本帖最后由 soring123 于 2011-12-24 16:21 编辑
7 `+ N; Y) f$ ]; S: N+ T+ \( s$ o/ B3 ? w9 f" q5 F
, w1 n3 y! w9 l$ F![]()
% N4 U' u1 W; v7 b/ k5 ^* b8 n, J! M+ |; O+ [' O! ~) U
* E& x7 z, ]5 ~- m: P4 f3 ^+ Y0 C
* n: p A% B5 B) {- z+ P; H
/ H# M; o1 L _, p原作者:Astrid Beulink /Adventuregamers1 e- p8 a* l9 u0 Y6 F- D
翻译者:Soring/ChinaAVG) n) J) ?$ F/ a
% G1 g; R4 U! q( b" z% B
, O& j; p- h4 D( g S$ W8 W
% q; ^8 O; k( a0 ~ 在科隆gamescom过去的数周中,除了那些我们已经全面预览过的AVG,还有一些其它游戏处于不同的开发阶段。我们的展示贴没办法一一列出,但我们会将我们所看到的一一盘出。在这篇文中,我们将看到如下:
) L3 F9 b# m+ }. v$ w1 v- N7 X% k* H3 D0 o
- Asylum(精神病院)
* X' x' e/ M% P6 U* D- The Dark Eye: Chains of Satinav (暗影之眼:萨丁纳夫的镣铐)
8 \ k, Z8 q: a( {3 a3 |3 z1 `- Deponia (迪波尼亚)
9 x# Q3 M8 J! e T7 W# T7 ?) f/ J/ c- Haunted (见鬼)
4 S9 l1 c& a* u9 A. H- Jack Keane 2 (杰克·基恩 2)
4 r; c5 D1 W6 ?1 G' ?- The Lost Chronicles of Zerzura (泽祖拉的失落编年史)$ Q1 W8 F: |& H
- Lucius (卢修斯)
( d4 U0 V0 V' E$ n- Memento Mori 2 (死亡象征 2)! F" n; v, p* U' X. o8 k; {
- Adrift (漂泊)
3 _9 \% _- \( ]6 Y+ w- City of Secrets 2 and The Freak Files (都市神秘事件2之怪异档案)- N& q/ c6 G" |
- Dream Chamber (造梦空间)
+ W" G n# f( F5 V" s. G- Phobos 1953 (火卫一 1953年)7 T4 x1 }1 }4 @7 E
- Second Guest (第二访客)
0 q- s \% M: u8 @- Sunset (日暮)
6 d# ]) C! @4 u( s + m. {6 [+ a y' j+ [; P
$ ^( L6 s' H1 v6 q0 l9 }
Asylum (精神病院)7 w" }) x4 l% z. p; r! ~
9 S6 F* v3 W: s3 L- U6 O
阿根廷开发商Nucleosys开发的恐怖游戏Scratches(惊恐鬼屋)主要以鬼屋的背景,用巧妙的手法不断增加你的精神压力,直到你怕到不敢进去地下室,即使直到当时,你还从未真正见过什么吓人的东西。Agustín Cordes后来,成立了一个新的开发工作组,在gamescom上, Agustín偷偷让我们瞧了了一眼游戏。还看不到真实的游戏操作,但已经能够观看整个精神病院的地面环境。
9 f, S6 c, K7 V
