d0 @麦克斯利用他各个化身的不同力量去解决迷题和重新组合那个天使雕像。麦克斯需要那些化身的力量,正是由于他们都反映了麦克斯自身的追求和愿望。那座天使雕像或许是代表了神的救赎,不过如果各位有其他意见也欢迎讨论。
7 ?9 b$ {. Q' H; h9 y8 S) c) S6 d: e4 I  ^' h3 C8 Y) i- D, |  V' U
Max faces the viral Morgan one last time, who steals the power of his avatars to use them against him; taunting him over their abilities. Max prevails regardless, and manages to pull the poisoned IV out of his arm before he is killed. ) [0 k; W8 L4 P* @1 N4 ?' v) q9 a
' p( r# I, r5 \* k# @* L: d6 j
. w/ D7 X$ L7 J5 j3 n" e) ^8 o+ W) _
Morgan thinks he has won, and leaves smugly. Max is finally out of his own mind and proceeds to leave to get the cure to DNAV out. Morgan resigns from the company quietly to escape. Max enjoys life home with his newborn child and can finally be at peace.
% N3 i1 b7 N. h$ }0 t
8 G8 A- Z) B: Y' T, i( c摩根以为自己赢了,得意的离开了医院。麦克斯终于回到现实世界,他在离开出院后就对外公布了自己的DNAV疗法。而摩根就从公司辞了职,灰溜溜的逃掉。最后,麦克斯回到家,与妻子和他的新生孩子过着平静的生活。1 h+ z% J/ v+ f+ ?( A) b* q2 `6 ^

/ A( N. ?. H9 Q# [" |6 w+ V( p( L7 ~' _$ [4 w- Y8 @; N1 [
*****************************************************************! s9 g; c* G# k) S8 a7 j* `$ m) K. }
+ f2 [  V1 A: |( V9 A( j6 H
译文注解:8 ^; n8 s: |- P. U1 H& j7 \

# R+ P  ~% O+ z8 }7 k; Y注1:游戏中“南瓜”(pumpkin)的含义的确比较隐蔽,译者认为是因为麦克斯的父亲对小时候的莎拉的昵称就是“pumking”--具体可以留意“愚人马戏团”一章结尾的动画。
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brother_ichi 该用户已被删除
 楼主| 发表于 2006-8-24 20:43 | 只看该作者
译文对照:, N% d$ K% f' I( V: H

9 h8 {, e- G8 X3 T) y) rRepeated themes:  ^: O0 x4 h" p; d9 p8 e) R- ]4 X

$ X" N, \6 H* k/ o  O/ X反复出现之事物:
# `, z3 |7 F3 V) c+ p& S9 H- {1 K+ B

; A$ Y: s  o8 {  J: fThere are several themes throughout the game that I notice, whether or not they have any bearing on the actual game is debatable.
$ E$ p$ n& v( B( |, l% `1 Q
, s0 G+ a8 r& K! m笔者留意到有几个事物反复在整个游戏中出现,它们是否与游戏本身情节有联系尚待商榷。
. @1 V: o- F. c6 e9 J2 v% W0 B9 r  r4 ?% n( i2 j/ c- K3 o' s3 M
2 ~$ ?' j7 C8 F" G  h; M/ t9 b4 i6 n
6 @. o8 W% h4 S7 b# J* ^, Q宗教:
" u" N0 _) P+ c. K' \0 ]& t$ L& F" K8 H
The game simaltaniously portrays religion in a reverent and snarky tone. Reverand O’toole and The Church of Bob are both portrayed as wicked and crazy appropriately. Perhaps Max distrusts religion as a man of (medical) science? There are, however, flattering representations of belief in the form of the angel statue, which seems the key to Max escaping his mind, and Timothy O’toole, who is the most polite and least mutilated of Mother’s victims.
: t2 {0 C& v  ]2 g# v& r6 `0 b( H* a2 |1 i5 f: C3 w& O, v
游戏中同时以虔诚和讽刺两种态度去刻画宗教。奥图神父(第2章)和鲍勃(Bob)的礼拜堂(第3章)都被刻画得相当邪恶疯狂。难道说是因为麦克斯本身作为一个(医学)科研人员而不信教?但是,游戏中的那个天使雕像却代表了一种极度虔诚的信仰,也是麦克斯逃出意识世界的关键;还有那个提莫西·奥图(Timothy O'Tool),作为神父的孩子,表现的最有礼貌,而且受“母亲”的伤害最少。0 o- y/ v0 G2 S& j
; R  K/ R6 q7 J$ J' W
' K" I5 L/ w) K( B( K  s% f
+ U- M# e3 @; Q0 T父母:- r$ G" y2 w9 H+ D5 d: c6 Z; |
  Z% z$ _: |  ]0 v% v/ D
Throughout the game, many parents shown in the game are seen as monstrous or abusive. The Driscal family and Sean’s parents for instance. This may just be for theme, because Max’s own parents are seen as kind and wholesome people during the Mansion portion of the game.
7 k/ A9 Q) X! t. [. P# W+ Q# ]& t9 F3 a4 I  ?# N7 d
" V6 C; t. d: y: J7 v/ z* t. l3 \. {  B3 X
# H7 m% ?4 Z9 m/ n8 N" P4 w, D" m+ O$ i) O6 [
爱人:9 v$ [$ K6 e' Z( {# B' F9 u
& {; n( I8 D0 }- A$ x5 |' }( t
I’ve been really redundant with this; seperation is a key element here. Max is consumed with his work, and neglects his home life.
; u1 d6 m+ C8 `# D; S7 `1 C& n5 y' R7 Q. L
似乎有点多余了,“爱人”的关键代表就是“分别”。麦克斯专注于工作和忽略了家庭和妻子。/ N  l3 ], Y: l! W
% |# v& \" j& W6 P2 _2 E

