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发表于 2009-2-22 15:56 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式


Genre:   Adventure3 `( U/ D( C+ y: x" C- F  t4 l
Developer:    Rocket Science Games
$ Y) s; Z# h' o+ m6 x& }Publisher:    SegaSoft
2 c' }+ D7 V9 p) L9 bReleased:   1997. t* k  k/ [6 {5 x9 s1 e

1 F, |1 ^& d8 Dby gsd, t" k6 Q; \, v$ A/ n  H: L
* y+ I2 F: i: U  I* n3 v
Not surprising.  Whenever any creation slips the bonds of convention, we are going to have diverse views.  Obsidian has been around awhile, so a lot has been written.  I remember reading a few reviews before I first played the game, and I also remember that none of those reviews really captured the game experience.  So when I sat down to write this review, I sat a long time wondering how to describe this game and do it justice.  Then it occurred to me.  In as much as a highly innovative, complex painting cannot really be described but must be experienced, so it is with Obsidian.  The best I can do is open a door to that experience – an experience that, in your gaming lifetime, you should definitely not miss.  That's my take on it folks.  I think it's that good.
  d( G2 U/ w5 U2 Q+ d/ K7 s) N" D. K7 s0 R4 F1 k
Now, fire up your imagination and let's take a look at this fascinating game.
' Z- S7 e2 n1 L$ T) c( ^5 w/ a) ~  R4 R/ a
A Little History( q9 u% F; `9 s4 J; f, x* t
& D* v( h" K/ N5 p
The year is 2066.  You, Lilah, a biochemical engineer and your partner Max, an environmental chemist, are taking a camping vacation in the Pacific Northwest.  You've certainly earned it since you've both been working for the last fifteen years on your creation, "Ceres."  Ceres is no small project.  It's really the only hope of restoring an atmosphere where life can survive.  The ozone layer has disappeared, and the pollution index is over the top.  On a hot day, the elderly drop like flies.  Others gag on toxic fumes.  The world is a mess.  But Ceres is designed to fix all of this by building and releasing nanobots into the atmosphere.  And it's working!  Ceres has been in orbit for 100 days and has already restored 95% of the ozone layer and dramatically reduced the pollution index.  So it's time for you and Max to relax a bit and enjoy the well-earned fresh air in the lush forest.0 g8 J( c: l" [! I! L& m# d
0 i7 A8 V" k9 O, z
But it's hard to forget the misery of getting Ceres off the ground.  Endorsed by the UN but funded mainly by the chief polluter (the U.S.) you had to plead with Congress, jump through tons of bureaucratic hoops and plod through miles and miles of red tape.  You even had to house Ceres in an orbiting satellite, a safe distance from planet Earth, to satisfy the calls for caution.& r7 d  d' D& D. c+ k  x
, e: i  ]+ Q( T7 K
You managed it all, but oh man, what a nightmare....( ~) c3 Y# P( i5 m8 W; e
- |9 P4 P/ T3 u9 O
This is a Vacation?
) W' }0 I9 D0 q* T0 @7 U" [8 ?
2 z, D7 ?+ |7 O4 x$ hYou and Max have been preoccupied with a black shiny rock you discovered near your tent.  It looks like it's from the mineral obsidian, so that's what you called it. "Obsidian."  When you first saw the rock it was only about one foot tall.  Then it seemed to be growing, so you kept measuring it and sure enough, it was growing like crazy.  Now it's at least fifty feet tall and still growing!
* @$ T3 {8 w) U/ o, U5 u3 L
* f0 G! ?" L0 b& A. |. j% a2 TUnfortunately, for some reason you are cut off from all communication networks so you can't even report this.  Could Obsidian be the cause?  What's going on here? Is Ceres involved?' {- J. d# P9 h9 A! y+ G  f- V5 e4 d
0 [8 h  t* L8 _& D
And Max has been having nightmares.  He keeps obsessing about Ceres becoming smarter than humans and taking over.  That's why he insisted on installing the "human override."  Maybe he's right to worry.  Maybe Ceres will even be smart enough to abort the human override.  Now that would be a nightmare!  We have given Ceres so much power….
. V2 _& u' a6 w/ F! Z" U8 x& o
8 ?4 v2 U% ?0 S, Q' NSuddenly, you hear Max scream!  You run toward the direction of the scream and find yourself at the base of Obsidian.  No Max -- but you do see his cap.  Where is he?  You need to find Max.  You see your reflection in the shiny black rock.  Then the base cracks and you, too, are gone.
& T/ `; r! y0 Z5 y4 Q6 F& M. K; _: F) H" `$ b- i
So Where Did They Go?
! K! u9 b1 |0 M. _$ S- [
/ x( B0 f! O+ j4 A8 u' TThey have been sucked inside their dreams.  Well...maybe.
% s6 ~9 K5 Z+ d* C! P
# Y- j2 u! m+ D"Your Rules Do Not Apply"- t. `+ t* j$ l# m; Q
. ^) ?6 l: d. [4 ^: o* r! T" I
This marks the end of the world as we know it, and we are launched into the first realm, a highly innovative and imaginative world of bureaucratic red tape and altered reality.  A world run by vidbots, absent all traces of individuality and human connection.  Your mission, of course, is to find Max; but the bridge to the Bureau Chief is broken and it is up to you to repair it.  Naturally, you will need instructions, approvals, permits.   Even in the real world it's never easy.  But in this bureaucratic nightmare, the task is Herculean.* j; P7 _3 I8 i+ a4 w" ^