. Q8 a" n5 s8 @" d, x! D' ^ 故事围绕着一位有幻觉病状的前病人展开,他怀疑当他是病人的时候,有些事情会因此而再度发生,于是,他决定回到老地方寻找答案。医院已经废弃,而且破落潦倒,但主人公走在长长的走廊中,他仍记起他以前在这里的时候,它们的样子,还有其他病人跟医护人员。渐渐地,怨恨与伤痛的记忆开始浮现,因为你回忆起,这地方是怎样一个卑劣的地方,还有在这深邃的院墙中发生的多么可怕的故事。 3 A) _# }* [ b. C# x* q
- [# e0 {; T7 X6 Z( `. z, {- @+ z
4 P# q. H: {/ d2 _- b' k- q) [/ @9 |7 R/ |" K5 y" l
9 `; g+ `: e1 ]4 l" S! C* j0 t3 R: g$ r
: Y @% ~5 T2 b) g% a* X
4 I. c: a9 R) Q0 m
The Dark Eye: Chains of Satinav (暗影之眼:萨丁纳夫的镣铐)
" V. B" c# \" I( W* m; I+ O4 A! H0 E% Z! ?, ]( m
在德国 the Dark Eye世界非常出名。最开始是一款桌上角色扮演游戏,而且根据发生在这奇幻世界Aventuria里的冒险开发了数款电视游戏,大部分是RPG。 现在Daedalic正在制作一款发生在Aventuria的点击式冒险解谜游戏,名叫The Dark Eye: Chains of Satinav,并且他们为我们展示了正在制作的游戏,让我们印象深刻
( S1 A" _" B/ g. n) h; V1 @! t: g2 a8 ?2 @( f
故事的主要地点是在Andergast王国的一个小镇上。13年前,一位预言家来访镇上,没人喜欢他预言的东西,村民们将他活活烧死。在他死之前,他指着一个男孩,挑选他做为那个给小镇带来厄运的人。那个男孩,名叫Geron,长大后,成为一个捕鸟人,他背负着那个预言,因此没人愿意靠近他。他必须证明对他的名誉的评价是不公正的,清除鸦祸就是机会,但任务做起来不象听起来那么简单哦。7 T& S# h1 p5 l/ U
4 i; e( N/ z6 u" Z& F9 ^5 O 我们观看了几个谜题,包括在抽奖时耍诈,偷走中奖的彩票(你需要分散那个卖彩票女人的注意力),还有使用物品栏收集金属叶子,比如铜橡树叶,青铜枫叶。迟点,在游戏中,Geron必须想办法通过一个兽人营地,办法就是制作出一座他们崇拜的口喷‘鲜血’的雕像。这个包括了一系列的找物和物品组合,因为你必须淌过一条溪流,必须想办法制造出雕像口中流血的景象。
( p4 M- F9 a1 N2 X
$ n+ e9 Y d- a. j+ E* K 游戏的引擎采用的是跟A New Beginning(新的开始)一样的引擎,手工绘画的背景让整体环境看起来美观而饱满。人物是基于3D模型,但2D的材质,让动画看起来更流畅。 Chains of Satinav严谨根据 the Dark Eye的世界观,但是也不需要有这对这个世界有过什么体验,不过,熟悉它的玩家还是能认出一些细节,比如兽人语,还有那首曾经只有歌词的歌,但现在已经被配上了旋律。
3 c1 q' y1 C" G6 H6 M9 v5 g/ d+ h/ Y3 o7 B2 n* K5 L
我享受过RPG的the Dark Eye的世界很多,再加上Daedalic传统的美妙饱满画面,我实在太期待这游戏了,虽然它的发布日期还没定。德文版是计划在2012年春,但国际版的出版商还未有。 ! c0 C/ Z5 k3 E
+ k9 x- N% s5 W8 u/ A
+ ^' ^; s8 K$ c$ f
2 a6 R( S' m* E( u$ F( `- WDeponia (迪波尼亚)
- T+ D, W6 x! w8 p' y8 m
