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发表于 2007-9-5 16:59 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式


! Z3 I1 m, o# B2 F" K. V/ t2 x9 d

7 @; m) x7 y  C" N9 ^/ E
9 v' n+ w1 H, E# C* @5 EStark, post-CollapseTen years ago, something happened…No one can remember exactly what happened, or why, but it changed the world. Completely.After almost two centuries of complete freedom, we were trapped, earthbound, the skies above us closed, cities on the other side of our planet inaccessible. For a time, we were powerless, frozen, shocked into silence by events that we couldn't explain or understand......and then, slowly but surely, we picked up the pieces and moved on. A week, maybe two, and civilisation brushed off the dust of the past and set its sight on the future. So we couldn't fly without wings anymore. So we couldn't communicate with those who had moved beyond our space. After all, we had lived like this before, and we could do so again.In a post-Collapse Stark, alternative methods of transportation soon appeared. Together with the Vactrax, one of the earliest, and most popular, was the hydrofoil.Moving at impossible speeds close to the ocean surface, the hydrofoil connected us again with our relatives on the other side of the Earth. Before Vactrax tunnels snaked their way to every major city, the hydrofoils were indispensable. And they are still in use, particularly across the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans - connecting major cities like, for example, Newport and Wati City.Ten years on, humanity has learned to live in a changed world, and while the memory of the Collapse lingers, it's not something we dwell on. So we don't quite know what happened, and we can't really recall the details of those dark days, but life goes on, we have regained our freedom, our wings, and the future is as bright as it ever was.
, q1 m7 w8 L! j- U! Y5 B5 N3 V! l1 lStark,十年前的大崩溃后,发生了什么……没有人能准确记得发生了什么,或者为什么,但它改变了这个世界。完完全全改变了。经过了完全自由的大约两个世纪后,我们被滞留了,被束缚住了,我们头项的天空关闭了,我们行球另一侧的城市难以接近。曾经一度,我们无能为力,困顿不堪,由于对很多我们无法解释或理解的事件感到震惊而沉默……之后,渐渐地却又是真实地,我们拾起那些碎片,继续前行。一周,或者两周,文明拂去过去的尘埃,将它的光明投向未来。我们不能再无翼而飞。我们不能同我们空间之外的人交流。不管怎样,我们以前就是这样生活,我们又是如此。在崩溃之后的Stark,很快出现了两种互不干扰的运输方法。最早也是最流行之一的运输工具Vactrax和水翼艇。水翼艇可以不可思议的速度贴着海面飞行,水翼艇再次把我们同地球另一面的人们联系起来。尽管Vactrax贯穿各大城市,但水翼艇必不可少。Vactrax仍在使用,尤其是在大西洋和太平洋上——连接各大城市,比如Newport和Wati城。十年后,人类已经学会住在一个已改变的世界,而当大崩溃的记忆再次浮现时,它已不是我们曾经居住的地方。我们不完全知道发生了什么,我们并不能真的回忆起那些黑暗日子的细节,但生活在继续,我们已经重新获得自由和我们的翅膀,未来如以往那般明亮。
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$ `( b) H- O) C3 `: ~2 H
8 e6 m( D* _# l1 r& e- lWATIcorp: Building Your Future  WATIcorp is one of the world's most powerful corporations.Even before the release of the first - and wildly popular - Watilla, WATI was a leading manufacturer of robotic and animatronic toys and household utilities. But it was the aforementioned toy that made the corporation into the financial and political powerhouse that it is today. Based in the corporate town of Wati City in Northern Japan, WATIcorp currently employs tens of thousands of people - and robots - across the world, and their museum is a shrine for fans.But while the Watilla is still popular, like all good things, it can't last forever. And now, finally, after years of wild rumours and few firm facts, WATI is only months away from the launch of their most important product in decades - perhaps forever:Alchera.Shrouded in utmost secrecy, WATIcorp has released absolutely no information regarding their upcoming product, sans its codename and an enticing tagline:"Your wildest dreams will come true."The world is holding its breath. WATI has never disappointed before.
- l1 |. h( v4 a. @9 w' gWATIcorp:创造你的未来  WATIcorp是实力强大的世界顶尖公司之一。甚至在第一款—未作广告——Watillar发布之前,WATI就是机器人和拟真玩具以及家用设备制作厂商的领军者。但正是前述的玩具使之成为今天的经济和政治势力。WATIcorp位于日本北部Wati城的一个自治镇子,雇佣了好几万人——还有机器人——遍布世界,它的博物馆是众多粉丝的圣殿。但是尽管WATIcorp仍然受到欢迎,就象所有美好的事物一样,它不会永远如此。最终,即现在,经过多年的传闻和确凿的事实之后,WATIcorp还有几个月就要发布十年来——也许是永远最重要的产品:Alchera。为了最大限度的保密,WATIcorp绝没有公布过任何关于他们即将到来的产品的信息,包括代码和令人感兴趣的标签:“你最狂野的梦想即将成为现实。”整个世界都在摒住呼息。WATI以前从未让人失望过。
* T9 W! E- H  B4 O. K# B4 M6 ?, G3 v$ u+ w# B5 T' P2 [) d0 w& ]
Casablanca, 2219  Zoë Castillo is about to get involved in a conspiracy that spans parallel worlds and hundreds of years.Something is affecting our world: static interference disrupts technology, and it seems to be linked to a ghostly presence seen only by a few – a presence inhabiting a black house in a wintry landscape.As Zoë begins her search for a lost friend, she discovers that there is a magical world behind our own – and the search is now on for the one person who may help Zoë unravel the dangerous web she has become entangled in:April Ryan., s6 \: l7 ]9 Q5 f; e
卡萨布兰卡,2219年  Zoë Castillo将被卷入一个阴谋,那会跨越平行世界,历经百年。什么东西在影响我们的世界:静电干扰中断了科技,似乎与一个只有少数人才能看到的幽灵般的场景有关——冬季的地平线上有一座黑色的房子。当Zoë开始寻找一个失踪的朋友时,她发现在我们自己的世界之外有一个魔法世界——而现在这次寻找是为了一个会帮助Zoë解开危险之网的人,她已经深陷于这个网,她就是April Ryan。5 s2 k% _1 J, f% M: B