: ~, m, ~* ^+ r# O' F; H% i  mLoose ends: + S8 u/ |" r* S7 p3 v" O
/ h" ^  L1 T) x1 B# G
" P: H+ v1 C, b6 V
( j7 w  V! ?# s2 ~, j9 }; H
A few things that still baffle me. Any suggestions would be appreciated.# ]9 R1 Q1 d, M) r

7 [, x; G; S, ]% _还有一些事物笔者仍然感到困惑。希望大家踊跃讨论。  S$ Y& m% J3 P8 D# J+ C
$ n. b+ N7 I+ E5 H5 n/ z$ U
Skeletal Bride: Durring the Circus of Fools chapter, we see a skeletal bride cutscene when meeting the fire breather. I am unsure what this means; maybe Max fears losing his wife the way he lost Sarah. Maybe he had a previous marriage where his wife died, or was unfaithful? , y0 N; a; m! |* ^
$ S1 i9 e8 H7 v/ c5 z% j! I
7 r3 l5 a1 h4 `  [$ y2 T/ t* ^* U/ \" ]6 ^
Iggy: Unlike the other enemies in the game, Iggy doesn’t seem a direct menace that can be compared to DNAV or Morgan. The squid monster is very atmospheric however.
9 X  z' E7 T" ~$ h
$ d: S  O" c& Y7 G伊吉:不像游戏中的其他敌人,伊吉跟DNAV或者摩根比起来,似乎没有什么直接的威胁。不过这只乌贼怪确实为游戏增添了诡异气氛。. W  G. y  N5 E% `6 S( X# s

+ i2 b& Y1 G9 [7 yAngel: The angel is at the first and final portions of the game. What it represents is beyond me; but Max needed to reassemble the statue in order to pass through the portal and confront the viral representation of Morgan. % O+ R+ t( T* ]( s; \

* l5 S' }' g5 a4 ~# w* Z天使:天使出现在游戏的序章和终章。笔者仍未搞懂它的代表意义。但麦克斯必须重新把天使雕像拼合,才能穿越传送门去和病毒形态“摩根”对决。
( a( v4 w) a2 s" r6 Z0 I7 ^' h; q$ D' e
Viral Morgan: Durring the climax, Morgan is shown as a sort of shadow tentacled beast that is trying its best to contain Max inside his own mind. If Morgan has no direct control of these events, it’s bewildering how this monster exists so actively. Possibly it is just part of Max’s delusions, but it is still odd.# [0 N! C* i- ?) G: O

5 Z- d7 }/ L. B) V5 H5 }( y- W0 O病毒形态“摩根”:在高潮部分,摩根变成一个一团黑影似的触手怪,极力企图要把麦克斯封锁在他自己的意识世界里头。如果说摩根根本无法直接控制意识世界的事情,那这个怪物会如此活跃就比较令人困惑了。可能这也是麦克斯幻觉的一部分,但仍然很古怪。; |& _$ e- [9 w/ ~+ N

' y5 w$ V1 P5 Q) ]0 R* g. i$ a* \
# m  h6 e  S* z* U& x1 b+ y
6 v6 ]5 G$ Q$ _' l0 v剧情补遗:! T9 s: D! J# s$ I9 j: M, B+ `