3 w7 {/ z0 c4 w( `( _/ Q- E 除了The Dark Eye,Daedalic还有Deponia这一款在开发中。Deponia是一个按阶级分层的星球。地面是一个大垃圾堆,社会的最底层在那里苟延残喘。故事的猪脚Rufus就住在那里,但他感觉他总有一天会往上爬上去 - 正如他所想的,富人们住在云端的天空之城里。 Rufus总是在计划想尽各种办法到上面去,比如做个鱼叉把他射到连接高高在上的城市铁路上,但全都徒劳无功。然而,一天,天上掉下了个妹子,林妹妹??,Rufus这下看到了机会。如果他帮助她回去,他也许就能得到进入她的世界的许可。但是,当他帮助她恢复健康后,他却爱上了她,他的计划破灭了。
- }/ [) w$ P+ y# N! r) F: t# t" G. k" E- B9 Y
游戏设置提供了独特的体验机会,游戏充满了古古怪怪的谜题,比如说抓住逃跑的牙刷,还有把你的袜子泡上色,让它们配对。画面是高清细节的漫画形式,整个场景里还有细小有趣的动画效果。除了一些新的截图还有新的发布时间,2012年第一季度,因为我们在2年前发过了前瞻,实在也没什么太多新内容可说的。 Daedalic一直在繁忙的同时进行着其它游戏,但由于Harvey’s New Eyes刚刚在德国发布了,他们应该有更充足的时间集中到Deponia上面。
7 d; y; H$ N8 ~" j9 A8 _, n0 ^1 l
6 a6 ~8 [" i/ x: p) h * X0 O3 D3 w% `
`3 `" ]& O) D1 r. I
Haunted (见鬼)& @" v! A" n. m( ~
. Q9 e5 @- L i2 M: P! U7 ]8 h
+ V1 }# V, X9 u" G; }' U
1 m* B: I2 B3 n! A7 c Haunted围绕着一个住在维多利亚时期的伦敦的无家可归的女孩Mary展开的。她的小妹妹Emily在一场火车事故中丧生,自从那改变命运的那一天后,她就一直被幻觉和噩梦折磨,梦中Emily一直在乞求帮助。但现在Mary当她醒着也能听到生命 - 或者也许她还只是在做梦;她自己也开始糊涂了。没办法摆脱困扰,Mary决定跟着那个声音,结果来伦敦大学的一栋大楼,被绊倒后,晕了过去。过了一会儿,他醒过来发现Lindsey Ashford教授认定她死了,要把她解剖。因为需要一具新鲜的尸体做实验,教授命令她的男仆Ethan把Mary杀了。
$ m3 u1 _4 L: i. v7 T5 d% x' C' w* O
就在她的逃脱过程中,游戏分为6章,Mary见到好些个好心鬼,他们有着特殊的能力,Mary能够利用这些能力战胜她遇到的难关,就象你使用物品栏一样。他们跟在她周围,他们互相聊天,搞怪,让整个场面很幽默。这些鬼是一群希奇古怪的鬼,从名叫Oscar the Terrible(恐怖奥斯卡)的海盗到苏格兰自由搏击手,还有一个瓶中鬼。
( J$ Q/ k( t0 S1 s: A. H8 p% x) x: U0 M" v; a$ J, Y
游戏不仅仅局限于伦敦,我们还将拜访其它地点,包括苏格兰和特兰西瓦尼亚。场景着色浓墨重彩,有点怪异,Mary和半透明的鬼魂看起来挺顺眼。场景是全3D,不仅让游戏更加吸引人,而且将利用这个特性来增加探索体验和谜题设计。一些房间比屏幕显示的要大,你需要上下左右(爬上爬下)查看所有东西,比如查看高架子上的东西或者是台子下面的。现在,你可以让Mary移动到物品旁边,她会自己查看,而不是普通的点击细看。如果你对到处找好多东西觉得恶心,别怕,有热区显示做为提示系统帮助你。4 c4 {* y' a+ v
0 q& J- p7 x/ v, R
# z' ?/ T" L% J. r
, d- r! A. ?# s: B3 I: {4 ? % ~- H+ L' T% B4 x* k' j8 x
7 o3 ]' M- D" h" ]9 @" ^$ u
Jack Keane 2 (杰克·基恩 2)- K. M( O: Z) O: u- a
by Harald Bastiaanse" N+ | T9 x" e3 r, @ ]7 Y' f