/ X( s! E, A& }: J% fDreamfall is...a thrilling action-adventure featuring three playable characters, dozens of locations spanning three worlds, exciting set-pieces with multiple outcomes, action-packed adventure gameplay, and an epic and emotional storyline.
- r, _8 w+ i+ `; \( f) I梦陨是……一款震撼人心的动作冒险游戏,其特色是可以操纵三个角色,大量地点跨越三个世界,令人激动的多结局章节设定,包含动作元素的冒险游戏方式,宏大而感人的故事情节。
! e5 a  X* \2 M0 Z8 z
: X$ N6 w" g; e/ y6 l$ rUnparalleled Gameplay Variety  You will never run out of new things to do! Explore exotic locations, travel between three worlds, embark on epic quests, converse with fully voiced characters, fight intelligent monsters, sneak through dark shadows and past dangerous enemies, solve intriguing puzzles, and play fun mini-games.
& {  r# |; d; z7 |  ]8 q! k5 s9 ~! r无与伦比的游戏方式  你绝不会无事可做!探索异域情调的场景,在三个世界之间旅行,进行英雄式的任务,与全语音的角色交谈,同聪明的怪物战斗,潜行于暗影中从危险的敌人身旁经过,解决引人入胜的谜题,玩有趣的小游戏。$ G! N! B& `/ B
3 B* l8 ~. T, P* n
Three Playable Characters  Experience the story from three separate perspectives, and use abilities unique to each character: strength, street-smarts, and dexterity.
1 z! X2 ?7 f: e8 v+ H三个可选角色  从三个独立的角度体验这个故事,使用每个角色各自的能力:力量、机警和敏捷。
- X- x2 |2 L- Z" j3 A$ p. a" |2 Z3 a: o. R( K) U
Three Worlds  From vast cities to deep forests, across the seven seas and into endless caverns, above and beyond anything you have ever seen – the twin worlds of science and magic are filled with challenges and adventure. But in the world outside the worlds – in the Winter – logic does not apply, and nothing will have prepared you for the ultimate truth...
- u* `$ |; B, A+ d  e3 A  N三个世界  从大型城市到森林深处,跨越七海进入无尽的巨洞,远大于你所见的一切——科学和魔法并存的世界充满了挑战和冒险。但是在这些世界之外的世界——Winter——中逻辑并不适用,你无从获得最终的真相……: t" H+ p5 l0 J8 B8 k. l

