
婚后,你愿意和父母住一起吗?Do you want to live with your parents after wedding?

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婚后,你愿意和父母住一起吗?Do you want to live with your parents after wedding?

发表于 2010-4-13 10:15 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式

婚后,你愿意和父母住一起吗?Do you want to live with your parents after wedding?

   It is believed that many people will be deep in such dilemma: whether it is a good idea to live with parents after wedding or not. Being protected by our parents before, and now, after wedding, we need to organize our own family. So, whether it is a good iead to live with parents?) W, J# \$ m, R, k6 `, {
For: When we live with our parents, we can be much relaxed for our parents will do housework for us. Also, a big family will be happier.
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8 ?0 C2 D) J7 N$ U: v& Y
相信很多朋友都会遇到这种问题: “结婚后,要不要和父母住在一起?” 曾经是父母羽翼下的雏鸟,如今却要单飞。结婚后和父母同住,自然是可以少去很多家务的烦心,也符合中国人几代同堂的热闹。6 D$ P; Y6 `6 t3 l
8 f2 v4 u3 Q6 I' [: @3 K9 g; ^. {& U1 k

2 z! I$ G. @, s( r/ `. m 可是,两代人(或三代人)同住一屋,免不了要面对难以调适的代际关系,弄得彼此精疲力竭。“同住养老”是我国传统的家庭养老模式,一起住怕引发两代人的战争, 不愿意二人世界中平添的几许不和谐的声音;不住一起又怕他们孤单,不忍看到父母寂寞的背影.
8 |5 K  w7 F4 Q. `3 v8 n      
Against: It is hard for people from two or three generations to coordinate with each other smoothly. Sometimes, it will cause the terrible fights that make all exhausted. To live with the parents is the traditional method that taking care of them when they are old for Chinese, but it is also a tough to realize – if we live with parents, we need to tolerate the disharmonious sounds between different generations; if we don’t, we will worried about their lives: How lonely it would be!) L2 B* d4 c& ^9 }
Dear friends, do you want to live with your parents after wedding? What’s your method to deal with such dilemma?
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       Dear friends, do you want to live with your parents after wedding? What’s your method to deal with such dilemma?
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发表于 2010-4-16 00:02 | 只看该作者
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发表于 2010-4-16 09:22 | 只看该作者
( T% t( p& ~. X' m
7 o8 h- Z6 A0 Z8 [8 MWedding 这个词在英语中仅指“婚礼”这个具体的场合和仪式,虽然汉语中“婚后”可以狭义地解释为“婚礼之后”,但实际上主要指的是“结婚后”即“婚姻关系缔结之后”,况且结婚未必一定要举行“婚礼”。所以,本文中的“婚后,你愿意和父母住一起吗?”译为  Would you still be living with your parents when you are married 似乎更贴切一点。* ~1 f8 ~8 [& u( c' H. J( r
9 h$ c9 J; G* O# C5 X$ ~
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 楼主| 发表于 2010-4-16 15:10 | 只看该作者
引用第2楼zoltan于2010-04-16 09:22发表的  :9 o' x  H( b! e1 W0 S4 Y0 s3 k; h
3 p3 U6 A; R6 N4 v( i# t
, w7 Z4 M1 u8 w  z, CWedding 这个词在英语中仅指“婚礼”这个具体的场合和仪式,虽然汉语中“婚后”可以狭义地解释为“婚礼之后”,但实际上主要指的是“结婚后”即“婚姻关系缔结之后”,况且结婚未必一定要举行“婚礼”。所以,本文中的“婚后,你愿意和父母住一起吗?”译为  Would you still be living with your parents when you are married 似乎更贴切一点。* W9 i& N3 f* Y* n

& z' e4 ?- Y8 a[s:77]

0 k$ J* N* ?7 q+ g$ Y  O多谢指教。楼上细心
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发表于 2010-5-17 11:08 | 只看该作者
那个,,,IDEAR 还是IEAD?眼睛兄拼错了,,,(*^__^*) 嘻嘻……
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发表于 2010-5-17 11:11 | 只看该作者
I want to live with my parents if I get a big house.But how difficult!
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