7 R# ^9 m$ n6 e8 D Deck13在2007年发布的那款华丽作品的续作一直处于开发的初级阶段,而它的德国开发商Astrogon的保密工作做的滴水不漏,大家所能了解到的Jack Keane 2,只是些广告图而已。根据我们在gamescom上了解到的消息,这次显然将会采用一个新的内部图形引擎,而且Deck13保证在保留前作一样的风格基础上,会有更好的视角模式,还有全面的图形和设计。关于故事情节,我们现在只局限于开场,Jack因某些原因被关在上海的监狱中。 还有几个前作的人物将归来,其中有一个,设计师Jan Klose特别想告诉我们,但又不能说。- \+ @% I$ i3 [, S0 ^8 W
+ i1 x: v& X2 j! h9 Y 开发商目标是学习愤怒的小鸟那种抛物线举例吸引杂食临时玩家的模式,把谜题做的有挑战性,但又不牵强和模糊,并且还有随后加入更值得思考的挑战,以迎合那些喜欢解谜的人们。幽默的口味还是跟以前一样,不过当然是新的了。比如,前作有很多关于衣着的笑话,脱口随口的吐糟,续作将会尽量避开,同时增加一些自我风格的糗戏。现在谈实际的发布细节还太早了, 但Jack Keane 2将会在2012年发布。Jan告诉我们,夏天是最有可能的,不过这估计只是说德文版而已。! V1 K- c8 x4 h
- U+ k! W% |, ?% }. x
$ i8 f$ g5 H- E/ n, e" R
, i* J1 t1 e( S9 P! c
The Lost Chronicles of Zerzura (泽祖拉的失落编年史); E" {: m; ], ~9 P; \. g" e
% f- u; D- c" h" m" {4 t' V 没人会想到西班牙宗教法庭!当然更不会在游戏,但这正是Cranberry Production将要制作的下一款AVG的基础。Ramon和Feodor修士在巴塞罗那过着恬静的生活。 当Feodor想通过发明飞行器,来名扬天下的时候, Ramon则对冒险更感兴趣。他惹上了麻烦,并被因让人“人间蒸发”而恶名昭彰的宗教法庭抓走了。Feodor将绞尽他聪明的脑汁找到Ramon,而且不仅他要揭开他的身世家族之谜,他还必须游遍世界,找到传说中的失落之地Zerzura的线索,当然啦,其中必有某种关联。( v, b2 r- E. }, e7 B$ f
7 I; P5 H5 t: n. A; I7 I0 M; J
我们看到的谜题包括根据草图使用有用的物品组合出融合了达芬奇灵感的机器。如果你想要组合某件东西,即使你的创意构造不对,组合的东西错误,一开始是看不出来的。只有当你安上最后一个部件,它才会倒掉,然后你再重新尝试。游戏画面是由现实视觉效果的背景跟3D动画人物组合起来的。幸运的是,游戏离我们不远,The Lost Chronicles of Zerzura将会在2012年第一季度发布。
8 }7 h( ^% J4 j# E- ~4 O! T# J) S- A r1 R0 x& H6 _) G) E9 p
. G9 i; N1 ~( S& B* C1 D u7 B" y T3 C
Lucius (卢修斯)) e3 L) I/ S8 t! d& C! R0 Y
+ s- R3 z% x& {% T& q9 Y2 W Lace Mamba Global的Claas Wolter带我们体验了下Shiver Games的诡秘3D冒险解谜游戏Lucius ,游戏中你将扮演名义上是6岁的撒旦之子。Lucius的祖父是一个政客,他将自己长孙的灵魂出卖给了恶魔以换取更多的政治权力。现在是时候为这桩交易付出代价了,不过,恶魔可不仅满足于一个灵魂。变本加厉的,他想让Lucius把大宅子里的家人跟佣人全都杀掉,但还要让所有的凶杀现场看起来象是事故或者是自杀。
4 b1 k- L7 f0 y' ?