* H$ y5 t( J% j! J* UOnce we've successfully navigated the Bureau we will be entering three more realms of a dreamlike state, equally as surreal and equally as innovative.  By now, you know the basic premise of Obsidian and to describe the remaining realms would only serve to diminish the impact, which is a large part of the game.
3 z% _3 C9 \' x% \! ~# ~5 d/ a6 U: E; L! H: A
One last comment here.  As the game advances, it becomes progressively more difficult.  So when you've finished the first realm and think...hey, this is too easy -- just keep going. You'll be banging your head in no time. $ t3 b* F& x2 A  p( [

* e/ m0 R1 r0 K2 A/ }: F) HGameplay! c" D9 B7 Q6 W
" l7 P7 h4 ~( {6 Z* Y
Obsidian plays in first person, point-and-click.  The escape key brings up game options and uses the Windows menu for saves.  The cursor offers seven directional controls and turns green when interaction is possible and red when there is nothing to do.  A hand appears when you can manipulate an object.
  t8 U8 N! j0 V* Q5 t
1 o% F: z7 [: y2 l( Z' }+ E) mThe graphics are excellent although a bit dark in spots.  The cutscenes are outstanding.9 Q( z! w8 ?& M' H
9 Q. _, `2 e6 A, q1 ^% l4 t7 z
The musical score is by Thomas Dolby and, although mostly very good, I expected a slightly better overall presentation.  It didn't always seem compatible with the game.  But that's nitpicking.
3 y# F: M7 Q/ b. D- W: i; P' X! f% c* E7 h" y6 i# D
The puzzles are many and there is essentially no inventory.  Some of the puzzles are quite difficult because they lack clues and are not very intuitive.  I suppose that's part of the perverse nature of this game.  There are also a couple of puzzles that are just plain tedious.  It's easy to figure out what you have to do but you need a ton of patience to get it done.  But in truth, the deviousness of the puzzles fits the highly developed satirical nature of the game and they are interesting as well as workable.  They are also incredibly varied in type, a lot of originals and a few old standards with new twists.  Nothing in this game, puzzles included, lacks in imagination and creativity./ n8 R4 T, J5 \  f