% s6 H% N- d6 r+ I7 R' ~Play It Your Way!  Multiple solutions and multiple outcomes place you in charge of the story. Make choices that affect how people relate to you; solve conflicts with cunning or with violence; and speak your mind in branching dialogues.; h% H2 x3 P8 w& m  A6 Q! e# Z
用你的方式游戏!  多样的解决方案和多样的结局让你主宰这个故事。做出会影响人们同你的关系的选择;化解同狡猾或暴力的冲突;在分支对话中表明你的心意。8 l6 O7 e1 k! x2 H
5 ]% x$ S' o: l
Powerful World Interaction  Interact with the environment through the use of the brand new Focus Field feature, an easy-to-use context-sensitive interface, and fully analog character controls – giving you total power over your character.& y( ~7 K* |% `1 H6 l1 u! x
极强的世界互动  通过使用全新的聚集功能、简单的关联界面、充分模拟角色控制——使你能全面操纵你的角色的能力,与环境互动,
1 S' @& q2 X( V  P7 q- F' L5 I! p$ D& k( ^! L4 t' b9 \- h
2 \7 a3 d% T6 H7 g* ~

1 m/ }" i) G9 H) Q7 Z/ R0 q; ]% b6 XTwenty years old, Zoë lives with her father Gabriel in Casablanca. She has recently taken time out from her bioengineering degree to figure out what she wants to do with her life.But now she is about to get involved in a conspiracy that will take her on a dangerous journey across this world – and others – and for the first time in her life, she will have to take a chance and commit herself to something...
& d5 F  W* O" [3 d. ?20岁的柔依同她的父亲加布里埃尔住在卡萨布兰卡。她最近暂时放弃了生物医学学位考试,意识到她想为生活做什么。但是现在她将被卷入一个阴谋,那会带她开始一段危险旅程,穿越这个世界——还有别的世界——这是她生命中的第一次,她将不得不冒险,并把自己交给什么东西……
. n9 X/ ?6 T6 o. _, N( S, k
: s2 |% {5 L7 |" G. @! x: M1 \$ ]) C7 t8 b

1 a1 d! s) J! {" tTen years ago, April Ryan went on a journey that changed the course of history. A decade later, the innocent girl has grown into a disillusioned woman, trapped in a world that was never her home.April believes that she has finally laid her past life behind her, but she is about to discover that destiny has a way of catching up with you...! @, e7 ?! l- V( g9 x: b! a/ e
十年前,April Ryan经历了一次改变历史进程的旅程。十年后,这个单纯的姑娘已经成长为一个觉醒的女人,并滞留在一个从不曾成为她的家的世界。April相信她终于把自己过去的生活抛置脑后了,但是她将发现命运总在追寻着你……( P2 @1 {" Y, \( J0 z. s! Q  o
2 n! J+ ~8 g/ n5 h1 [0 ~2 z* t6 g
4 X6 X* B* j8 q. e# V' |
Kian serves his mistresses without question. His mission is the destruction of those lives deemed unworthy by those he worships.Now he is about to embark on a journey that will turn his world upside down, challenge his faith, and make him question the things he has always held to be self-evident and true...' ~/ s* I( X( W- h
7 k+ f+ v" Y, _3 m4 k. d
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