! x: T! ~* H' q0 ~ Lucius看起来跟感觉起来都是开放度很高的游戏,你可以自由走动,但你要完成包括杀掉指定目标的‘任务’,同时小心别留下痕迹或被发现。一开始从把女佣关在冰库中这样简单的任务开始,很快复杂程度就提高到你想出新办法来干掉那些人的同时还要保证没人怀疑你。作为邪恶的化身,Lucius拥有一些超能力,比如心灵感应,思维控制那些意志不强的人,来让他们做身不由己的事。如果杀害他人对你造成困扰,那男孩就会同时发现他的家族成员们可不是什么善茬,每一个都有不可告人的秘密或正在从事罪恶的勾当。; p! S* a- B5 b2 g
# B5 Y4 y# t! x2 O 宅子超大,并且满是秘密通道。游戏将会有一张地图帮你指导方向,但不能帮你快速切换地点,因为在屋子里那样感觉不太真实。Lucius将会给记下笔记在日志里,而且你可以通过一块通灵板跟恶魔联系获取任务。为我们展示的是一个初期版本,仍然有很多空位虚位以待,数个过场缺失, 但尽管主题恐怖(或许也是因为这个),游戏已经看起来很有意思了。20余个任务将花费你15个小时的游戏时间,或许这可以解释为什么它的发布目标时间一推再推,最近的日期是2012年第一季度。' _ F G$ c" n+ D8 e3 m
+ q# S& P6 O* D2 w2 r
" p/ M: Y) p$ i* l( \, I
9 s+ c# i y+ w" ^# J" i# P
Memento Mori 2: Guardian of Immortality (死亡象征 2 : 天神守卫)
+ ?4 Z. V* }3 s' [* Z8 j2 d+ l- u! ^3 D6 C( t
在Centauri Production的Memento Mori 2中,我们回到Max Durand跟Lara Svetlova的故事,他们在第一作冒险后已经结婚。他们现在双双为国际刑警工作,在南非开普敦度蜜月。Max一直发恶梦,并创作了一些描绘鲜血和暴力的恐怖油画。在第一章里,我们扮演Max拜访当地的美术馆,调查一宗偷窃案。 Lara接到一通电话,要立刻返回里昂调查另一宗偷窃案,随后获知她离开期间,Max在一场车祸中遇害。但是,她不相信他真的死了。他的尸体一直没有找到,她认为他还活着。6 z; b/ U$ z8 _& Y( m* K& Y. `
$ s# E6 E) @) l3 H8 C! b: \9 g5 w7 C
Lara调查真相让她的旅途遍布全世界,拜访了象芬兰和旧金山的中国城。游戏分为8章,还包括一个尚未披露的可玩的第三主角。留心Max和Lara调查时采用的技术手段。比如,发现架子上的指纹,将会包括好几个步骤,让刷子蘸上粉末,一点点地把整个架子弄上粉末,再蘸粉末,如此反复数次。如我们所见,全部找出来,得花上好一会儿。下一步是选择一些看起来独一无二特征跟其他已知的罪犯指纹比对。游戏谜题难度将跟第一作保持同等水平。 - w, e' X3 v, c3 @; }% i
P+ D4 a: I* s6 x( I1 D! L0 H 我们看过了一个没有过场的初版版本,但他们向我们保证将会有非常高质量的材质效果和面部表情。不仅仅是背景地点很好地应用了3D引擎,还包括从你的物品栏中查看物品,让你可以全方位的检查。热区边缘发光提示回来了,同时还有一本能自动保存你遇到的文件的日记。游戏再次根据你的不同选择,比如说,选择相信或蔑视那些超自然的线索,设置了多个不同的结局。死亡象征2将会在明年的第一季度发布,计划游戏时长10到15个小时。# ]3 E% k) f f* _0 R
' |4 Y" c, U0 X O# \* \ : ^) _2 K; V4 \/ o% y& m/ k0 `
0 D) S( t' W/ |9 m. \& a( L& A4 `The Second Guest (第二访客)
: X! d: ~5 r1 C+ Q, u$ _6 ^5 P" K( Z5 K% i- h
虽然这个游戏按推测应该是在万圣节左右发布,至少在德国,还非常少人知道Twice Effect的插图式恐怖凶案游戏The Second Guest。根据出版商Headup Games的消息,游戏融合了Agatha Christie和H. P. Lovecraft风格,2D的画面明显是受了Tim Burton的风格影响,虽然它还加入了好些幽默。The Second Guest发生在1923年,一个名叫Jack Ice的学生收到一封电报邀请他参加Averton领主最终遗嘱的宣读,而他甚至不知道那人是谁。不管怎样,Jack来到了Grace城堡,不料却发现Averton领主的死不寻常。更黑的是,所有的访客,包括他,现在都上了杀手的暗杀名单。在一场雷暴雨中,城堡跟外界切断了联系,现在轮到Jack来查出真相,还有他跟Averton领主之间的联系。
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/ ~- g% p: M; SThe story will unfold across five episodes, the first two of which will be bundled (at least in the German retail version). Some events will be optional, and two players using the same object in different ways will get different information from it. Each episode will have its own goal and a complete story, but each consecutive episode will import certain key factors from the previous ones. That way, different players can have very different experiences. For example, if one player interacts with a tree in a certain way, it will start making jokes, while another player may choose to ignore the tree completely and it will remain silent throughout the rest of the game. A third player could end up having a serious conversation with the same tree. Even the music is dynamic and will respond to the actions of the player. Dialogues are very important in the game, but the characters look fairly stereotypical. A boatswain called Bubbles, for instance, looks like Captain Haddock from the Tintin comics, and he tends to drink and swear a lot. ) I9 J5 a8 L$ l1 _+ d
1 ^3 O F# ^. D. ]$ y0 dPuzzles will be very logical, as the developers don't like the nonsensical combine-everything-with-everything approach. There will be machines to repair in Myst-type puzzles, as well as inventory-based and dialogue-based challenges. Many will be layered, so you’ll get a clue in one place about a sunken ship, and when Jack discovers where the ship is and goes there, he will find a new clue leading him to a different place. There will be a hotspot highlighter and a map, and a hint function that will give rhymed clues for those in need of one. The developers promise there will be lots of coincidental animations, so if you pass a tree four times, it will not always show the same mouse running from the same hole, but will display a different animation every time. The game certainly looks very nice, and The Second Guest sounds like an intriguing game, so hopefully we’ll be hearing more about its English release (currently confirmed for download-only through Meridian) before long.+ {4 P# }" b2 l% J( c( F! d5 c1 Y