) h9 X7 H( E  i; ~  z3 v: y# zThe game plays on five CDs, so we are stuck with the dreaded CD swapping.  It's too bad, really, because particularly in a game like this, a break in the mood is very disruptive.  However, don't let this deter you.  Since we usually don't reenter areas, the swapping is minimal.
8 v0 ~5 F' ?' p- S( v4 d* s5 ?* N6 Y$ u( Q% _' ]
The game plays in a linear fashion but you are not in a straitjacket.  There's some flexibility in the order of some of the places visited.  Still, as in any linear game, certain tasks must be completed in order to advance.  Rarely are you confused about how to proceed, for the developers nudge you in the right direction by sometimes deactivating an area where you've already completed the task.  It's nice to report that even with the creative and graphic emphasis, something a bit more mundane like gameplay has not been ignored.
+ P( {* o1 C4 c; w! w$ l" M
+ f: _. U+ U6 e6 a2 fWhat About A Plot?
! K3 P+ e  j& f6 [4 ~9 n" X! k) ]) f5 v8 n/ U; e+ ?
A few Obsidian critics have referred to this game as "Myst-like" -- a bunch of innovative puzzles imposed upon great graphics with no plot.  Well, they're right about the innovative puzzles and great graphics.  But are they right about the lack of a plot?  If you go by the strictest definition:  a story with a beginning, middle and end, the answer is...yes.  But if you broaden the definition to include a game which offers a fertile field for writing your own mental script while equipping you with the background to do so; then no, they are not right.
* j7 @+ I/ ^5 a! s+ B" ^' v
' T) ?2 L& S) A) b% L9 Q, WThe developers take great pains to set the stage of Obsidian.  Before you ever enter the dreamlike realms you are well aware of what has transpired to reach that point.  Once inside, the origin of the realms have been part of your conscious world when the stage was set, and you have at least some understanding of what they represent.  You never look around the game world and say to yourself:  "Hmmm...I think we're off the deep end here."  Obsidian has a coherency despite being surreal.  It is not a surprise casserole.  And because of that, the gamer feels a sense of direction and the anticipation of turning the page.  To me, that is plot enough.# @5 C! c. Y8 G- H: I# B$ l' B/ G3 F

  |4 k0 ?& \& L, X1 c& sTechnical Stuff/System Requirements
' }) ]$ K. N" z4 u6 P& W. g. p( j
I found the game to be very stable and had no problems playing it on a Windows 98SE, PIII machine.  Once in awhile it hung up for a few seconds on disc change but always recovered.  I think this game would probably play on XP using the emulator mode, but I haven't tried it.  Requirements are:3 o1 o2 b: ~4 V/ M: m

$ \- H/ T& @5 d$ a$ [PC:  Windows 95, Pentium 90 MHz Processor, 16 MB RAM, 16-bit video, Sound Blaster 16, 4X CD-ROM   {2 m( K0 z; g; O& n1 ~7 N

7 Y- ?% t1 c" j( C4 m6 s9 HMacintosh:  OS 7.5, 280 MHz, 4X CD-ROM drive, 16-bit, 640x480 display, 1 MB video RAM, 16 MB RAM.' `) y, i. J$ i/ {9 l5 \4 S
+ I9 ~  s% N7 T: G4 K9 `
Final Thoughts/ e5 k0 o. N; \; _
. V3 }' ?9 I0 E* k$ X
A few games I've played managed to do a bit more than entertain, and Obsidian is one of them.  The game tinkers with some heavy philosophical questions about modern-day technology and bureaucracy by playing out a satirical version of potential scenarios on a surreal dreamlike stage.  It therefore becomes pretty impossible to travel this game on a purely entertainment level without forming some rather provocative questions of your own.  Don't get me wrong, the developers don't lead you down a philosophical path with a noose around your neck, nor do they attempt to spoon feed you salient points.  All they ask of you is to step into your own imagination, and once there, let the game entertain you, frighten you and maybe...give you a few morsels to chew on.  And they do it very, very well.
9 D0 m- x0 P. ]& g" Z) i/ }* |, J, g# q& R. s
So now, I've opened the door.  Enter Obsidian.  It's a game well worth playing.' r9 {  \* ]; r. I" d1 ^

7 h; T/ E) `* P/ ]$ T9 W7 R( dFinal Grade: A-4 v" D! C+ Y! {1 f2 k( \' j

8 \/ p- \! ^& k2 h+ h/ r
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收藏收藏 分享分享 很美好很美好 很差劲很差劲

使用道具 举报

发表于 2009-2-22 16:06 | 只看该作者
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使用道具 举报

发表于 2009-2-22 16:17 | 只看该作者
FOXMAIL 和QQ中转,下载后常出现文件损坏& L* D! s9 F. y& ]* ?1 ~; ?
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使用道具 举报