1 C# |7 N( ], `这是根据之后的回帖者的补充归纳而成:* s9 h9 G* [- ?1 r3 ?6 F2 ^
9 z# d/ \$ K9 y% [; D: W& u" A( `: j7 b
1. 原作者认为:在第2章“无辜遗童”中,被挖掘出来的卡洛尔尸体,是死于其父杰达·德瑞斯科之手,而并非死于“母亲”,这就比喻了麦克斯之妹莎拉是死于一种未知名疾病,而并非DNAV,但是,征服DNAV可以当成是对她的死的一种“祭奠”。
: P/ [& Z6 `' h+ x9 w  N7 S. `7 O5 a6 R1 i2 p8 |* _# }, r% B
2. 原作者认为:那些暴戾可怕的父母,例如卡洛尔的父亲杰达·德瑞斯科,也许可以比作摩根的父亲;如果这样的话,那么“愚人马戏团”那一章中的肖恩(Sean)就可以比作摩根了。
) }# k+ Z' b3 C2 f
, Y6 m: \+ o+ x  f1 Y6 I3. 玩家AFGNCAAP认为:骷髅新娘的含义和“交叉点”这一章开头的过场中的莎拉变成骷髅的含义是一样的:明白到不可能存在的事物后,就见到该事物化为乌有。% c7 S( L  ]: g6 ?

1 S& E6 q5 T- Q4 @2 ?0 {5 O4. 玩家AFGNCAAP认为:说到“宗教”这个题目,可以认为第1章“塔楼病房”是代表了“炼狱”,而天使张翼包围麦克斯的情景,就是基督教中很经典的一个概念--神佑。# P: w, D% y5 R
% v0 E* O) }& C
5. 玩家DustCropper认为:在第4章“愚人马戏团”中的乌贼怪物伊吉(Iggy)就代表了摩根,而那些洪水就代表了DNAV病毒。因为伊吉得益于洪水(吞吃所有的人和东西,变得巨大;浇灭它最害怕的火),这正代表了摩根想得益于DNAV(利用所谓能治疗DNAV“圣心天后”追名逐利);而且,喷火女郎的前度爱人正是给伊吉杀死吃掉的,这也代表了摩根企图杀死麦克斯。% [- _* w! `; ~2 J

% [) x, f2 i- O6 M8 L" {9 r6. 玩家DustCropper认为:在第2章“无辜遗童”中,代表摩根的是植物怪兽“母亲”,而代表DNAV病毒的则是“肉类病”(disease of the meat)--也就是那些孩童的父母。因为杰达·德瑞斯科杀死了自己的女儿卡洛尔,就像DNAV病毒令那些新生婴儿丧命。而“母亲”把大人们都杀掉,同时把孩子们都“植物化”,借口是“拯救”他们,其实只是令他们“慢性死亡”而已;这也代表了摩根口头上说要治愈DNAV,然而去只顾“圣心天后”的效益,不顾实际有效的疗法,只不过是令更多的试验体死亡而已。0 ?4 T/ ^( O6 n, j

  @" g8 e6 y+ s# T1 J                                                                                          <完>
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发表于 2006-8-25 00:10 | 只看该作者
1 z* n6 b5 o4 n' ]- x! T% M9 I8 D我一直都搞不清楚疯人院到底讲得是什么~
0 x$ u5 l6 D; B& |8 Z现在终于了解了些~~~
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发表于 2006-8-25 12:08 | 只看该作者
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发表于 2006-8-25 12:22 | 只看该作者
我只看了中文,顶!; C+ @) e6 e7 V0 K# x! Z
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发表于 2006-8-25 13:13 | 只看该作者
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brother_ichi 该用户已被删除
 楼主| 发表于 2006-8-25 17:28 | 只看该作者
但我真正的目的不完全在于解谜和透析2 ^9 M- L" H! [. g6 D0 F
我是想交流一下翻译,所以才把英文部分也贴出来让大家找错误" {( Z; J# q3 E! b# O7 a. u( ~

$ Y, j, @- R# T5 J& `) o7 N' \7 \! o. q原作者的确写得不算太好,有点词不达意,但是对于疯人院这个游戏- H- W8 O$ r. b" Y* s
, i2 ?. h* |+ r1 b% F, o
  [9 ~+ I( c8 M$ B我觉得作为一个译者,首先要学会尊敬和欣赏别人的劳动啊
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发表于 2006-8-26 08:49 | 只看该作者
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发表于 2006-8-28 18:02 | 只看该作者
大好人,继续帮顶!!2 H0 t. \. x" g; i4 w2 ~) W0 y
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