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% ^. Q* R. C1 A2 Y
. \% P- m9 K8 j+ Q7 i5 ~City of Secrets 2 and Freak Files
0 `. U- ` h1 @7 c# r0 q/ |, n' Vby Harald Bastiaanse( y( S) D# F" ^' {! N
0 V. l }' g2 ~4 e% J6 K, `AideMMedia has several new iOS adventures in the works, though unfortunately they couldn’t show us too much of them. We did see enough screenshots for City of Secrets 2 to know that Mr. Moles is back in the starring role, and that the sequel is shaping up to be as good-looking as its predecessor. Surprisingly for what seems to be a budget title, it will even feature in-house motion capture. The developers have also taken some feedback on the first game to heart, implementing a better hint system and making arcade sequences skippable after a few failed attempts. They hope to release the game this year, and assure us it will be no later than Q1 2012 at least. City of Secrets 2 will be available for PC, Mac, iPhone, iPad, and Android devices.
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Beyond that another adventure game for those same platforms will follow called Freak Files. The early marketing materials are not very revealing, but do mention alien planets, conspiracies and whatnot, while the screenshots suggest a style similar to City of Secrets. We also briefly glanced at the casual titles in production, including Asylum 5D, which takes place in an abandoned psychiatric hospital that’s haunted by angry and desperate ghosts, and Lazarus Creek, which centers around an old tunnel and the disappearance of seemingly-hypnotized people. Both games are expected to have hidden object elements mixed in with some lite adventuring. + L: H* D# k. i. C8 V! \
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4 r; W7 E% [6 v! N! B0 q; w
/ @- C2 C7 V5 U; |. \Dream Chamber
; W9 h+ Z# m+ N3 Fby Mark Jones
, ^3 ], h; r+ \6 I( R
+ v& H& d) I2 E9 ]Unaware that this game even existed before gamescom, when we ran into the folks from Reply Forge, they were eager to tell us about their upcoming episodic adventure game Dream Chamber. Eager… but not entirely able. They didn't have any gameplay footage to show us, and they are currently in publishing negotiations which prevented them from revealing too much, but they did confirm a few things. Firstly, that it won't be long before it's released and secondly, that it will be available on the PC, Mac, and iPad, though they didn’t rule out the possibility of an Android release in future. The game features distinctive noir-style graphics with a soundtrack composed to sound authentic to the 1920s and ‘30s. We don’t know how many episodes are planned in total, but the developers expect that the second instalment will be released just a few months after the first.7 c. S: o% u3 u3 N
4 k) K& O3 D" w3 M `+ LSet in the U.S. at some point during the era of prohibition and the Great Depression, Dream Chamber will have players step into the shoes of Charlie Chamber, a wealthy man-turned-private detective who will have a new case to solve in each episode of the series. While each episode will be self-contained, there will be an over-arching plot thread that connects them all. As the name suggests, dreams are going to be an important part of the game and Chamber will use his dreams to help him solve cases.