发表于 2009-2-22 16:35 | 只看该作者
游戏名: 《黑曜石》(Obsidian)' T- I. k: z% n) g; A
  开发商: Rocket Science Games/ p& r& {( D$ [% ]
    发行商: SegaSoft
% N# [8 n+ `8 f7 }    发行日: 1996* M1 g8 C* ^/ Z
/ h9 l! w$ y, k, v2 K
" A4 h; i+ D+ q0 a2 {' v4 U% s
% u- }# \# r' r8 k) z, J7 ]   
% D' V7 X- k/ ]    能够在内容和风格意义上均超越此游戏类型的一款作品便是《黑曜石》。尽管此款游戏在平凡世界中拉开序幕,但是在游戏名称中提及的石头会很快将引游戏引入神奇。作为一位生活在公元2066年的纳米科学家,玩家与情人兼同事Max在森林中渡假。在散步时,情侣们被一小块黑曜石绊倒了。这块黑曜石神秘地一刻不停地生长,直到几天前,它已长成一座几百英尺高耸入云的庞然大物。Max决定对这个奇怪的现象作进一步的调查。但当玩家再次穿过森林回到黑曜石旁时,Max已经失踪了。就在靠近黑曜石的时候,玩家发现自己被吸入黑曜石乌黑的外壳中。自此,寻找Max和逃离黑曜石束缚的历险正式开始。. M: V! A0 F3 y
    " Q" C8 E, W4 I$ {
    在黑曜石王国中,玩家接受的第一份工作是探索一个完全由视频机器人控制的"机构"。这些机器人都长着电视机脑袋。此任务可谓是游戏中最精彩的部分,因为要拆穿弥天大谎和官样文章是一种真正的挑战。可是在遍布着传统迷题的后半程游戏(正因此而大打折扣)中,玩家将不得不穿梭于?quot;机构"的各个办公室之间,使尽浑身解术说服直线思维的机器人来助自己一臂之力。" z* s5 ~7 o; \3 v
5 d- _3 u5 x- T  }/ ^3 [- e: O6 d+ t- z- o3 F5 B
1 o3 F  G) T5 z# u' `" F/ s
    黑曜石是一款声光变幻的探险旅行。从玩家遭遇的人物到游戏动画背景无一不给人以梦幻感觉,而且图片无与伦比的清晰度和明暗对比使游戏画面具有照片质地。此款游戏超现实的本质意味着美工和设计师不会被单一主题所束缚--显而易见,他们任凭自己的思维天马行空,自由驰骋。《黑曜石》中的许多环境选取自在自然界中发现的素材,从后院上空轻轻飘过的白云到沉闷抑郁的金属环境,以及各种各样的点晴之笔。 同时,此款游戏还迫使玩家放弃多年习惯的物理概念。上、下、左、右在黑曜石内部毫无实际意义。玩家必须小心翼翼地在这个远离"现实世界"的环境中艰难跋涉。
1 @4 j# n7 V5 s2 P1 H# P! B   
# n0 N6 D- M6 J2 c. T8 g6 I    此款游戏的音轨可谓是超凡脱俗--在整个游戏中回荡着Thomas Dolby的音乐。在1982年,以其成功力作《科学让她迷了我的眼(She Blinded Me With Science)》而闻达于世的Dolby还曾为电影《Howard the Duck and Gothic》(许多影片中的一部)谱写过音轨,并且他还成立了自己的虚拟现实公司Headspace。他那多愁善感的科技曲调与《黑曜石》的未来派主题严丝合缝。如果实际游戏方式能够符合由游戏中"机构"部分和参与美工所设定的标准,那么《黑曜石》就很可能名垂游戏青史,成为不朽的经典。事与愿违,在《神秘岛》和《神秘岛II:Riven》的阴影下,此款游戏注定只能屈居第二,作为一款真正的超现实游戏而被人们永远怀念。
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使用道具 举报

发表于 2009-2-22 16:35 | 只看该作者
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使用道具 举报

发表于 2009-2-22 17:10 | 只看该作者
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使用道具 举报

发表于 2009-2-22 19:45 | 只看该作者
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使用道具 举报

发表于 2009-2-22 20:53 | 只看该作者
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使用道具 举报

发表于 2009-2-22 21:25 | 只看该作者
引用第5楼foreverffsky于2009-02-22 17:10发表的  :, d! R: ~, S" P& ^, G, H
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使用道具 举报

发表于 2009-2-26 15:33 | 只看该作者
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