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8 t' F u& [& E7 pPhobos 1953 # A9 P% s) L( z
5 y& ]- K3 B% e! K; ~0 u7 LGerman publisher UIG is launching a new product line in which they will market games developed by independent developers. One of the games in their “Play Indie” lineup is Phobos 1953, which is an adventure from the developer of Outcry, Phantomery Interactive. The game will explore the depths of the human mind, particularly what fear can do to people. It is a prequel to a movie called Phobos, which takes place in a night club where people disappear, but Phobos 1953 does not presume prior knowledge. The game is firmly based in reality, using real military plans to reconstruct underground shelters and historical documents about projects that the KGB conducted on the limits of human endurance, the psychological impact of fear and the possibility of telepathy. The shelter has been abandoned but perfectly preserved, and your task is to find out what has happened there and why the project was closed down. You soon find out you're not alone, however, as you will be observed by an unknown person who uses the internal communications system to talk to you. You don't know if they're on your side or not though, making your experience a fearful one as well.
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The atmosphere in the game reflects the setting in the fifties in the USSR very well, with a dark, dirty, derelict look and feel. We were shown a puzzle that involved getting the lights in the shelter to work by powering up a generator with the correct switches (found in a document) and thawing a cable with a Bunsen burner. Once that's done, you can use a disc grinder to cut your way into an office where you’ll find a key to another room along with a radio. Switching on the radio and finding a certain station, you will receive a hint for another puzzle, without which it will be impossible to solve. Unfortunately, neither UIG's PR representative Tamara Berger nor I knew any Russian, and the game has not been translated to English or German yet, so we could not continue past this point.
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# r; V7 B& |: ESunset is another game in UIG's Play Indie series, but it is still in the very early stages of development. It looks like it will be a bit (or a lot) like Portal, in that it uses physics as the basis for its puzzles. In the distant future, the sun is at the end of its life cycle and is cooling down, causing a terrible Ice Age on Earth. Fortunately, scientist Rupert Collin has found a way to create an artificial sun, but the success soon goes to his head and he considers himself godlike. As Arthur Evans, you have to find a way to defeat the tyrant with a Portal-style 'gun' you can pick up and use to move and change the physical property of objects to solve the many puzzles. We're not quite sure if there are any reflex-based puzzles, but the concept certainly has potential, so it’s another game to keep a watch for in 2012.- ] [# w3 G+ l
) O) b# G4 a: ^8 _. P. d1 K
. x1 U8 A. U1 ?+ Y: ^4 O, s7 T
! G, p2 R/ n- C" r2 k& z, @9 bAdrift1 b9 X; ]( C* P: a2 q; g, A* K1 j
# }$ T+ a; ~. {. P2 y
As we were walking through the Business Hall, we were approached unexpectedly by French developer DontNod Entertainment, as they wanted to tell us about their first game with the working title Adrift. This is a science fiction game that will be released 'late 2012' on both PS3 and Xbox 360. Adrift is set in 2084 (a nod to George Orwell's 1984, of course) in the city of Neo-Paris. The premise is based on the progression of social media, which has advanced to the point that it is now possible to digitize and store memories that can even be traded and sold. Everyone is equipped with a Sensen device (short for Sensation Engine) that is used to record everything you see, hear, smell and feel, and the game’s tagline "Remember you soon" is a hint to the possibilities of the memory trade. Only a few people have control over the exchange market, however, and they have enormous power. We as a society have agreed to this, but we're also a bit scared of what they could do with it.
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Most of the presentation centered around the team of award-winning artists and developers behind the game, how they met and came up with the idea, and how they created the future Paris from extrapolating what is happening now in terms of changes in demographics, global warming, technology and architecture. They described the game as an action-adventure with lots of exploring and some light platforming elements, but they also said there would be combat. The plot sounds intriguing enough and the concept seems solid, but without more information about what players will actually be doing or just how much action there is going to be, we're not sure where it might fall along genre lines. We will keep tabs on this title though, as we like what we’ve heard so far.: B f" a( b% Q
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